In a conversation about upper body training, many people tend to underestimate the shoulder workouts. What most people do not know is that shoulders have a tendency to lag behind chest and arm development and can be extremely stubborn. They may even refuse to change. Many men have experienced this problem. If you are going through this issue and looking for a way to achieve big, round shoulders that pop, please keep reading. I am going to introduce to you the most effective exercise to help you grow the shoulders that you will be proud of in this article.
Men’s Best Shoulder Workouts For Mass Building – Achieve Firm & Attractive Shoulders
1. Alternating Cable Shoulder Press
This strength training type of exercise is probably one of the best shoulder workouts that you have ever tried since it targets not only your shoulders but also your triceps. Beginners can totally perform this workout.
How to perform this exercise:
– Position the cable so that it is at the bottom of the tower. After that, choose the appropriate weight.
– Use your hands to grasp the cables then hold them at your shoulder height, keeping your palms facing forwards. This is your starting position.
– With both of your chest and head up, press one elbow directly over your head through the elbow extension.
– After a brief pause when the elbow is at the highest point, get back to the starting position then repeat these steps on the other side.
– Keep performing this exercise until you complete all the recommended reps.
2. Alternating Deltoid Raise
This strength training type of workout is also known as shoulder raise or front and side raises. You will be able to target your shoulders using two dumbbells. Beginners can also perform this exercise.
How to perform this exercise:
– Stand straight and tall with two dumbbells on both of your sides.
– Slightly bend both of your elbows then directly lift the weights up in front of you at shoulder height. Try to prevent any cheating or swinging motions.
– Get the weights back to your sides.
– On the next rep, laterally lift the dumbbells up them raise the weights out to your sides at about shoulder height.
– Return the dumbbells back to the starting position. Continue to alternating to the side and the front.
– Keep doing so until you finish all the recommended reps.
3. Alternating Kettlebell Press
This strength training type of exercise is probably one of the best shoulder workouts since it targets not only your shoulders but also your triceps, giving you stronger and bigger arms that help you attract many beautiful women.
How to perform this exercise:
– Stand straight and tall with two kettlebells on both of your sides. Lift them up to your shoulder height. Lift them up through the hips and legs extension while pulling the weights towards the shoulders. Remember to rotate the wrists while doing so.
– Press one weight directly over your head by extending through your elbow. Remember to turn your elbow so that the palm of your hand faces forwards while keeping the other weight still.
– Bring the lifted weight lower to get back to the starting position then instantly lift the other weight on the other arm.
– Keep doing this exercise until you finish all the recommended reps.
4. Anti Gravity Press
This strength training type of exercise must be on the top list of the best shoulder workouts for men since it targets your shoulders, your traps, middle back and even your triceps! Therefore, with this exercise, you will soon achieve everything you need in order to have a perfect upper body and get in shape. This exercise requires a barbell. Beginners can totally try out this workout.
How to perform this exercise:
– Find an incline bench that you are going to use. Place the barbell on the floor behind the head of that bench.
– Lay on your stomach on the bench, keeping your face down. Using a pronated grip to lift the weight up from the ground. Flex your elbows to perform a reverse curl in order to lift the bar up towards your chest. This is your starting position.
– Getting started by straightening the elbows in order to push the weight out in front of your head. Remember to maintain your arms so that they are parallel to the floor during this exercise.
– Get back to the starting position and keep doing these steps until you finish all the recommended reps.
5. Arm Circles
The reason why this is one of the best shoulder workouts at home is because your shoulders as well as your traps will be targeted during this movement. Moreover, it does not require any equipment and beginners can also try this workout.
How to perform this exercise:
– Stand straight and tall with your feet close to each other. Straighten your arms out by your sides. Make sure that they are parallel to the ground as well as perpendicular to your body. This is your starting position.
– Slowly begin to trace circles of about 1 foot in diameter with your arms. During this exercise, always remember to breathe normally and regularly.
– Continue to trace circles of the straighten arms for about 10 seconds. After that, feel free to reverse the motion with the opposite direction.
– Keep following these steps until you complete all the recommended reps.
– A little tip for you: A movement of 10 seconds makes up one set. One circle makes one rep.
Variation: if you want to make this exercise even more challenging, feel free to add some light resistance.
6. Arnold Dumbbell Press
With this strength training type of exercise, you will have the opportunity to work your shoulders and triceps using only two dumbbells. However, you should perform this exercise only if you are at the intermediate level in order to prevent any unexpected injury.
How to perform this exercise:
– Find an exercise bench that you are going to use, then sit on it with back support. Use your hands to hold the dumbbells right in front of you at the upper chest height. Remember to keep the palms of your hands facing your body and bend your elbows. A little tip for you: always keep both of your arms as close to your torso as possible. The starting position is supposed to look like the contracted portion of the dumbbell curl.
– In order to properly perform this exercise, lift the weights up as you are rotating your palms until they are facing forwards.
– Keep on raising the weights up until both of your arms are fully extended in front of you in a straight arm position. While performing this part of the exercise, always remember to breathe out.
– After a brief pause when your arms are at the highest point, start to bring the weights lower to get back to the starting position through rotating your palms towards your body. A little tip for you: your left arm is supposed to be rotated in a counter clockwise motion while your right arm is rotated clockwise. While performing this part of the exercise, always remember to breathe in.
– Keep following these steps until you finish all the recommended reps.
Variations: If you are not suffering from any back pain, feel free to perform this exercise while standing up.
7. Barbell Incline Shoulder Raise
This strength training type of exercise is one of the best shoulder workouts for mass building since it brings all the concentration on not only your shoulders but also your chest, giving you a chance to have stronger and bigger shoulders as well as an opportunity to lose man boobs and achieve that attractive chest.
How to perform this exercise:
– Find an incline bench that you are going to use and lie on your back on it. Use a medium width grip to raise the bar up off the rack then hold it directly straight above you with fully extended arms. This is your starting position.
– As you are trying to maintain extended arms, bring the bar up by protracting the shoulder blades, lifting your shoulders off the bench while breathing out.
– Bring the bar back to the starting position as you are breathing in.
– Keep following these steps until you finish all the recommended reps.
That is the end of this article. We believe that you have just discovered many exciting yet effective exercises that help you build muscles on your shoulders and also other body parts. If this “The best shoulder workouts for mass building” article have done a good job and you are satisfied with what you have just read, please let us know what you think by commenting down the section below. However, if this article has not satisfied you and you are still confused about some parts of the content, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask your questions any time you want.
Moreover, we also provide many other fitness & exercise related articles from the site vkool. We are sure that you will not be disappointed after visiting us.
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