10 Common causes of excessive burping

Everyone’ body has gas. Most of gas is created by odorless vapors including nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes methane. As bacteria act in the large intestine, gases released contain sulfur, producing an unpleasant scent of flatulence. It can be something embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it is not something that can threaten your life. Gas is discharged by burping or releasing through the rectum. Most of people produce 1-4 pints of gas every day and release gas nearly 14 times a day. However, some people pass more gas than others.

Causes Of Excessive Burping- The Most Common Trigger Factors Of Over burping:

Burping is a natural body reaction to pass air, which is from the stomach via the mouth. It often happens when the stomach expands because of too much swallowed air, with the burping releasing the air to lower the distention. Burping during or after meals is so normal and natural. In some cultures, people can burp loudly after meals to show their appreciation for their meals. You can experience burping only occasionally or even repeatedly in a day. Some people burp excessively or frequently may swallow too much air and pass it before the air goes into the stomach. If the excessive burping interferes with your activities, you need to find out the causes of excessive burping as well as how to reduce or avoid excessive burping.

In the article today, I would like to reveal some of the most common causes of excessive burping in details so you should keep your head on the following interesting conditions & diseases and the popular reasons leading to excessive burping. The causes are:

1. Aerophagia:

causes of excessive burping - aerophagia

This is the first out of the most common causes of excessive burping that I would like to introduce in this entire article and my dear readers should learn carefully if they are facing this stubborn and embarrassing issue.

Aerophagia is not a serious disease. Burping is a way to help most of wallowed air leave the stomach. A small amount of the remaining gas is absorbed into small intestine, and the remainder enters the large intestine and then is passed through the rectum. There are some daily habits, which contribute to excessive burping:

  • You eat or drink too fast. This action forces you to swallow more air,
  • You talk excessively while you are chewing
  • Mouth breathing (due to nasal congestion).
  • Chewing gum: Whenever you chew gum, you have to relax your throat and also swallow more air. The air will be built up in the stomach, and the result is burping.
  • You use straws when drinking beverages directly from a glass, especially carbonated drinks.
  • Constant coughing
  • Smoking is also a cause of excessive burping. Inhaling smoke can result in swallowing excess air.
  • Burping sometimes turns into one of your unconscious habits. Pay your attention when you are doing it, stop immediately.

Aerophagia is actually a common cause of excessive burping, so pay attention to it!

2. Foods And Beverages:

causes of excessive burping - foods and beverages

The breakdown of some certain undigested foods caused by harmless natural bacteria in the large intestine is another common cause of excessive burping. There are some carbohydrates including sugar, fiber, and starches that cannot be digested or absorbed in the small intestine due to an absence or shortage of some definite enzymes. These foods pass into the colon, where normal and harmless bacteria are breaking down the food. This process generates carbon dioxide, hydrogen and in some people, methane gases, which are passed through the rectum. The amount of gas coming from different foods varies from person to person. Some common foods and drinks that cause gas:

  • Lactose: It is a natural sugar that you can find in milk and dairy products, such as ice cream, cheese, and processed foods like cereal, bread, and salad dressing. If a person cannot digest lactose easily,but he or she still eats so much lactose, this can result in excessive burping.
  • Sorbitol: It is a kind of sugar that you can find in natural fruits such as pears, apples, prunes and peaches. Besides, sorbitol is also found in some dietetic foods as well as sugar-free gums and candies as an unnatural sweetener.
  • Raffinose: It is a complex sugar, which you can find in cabbage, broccoli, beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, whole grains, and other vegetables.
  • Soluble fiber: It easily dissolves in water and presents in the intestines with a form of soft, gel-like texture. Soluble fiber is found in beans, peas, oat bran and most of the
  • Fructose: It is a kind of sugar that is found in artichokes, wheat, onions, and pears. Besides, it is also used as an unnatural sweetener in some food drinks and soft drinks.
  • Starches: Most of the starches such as corn, potatoes, wheat and noodles generate gas because starches are broken down in the colon. Especially, rice is the only kind of starch that does not produce gas.
  • Insoluble fiber: It is found in some vegetables and wheat bran, which passes basically unchanged through the intestines, and then creates little gas. Although fiber helps digestion, many insoluble fiber foods are a great source of creating gas. If you want to add fiber to your diet, you should have a break, and then slowly consume it.
  • Some certain foods can worsen a valve that is designed to hold food as well as the wind in the stomach. The valve or called oesophageal sphincter locates between the top of the stomach and the oesophagus that is a tube carrying foods from the mouth. Some these foods are chocolate, fried foods, peppermint, fatty meats, and caffeine. Remember to avoid them.
  • Calcium supplements: In some people, these supplements containing calcium carbonate pass carbon dioxide in your stomach. If you need to take calcium, choose another form of calcium citrate.
  • Carbonated drinks: They include all types of drinks that are fizzy, especially when they are cold. The low temperature and bubbles can set off the diaphragm. Besides, drinking these drinks can add an excess amount of gas to the stomach and when your stomach cannot hold too much air at one time, it is easy to cause burping. Instead of drinking a soda whenever you are thirsty, get a glass of raw milk or water.
  • Spicy foods: The spice in meals irritates the hiatus, which is located at the top of your stomach, going into the esophagus. The hiatus opens to permit gas to release, and if it is irritated, it can act more than normal.
  • Beer: Burping is a combination of swallowing excess air, gas being passed from your intake foods as well as the fermentation of your foods. And beer is a combination of three factors. Besides, it is carbonated, fermented drinks, and also passes gas in your stomach. You should only drink beer in moderation. If you often get excessive burping, avoid it.

They are in fact among the most common causes of excessive burping that people should learn about to avoid. One more thing, remember to reduce the intake of the foods and drinks mentioned in this section of the article to prevent any case of excessive burping, which in turn will help you avoid being embarrassing and uncomfortable.

3. Medicines:

causes of excessive burping - medicines

Nonprescription, prescription medicines and dietary supplements can cause gas as a side effect, leading to excessive burping. Excessive burping could be a sign of digestive diseases. For example, some substances in medical treatment delaying gastric emptying or called gastroparesis can cause symptoms like burping.

In fact, this is also among the most common causes of excessive burping so that people should check the medicines they are taking to see whether their medicines are the cause of excessive burping.

4. Runny Nose:

causes of excessive burping - runny nose

You get a cold or allergy and then result in a running nose. This makes you swallow so much air. Nasal decongestant can reduce excessive burping and relieving your nasal symptoms, but should never take in the long run.

This is, in brief, one of the common causes of excessive burping so that people should not miss. If your excessive burning is due to a symptoms of illness, treating that illness is considered as the best way to relieve excessive burping.

Continue reading this entire article to discover other causes of excessive burping!

5. Bacterial Overgrowth:

causes of excessive burping - bacterial overgrowth

Patients with altered anatomy because of surgery or patients with definite rheumatologic diseases can increase risks of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Although this is not really an infection, the bacterial overgrowth can result in an increase in production of gas, leading to excessive burping.There are some causes of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, damage due to surgery, intestinal obstruction, anorexia nervosa, pancreatitis, scleroderma, and post-viral syndrome.

Especially, helicobacter pylori- a bacterial species infects your stomach, causing increased gastric acid and damaging the stomach lining. H. pylori can contribute to excessive burping because the bacteria creates and metabolizes ammonia, leading to the release of gas.

You should see your doctor and take a hydrogen breath test to deal with this condition.

This is actually also one out of the most common causes of excessive burping that a lot of people in the world are struggling to relieve the constant burping.

6. Indigestion And Heartburn:

causes of excessive burping - indigestion and heartburn

Another out of the most common causes of excessive burping that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn is that indigestion and heartburn can be common causes of excessive burping.

Indigestion and heartburn can be causes of excessive burping. Heartburn can be a sign that your spicy meal does not agree with the stomach lining, or a symptom of peptic ulcer or can be caused by acid reflux. When acid is from the stomach, moving back up the esophagus, as in heartburn or reflux, people tend to swallow more frequently as a way to relieve discomfort and then result in more burping.

7. Gastroparesis:

causes of excessive burping - gastroparesis

This is also one of the most common causes of excessive burping that people should know. There are various digestive disorders that can cause the excessive formation of gas, leading to excessive burping. And gastroparesis is one of the common digestive disorders. Gastroparesis is a medical condition that can cause excessive burping. Sometimes, it is related to delayed gastric emptying, occurring when foods sit in the stomach longer than normal as the muscles of the stomach are damaged. Weak stomach muscles cannot move food to the next step of the process of digestion. Undigested food that I mentioned above remaining in the stomach can lead to vomiting, nausea, and excessive burping as well. Some other causes of gastroparesis are diabetes type I and II, thyroid disorders, scleroderma, anorexia nervosa, damage to muscle or nerve because of surgery or other trauma, pancreatitis, and post-viral syndrome.

8. Anxiety:

causes of excessive burping - anxiety

Another one on the list of the most common causes of excessive burping that I would like to reveal in this entire article today and want you and my other readers to know and consider maintaining stress-free life to prevent excessive burping.

Anxiety causes physical pain and symptoms that make you feel that you get a health problem. And excessive burping is also one of less worrisome symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety belching is a strange anxiety symptom. Due to anxiety, millions of people burp often and uncontrollably every year.

Anxiety has an effect on your gas levels, and the effect is differed from the anxiety type you are suffering from. Besides, there are some other causes of excessive anxietyburping. However the most common cause that your anxiety can lead to excess gas is due to hyperventilation or “over-breathing”. It occurs in many different ways, including:

Ÿ Breathe too fast when you get an anxiety attack.

Ÿ Breathe too much oxygen as you feel that you are not taking a deep breath.

Ÿ Bad anxiety habits cause poor and shallow breathing.

Hyperventilation makes us feel that we are not having enough air, when in fact we are having too much. It tends to cause other symptoms, such as chest pains, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath, that often lead to more anxiety, and then more hyperventilation. As the body is getting more air than it requires, the healthy gases are given away, and the body needs to release a great amount of those gases. Besides, anxiety can give away the efficacy of the gastrointestinal system due to the stress that it locates on the stomach. If food is being digested poorly, it can lead to a definite amount of gas, and excessive burping is a result. Additionally, some people also create small burps as a way of relieving their stress. In order to reduce anxiety burping, you should learn new breathing habits and drink more water in small gulps.

9. Other Diseases:

causes of excessive burping - other diseases

There are some other diseases that can cause a common symptom such as excessive burping.

  • Hiatus hernia can cause a range of gastrointestinal symptoms. There are some contributing factors of causing this condition. For example, obesity, pregnancy, physical strain, chronic respiratory disorders that relate to persistent coughing, and congenital deformities.
  • Biliary stasis is the absence or reduction of secretion or bile production into the gut. Bile is vital to break down fats within the food. Biliary reflux occurs when the back-flow of bile in the small intestine into the stomach. There are some causes of biliary stasis such as cholecystectomy (the surgical gallbladder removal), hepatitis, gallstones, cholecystitis (the gallbladder inflammation), cirrhosis, gallbladder cancer, and other liver diseases.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome is defined by symptoms of bloating, alternate constipation and diarrhea, excessive gas formation, pain in abdomen and excessive burping. Although this condition cannot be cured successfully, its symptoms can be controlled by remaining stress-free and eliminating some certain foods.
  • Even more rarely, gastric cancer can be one of the causes of excessive burping. Its other symptoms are vomiting, pain in the abdomen, nausea, and bleeding. If you get gastric cancer, you have to treat promptly in order to avoid cancer’s metastasis to other parts of your body.

They are also great ones on the list of the most common causes of excessive benefits of burping that people should not look down yet learn to find out the best treatments for their conditions.

10. Pregnancy

causes of excessive burping - pregnancy

This is the last but very important out of the most common causes of excessive burping that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to know. Excessive burping is a natural phenomenon when you are pregnant. During pregnancy, due to the relaxation of the digestive tract’s muscles and the existing of high level of progesterone hormone. Burping is a common symptom when pregnancy, so you cannot stop it. However, simple exercises and routing activities such as walking can help relieve it to some extent.

In order to reduce excessive burping, you need to follow some following tips:

  • You should not breathe with the mouth; instead, breathe via the nose.
  • You should eat and drink slowly and enjoy your meals. You need to get relaxed occasions to swallow less air. You should avoid eating when you are on the run or are stressed.
  • You should skip the gum. Remember that whenever you chew gum, you swallow more air than normal.
  • You should reduce the intake of undigested foods, or drinking carbonated drinks and beer to cut down on gas.
  • You should not smoke. Whenever you inhale smoke, you also swallow air.
  • You should check up your dentures. Unfitting dentures can make you chew abnormally and swallow much air when you drink or eat. If you are wearing dentures, ensure to adjust them properly each year.
  • You should wear loose clothes, especially around the area of waist because tight clothes can cause abdominal discomfort and flatulence.
  • You should remain stress-free
  • You should get more exercises. For example, take a short walk after you eat. Exercise has a lot of health benefits such as preventing flatulence and indigestion and promoting digestion.
  • You can take medication. For example, some products like Dairy Ease or Lactaidcan can aid to digest lactose, OTC antacids can reduce acid reflux, leading to fewer burping. Although some products including simethicone have not scientifically proved helpful, they are widely used to aid to break up bubbles containing in gas.
  • Fennel seeds, caraway, anise, celery seeds have been used to reduce the wind and improve digestion. You should chew half of tsp of seeds after eating will help prevent after-dinner burping and release gas from the stomach.

Another thing that I want you and my other readers to do after reading this entire writing about the most common causes of excessive burping is to spend time reading another article that introduces the best home remedies for belching or burping at home- the 10 Natural Home Remedies For Belching article. This is actually a necessary article that those who are getting excessive burping should make use easily at home. These home remedies for burping have already supported many people in the world effectively in reducing and dealing with excessive burping without leading to any unwanted side effect so that readers of Vkool.com should read this recommended article and find out the best remedy for your conditions.

This is the list of 10 most common causes of excessive burping that everyone who wants to know where their excessive burping stems from should read. In fact, although burping can annoy or embarrass you, burping is often not a sign of serious health problem. However, if it upsets you when you are not able to control your burping, or you start getting chest pain or other symptoms like heartburn, bloating, uncontrolled weight loss or bowel habit changes, see your doctor. You also should talk to the doctor if you get excessive burping for the first time and you have no obvious change in your daily diet.

After reading this list of causes of excessive burping, you feel that this list is good for your current health condition andcan also help others who are getting one or more of the symptoms that I mentioned in this article, you should share this list with them and encourage them to find out the cause of their symptom. Finally, as the authors of VKool, we want to know your opinions about this topic, you can also share other causes of excessive burping that you know besides above causes. Do not forget to leave your comments below, we will reply you as soon as possible.

Related articles about causes of other symptoms related to burping issues as well as how to treat these symptoms at home:

23 Foods That Cause Acid Reflux, Heartburn, Indigestion, Gas

How To Prevent Heartburn And Acid Reflux Naturally

24 Natural Home Remedies For Heartburn During Pregnancy

14 Best Home Remedies For Acid Reflux And Heartburn

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