Shoulder tendonitis is a common condition that many people are suffering from due to the microtrauma to your rotator cuff tendons. Whenever getting the tendonitis, you will get pain when you lie on or lift the arm. You will get pain in the upper arm, the shoulder when you put the shoulder higher. The truth is that you can reduce the pain effectively with the natural ways including exercising. In this article, VKool.com will show you top 37 best physical therapy exercises for shoulder tendonitis. The writing is for informational purpose only, so you go to see the doctor if the problem is not reduced.
Top 37 Best Physical Therapy Exercises For Shoulder Tendonitis
1. Doorway Stretches
Doorway stretches are great exercises for shoulder tendonitis and here is the direction how to do it at home:
- Before exercising, you need to warm up the muscles to avoid injury. You can stand tall and spread your arms outside, inside.
- Grip the doorway sides below the shoulders height and learn forward that doorway until you get stretches.
- Keep the back straight and you can shift a weight on your toes.
- You should feel stretches in front of your shoulder.
- However, you should not overstretch.
Learn more: Neuropathy Solution Book
2. Side-Lying Rotation
- Firstly, you lie down on the ground and bend the elbow about 90 degrees.
- Next, you put your forearm across your abdomen.
- Prepare a dumbbell and take it whilst you keep the elbow against your side.
- Then you lift that dumbbell toward the ceiling gradually.
- Avoid rotating your arm if you get any strain.
- Hold this position for some seconds and turn it back to the starting position.
- Reduce your arm and repeat the exercise.
3. Row Exercise
- Before doing exercise, you should have a resistance band.
- You reduce a knee and the knee opposite your painful arm is raised.
- The body and the knee should be aligned.
- You place the another hand on your raised knee.
- Hold the resistance band whilst you stretch out your arm.
- Pull your elbow toward your body.
- Keep your back straight and squeeze your shoulder blades.
- You can twist the body with your arm or should place it still.
- Hold the position and turn back to the beginning position.
- Repeat it 10 sets.
4. Flying Exercise
- Stand tall and keep your shoulders, feet are wide apart.
- Bend slightly your knees, straighten the back, and bend it forward your waist.
- Hold your weight in each hand and extend both arms.
- Now you lift your arms away from your body and squeeze the blades of the shoulder together.
- Do not raise your arms over your shoulders.
- Turn back to the first position and repeat the exercise.
5. Lawn Mowing
This exercise is like a lawn mower and it is one of the most effective exercises for shoulder tendonitis for you. The steps are:
- Stand tall and place the shoulders, the feet wide apart.
- Then you place an end of the resistance band under the foot.
- Another arm holds the another end of the band, which is across your body.
- Now you put the another hand on your hip and bend slightly.
- Put the band parallel to the knee on the opposite side.
- You are doing like a lawn mower. Keep straightening and pulling the elbow across the body to your outside ribs.
- Hold it for some seconds, relax, and squeeze the shoulder blades.
- Repeat the exercise.
6. Pendulum Workout
Pendulum workout will strengthen your neck, your arms, and reduce the shoulder tendonitis effectively. The direction is:
- Stand straight and place the good hand on a chair.
- Another arm is hung down and you should gently swing it, backward, toward, and circulation movement.
- Repeat the exercise 5 times and you can perform the workout 2-3 times every day.
7. Stretching The Shoulders
Like other exercises for shoulder tendonitis, stretching the shoulders will be helpful in reducing the pain as well as improve the muscles. Here are the steps of the movement:
- You are at the standing position, stand straight and raise your shoulders.
- Hold the position for 5 seconds before squeezing the blades of the shoulder back.
- Hold it for 5 seconds and reduce the blades.
- Hold it 5 seconds more, relax and repeat the exercise.
8. Door Leaner
Door leaning is a simple and easy exercise to do. So this is the direction how to perform it:
- Firstly, you put the arms on a wall and slightly put them over the head.
- Slowly lean forward like you stretch in front of your shoulders.
- Keep it for 15-20 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise.
- Make sure that you are doing it slightly and stretch it slightly.
9. Door Pressing
You just need to exercise with the door in your house, the tendonitis pain will be reduced significantly and here is the simple way to do:
- Stand in a doorway and bend your right elbow.
- Your wrist back will be against the door frame.
- Now you push your arm outwards, against the door.
- Hold this for 5 seconds and do it for 10 reps.
10. Do Like A Prayer
Praying is one of the best physical therapy exercises for shoulder tendonitis in yoga and you should do it for health in general. The instruction is:
- You choose a comfortable sitting position on the floor.
- Now you float your arms down your sides.
- Bend the elbows for reaching your arms on the back.
- Then you press the palm like you pray a wish.
- Reach your hands and keep the position for 5 breaths.
- Repeat it.
11. Crossing
- You lie down the belly on the ground.
- Raise the torso, thread the left arm under the right one about 90 degrees angle from the body.
- Now you reach the right arm.
- Next, you hook your chin over the shoulders.
- You can walk the fingers away and hold it for 5 deep breaths.
- Breathe deeply when exercising.
- Return to the beginning position and repeat.
There are a lot of other useful exercises for shoulder tendonitis presented in the next part of this writing, so keep reading it if you want to discover more!
12. Supraspinatus
Supraspinatus is an excellent movement among exercises for shoulder tendonitis as well as among the yoga poses. It is also not difficult to perform and you can follow it here:
- You prepare the dumbbells and hang it along the body side with your hands.
- Hold the dumbbells, reduce the thumbs at the height of the shoulders.
- Keep your arms straighten about 45-degree angle.
- Hold it and repeat the exercise.
13. Scapular Retraction
- You will do this exercise with the bench.
- Firstly, you lay the face down on a bench.
- Then grab the dumbbells, raise them.
- Keep the elbows outside and squeeze the shoulder blades.
- Doing it and repeat it.
14. Shoulder Extension
Shoulder extension is a great exercise for shoulder tendonitis and you can follow the movement like this:
- You attach the tubing to the wall at the face level.
- Put the palms down and point your arms.
- Pull down slowly when you squeeze the shoulder blades together.
- Hold it and repeat the exercise.
15. Scapular Protraction
- Let begin by laying on a bench.
- Straighten your arms and hold the dumbbells vertically.
- Grip them comfortably.
- Then you push the dumbbells to the ceiling with your shoulders.
- Keep the arms straight.
- Continue doing the exercise and repeat it.
16. Marichyasana
Marichyasana is an effective exercise to relieve the shoulder tendonitis. It is also easy and simple to do, like this:
- On the seated position, you should sit conveniently on the floor, extend the right leg in front of your body.
- Bend the left knee gently.
- Now, you keep the right hand on the ground beside the tailbone.
- Then you flex the left arm and put the elbow inside the left knee.
- You twist the torso to the right and keep the position for 30 seconds.
- Slowly turn back to the first position and repeat the exercise.
17. Triangle Pose
Triangle pose is also called the utthita trikonasana, which is a popular shoulder exercise. It can help you get rid of the stiffness and you should follow the direction as below:
- You stand tall and put the feet about 3 feet apart.
- Keep your arms straight outwards and put the left toe towards the left.
- Now you put the left hand on the ground gently beside the outside of the left floor.
- Extend the right arm up and face the ceiling.
- Look up the right hand and hold the position for 30 seconds.
- Then you release gently and turn back to the first position.
- Repeat the exercise.
18. Matsyaasana
Another great exercise for healing shoulder tendonitis is matsyaasana. You should follow the direction right here:
- You lie down on the floor, put your arms on the sides and bend the legs.
- Gently you extend the legs and put the palms beneath your buttock.
- You raise the back while you inhale deeply.
- Rest the head on the ground when raising the back.
- Hold the position for some seconds and exhale.
- Turn back to the normal position.
- Repeat the exercise.
19. Shrug
To perform this exercise, you can learn this instruction:
- Stand erect and put the legs wide apart at your shoulder distance.
- Bend the knees slowly.
- Inhale slowly and deeply and raise the shoulders toward your ears.
- Hold this position for some seconds.
- Then turn back to the normal position and exhale.
- You move your shoulders backward when you inhale, hold it for some seconds.
- Exhale and turn back to the first position.
- Repeat the exercise.
20. Stretching Your Chest
Shoulder tendonitis might cause your chest pain and you can follow this exercise to improve the chest and shoulders.
- Stand tall and one of the forearms is against the door frame or the wall.
- Then leaning forward the wall and turn away to make a stretch to your chest muscles.
- Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat the exercise.
- You should get some stretches in front of the shoulders.
- If you feel the tendonitis is severe, stop exercising.
21. Supraspinatus Stretch
Supraspinatus stretch is known as one of the best exercises for shoulder tendonitis and you will relieve the problem after doing it more regularly.
- Firstly, one of your hands will be on the lower back.
- Then pull the elbows by using another hand.
- You keep your hand on the lower back and stretch at the shoulder back. You should feel it clearly.
- Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat the exercise.
22. Anterior Stretch
- You take something and put it above the door frame.
- Move forward your body and your arm should be behind.
- You stretch the shoulder, chest muscles.
- Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat it.
23. Posterior Stretch
- You put an arm in front of your chest and use another arm to tighten it.
- You will feel some stretches at the shoulder back.
- Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat it.
- If you feel painful, you should stop doing it.
24. External Rotation
Rotation is also a good exercise for shoulders as well as the rhomboids, anterior, and chest. Here is the way to rotate externally to improve your shoulder health and cure the shoulder tendonitis:
- Lying down on your side and put your arm on the top.
- Resting the upper arm and bending the elbows.
- Pointing the hand toward the floor.
- Now you rotate the shoulder and move your hand toward the ceiling as far as possible.
- Slowly turning back to the beginning position.
- You can hold a proper weight in this exercise.
- Repeat for 10 reps.
25. External Rotation With Band
Rotation is also a great exercise for your shoulder tendonitis and here is a helpful exercise for your problem:
- You attach a band on your hand.
- Grasp an end of the band and place your arm on the scapular plane.
- Now you abduct your arm about 45 degrees and keep the elbow flex about 90 degrees.
- Then you move your forearm through your arc about 30 degrees of the rotation internally and 30 degrees of the rotation externally.
- Stabilize the elbow.
- Hold the position and turn back to the beginning position slowly.
- Repeat it.
26. Scapular Retraction
This exercise will relieve the pain in the scapular and the shoulder effectively. So you can follow it right now:
- Take a band and place it between your hands. Keep it slightly.
- Now you bend your elbows about 90 degrees and pinch the shoulder blades together.
- Hold this position as long as you can.
- Turn back the beginning position slowly and repeat.
27. Flexing Shoulders
Do you want to get more exercises for shoulder tendonitis? I would like to introduce you an exercise for healing the issue successfully.
- Take a band and secure an end of it.
- Another end of the band will be grasped by another hand.
- Bend your elbow about 90 degrees.
- Then you raise your arm for 60 degrees of flexing.
- Now you extend the elbow and keep the shoulder flex.
- Hold the position as long as possible.
- Turn to the starting position and repeat it.
28. Shoulder Abduction
- Prepare band and take an end of it.
- You grasp another end of the bend lightly and place your arm in your scapular in front of your body.
- Keep your elbow flex about 90 degrees and abduct the shoulder about 60 degrees.
- Hold the position and turn back to the normal position.
- Repeat the exercise.
29. Internal Rotation
- Attach an end of a band on a hand.
- Grasp slightly another end of the band with another hand.
- Bend your elbow about 45 degrees of the rotation.
- Now you pull the band inwards and bend the elbow for 90 degrees.
- Hold the position and turn to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise.
30. External Rotation With A Band
- You secure an end of the band and grasp another end of the band with another hand.
- Bend your elbow about 45 degrees and pull the band outward.
- Bend the elbow about 90 degrees.
- Hold the position and return to the beginning position.
- Repeat it.
31. Shoulder Extension With A Band
Exercising with a band will help you treat shoulder tendonitis effectively as well as improve the shoulder health successfully. This is one of the best exercises for shoulder tendonitis you should give a try now:
- Use your hands and each of the hands attaches the end of the band.
- Bend the arm forward about 45 degrees and extend your arm backward.
- Keep your elbow straight and hold the position as long as you can.
- Turn to the first position and repeat.
32. Chin Tucking
- You use your fingers to make a pressure on your chin.
- Then you pull your head back and keep it for 5 seconds.
- Pull the head horizontally and avoid tilting the head forward or back to the ceiling.
- Hold this position and repeat the exercise.
33. Adduction Stretches
- Use the opposite hand to grasp your involved arm.
- You pull your arm across in front of your chest, below the chin.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds.
- Relax and repeat the exercise.
Keep reading the writing and learn more exercises for shoulder tendonitis.
34. Triceps Stretch
- Firstly, you bend your involved elbow, raise, grasp, and pull it down behind the head.
- Then you place the opposite hand behind your head.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds.
- Relax and repeat the workout.
35. Corner Stretch
Stretch not only helps you relieve the shoulder tendonitis, but it also supports the scapular, chest, and arm effectively. Here is the direction how to do the exercise for best:
- Stand straight, face the corner.
- Abducting the shoulders and flexing the elbows for 90 degrees.
- Leaning into the corner and stretching the chest in front of the shoulders.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds.
- Relax and repeat the movement.
36. Standing Adduction Stretch
Doing exercises for shoulder tendonitis is an easy therapy for reducing the problem. You should limit using the pills or going to visit the doctor if the pain is not too severe. Now le try this exercise and feel the difference.
- You stand tall and place your involved hand behind the body.
- Next, you grasp your elbow across the back with the uninvolved hand.
- Pull the hand slowly and keep it for 5 seconds.
- Relax and repeat the exercise.
37. Chicken Pos
This workout is very nice for your shoulders and you will love doing exercises for shoulder tendonitis. Here is the instruction
- Place your hands behind the head.
- Push your elbows slowly. Put it straight back.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds.
- Relax and repeat the exercise.
Related articles on shoulder tendonitis:
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You might visit our page to get more tips and tricks on fitness. After reading the articles about 37 best physical therapy exercises for shoulder tendonitis, I hope that you have learned the best exercises to relieve the pain as well as strengthen your shoulder health effectively at home. If you have any question or any comment, please leave it below.
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