How to get rid of head lice and eggs at home fast & naturally

how to get rid of head lice
It is estimated that about 6-12 million kids in the U.S suffer from head lice annually. And, the biggest issue recent days is that lice have steadily become resistant to the OTC stuff. Thus, a lot of people start considering using natural ways to remove head lice. If you are among them, you should not overlook this article, here will introduce to you a serious of quick tips on how to get rid of head lice and eggs at home fast and naturally. Check out below!

How To Get Rid Of Head Lice And Eggs Naturally – 10 At Home Tips For Fast Relief 

how to get rid of head lice

1. Garlic

how to get rid of head lice

With the strong fragrance, garlic could be effective in killing head lice.

You just need to grind 8-10 garlic cloves into a good paste and mix them with 2-3 teaspoons of the lime juice. Then, apply that mixture thoroughly onto your scalp. Wait for 1 hour before rinsing your hair off with hot water.

As an alternative, you could make a thick good paste of fresh garlic, cooking oil, lemon extract, shampoo, green tea and conditioner. Then, you coat your hair thoroughly using the paste, cover your head with a shower cap for about 30 minutes. Wash the hair off with your daily shampoo. Reapply this method on your weekly basis for about 1-2 months.

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2. Baby Oil

how to get rid of head lice

Another natural way to remove head lice is to use baby oil along with laundry detergent and a small amount of white vinegar. Baby oil is shown to be able to suffocate the head lice naturally.

You just need to apply a small amount of baby oil on your hair before combing the hair slowly so that lice could begin falling from the head.

Wash the hair with hot water and laundry detergent. Before going to bed, you put white vinegar on the hair and cover the head using a shower cap. Wait till the next morning.

In the morning, you rinse your hair off with your daily shampoo, followed by conditioner.

To get good results, you had better repeat this routine for at least 3 days.

3. Olive Oil 

how to get rid of head lice

By using olive oil, you can kill the head lice effectively.

What you need to do is to apply any kind of olive oil onto your hair thoroughly, before hitting the hay. Then, put the shower cap on your head and leave it overnight. The next morning, you comb out those tiny parasites, rinse your hair off with herbal shampoo that includes tea tree oil.

Alternatively, you could mix ½ cup of olive oil with ½ cup of the conditioner and then add in a little liquid soap. After that, apply the solution onto your whole hair, wait for 1 hour or so. Rinse your hair off before applying conditioner. Finally, comb the hair thoroughly to eliminate the stubborn dead lice. Remember to repeat this routine after 1 week in order to get good results.

Check out: benefits of olive oil

4. Salt 

how to get rid of head lice

Using salt to get rid of head lice is a common method among parents. Salt could eliminate the head lice through desiccation.

You just need to mix ¼ cup of the salt and ¼ cup of vinegar thoroughly. Then, you spray that solution thoroughly onto the hair so that your hair becomes slightly wet. Cover your head using a shower cap. Wait for 1-2 hours before washing it off. Finally, condition your hair.

Do this routine every 3 days to achieve good results.

5. Tea Tree Oil 

how to get rid of head lice

Considered as a natural insecticide, tea tree oil makes it a great solution for head lice.

Mix 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil with 1 ounce of the natural shampoo, and olive oil or coconut oil. apply this solution throughout your hair gently and cover the head with a soft towel or a shower cap. Wait for 1 hour before rinsing it off with hot water.

Eventually, you comb your hair thoroughly while it is still wet for removing the dead lice.

Yet, you should not apply it directly to your scalp.

Read more: how to improve hair growth

6. Coconut Oil

how to get rid of head lice

Thanks to the lubricating nature, coconut oil could stop lice from transferring from one place to another freely, thereby preventing it from spreading.

You should rinse your hair thoroughly using apple cider vinegar, let it dry.

Saturate your hair along with your scalp entirely with coconut oil. You then should cover the head using a towel or a shower cap. Wait for 6-8 hours or till the next morning.

In the next morning, you comb your hair thoroughly and shampoo your hair as normal.

Do this routine daily for one week to eliminate the lice. In order to get better results faster, you should add a few drops of anise essential oil to coconut oil before applying to your hair.

7. White Vinegar

how to get rid of head lice

Regarding tips on how to get rid of head lice naturally, white vinegar should always be the safest and most inexpensive one. White vinegar has acetic acid, damaging lice.

You can dilute the white vinegar with the same amount of water. Then, saturate your hair with this solution before covering your head with a shower cap and leave it on your hair for 1 hour or so.

After that, dip your comb in the white vinegar and start combing your hair, concentrating on a specific section of hair at a time.

Also, you rinse your hair with white vinegar both before and after having a shampoo.

8. Petroleum Jelly

how to get rid of head lice

Having stifling properties, petroleum jelly can roam lice.

You just need to apply a thick petroleum jelly layer to your scalp before hitting the hay. After that, cover your head with a towel or a shower cap. Wait till the next morning. The next morning, you use the baby oil to eradicate that petroleum jelly.

Finally, comb your hair entirely to eradicate the lice. Do this routine a few nights continually to get the best results.

9. Mayonnaise

how to get rid of head lice

Containing lots of oil that has viscosity properties, mayonnaise can suffocate the head lice.

Apply the full-fat mayonnaise all over your scalp. Then, cover the head with a towel and wait for 8 hour or so or leave it overnight.

Finally, shampooing your hair with hot water and comb your hair thoroughly to get the lice out of your head. Do this daily for 1 week.

10. Sesame Seed Oil

how to get rid of head lice

With its natural insecticide, antifungal, and antibacterial effects, sesame seed oil could be useful in treating head lice.

Simply mix ¼ cup of sesame seed oil, 1/8 cup of the neem oil, 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil, ½ teaspoon of eucalyptus along with the rosemary oil, and lavender oil together. Before applying the solution onto your hair, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and allow it to dry. After covering the solution over your hair and scalp, wait till the next morning.

The upcoming morning, you comb your hair entirely to eliminate dead lice. Finally, shampoo your hair as usual.

Do this daily for 1-2 weeks to get best results.

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In addition to 10 tips on how to get rid of head lice fast and naturally above, it is better for you to follow some hair care tips which will prevent the growth of head lice as well as other hair and scalp problems.

  • Do not scratch your head. Despite it get itchy, if you scratch too much, you could make your condition worse.
  • Avoid head-to-head contact
  • Those who live with the impacted person should be well inspected.
  • Do not share your hats or your towel with your friends
  • Another natural product which could be effective in reducing the spread of head lice is fresh rosemary. That is why many commercial hair care products have rosemary in its ingredient list. You could also make use of 2 or 3 sticks of the fresh rosemary to get rid of head lice by placing them underneath your own pillows so that they could not be felt or do not affect your sleep. That way, their smell will repel lice naturally.

There, you have discovered some traditional and natural tips on how to get rid of head lice and eggs fast. These remedies are natural but require time to get permanent relief. So, keep patience!

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