Rosacea is a popular skin condition that can cause red bumps and redness in your face. Middle-aged women have higher risk of getting this condition than everyone else because they have fair skin. The symptoms of rosacea may appear for a few weeks or months and it can be worst after time. Actually, there is no complete cure for this problem, but you should follow a writing of top 15 natural and home remedies for rosacea released by, you will reduce and manage significantly this issue without taking pills or visiting doctors.
Learning Natural & Home Remedies For Rosacea
1. Healthy Foods
Healthy foods are natural remedies for rosacea. To reduce symptoms of this condition, you have to supply enough vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to your skin. Specifically, you should eat more fruits and vegetables such as onions, broccoli, spinach kale, apples, cherries, zucchini, blackberries, grapes, pomegranates, blueberries, prunes, etc as they are rich in bioflavonoids that can help you advance veins and arteries. Additionally, you should intake leafy greens, almonds, and whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids, sardines, halibut, salmon, etc.
2. Unhealthy Food Elimination
Beside healthy foods shown as above, you should avoid or limit using some foods such as high sugary foods, high-fructose, trans-fat foods, some allergens such as peanuts, gluten, dairy, and corn.
3. Camphor Oil
One of the most effective remedies for rosacea is to apply camphor oil. After washing face, you should apply this oil to the affected parts. Your skin will absorb camphor and will have antimicrobia and analgesic affects to your skin.
4. Chamomile
Another safe remedy for rosacea is to use chamomile. Get some chamomile tea bags and put them into the boiling water for 10 minutes, refrigerate, hence, dip a cotton cloth in chamomile tea and apply it into your skin. This method will relieve the redness on your skin. In chamomile, there are the ingredients flavonoids and terpenoids that can help you ease the red skin significantly. Chamomile also helps you fight inflammation and it is also used in shooting compresses and cosmetic products. However, do not get chamomile if you are bleeding or taking warfarin. Sometimes, chamomile can make patients allergic such as anaphylaxis, shortness of breath, throat swelling, and skin rashes. As the result, you should test this remedy before deciding to use it for long time.
5. Feverfew Cream
Feverfew includes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase that can reduce inflammation and reduce aggregation. Feverfew includes parthenolide, which is a skin sensitizer. Besides, skin cream containing feverfew can treat inflammatory skin conditions and it can reduce redness and inflammatory creator. Warning for pregnant women or children, who are less two years old. Some side effects they can get are stomach problem, nervousness, nausea, bloating, swelling, or tastefulness.
6. Lavender Oil
Lavender is one of the most excellent remedies for rosacea. Wash face and let it dry naturally, apply lavender oil to your face to check if it is allergic. Lavender has geraniol, which can irritate your rosacea skin. Do not use this oil if the redness develops quickly. The way to use this oil is to massage the affected skin area gently with lavender oil. Apply it every day to fight inflammatory issues. If you are pregnant, you should not ingest lavender because it can cause chills, headache, vomiting, and nausea.
Learn more: How To Use Lavender Oil For Skin, Hair, Health: 20 Tips
7. Green Tea
Green tea is not only a great drink for obese people, but it is also perfect for people who get rosacea. This drink contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate; epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and epicatechin that can help you reduce risk of inflammation. This treatment is useful for rosacea sufferers as it reduces the skin disruption. But it is not good for nursing, pregnant women, heart patients, kidney patients, or whoever gets stomach ulcers.
Learn more: 38 Healthy And Beauty Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea Daily
8. Oatmeal
In the list of natural remedies for rosacea, you cannot pass oatmeal, which can fight inflammatory problem, relieve itchiness, soothes irritation, moisturizes, and cleanses your skin. Oatmeal is an excellent food for your health and it can enhance barriers, protect your skin, supply polysaccarides and proteins.
9. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ingredients. It also includes antibiotics, vancomycin, methicillin, and more than 100 components to reduce rosacea symptoms.
10. Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is one of the most powerful remedies for rosacea that you can do at home. Olive leaf extract will cleanse out the invaders and help your body feel fresh. After a few weeks of using this extract, you will see the energy increase clearly. Also, olive leaf extract can boost up your immune system, which is necessary for rosacea sufferers. The inflammation problem can be caused by low immunity health, so boosting this system is very necessary to eliminate inflammation. This is a common tip in health industry when a healthy immune system can get rid of inflammation.
11. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another perfect treatment for rosacea is apple cider vinegar. This is a potential cleanser, powerful toxin eliminator, and health supporter for you. You will not get any side effects when using this simple ingredient in your kitchen.
Learn more: 21 Health & Beauty Benefits Of Apple cider Vinegar Consumption
12. Probiotics
Benefits of probiotics are accepted for many years. This is an excellent food for your health and it is perfect for rosacea patients. Probiotic-rich foods include yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut, kefir, pickles, tempeh, and poi.
13. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not only helpful for your normal skin cell but it is effective treatment for your rosacea. Vitamin D is an effect of cathelicidin, which is found in rosacea patients.
14. Licorice
One of the most viable and effective remedies for rosacea is licorice. It includes glycyrrhizinic, which can fight inflammation and it is found in natural creams for rosacea.
15. Rosehip Seed Oil
Roseiship seed oil can reduce redness on skin and strengthen damaged capillaries very well. It can be found in almost of the food stores.
16. Stress Reduction
Reducing stress is meaningful in this time because it will affect badly to your rosacea problem. Stress or anxiety can reduce the response of immune system and stimulate inflammation develop. Moreover, stress also increases blood pressure and creates much more health problems.
Learn more: Stress Reduction Techniques, Tips And Benefits
17. Cucumber Mask
If you are suffering rosacea, you should use cucumber mask to reduce its symptoms. Smoothen cucumber mask on your face for 30 minutes and rinse it with cool water. Do this home remedy daily to get the best effect.
18. Apple Mask
Apple is an excellent food for your health and it is special natural method for common skin condition rosacea. Simply, apply apple mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse it with cool water and you will see the instant result.
19. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is advantageous in supporting rosacea. It helps you eliminate rosacea significantly and can heal many skin issues. Aloe vera can be used topically and orally to reduce rosacea symptoms.
20. Zinc
Zinc is necessary vitamin for health generally. It also helps you combat skin problems in several ways. You should take advantage of zinc-rich foods including sea foods, lamb, beef, wheat germ, spinach, pumpkin, squash seeds, nuts, chicken, chocolate, beans, and mushrooms.
21. Red Clover
Another safe remedy for rosacea is red clover. This herb is a natural treatment for rosacea. It reduces the inflammation and redness linked with rosacea. Use hot water, red clover, and drink this twice per day.
22. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is useful in eliminating rosacea infection. It improves immunity system, promotes the connective tissue. Vitamin C improves the blood vessels and fight inflammation. The mixture of bioflavonoids and vitamin C decreases the skin inflammation successfully. You can intake vitamin C rich foods such as peppers, guavas, leafy vegetables, kiwi broccoli, berries, tomatoes, peas, papaya, etc.
23. Gotu Kola
Another natural home remedy for rosacea is gotu kola, which is common in China. This herb prevents effectively viral, parasitic infection, and bacterial. It reduces wound and scars. It can reduce inflammation and blood pressure and increase production of collagen.
24. Vitamin B
Vitamin B, particularly vitamin B2 is essential for skin, nails, and hair. Take advantage of vitamin B-rich foods such as cheese, almonds beef, lamb, oily fish, egg, pork, mushrooms, sesame seeds, seafood, and spinach.
25. Horse Chest Nut
Horse chest nut are useful for healing vascular problems. It reduces inflammations in your body. It is effective in treating rosacea to reduce blood vessels. Take this cream with horse chestnut and apply the affected area for 30 minutes, use the water to wash off the cream, use this method twice per day to get the best result.
26. Grape Seed
Grape seed is full of antioxidants and reduces inflammation. It increases the collagen production and reduces the skin infections.
To get more tips and tricks on health, you may visit our main Home Health page.
After reading my writing of 26 home remedies for rosacea, I hope that you already got the most useful and natural methods for this skin condition. If you have any question, please leave your comments below and I will respond to you soon. Try it now and get ease with safe and convenient treatment.
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