Low blood pressure which is also called hypotension happens when blood pressure condition of person is low. The symptoms of this disease include fatigue, dizziness, nausea, fainting, difficulty breathing, palpitations, blurred vision and clammy, cold skin. The ideal blood pressure reading is 120/80 mm/Hg; however, people who are physically healthy and active have lower blood pressure reading. But it is not considered unhealthy especially, when you do not experience any symptoms of low blood pressure disease. If the blood pressure reading is around 90/60 mm or lower, you may have hypotension. In the serious cases, when the blood pressure remains extremely low, your body does not have enough blow flow to body’s organs including kidneys, brain and heart. When you suffer from low blood pressure, it is recommended consuming more salt and fluid. Moreover, you should limit high-carbohydrate foods and alcoholic drinks. You need to make an appointment with the doctor in order to get diagnosed and proper treatments based on your conditions. Depending on the specific causes, we have different treatments; however, we can relieve symptoms with effective solutions and home remedies on how to treat low blood pressure naturally at home.
How To Treat Low Blood Pressure Naturally At Home – Effective Solutions & Home Remedies You Should Know
Low blood pressure or hypotension is disease which is difficult to treat. Many patients who get diagnosed with hypotension may experience fainting and dizziness. However, in some serious cases, this disease may be fatal. Many factors including dehydration, serious surgical and medical disorders can lead to low blood pressure. Although it is hard to treat hypotension, it can be treatable if we know the specific cause of this disease. When you get diagnosed with low blood pressure, you may experience some symptoms including lack of concentration, depression, headache, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, nausea, pale, clammy and cold skin, shortness of breathing, fatigue, depression and thirst. This disease may be caused by several infection, blood loss, allergic reaction, nutrient deficiency, pregnancy, heart problems, endocrine problems, and dehydration. If not treated well, low blood pressure will lead to serious brain and heart damage. Therefore, it is important to see the doctors immediately if you have the early signs and symptoms of hypotension. There are many effective solutions and home remedies on how to treat low blood pressure naturally at home. If you concern, please read this article on vkool.com to know more.
1. Salt Water:
Salt water treats not only cough but also low blood pressure. Therefore, salt water is versatile and effective solution that you should not ignore or skip. The reason why salt water is considered as effective home remedy on how to treat low blood pressure may be that salt will increase the blood pressure. However, you should not do this treatment too much because it can cause side effects. It is recommended adding one teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and drinking it in the morning after you walk up. Another choice you can choose is sports beverages.
2. Coffee:
Talking about the ways on how to treat blood pressure naturally, you should not ignore coffee. It is said that hot coffee, cola, chocolate or any caffeinated drink can help you increase the blood pressure temporarily. If you often suffer from low blood pressure, drinking a cup of hot coffee, especially in the morning, is effective. Or you can drink it along with meals. However, coffee treatment should not be overdone because of its long-term effects.
3. Raisins:
Raisins are well-known as a popular Ayurvedic remedy on how to treat hypotension naturally. All you need to do is soaking 30 raisins in a cup of hot water in the evening. After you wake up in the morning, you should eat them with an empty stomach. Another choice is drinking the soaked water.This treatment should be repeated several times a month in order to achieve the satisfactory result.
4. Holy Basil:
Holy basil is effective in treating low blood pressure because it has the great source of magnesium, vitaminC, pantothenic acid and potassium. Moreover, it will make your mind relax and alleviate stress and depression. In order to take this treatment, you should extract the juice from 15 basil leaves. It is recommended adding one teaspoon of honey into the juice if it is difficult for you to taste. In order to achieve the satisfactory result, you should drink the juice with an empty stomach. Another way you can choose is chewing 5 basil leaves per day after you wake up in the morning.
5. Licorice Root:
If the low level of cortisol is the cause of low blood pressure, licorice root is considered as the effective home remedy on how to treat low blood pressure. Moreover, licorice root is also effective in curing chronic fatigue syndrome. In order to make licorice root tea, you should soak one teaspoon of licorice root in the boiling water. Wait for five minutes after sipping. This treatment should be repeated several times for few days. If you do not want to make licorice root tea, another way you can choose is taking licorice root in the form of capsules for several days. Licorice root capsules have the same benefits as licorice root tea.
6. Beetroot Juice:
Beetroot juice treats not only low blood pressure but also high blood pressure. If you get diagnosed with hypotension, it is recommended drinking beetroot juice once a week. Another natural fruit juice is also effective in treating low blood pressure.
7. Almond Milk:
Almond milk is well-known as traditional home remedy on how to treat low blood pressure you should know. All you need to do is soaking the almond milk in the water and leaving it overnight. In the morning, peel off the soft skin and put the almond into the grinder in order to make a smooth paste. Finally, boil a cup of milk with this paste. It is recommended drinking a cup of almond milk in every morning in order to alleviate the symptoms of low blood pressure.
It is 7 tips and home remedies on how to treat low blood pressure naturally at home I would like to introduce to you. I hope that you will find these tips helpful and effective. If you have any question to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can.
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