13 Nutritional Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit On Health Are Revealed

Almost of people all over the word like kiwi fruits because of their brilliant green color and exotic taste. Nevertheless, the real uniqueness of this fruit comes from its health and nutrition benefits. Kiwi fruits are small fruits that are approximately 3 inches long and that have the weight of 4 ounces. The green flesh of this fruit is almost creamy in consistency with a refreshing taste reminiscent of bananas, melons, and strawberries, yet with its own unique sweet flavor. From the site Vkool, and I made this article to show you top 13 nutritional benefits of kiwi fruit on your health.

13 Healthy Reasons To Eat Kiwi You Should Know

1. Kiwi’s Phytonutrients Help Protect Dna 

kiwi's phytonutrients help protect dna

In the field of phytonutrient research, the kiwi fruit has fascinated a number of researchers for its ability to protect the DNA in the nucleus of human cells from the oxygen-related damage. Many researchers are not yet certain about which compound in the kiwi fruit can give it this protective antioxidant capacity; however, these researchers are sure that this healing ability is associated with a lot of nutrients in kiwi including beta-carotene or vitamin C content. Since kiwi fruits contain a variety of carotenoids and flavonoids, which have demonstrated antioxidant activity, those phytonutrients in kiwi fruits may be answerable for this DNA protection.

According to many studies on kiwi fruits, researchers say that kiwi’s protective properties have been indicated in a study with children of six and seven ages in northern and central Italy.

The more citrus fruit or kiwi these children consumed, the less they were to have health problems related to respiratory including shortness of breath, wheezing, or night coughing. Maybe, these same antioxidant protective properties can have been included in providing the protection for these children.

Learn more: 16 Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

2. Kiwi Provides Premier Antioxidant Protection

kiwi provides premier antioxidant protection

Kiwi fruit is a great source of vitamin C, which is the primary water-soluble antioxidant in our body. Vitamin C in kiwi helps neutralize free radicals, which can cause damage to cells and result in problems including cancer and inflammation. In fact, proper intake of vitamin C has been proven to be useful in reducing the severity of diseases and conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and asthma. In addition, eating kiwi moderately can help prevent conditions involving diabetic heart disease, colon cancer, and atherosclerosis. Nutrition experts uncover that since vitamin C is very necessary for boosting the healthy function of immune system, it can be helpful for preventing recurrent ear infections in those people who suffer from them. Experts recommend that consumption of kiwi or vegetables and fruits that are high in this nutrient is linked to reducing the risk of death from almost causes such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

3. Kiwi Is Rich In Fiber For Blood Sugar Control And Colon Health

kiwi is rich in fiber for blood sugar control and colon health

A cup of sliced kiwifruit can provide 5g of fiber. The IM recommends that women should consume at least 25 gram of fiber daily and men are 38 gram. Fiber will help lower cholesterol and keep your digestive system running well. In addition, the fiber in kiwi fruits has also been proven to be useful for a number of diseases and conditions. Many researchers have found that diets, which contain plenty of fiber, may help reduce your high cholesterol levels, and lower the risk of heart attack and heart disease. Furthermore, high fiber in kiwi is also good for removing and binding toxins from the colon that is helpful for avoiding colon cancer. In addition, many nutritionists promote diabetic patients to eat fiber-rich foods such as kiwifruit to help keep their blood sugar levels under control.

Learn more: 20 Ways To Control Blood Sugar Levels

4. Kiwi May Help Protect Against Asthma

kiwi may help protect against asthma

Eating this vitamin C-rich fruit can help protect you against respiratory symptoms linked to asthma such as wheezing.

According to a study posted in Thorax that followed more than 18,000 children at the age of 6 to 7 living in Central and Northern Italy, researchers found that those children who ate almost kiwifruit and citrus (about 5-7 servings per week) had 45% less incidence of wheezing than children eating once a week. The study showed that children who ate more kiwi and citrus had a significant decrease in asthma symptoms, for example, severe wheeze was reduced by 41%, severe shortness of breath by 32%, chronic cough by 25%, nighttime cough by 27%, and runny nose by 28%.

Learn more: Dramatic Asthma Relief book

5. Protection Against Macular Degeneration

protection against macular degeneration

Kiwi contents a lot of the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E that are very important for keeping your sight. Antioxidant vitamins in kiwi help lower the risk of macular degeneration (ARMD) related to age. Everything you need to do is to add kiwi into your daily meals. This will help you boost the immune system and prevent macular degeneration.

6. Kiwi Helps Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

kiwi helps improve your cardiovascular health

One of benefits of kiwi is to improve cardiovascular health. You only need to eat just a couple of kiwifruit every day to help lower the risk of blood clots, decrease the amount of fats (triglycerides) in the blood, and then help protect cardiovascular health. Unlike aspirin that also helps you reduce blood clots but it has side effects including inflammation or bleeding in the intestinal tract, the effects of eating regular kiwi are all beneficial. Kiwi fruits are the excellent sources of potassium, vitamin C, and polyphenols. All of these compounds will help protect the blood vessels and heart.

Learn more: Simple Ways To Prevent Blood Clots Naturally

7. Kiwi Is A Naturally Organic Fruit

kiwi is a naturally organic fruit

Kiwi fruits are on the list of foods, which are generally safe for users from a lot of pesticide residues. In 2025, this fruit is on the top 10 safest foods.

Nutritional breakdown of kiwis: per medium fruit, the kiwi fruits contain:

  • Total fat: 0.4 grams
  • Fiber: 2.1 grams
  • Calories: 42
  • Protein: 0.8 grams
  • Potassium: 252 milligrams
  • Folate: 17 micrograms
  • Vitamin C: 64 milligrams
  • Iron: 0.2 milligrams
  • Vitamin A: 3 micrograms

In addition, kiwi also is packed with the vital nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, vitamin K, and choline.

8. It Is Used For Constipation Prevention

it is used for constipation prevention

A number of studies have indicated that the kiwi fruit may have a mild laxative effect, so it could be used as one of dietary supplements especially for elderly people experiencing constipation. Many reseachers recommend that a regular consumption of kiwi will help promote softer, bulkier and more frequent stool production.

Learn more: How To Prevent Constipation In Infants, Toddlers And Adults

9. Kiwi Helps Lower Blood Pressure

kiwi helps lower blood pressure

Because of the high potassium content in kiwi, it will help negate the effects of sodium in your body. It is probable that if you have a low potassium intake, you will have a high risk for developing hypertension or high blood pressure. According to the survey of NHNE, fewer than 2% of Americans meet the daily potassium intake of 4700 mg recommended. Many reseaches show that a high potassium intake can be linked to a 20% lowered risk of dying from all causes.

Learn more: 16 Natural Home Remedies To Lower High Blood Pressure

10. It Helps You Get Beautiful Skin

it helps you get beautiful skin

One of other benefits of kiwi is to help you get a beautiful skin. Eating kiwi regularly can help improve collagen in skin. Vitamins are essential nutrients that work in our bodies as antioxidants to help improve overall skin texture and prevent you from smooth wrinkles, and damage caused by the pollution, sun and smoke.

11. It Helps Sleep Better

it helps sleep better

There are a lot of health and nutrition benefits of kiwi, and one of them is to help sleep better. According to a recent study on the effects of kiwi fruit consumption on the sleep quality in adults with serious sleep problems, researchers found that eating kiwi fruits may help improve sleep onset, efficiency, and duration in adults who suffer from self-reported sleep disturbances.

12. Kiwi Helps Create Alkaline Balance And Lose Weight Easily 

kiwi helps create alkaline balance and lose weight easily

Kiwi fruit is one of the fruits that have high fiber content and low glycemic index. It means that kiwi cannot create a strong insulin rush like other fruits with high sugar content, therefore, if eating kiwi, our body will not respond by storing the bad fat.

Kiwi also helps create alkaline balance, meaning it contains a rich supply of minerals that can replace an excess of acidic foods that most individuals consume.

13. Kiwi Is One Of Fruits That Have Low Calorie

kiwi is one of fruits that have low calorie

Kiwi is one of healthy foods that can help you manage your weight. One medium-sized kiwi fruit has only 46 calories, and 2 full cups of kiwi slices only contain 216 calories. Simply, you can use kiwi fruit to replace half of your breakfast cereal to save calories. You also should add it to cottage cheese to create a low-calorie and high-protein snack. In addition, you can blend it into a smoothie with some mint leaves and strawberries.

To see all of our articles about topics on foods and its benefits for human health, go to our main Nutrition page. After reading my report of 13 nutritional benefits of kiwi fruits on health, I hope that it will help you understand more about kiwi and benefits of kiwi on health. Got a question? Need answers? Leave a comment below. Now are you ready to try eating this fruit as much as possible?

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