It is well-known for years that certain foods just do not agree with some individuals. Despite food allergies are well-recognized because of the fact that firm diagnoses could be made via the use of blood tests for the availability of IgE antibodies, food sensitivities fall into the greyer area. Fortunately, there are still some specific foods that cause diarrhea in babies, adults and elderly which you could avoid if you are among those people who are prone to stomach disorders. Do not overlook this article and take a look from VKool.com!
Foods That Cause Diarrhea In Babies, Adults And Elderly – 11 Foods To Avoid
1. Milk
The sugar within milk, named lactose, could lead to diarrhea in some individuals. This is named lactose intolerance, and it is extremely popular. The symptoms of lactose intolerance could result in diarrhea, gas, cramps, bloating and bad breath. To prevent diarrhea due to lactose intolerance beforehand, avoid milk products. Nevertheless, there are many OTC products that could help deal with the digestion of the milk sugar. Lactose intolerance is not the same as the true milk allergy, in reality. People with a certain allergy had better avoid all varieties of milk products in order to prevent diarrhea or any other digestive disorders.
2. Hot Peppers
Among foods that cause diarrhea in babies, adults and elderly, hot peppers might make you surprised. In fact, hot peppers are a frequent offender, yet they usually do not cause diarrhea till a few hours after they are consumed. There is a substance named capsaicin in certain types of peppers that could trigger diarrhea. Capsaicin, on the other hand, is also used in many ointments which treat arthritis. What interesting is that casein found in milk could help alleviate the burning effect of capsaicin. In addition to the capsaicin, some individuals might find the seeds and skin of the pepper are hard to pass.
3. Caffeine
Tea, coffee, and soda are popular places that you could find caffeine, which could be found in gum, chocolate, and even bottled water. Using caffeine can help boost your body systems, including digestion. If you are sensitive to caffeine, over consumption of caffeine could result in diarrhea.
4. Sugar Substitutes
The food additives like sorbitol and mannitol, could be found in various foods, from yogurt to candy. In fact, even those so-called healthy foods also include additives, so it is necessary for you to read nutrition labels on the foods in order to avoid them if you are prone to stomach disorder like diarrhea. A lot of these sweeteners could be found in natural sources like fruit and veggies. And, they could result in bloating and gas as they tend to be not well absorbed by the human intestine. Extra water gets pulled to bowel and intestine by these additives. Moreover, bacteria within the bowel eat those sugars and manufacture more gas.
5. Alcohol
When it comes to foods that cause diarrhea, alcohol should be avoided by all cost if possible. Irritating to the GI system, alcohol carries a double whammy for IBS sufferers as it could worsen dehydration.
6. Insoluble Fiber
Raw veggies, fruits, seeds and nuts act as a stimulant in the digestive system and could result in a narrowing to become blocked. In addition, soluble fiber, like rice, pasta, baked potatoes, oatmeal could help bind the loose stools.
7. Red Meat
Whilst red meat is a good source of vitamin B12 as well as other nutrients, it is difficult to digest. Other sources of protein, like fish and white meat could be more comfortably digested.
8. Sweeteners And Artificial Fats
The products which include artificial sweeteners like sorbitol, sucralose, mannito, could result in flatulence and diarrhea even in those with healthy GI tracts. An artificial fat, olestra, could sometimes bring about the same effects. Thus, if you want to avoid diarrhea, steer clear of them.
9. Sulfur-Containing Foods
Those sulfur-including foods can lead to diarrhea at some cases. The foods like onions, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have amounts of insoluble fiber which is a main cause of diarrhea and gas within the gastrointestinal system.
10. Legumes
In this list of foods that cause diarrhea, legums are not widely known by people. Any kind of legume like soy beans, beans, peas or lima beans will move through to the small intestine and come to the large intestine undigested. And, the undigested legume results in main flatulence as well as diarrhea. To prevent diarrhea, legumes should be eaten with soluble fiber. Fact is, beans are known to include more indigestible carbs than most other foods.
11. Acidic Foods
Those acidic foods like vinegar, citrus fruits, and cooked tomatoes must be eaten with carefulness as their high acidity could lead to main distress within the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, if consumed with soluble fiber, they should be consumed in small quantities.
There you have known 11 out of most common foods that cause diarrhea. Remember that the primary complication of diarrhea is dehydration resulted from the loss of large amounts of nutrients, water and salt. Thus, if you or your relatives are suffering from ongoing diarrhea and experience rapid heart rate; dark urine; fatigue; headaches; flushed, dry skin, or severe abdominal, then you should consider seeking medical attention instantly. The majority of diarrhea cases resolve spontaneously in a few days and the necessary thing to do is to prevent hydration by replacing lost fluids.
After reading this list of foods that cause diarrhea, if you have any comment about this Nutrition post, you should feel free to leave your ideas at the comment section below. We appreciate your contribution and will respond all as soon as possible.
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