26 Best And Worst Foods For Digestion Problems

foods for digestion

Updated: 04/17/2025

Keeping your gut healthy is so important, and good digestion is the real key to it. Nowadays, due to the fast development of modern society, people tend to forget the importance of eating healthy. This in turn will take a toll on their digestion. The best way to boost digestive health and prevent digestive disorders is by consuming foods which aid in better digestion. Here is the list of 26 best and worst foods for digestion problems you need to consider!

26 Best And Worst Foods For Digestion Problems – Note These Tips Instantly

foods for digestion

I. Foods For Digestion – Best Digestive Foods

1. Bananas

In fact, this yellow fruit will be beneficial for the good functioning of the movement of the bowel. Also, bananas can be easily found out.
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This fruit will be the first thing coming to your mind when dealing with diarrhea because it can help the human body restore its lost potassium and electrolytes.  It is also packed with plenty of fiber that is important for proper digestion. Therefore, you should consume fresh bananas or use them to make delicious and healthy desserts.

2. Oats

Most of us know that oats are high in soluble fiber content. However, the benefits do not end here. Oats are a rich source of thiamine, vitamin E, selenium, and so on. Soluble fiber found in oats could be helpful in the good functioning of the digestive system and the extraction of waste from the human body. You can effortlessly find out this food in general local stores.

3. Ginger


As a popular spice, ginger is usually used as a solution for stomach problems such as gas, vomiting, loss of appetite, hemorrhoid, or diarrhea. It also can be used as a digestive stimulant. Actually, Indians love it and consume it throughout the year.
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4. Yogurt

Yogurt is a rich source of probiotics which contain good bacteria. These probiotics can enhance good digestion, improve immunity and health of the human body and is delicious too. People could also find out different kinds of flavored yogurt these days.

In addition to improving your digestion, yogurt is also considered as a natural method to control IBS symptoms, a common digestive problem. Thus, consuming yogurt daily is a good way to manage your digestion effectively.

5. Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes

When it comes to best foods for digestion, we cannot overlook the role of sweet potatoes. This food is high in fiber, calm down the irritated stomach and easy to digest. They also assist the human body in maintaining proper and healthy digestion. If you consume sweet potatoes along with their skins, you will get better effects on your digestive system. Moreover, they supply adequate amount of fiber and complex carbohydrates with extra benefits of a lot of vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, C, as well as manganese which are beneficial in digestion. This food is also useful in treating inflammatory bowel disorders and other main health issues, such as heartburn.

6. Red Beets

red beets

In case that you have a problem with the constipation condition or abdominal upsets, then beets might provide you with natural relief. This is immensely rich in fiber which could keep waste materials moving through the intestines at a healthy space. In reality, beets include potassium, magnesium, and fiber. These substances play an important role in maintaining the health of the digestive tract lining and the smooth muscle fibers. These nutrients will work together in order to create contractions’ waves which produce healthy bowel movements and help in better digestion.
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7. Avocados

Thanks to the content of fiber and healthy mono-unsaturated fats, avocadoes are easy-to-digest for most people, even small children. Also, they can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system and proper functioning of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver, or other organs regarded to digestion. 

8. Flax Seeds

This food contains a high content of soluble and insoluble fiber, which will clean and detoxify the human intestines. Flax seeds also include oil which contributes to develop the digestion by lubricating the whole body system. Due to coming from the flax plant, flax seeds are a well-balanced source of vitamins and minerals that can act as a healthy factor of daily diet.

Refer: steps to create a healthy diet for good digestion

9. Apples


This type of fruit can work when people have trouble with bowel movements. They are packed with soluble and insoluble fiber. When consumed with their skins, apples can provide people with cellulose. Normally, cellulose fiber can add the necessary bulk to the stool that assists in relieving the problem of constipation and remains the digesting process healthily and smoothly. Furthermore, the presence of pectin in apples can raise the good bacteria which help in appropriate functioning of users’ intestinal health. 

10. Whole Grains

whole grains

Those foods, such as wheat bread, oats, and brown rice, are a great source of fiber, which is beneficial in digestion. Furthermore, fiber can help people feel full and decrease cholesterol. Thus, in order to boost digestive health, you had better add whole grains to your current diet and see the huge difference it makes to your digestive health.

11. Dietary Fiber

Fiber keeps foods moving through digestive system. Otherwise, colon can be stuck with toxins and cause different health conditions and problems.

The body then begins re-absorbing hormones, toxins and other substances.

If you do not have healthy bowel movements, you are retaining wastes the body’s finished, not different from keeping a garbage bag in the kitchen.

According to a research in the Journal of Gastroenterology in 2025, a diet containing a proper amount of fiber that can help protect you from colon cancer and some cancers related to your small intestine.

Vegetables, legumes and fruits are packed with healthy fiber. They are also high sources of nutrition, energy and anti-disease compounds.

12. Blueberries


Blueberries are high in vitamin C and fiber, so it is good for your digestion. Plus, blueberries also contain cancer-fighting antioxidants and it’s good for you to consume this fruit in different forms of blueberries juice or whole blueberries.

13. Kiwi

Kiwi can aid in improving digestive system because this fruit is packed with vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, actinidin, linolenic acid and vitamin E.

14. Papaya


This fruit is an excellent source of food for digestive health. It helps to break down proteins in stomach, and aids in the better absorption of nutrients in order to facilitate proper bowel functioning.

People who suffer from upset tummies can eat papaya, because the anti-inflammatory properties in this fruit work to soothe your stomach. Moreover, they are also good for digestion, dissolve fats and relieve food allergies and heartburn.

II. Foods For Digestion – Worst Foods

1. Chocolate


Chocolate might impact more than just your waistline. Chocolate contains caffeine which can trigger heartburn as well as IBS symptoms in those people who are prone to digestive disorders. Moreover, similar to coffee, chocolate is a diuretic that might lead to loose stool or diarrhea. In order to satisfy your cravings for sweet foods, opt for dark chocolate as it includes polyphenols which could slow GI function and promote water absorption for preventing diarrhea. In other words, cocoa present in dark chocolate is a great source of fiber that enhances healthy digestion.

2. Processed Foods

Those foods, like white bread, potato chips, and soda may move rapidly through the digestive tract and cause cramping, bloating, and other GI problems. Besides, they are associated with the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Thus, cutting out processed food intake is necessary for you to avoid weight gain and other health disorders. In case that you could not give up consuming these foods, then eat them in combination with foods which digest slowly, such as chicken breast without skin, peanut butter, and avocado. More importantly, moderation is the key for maintaining good digestive health.

3. Spicy Foods

 Foods, like spicy Buffalo chicken wings or hot curry, can give you a number of heartburn symptoms, especially if you eat them when you are going to hit the hay. Thus, to avoid the influence of these types of food, you should cool them in order to calm the burn associated with them.

4. Fried Or Greasy Foods

fried or greasy foods

Actually, steak which is high in saturated fat is hard for your body to digest and could make you feel full uncomfortably as well as enhance the risk of acid reflux. The same problems also occur when you consume French fries or ice cream. Once you are suffering from heartburn, then fatty food could make your condition even worse via relaxing the valve which seals off the stomach from the sphincter. Due to the loose valve, stomach acid will be increased into the esophagus, leading to unpleasant condition of heartburn. When you consume burger, steak, or any high-fat meal, do not combine it with alcoholic drinks as they can further irritate your GI tract. If possible, you had better cook meals with plant-based fats like olive oil which can be easier to breakdown than those unsaturated fats like butter.

For more ideas to cook, you can consider some tasty recipes for better health and ways to detoxify the body effectively.

5. Coffee


Drinking too much coffee can irritate your stomach. It also stimulates the acid production in your stomach which might lead to inflammation, causing heartburn and GERD. Moreover, caffeine in coffee acts as a diuretic, which could cause trigger dehydration and constipation. Hence, limit your coffee intake to one cup per day in order to allow your body time to process the caffeine. Also, you need to avoid drinking coffee in an empty stomach as it might result in indigestion. You can also add something which is easily digestible such as bran cereal or banana at your breakfast to decrease the symptoms.

Check out: ways to stop consuming caffeine

6. Dairy Products

The protein found in dairy products, named casein, is allergenic and inflammatory. Also, it can stimulate a strong insulin response that will blunt fat burning, and make your body retain water as well as look puffy as well. Lactose which is a dominant carbohydrate in milk could be rather hard to digest. Normally, kefir and yogurt are fermented dairy products which should be used by those who do not have GI signals.

7. Acidic Foods

acidic foods

Tomato sauce and citrus fruits, like limes, lemons, grapefruits and oranges are acidic and may lead to digestive disorders. The majority of people do not realize that carbonated drinks are also acidic. These foods can increase the risk of acid reflux and GERD as well. Thus, when you have an upset stomach, try to avoid acidic foods as much as possible. If you still want to consume them every once and awhile, just do not eat on an empty stomach because it will led to inflammation and irritation.

To prevent diabetes beforehand and avoid heart disease and stroke, you should not overlook advice right here.

Keeping your digestive system healthy is necessary for maintaining a healthy body. The list of best and worst foods for digestion can help you get the basic guidelines to avoid digestive problems.

If you have any idea related to this topic of foods for digestion, feel free to leave you words at the comment section. We will respond all soon!

8. Red Meat

You should not eat much red meat. The more this food you consume, the higher risk of colorectal cancer you may get, according to study on cancer in 2025.

The way to avoid it is choosing lean cuts of pork, lamb and beef. Eat more legumes which are rich in iron and protein such as Portobello mushroom, instead of eating red meat.

9. Hydrogenated Oils 

hydrogenated oils

Trans fats is created as the oil is hydrogenated. Actually hydrogenated oils is not good for digestion and they can cause many health problems such as high cholesterol level, colon cancer and decreased good cholesterol in the body.

A document from FDA in November 2025 requires that all trans fats must be labeled on their food packages and all companies and manufacturers have to claim the trans fat index at zero if there’re fewer of that fat than 0.5gr/serving.

But don’t be a fool. If you see a food label with hydrogenated oil, it means that food includes trans fats. To avoid using this oil, select nutrients, which are natural and fresh.

10. Gluten

According to NIH, there are over 2 million Americans get gluten intolerance.

Actually, gluten is a protein in rye, barley, wheat, spelt, and other foods, such as ice cream, processed meats, cookies, pasta, soy sauce, cheese, salad dressings, ketchup, salad and more. Avoid using these foods to get rid of gluten intolerance soon.

11. Artificial Sweetener

Actually, artificial sweetener may affect your digestive system and cause your increased inflammation, gas, diarrhea and bloat in the body.

12. Spoiled Foods

spoiled foods

Refrigerated foods can get bad, like meat, eggs and dairy products. Some bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella can pass from veggies, raw meat to and fruits, then we will eat and get these harmful bacteria. Actually, eating tainted foods absolutely cause your serious digestive problems like vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, you also should be aware of different symptoms of food poisoning such as fatigue, muscle pain or abdominal cramps.

Keeping your digestive system healthy is necessary for maintaining a healthy body. The list of 26 best and worst foods for digestion problems can help you get the basic guidelines to avoid digestive problems.

If you have any idea related to this topic of foods for digestion, feel free to leave you words at the comment section. We will respond all soon!

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