Acidity is caused by over production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach (that is left unused for the digestion process) as well as coming to acid reflux, it’s caused as the LES loosen up while your stomach is working to digest all the foods and the stomach acids travel back up to esophagus by causing inflammation, irritation to your stomach along with in the LES that in turn leads to sensation of pain, tightness and also discomfort caused in your middle of chest. Ensure that if the individual who is suffering from the problem of acidity, if not cured on time then it absolutely leads to gout, indigestion, arthritis, stomach gas, ulcers formation in your body in either inner or mouth walls of your stomach or esophageal cancer. So in this post, will show you 17 best solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity. However, this article is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose. Keep reading it to learn these ways on how to get instant relief from acidity in more detail!
How To Get Instant Relief From Acidity: 17 Best Solutions That Work
1. Ginger
The natural solutions for acidity are more beneficial with long lasting results without any side effects. Ginger is one of the most excellent home remedies for acidity thanks to its alkalizing nature. Here are some recipes on how to get instant relief from acidity with ginger:
Method – 1: (Ginger Tea)
- Fresh ginger root – one inch piece
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey or lemon juice (optional) – 1 to 2 teaspoons
- 1 cup of hot or warm water
- Strainer
- Take ginger root and next wash it off thoroughly.
- Then, peel it along with cut it into slices.
- After that, take a pot and put these ginger slices in this.
- Thereafter, pour hot water over the ginger slices in this pot.
- Leave it steep for around 5 – 10 minutes.
- Strain this tea by using sieve into one cup.
- Lastly have the ginger tea by adding lemon juice or honey in it.
- You have to consume this ginger tea for around 2 – 3 times per day for more effective results.
- Or simply, you can use ginger in a lot of other forms like using it in cooking, chewing one fresh piece of raw ginger, ginger candies, ginger ale, etc. regularly to remove the acidity.
Method – 2: (Ginger Powder)
You need:
- 1 teaspoon of ginger powder
- Asafetida – pinch
- 1 cup of water
- Rock salt – pinch
Do this:
- Take water and add rock salt, ginger powder and asafetida to it.
- Then, stir it well and consume this solution to get instant relief from the acidity.
- Consumption of the ginger powder solution will give instant relief from the acidity. Hence follow this process at any time you suffer from acidity.
- Alternatively, you can also have ginger juice (a spoonful) for 2 – 3 times per day on daily basis in order to keep the acidity as well as other stomach related troubles at bay.
Method – 3: (Ginger and Ground Coriander Tea)
What you need:
- 2 tablespoons of freshly ground ginger
- ½ teaspoon of ground coriander powder
- 8 oz hot water
- Disposable tea bag
How to make it:
- Take the freshly ground ginger and next pour this in one disposable tea bag.
- Then, place the ginger filled tea bag in the hot water.
- Leave it to steep for around 5 – 6 minutes.
- Next take it out and then squeeze it in order to discard the tea bag.
- After that, add ground coriander powder to the cup.
- Now mix it well to combine the coriander and ginger in the tea.
- Allow it to cool down for some minutes to attain room temperature.
- Consume this ginger – coriander tea at any time you suffer from this acidity.
- You can also keep the tea (if prepared in large amounts) in refrigerator for around 96 hours for additional usage to get instant relief from acidity.
- It is recommended to regularize this habit of consuming this ginger – ground coriander tea to get complete relief from the acidity as well as its discomforts.
Learn more: Health Advantages Of Ginger Tea And Side Effects When Consuming It
2. Carom Seeds
These seeds have excellent carminative and digestive properties that help for better digestion along with prevent the gastro-intestinal troubles. Here are some ways on how get instant relief from acidity with carom seeds:
Method – 1: (Carom Seeds and Water)
You need:
- 1 teaspoon of carom seeds
- 1 glass of water
- First of all, take carom seeds into the hands and next place them in your palm of one hand.
- Later crush or press these seeds with other hand palm or other hand fingers.
- This process aids to release the oils from these carom seeds.
- After that, you have to take it into the mouth followed by water.
- Alternatively, you can take it with water by putting them in water and then stir it well.
- You should continue doing this process frequently to clear the acidity.
Method – 2: (Carom Seeds)
What do you need:
- Carom seeds
Do this:
- First of all, take few carom seeds and next place them in the mouth.
- Then, chew them thoroughly after you complete the meals.
- This process is particularly useful for those who may withstand with the strong bitter as well as peppery taste of the carom seeds.
- Do the same process frequently after completing the meals till you cleared the acidity problem from the root.
Method – 3: (Carom Seeds with Ginger and Lemon Juice)
- 1 teaspoon of carom seeds
- Few drops of lemon juice
- Few drops of ginger juice
- Take one small bowl and place these carom seeds in it.
- Later add ginger juice and lemon juice to this.
- Stir it well and take this mixture.
- Drink this mixture at any time you suffer from acidity to remove the problem.
Method – 4: (Ajwain Ark and Water)
- 1 teaspoon of Ajwain Ark
- ½ cup of water
- First of all, take Ajwain ark and next place it in one glass.
- Later pour water over this and stir it well.
- Consume this drink particularly after you take the meals.
- Regularize the consumption of this drink after your meals to get complete cure from the acidity.
Method – 5: (Omam and Water)
- 1 teaspoon of omam liquid
- ½ glass of water
- Take the omam liquid and next add this to water.
- Then, stir it well and consume this water.
- You should have this omam water frequently to fend off this acidity.
Method – 6: (Omam Water)
- 1 teaspoon of omam water
- 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
- 1 glass of water
- Pan
- Take a pan and next pour water in it.
- Later add cumin seeds and omam water in this.
- Stir it well and put them on stove or heat.
- Leave it to boil for around 5 – 7 minutes.
- After that, put off the flame and allow it to cool for few minutes.
- Lastly take this to get instant relief from the acidity.
- It is recommended to continue taking this solution whenever you feel the acidity attack in order to relieve from it.
Method – 7: (Carom Seeds and Rock Salt)
- 3 to 6 tablespoons of carom seeds
- 3 to 6 tablespoons of rock salt
- Glass jar or airtight container
- 1 cup of warm water
- Take equal amounts of rock salt and carom seeds.
- Place them in one grinder and next grind them properly to create it in powder form.
- Later store it an airtight container.
- After that, you have to take this powder (1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon) in warm water.
- Then mix it well and consume it to relieve from acidity.
- You have to consume this for around 2 – 3 times per day for more effective results.
- Or else, you can also take this powder (a pinch) and consume it without mixing this in water.
- Continue the consumption of the rock salt- carom seeds mixture frequently to prevent the attack of acidity as well as other digestive troubles in the body.
Learn more: 41 Health And Beauty Advantages Of Lemon Juice, Oil And Peel
3. Buttermilk
Looking for the effective solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity, you should not pass buttermilk. Buttermilk contains lactic acid which aids to neutralize the acid reflux or acidity in the stomach. Plus, it contains lot of calcium, potassium, vitamins, etc. This natural drink soothes your stomach and thus inhibits the acidity as well as other digestive problems. Also, you can include some other ingredients such as asafetida, ginger, curry leaves, coriander leaves and sea salt, etc. to enhance your digestive properties and to treat the problem completely. Here are several ways on how to get instant relief from acidity with buttermilk:
Method – 1: (Buttermilk and Fenugreek Seeds)
- 1 glass of buttermilk
- 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds
- Water
- First of all, take fenugreek seeds and next place them in mortar along with pestle.
- Then, crush them carefully by adding a little bit of water to it.
- Create it like one paste and afterwards add this paste to the buttermilk.
- Then, stir it well and consume this fenugreek combined buttermilk to relieve from the acidity.
- You should include the buttermilk drink in your daily diet to absolutely get relief from the acidity as well as the stomach ache that is caused by acidity.
Method – 2: (Buttermilk and Black Pepper Powder)
- 1 glass of buttermilk
- Black pepper powder
- Take some quantity of black pepper powder.
- Next, add this to the buttermilk and then mix it well.
- Consume this spiced buttermilk to decrease the acidity.
- You have to consume this buttermilk regularly for complete relief from acidity.
Method – 2: (Buttermilk with Vinegar or Lemon)
- 1 cup of buttermilk
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice
- Take lemon juice or vinegar and add this to the buttermilk.
- Then, mix it well and allow it to sit aside for around 5 – 7 minutes.
- After that, consume this buttermilk to ease the acidity in your stomach.
- Have this frequently to keep the acidity problem at bay.
Method – 4: (Buttermilk and Coriander Leaf Juice)
- 1 glass of buttermilk
- 1 teaspoon of coriander leaves juice
- Take the coriander leaves juice.
- Then, add this to the buttermilk and now mix it well.
- Consume this buttermilk frequently to get rid of the acid attacks in your stomach.
Method – 5: (Buttermilk with Rock Salt and Cumin Seeds)
- 1 glass of buttermilk
- 1 teaspoon of dry roasted cumin powder
- Black salt or rock salt– pinch
- Take the dry roasted cumin powder.
- Next add this to the buttermilk and later add black or rock salt (a pinch) to it.
- Now stir it well and consume this buttermilk to cure the acidity.
- Consuming this buttermilk frequently will absolutely help you to inhibit the acid attacks on your stomach intestinal tract.
Learn more: 18 Black & White Pepper Health Advantages & Risks Research
4. Fennel
Looking for the best ways on how to get instant relief from acidity, you should not miss fennel. Fennel has carminative property which assists to soothe your digestive tract and thereby reduces the acid, inflammation, bloating and gas in your stomach intestinal tract. Here are few methods that describe you on how to get instant relief from acidity using fennel:
Method – 1: (Fennel Tincture)
- 1 teaspoon of fennel tincture
- 1 cup of water
- Firstly, take fennel tincture and next add this to water.
- Then, mix it well to soften this tincture in the water.
- Consume this to neutralize the acidity levels in your body.
- Consuming this for three times a day will certainly assist you to get clear this acidity.
Method – 2: (Fennel Seeds)
- 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds
- Take fennel seeds and next place them in your mouth.
- Begin chewing them properly after you take meals.
- You should continue this chewing process frequently to remove the acidity as well as other digestive problems.
Method – 3: (Fennel Tea)
- 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds
- 1 cup of hot water
- Take fennel seeds and next add it to hot water.
- Then, cover it and leave it to steep for around 5 – 10 minutes.
- Later strain it to consume this tea.
- Don’t forget that this has slight sweet taste thus you cannot need to include honey or any other artificial or natural sweetener to it.
- Also you may not or may strain the tea and consume this tea by chewing these fennel seeds in it.
- Do the same process frequently to keep the acidity at bay.
Method – 4: (Fennel Liquid Extract)
- ½ teaspoon of fennel liquid extract
- Take fennel liquid extract and consume it to get relief from this acidity.
- It is recommended to continue the intake of the fennel liquid extract daily to fend off this acidity as well as other digestive problems.
Method – 5: (Fennel Vegetable Salad)
What do you need:
- Fennel vegetable
- Baby spinach
- Arugula
- First of all, take fennel vegetable and next slice the white bottom of this.
- Place them in one bowl and add baby spinach and arugula to it.
- Then, stir it well and take this like one salad to easily get food digested.
- Consumption of this fennel salad will certainly assist you to get complete cure from the acidity.
Learn more: 26 Health Advantages Of Drinking Water Daily In The Morning
5. Basil Leaves
General speaking, basil leaves has many components which are very excellent and effective digestive agents. All the components help to provoke your stomach in order to produce more mucous. Remember that using leaves of basil will not only treat acidity but also treat bloating and gas also. Here are several ways that describe on how to get instant relief from acidity with basil leaves:
Method – 1:
- 8 to 10 basil leaves
- 1 glass of lukewarm water
- First of all, take basil leaves and next wash them properly.
- Then, crush these leaves to create it fine paste.
- After that, take lukewarm water and now add the basil paste into it.
- Then, stir it well and consume this to remove the acidity.
- This procedure not only helps to decrease the pain but also alleviate acidity completely.
- Do the same process frequently to clear this acidity problem.
Method – 2: (Chewing Basil Leaves)
- 5 to 7 basil leaves
- First of all, take basil leaves and next wash them thoroughly.
- Then, place these leaves into the mouth and begin chewing them.
- Chew them gradually by drinking this basil juice that came by chewing the leaves.
- The chewing process is more favored after taking meals.
- It is suggested to continue doing this process frequently to relieve from the acidity completely.
Method – 3: (Basil Tea)
- 3 to 6 leaves of basil
- 1 cup of water
- Honey (optional)
- Pan
- Take one pan and place the basil leaves in it.
- Later pour water in this and place the pan on the heat or stove.
- Boil this for some minutes and thereafter simmer it for some minutes.
- Strain this tea and add the honey to sweeten up this tea.
- But ensure that not to add the milk in it.
- Now sip it slowly to remove the acidity and regular intake of the basil tea will certainly help you to get complete cure from the acidity as well as its symptoms.
Learn more: 10 Tips To Prevent Bloating In The Morning & At Night
6. Watermelon
Watermelon is also one of the greatest solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity. Here are few methods to use this watermelon for curing acidity.
Method – 1: (Watermelon Juice)
You need:
- Watermelon
- Take one ripe watermelon and next cut this into small pieces.
- Then, place them in the refrigerator for few minutes.
- After that, take out the pieces and now blend it to create a refreshing drink with this.
- Consume the chilled watermelon juice to ease the acidity as well as other digestive problems.
Method – 2: (Watermelon)
- Watermelon
- First of all, take ripe watermelon and next cut it into some small bite size pieces.
- Then, cover it and keep these pieces in refrigerator.
- Take a small bowl whenever you suffer from the feeling of heartburn or acidity.
- Put 5 – 7 pieces of the chilled water melon by taking this out from refrigerator.
- You should continue repeating the same process all the day to keep the acidity problem at bay.
- But ensure that not to take watermelon pieces that was stored and cut in fridge for more than three days as it is harm to use them.
Method – 3: (Watermelon Salad)
What do you need:
- Watermelon
- Grapefruit
- Banana
- First, take watermelon and cut this into small pieces.
- Then, place these pieces in one bowl.
- Later take low acid fruits like banana and grapefruit.
- Peel it off and then cut them into some comfortable pieces.
- Now place all these pieces in this bowl.
- Then mix it well to create it a salad.
- Take the low acid fruit salad to counteract the acid in your stomach and thereby to prevent the acidity.
- Have this salad regularly for more effective results.
Method – 4: (Watermelon Juice and Coconut Water)
- Coconut water
- Watermelon juice
- Take some amount of coconut water and watermelon juice.
- Mix them well and consume this liquid in between your meals or whenever you suffer from the acidity to remove it.
- It is recommended to continue repeating the same process frequently to avoid the acidity attacks.
Learn more: 9 Best Heath Advantages Of Grape Juice
7. Cumin Seeds
Looking for the most excellent solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity, cumin seeds are also one of the top choices for you.
Method – 1: (Cumin Seeds and Buttermilk)
- Water (or) Buttermilk
- Cumin seeds
- Strainer (Optional)
- Airtight container
- Take several cumin seeds and next dry roast them for some minutes.
- Then take out one mortar and pestle and put dry roasted cumin seeds (a teaspoon) in it.
- Crush them gently and pour the dry roasted ground cumin seeds into buttermilk or water.
- Or else, you can also crush the cumin seeds along with buttermilk or water by placing all these things in one juicer.
- You may not or may strain these seeds in that water or buttermilk.
- Stir it well and consume this after completing the meals.
- Repeat the same process frequently to get complete cure from acidity problem.
Method – 2: (Cumin Seeds Decoction)
- 1 teaspoon of cumin Seeds
- 1 glass of water
- Pan
- Take a pan and next pour water in it.
- Put this on the heat or stove.
- Then add cumin seeds in this.
- Stir it and leave it to boil for around 5 – 7 minutes.
- After that, put off the flame and allow it to cool down for some minutes.
- Then you can drink the decoction to remove the acidity.
- Continue the consumption of this cumin seeds mixture every day whenever you are suffering from the acidity to remove it.
Method – 3: (Cumin Seeds)
You need:
- Raw cumin seeds
- Take raw cumin seeds (a pinch full) and place them in your mouth.
- Then, chew them properly to get instant relief from the acidity together with its symptoms.
- Repeat this chewing process frequently to fend off this acidity.
Learn more: 15 Solutions For Gas Pain In Chest And Back
8. Coriander
Coriander is also one of the most effective home remedies acidity as well as other stomach related problems. Here are few ways that explain on how to get instant relief from acidity with coriander:
Method – 1: (Coriander Seeds Tea)
- 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds
- 1 cup of hot water
- Honey
- Pot
- Firstly, take few coriander seeds and next crush them properly.
- Then place the crushed seeds in one pot.
- Later pour hot water over the crushed seeds.
- Leave it to steep for around 5 – 10 minutes.
- Afterwards, strain it and add little bit of honey (if needed) in it.
- Now stir it well and consume this tea for two times every day after meals.
- Or else, you can also consume this coriander tea without including honey to it.
- It is suggested to regularize the intake of the coriander tea till you get control over the levels of acidity in the body.
Method – 2: (Coriander Leaves with Buttermilk)
You need:
- Coriander leaves
- 1 glass of buttermilk
- Water
- Take few coriander leaves and next place them in one mortar and pestle.
- Then, crush them carefully by adding a little bit of water to it.
- Now extract its juice from the crushed coriander leaves.
- Later take this juice (a tablespoon) and add it to buttermilk.
- Now mix it well and consume this buttermilk after meals.
- You had better continue doing the process for about 2 – 3 times a day till you got cure from the acidity.
- Alternatively, you can also consume coriander juice without mixing this in buttermilk.
Learn more: 17 Natural Solutions For Stomach Gas
9. Lemon Juice
Generally, lemon juice is also one of the best home remedies for acidity. Here are step by step guides to use this juice for acidity:
Method – 1: (Lemon Water)
- 1/2 to 1 lemon
- 1/2 glass of water
- Honey (optional)
- First of all, take lemon or ½ piece of it and next squeeze it to extract the juice freshly.
- Then add this lemon juice in the water and now mix it well.
- Consume this lemon water prior to taking meals.
- You can also add a little bit of honey to it (if required).
- Stir it well and have this lemon water to decrease the acidic nature of your body.
- It is recommended to continue the intake of the lemon water every day prior to taking meals to remove the acidity.
Method – 2: (Lemon Juice with Warm Water)
What do you need:
- Lemon – half piece
- 1 glass of warm water
- Honey
- Take1/2 a lemon and squeeze this to extract the juice freshly.
- Then, add this juice to the warm water and now stir it well.
- Consume this solution in the morning time one an empty stomach.
- You can also add a little bit of honey to it and consume it by stirrings it well.
- Regular intake of the drink in every morning one an empty stomach will assist you to get cure from many problems consisting of this acidity as well as stomach problems.
Method – 3: (Lemonade)
- 1 cup of lemon juice
- ½ cup of sugar
- Water – 64 oz
Do this:
- Take lemon juice and next add water and sugar in it.
- Then, stir it well till the lemon juice and the sugar has mixed properly.
- Consume this lemonade to counteract the pH of this water to offset this lemon juice’s tart acid.
- Daily intake of the lemon juice will certainly help you to remove the acidity as well as other stomach related problems.
Learn more: Top 9 Beauty Lemon Recipes For Caring For Hair And Skin
10. Coconut Water
Here are several solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity with coconut water:
Method – 1: (Coconut Water)
What do you need:
- Coconut water
- Take the pure coconut water and next pour this in one cup.
- Consume this 3 – 4 times per day.
- But ensure that you have to drink this coconut water (a cup) in the morning time that gives the same advantage like consuming the coconut water all the day.
- Don’t forget that not to take artificially flavored or sweetened coconut water which isn’t that much good as natural one.
- Take this coconut water every day to get rid of many beauty and health problems.
Method – 2: (Coconut Water and Fresh Cucumber)
- 6 oz coconut water
- 1/4th piece cucumber (fresh)
- First of all, take cucumber piece and next peel it off.
- Later take one blender or food processor and put this coconut water along with cucumber pieces in this.
- Blend it to puree on the high speed for around 15 – 25 seconds or until it forms thin liquid.
- Afterwards, pour it in an empty glass.
- Consume this cucumber combined coconut water around 10 – 15 minutes after taking meals.
- You can even keep the drinkable liquid in your refrigerator for up to 2 days by preparing it in large quantities.
- You should continue the intake of the cucumber combined coconut water regularly will definitely assist you to get total control over the acidity.
Learn more: 10 Health & Nutritional Advantages Of Coconut Water
11. Spearmint
Spearmint is also considered among the best home remedies for acidity in stomach. Here are easy steps on how to get instant relief from acidity with spearmint:
- 5 to 10 leaves of spearmint
- 1 cup of hot water
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey (optional)
- Take mint leaves and next place them in one cup.
- Later pour warm or hot water into the cup over these leaves.
- Leave it to steep for around 5 – 7 minutes.
- After that, strain or else holds these leaves in this tea.
- Add honey or any sweetener to that tea (if required).
- Consume this mint tea after your meals to get cure from the acidity.
- You should regularize the intake of the mint tea after your meals to cope with acidity completely.
There are a lot of home remedies for acidity presented in this post, keep reading it!
Learn more: Natural Health Advantages Of Honey For Skin, Hair And Body
12. Cinnamon
Seeking the best solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity, you should not miss cinnamon. For best results, you can use it as follow:
- ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- 1 cup of water
- Pot
- Take one pot and place it on stove or heat.
- Next add water and cinnamon powder to this.
- Stir it well and then boil it for several minutes.
- After that, turn off the heat and now pour it in an empty cup.
- Consume this cinnamon tea for around 2 – 3 times per day to clear this acidity.
- Another option is to add the cinnamon powder to the salad or soup and have this regularly.
Learn more: 28 Health And Beauty Advantages Of Cinnamon
13. Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the most excellent home remedies for acidity is using apple cider vinegar. Here are easy steps for you to follow:
- 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup of water
- Take the organic apple cider vinegar and next add this to water.
- Now mix it well and consume this before taking meals.
- It is recommended to continue the intake of the apple cider vinegar for around once or twice daily till you get complete cure from the acidity.
Learn more: 21 Health & Beauty Advantages Of Apple Cider Vinegar Consumption
14. Cloves
Generally, using cloves is also a great solution on how to get instant relief from acidity. Here are few ways that explain on how to use the cloves for dealing with acidity:
Method – 1:
- 2 to 4 cloves
- Take cloves and put them in your mouth.
- Begin chewing them to extract the juice that goes into the system.
- Intake of this clove juice frequently will help to inhibit the acidity problem by proper digestion.
Method – 2: (Cloves and Cardamom)
- Cardamom
- Cloves
- Take cardamom and cloves in equal quantities.
- Put them in a mortar or blender and pestle.
- Then, crush them finely and consume this crush mixture to lessen the acid reaction in your body.
- You can also keep the remaining crushed solution in an airtight container for further purpose.
- Daily intake of this clove – cardamom combination will not only inhibit acidity but also help to freshen your breath to end bad breath and enhance the indigestion.
Learn more: 10 Solutions For Bad Breath In Children And Adults
15. Herbal Decoction
Here are detailed directions on how to make this herbal decoction for curing acidity.
- 1 teaspoon of cumin seed powder
- 1 teaspoon of fennel seed powder
- 1 teaspoon of coriander seed powder
- ½ cup of sugar
- ½ cup of water
- Take one glass and add all these seeds powder in it.
- Later add sugar and water to these seeds powder.
- Now stir it well to create it fine decoction.
- Drink this in every morning with an empty stomach to treat the acidity.
- Follow this process in every morning till you prevent and get total relief from the acidity.
Learn more: 10 Natural Solutions For Bloated Stomach And Pain
16. Cardamom
Here are detailed instructions on how to get instant relief from acidity with cardamom:
What you need:
- 2 to 3 cardamom pods
- 1 cup of water
- Pan
- Firstly, take cardamom pots and next crush them in order to get into powdered form.
- Then, take a pan and put it on the stove or heat.
- Afterward, add the crushed cardamom pods (either without or with skin) to this pan.
- Thereafter pour water into that pan and boil it for some minutes.
- Leave it to cool down for several minutes.
- Lastly, consume the cooled cardamom water to get immediate relief from acidity.
- You had better regularize the habit of consuming this cardamom water for effective and quick relief from the acidity as well as other stomach related problems.
Learn more: 13 Amazing Health Advantages Of Cardamom For Men & Women
17. Amla Or Indian Gooseberry
Amla or Indian gooseberry contains rich quantity of vitamin C which effectively helps to treat the injured stomach lining as well as esophagus. Daily intake of this amla will assist you to deal with acidity. Here are easy and simple steps to use this amla for treating acidity in stomach:
What you need:
- 1 teaspoon of amla powder
- Take amla powder and next have this whenever you are suffering from this acidity.
- It is recommended to continue the intake of the amla powder for two times a day to get total control over the levels of acidic in the stomach.
- Or else, you can also take the amla juice that was freshly extracted from the amla and adding one cup of water to this and then stir it well to have the juice.
Learn more: 16 Health Advantages Of Vitamin C For Skin, Hair And The Body
To get more information related to effective and useful ways for treating some health problem, go to our main Conditions & Diseases page. After studying the writing of 17 best solutions on how to get instant relief from acidity, hope that this article will help you know more a few best home remedies for acidity. If you have any question or comment, please leave them below, I will respond you as soon as possible. Also, you can share your experiences with us if you know other treatments for acidity.
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