![exercises for women](https://vkool.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/best-arm-exercises-for-women-620x350.jpg)
Well-defined arms with lovely shape are really the perfect accessory to such a dream body of both men and women. For women, they even make any sleeveless dress or tank top look better. Therefore, you should not shy away from curling heavy and hard. Believe me: your own arms will not rip out of your sleeves. In fact, women do not produce nearly enough testosterone to make great gains rapidly. In reality, even the biggest men know that building a lot of muscle might take a certain amount of time.
Learn top best arm exercises for women from VKool.com so you will be able to define your toned, shaped arms with just a few simple steps.
12 Arm Exercises For Women – Simple Steps To Get Toned Arms
1. Roll-The-Ball Using Uneven Push-Up
This exercise is great for those women who are ready for an upper-body-strength challenge. You could resort a stack of books, a soccer ball, or a medicine ball for creating the uneven surface.
How to practice:
- You firstly get into the plank position and put the right hand on that ball and the left hand on the ground
- Now, squeeze your own shoulders and abs when lowering towards the ground, keeping your elbows in.
- Then, push back up while passing the ball to the opposite side.
- Practice this routine for no less than 5 times on each side
2. Dumbbell Curl
This exercise is popular for both men and women. This is the gold standard of biceps workouts.
How to practice:
- Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart. Keep holding a 5-pound dumbbell in each of your hands, in front of the hips, with palms facing out.
- To start, you bend the left arm 90 degrees so that it parallels to the ground.
- Now, curl the right hand towards the After that, lower it back down to the beginning position whilst keeping the left arm still.
- Then, practice 8 curls with the right arm, but keep the two elbows close to the ribs.
- Switch sides, and do other 8 curls with the left arm.
- When you have done with both of two sides, you then curl the arms simultaneously towards the chest, then bring back towards the beginning position.
- Practice this routine for 8 reps
3. Pilates Boxing
This exercise is best for those who are fans of pilates and yoga and who really want to get a healthy weight and shed away fat.
How to practice:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then bend the knees and hinge forwards from the waist, keeping the neutral spine.
- Raise the fists to the shoulders, keep your elbows up, box the right hand forwards, clench the abs. after that, bring the hands to the center and then switch up.
- Box on each of your sides for 20 times
4. Clean, Press Windmill
When it comes to arm exercises for women, this is one of the easiest ones. Especially, this exercise is great for those women who want to work up their glutes and legs too.
How to practice:
- Stand with your feel shoulder-width apart and keep a free weight between your feet
- Push the hips back for lowering into such a squat and grab the weight with your left hand
- Push through the feet and rise to lifting, standing weight towards left shoulders and also up overhead.
- Bend at your waist level to right, let the right foot to turn out while keeping the right hand on inside of the right leg
- Keep doing to bend sideways; slide the right hand down to your foot and keep the left hand overhead.
- Return to the squat position before switching sides.
- Repeat the routine for several times
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5. Forearm Plank
With this exercise, many women practice it between every other machine on the circuit while watching TV.
How to practice:
- Get into the push-up position
- Then, hold weight on the forearms and toes, your align the elbows on the ground under the shoulders
- Make a straight line from the head to heels; keep holding this position for 20 seconds whilst breathing gently.
- Take a 30-second rest by placing the knees on the ground
- Repeat the routine for 3 times
6. Hip Heist Push-Up
For those who really want their arms like Jillian Michaels, this exercise is the best.
How to practice:
- Get into the “up” part of the push-up; lower the chest and bend your elbows to an angle of 90 degrees.
- Lift the left foot and right hand; rotate your upper body to the right side whilst bringing the left knee across your body towards the right armpit
- Pivot on the right foot and keep rotating torso till you are face up
- Lift the hips till the torso is in tabletop position
- Lift the right foot and left hand, rotate your upper body to the right, pivoting on the left foot till you return in the beginning position.
7. Biceps -Arm Circles
This workout is wonderful for those who want to a full-body strength workout.
How to practice:
- Stand with your legs slightly wider than your hip-width, keep a 5 pound dumbbell in each of your hands and your elbows bent with palms up
- Keep the spine straight, squat then circle the left hand up and in towards the shoulder in the circular motion
- Reverse to lower your hand
- Practice this routine for 16 repetitions before switching sides
- Repeat the routine
Check out: tips to improve strength
8. Chair Dips
This is one of the best arm exercises for women that can work the whole backs of your arms.
How to practice:
- Use a chair and sit on its edge with the feet together
- Place the hands on the seat of either your thigh sides, keep feet flat on the ground
- Bend the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, then lower your body towards the floor.
- After that, straighten the arms while raising your own body back to the beginning position
- Practice this routine for 8 reps
9. Triceps Swing
This exercise is the best for those who want to eradicate “bat wings”.
How to practice:
- Lie on your back with the feet on the ground, your knees bent, and keep a 5-lb dumbbells in each of your hands. Keep the dumbbells several inches off the ground
- Keep the arms straight, then raise your left arm over the chest whilst the right arm stays over your head
- After that, lower to the starting point and repeat
- Do this routine for 15 reps with left arm before switching up to other side.
- Practice this from 2 to 3 sets
10. Kickback With The Twist
It is the best for sleek, firm triceps.
How to practice:
- Hold a 5-pound dumbbell in each of your hands, your arms by sides. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Keep the back straight, legs bent slightly, and lean forwards from the waist till the torso is parallel to the floor
- Raise the elbow till the upper arms are well even with the back, elbows bent at 45-degree angles, palms facing each other
- Keep the upper arms stable, extend hands behind you, rotating the wrists so that the palms are up
- Turn the palms back to face each other; bend the elbows to bring weights back towards your own body to finish the rep
- Practice this exercise for 3 sets with 15 reps each set.
11. The Cobra
For the first two reps of this exercise, you might feel unpleasant and tweaky. Yet, if you practice it more, you will be familiar with it and burn fat in the arms quickly.
How to practice:
- Lie with your back up and face down, your palms placed near the chest
- Then, lift the shoulders, head, and chest off the ground; pull the shoulder blades down and together. Keep this position for 2 counts before lowering down
- Repeat the routine for 8 to 10 times
12. The Get-Up Plank
This is great for women who want to get both strong shoulders and back.
How to practice:
- Start with a modified side-plank position with the legs stacked and the knees bent
- Hold a water bottle or kettle bell in the right hand, right elbow bent. Let weight rest against the forearm
- Lift the hips to get your body in line from the shoulders to knees, pressing a water bottle up to the ceiling
- Practice this exercise for 3 sets on each of your sides.
Check out: shoulder workouts for men
Above are top 12 best arm exercises for women that are really simple to follow. Add these exercises to your daily routine so you will soon get toned and shaped arms within a short period of time. Share your thoughts with us below this post, we will feedback soon.
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