According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), more than 25 million Americans have the ability to get a peptic ulcer (also called stomach ulcer) at some points during their lifetime. This health problem is a sore or a hole in our stomach lining or duodenum (the first chunk of our small intestine). In fact, people of any gender and age can suffer from an ulcer. Chronic stomach pain is the main cause of ulcer and this may affect to appetite and cause vomiting, nausea, or bleeding into our digestive tract. In addition, an imbalance of healthy digestive juices in our stomach and intestines can also cause this disease. While there is no cause of this imbalance, there are a few things that can increase your chance of getting a peptic ulcer over time. Today, will show you the top 11 common causes of peptic ulcer disease that you should be aware of. Keep reading this article to understand more.
Top 11 Common Causes Of Peptic Ulcer Disease
1. Family History
One of the first common causes of peptic ulcer disease is to relate to family history. A family has only a person who suffers from most medical conditions and diseases often increases your chances of getting the same conditions and the peptic ulcer disease is not an exception. As a matter of fact, most people who get ulcer disease have family members who had the same condition. Nevertheless, many experts aren’t sure why this happens because this is not a genetic disease.
Learn more: Beat Ulcers Review
2. Helicobacter Pylori Bacterial Infection
The second cause in the list of common causes of peptic ulcer disease is an infection that is caused due to Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Although it is not clear the way that an Helicobacter pylori infection spreads, it is believed that this bacteria may be transmitted easily from person to another through close contact. In addition, Helicobacter pylori bacteria can also enter into the body through water and food. This type of bacteria often lives in our mucous layer that covers & protects tissues which line our stomach & small intestine. Moreover, they can also survive the acidic environment which occurs during the process of digestion.
An excessive growth of these bacteria will cause irritation in our stomach lining and cause the protective coating to become weak. This may further result in inflammation & infection, ultimately resulting in an ulcer. Nevertheless, people who can get infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria will not always get ulcers. In fact, only a few people who are infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria will suffer from a peptic ulcer disease in the coming days.
3. Causes Of Peptic Ulcer – Alcoholic Beverages
Moderate drinking cannot cause a peptic ulcer, but many experts consider that heavy drinking is a primary factor for this disease. In a point of fact, moderate drinking will aid in protecting the stomach from Helicobacter pylori bacteria, causing most ulcers. Nevertheless, drinking in an excess level can irritate our stomach lining, which will result in inflammation.
Any type of inflammation in our stomach will increase the risk of getting an ulcer. It may also keep the existing ulcers from healing. In addition, heavy drinking can also increase the level of acidity in our stomach, which makes you more vulnerable to get an ulcer.
According to a study in 2000 in America, fermented & non-distilled alcoholic beverages will increase gastric levels as well as the acid secretion in our stomach. Apart from alcohol, smoking is also another factor that may increase the risk of getting peptic ulcers. Moreover, it has a tendency to cause the treatment to become less effective.
Read more: Negative Effects Of Alcohol Abuse
4. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Another of the most common causes of peptic ulcers is to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, often known as NSAIDs. Both prescription and over-the-counter NSAIDs may inflame or irritate our stomach lining and small intestine, ultimately resulting in an ulcer.
Because prescribed NSAIDs are commonly taken for some weeks or months at one time, they will cause more damage to our digestive tract lining when compared to the over-the-counter one taken for a short time.
In a point of fact, over-the-counter type comes with a warning label express that NSAIDs may injure our stomach lining. Using these drugs in a long time can cause bleeding & ulceration. Some types of the NSAIDs harmful for our digestive system are ibuprofen (Motrin IB, Advil, etc.) and naproxen sodium (Anaprox, Aleve, and others).
5. Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is one of the common causes of peptic ulcers. This is a rare health condition in which many tumors form in our pancreas or the duodenum, the upper part of our small intestine. These tumors will secrete an excess amount of the hormone gastrin, which will lead to too much acid in the stomach and damage the lining. And the excess acid will result in peptic ulcers, diarrhea, and some other symptoms.
In fact, it is estimated that there are 90% to 95% people suffering from Zollinger-Ellison syndrome will get recurring or severe peptic ulcers.
If you want to know more common causes of peptic ulcer disease, you should keep reading the next part of this article!
6. Causes Of Peptic Ulcer – Excess Stress
Although there is still no scientific proof that links both emotional and mental stress to ulcers, many experts believe that stress can increase the ability to suffer from a peptic ulcer disease. Stress, especially prolonged stress, has a huge effect on the production of acid in the stomach. It may cause an increased release of acid in the stomach and cause inflammation.
While stress may cause ulcers in a few cases, most often it’s stress along with an infection caused due to bacteria or using anti-inflammatory drugs that result in ulcers. In addition, stress may also keep existing ulcers from healing.
See more: Negative Effects of Stress on the Body
7. High Salt Intake
Too much salt is one of other common cause of peptic ulcer disease. In a point of fact, a diet high in salt may give rise to gene activity in Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which will make it more virulent. A bacterial infection from this type of bacteria is considered as one of the main reasons for ulcers. According to a study in Infection and Immunity in 2025, a high dietary salt intake can cause genetic changes in Helicobacter pylori bacteria and make it more powerful.
In case, you already have a peptic ulcer, the high salt intake will make the present symptoms worse. This is why people who suffer from an ulcer are recommended to eat a diet low in salt to keep away from further irritation.
8. Causes Of Peptic Ulcer – Hypercalcemia
Another of the common causes of peptic ulcer disease is hypercalcemia – an overproduction of calcium. When a person suffers from hypercalcemia, their blood has an above-normal amount of calcium. Prolonged hypercalcemia has a tendency to trigger high gastrin levels, which will contribute to a peptic ulcer disease. In addition, it can even result in pancreatitis and calcium deposits in the soft tissue.
If the calcium level in your blood is greater than about 15 mg/dL, it’s considered a medical danger and needs to be treated immediately.
Learn more: Signs And Symptoms Of Calcium Deficiency In Humans
9. Low Levels Of Melatonin
Low levels of melatonin are another cause of peptic ulcer that you should be aware of. Low lighting causes the production of melatonin in the pineal gland.
Nevertheless, due to some lifestyle changes such as using lighting, working late at night, etc. may cause the body to produce less melatonin than its necessary. A reduction in the production of melatonin can trigger a few problems related to health, such as peptic ulcers.
In a point of fact, only a small increase in the levels of melatonin can also have a considerable effect in the healing and preventing ulcers induced by stress.
10. High Caffeine Intake
Another common factor to the growth of peptic ulcer is high caffeine intake. Caffeine triggers an increased production of acid in the stomach, which will make you more vulnerable to getting a peptic ulcer.
Caffeine has a tendency to speed up the emptying process of the stomach, which results in a high acid level in the stomach. In fact, this acid can pass into the small intestine faster than normal.
Not only does this increase the risk of getting a peptic ulcer but this also aggravates the symptoms of an existing ulcer.
See more: Negative Side Effects Of Caffeine
11. Causes Of Peptic Ulcer – Lifestyle Factors
It is thought that peptic ulcers can be caused due to a few lifestyle factors, such as stress, alcohol, and spicy foods. There is little firm evidence to confirm that these lifestyle factors are the causes, but they can make the symptoms of peptic ulcers worse.
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To get more information associated with health problems, go to our main Heath page. After studying the writing of 11 common causes of peptic ulcer disease, hope that this article will help you know more some common causes of this ulcer. If you know other reasons for this disease, please share with us.
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