Vitamins not only play an important part in promoting you whole body health but also play an important role in structuring as well as keeping your hair and nails healthy. However, do you know the exact vitamins which are good for your hair and nails? And before talking about the vitamins which are good for your hair and nails, let’s think about what will happen if your hair and nails are lack of vitamins. Of course, it is very easy to see that your hair, as well as your nails, will become brittle and they look unhealthy. In that case, what you need to do is to supply the essential vitamins. And at the moment, it’s time to relax and read this article on our page VKool which will present to you some essential hair and nail vitamins which can make your nails and hair healthier.
Top 7 Best Hair And Nail Vitamin That Work
1. Vitamin H
One of the important hair and nail vitamins which should be mentioned first is vitamin H. This vitamin is sometimes known as biotin. In fact, your body your body can’t store this vitamin; however, it can be produced by the bacteria which live in the intestines. Furthermore, the University of Maryland Medical Center has shown that lack of vitamin H is rare but it can happen if the nutrient absorption is harmed by the medication and illness. And when you are lack of vitamin H, it may cause brittle nails as well as poor nail growth. If you want your hair and nails to become healthier, you ought to take biotin supplements which can be found at the local health food store. Also, adults are recommended to take 19 mcg of biotin every day while older people ought to take about 30 mcg of biotin per day.
In addition, you can consume more foods which consist of vitamin H. For example, you ought to consume rice, egg yolks, together with milk.
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2. Vitamin C
If you are looking for the best hair and nail vitamins, vitamin C should be mentioned, too. It can be denied that this vitamin is very important for the whole body health, including the hair and the nails. Because vitamin C plays an important role in producing a substance which is known as collagen, it can be used to make hair and nails, along with some parts of the body. However, just like vitamin H, your body can’t produce vitamin C, it has to be obtained from food. When you don’t consume enough vitamin C, you may get the symptoms like thin and dry hair, as well as slowed development of fingernails and hair. Thus, you ought to consume more foods which are rich in vitamin C such as oranges and green vegetables or take the vitamin c supplements which can be found easily at the local health food store. Drinking orange juice or lime juice will also help you to increase the amount of vitamin C intake.
If you want to use vitamin C to condition your hair, you ought to follow this method below. But before you carry on, you ought to prepare these things well:
- One or two overripe bananas
- One teaspoon of coconut oil
- One teaspoon of olive oil
- One tablespoon of honey
Here is the detailed instruction for you
- Firstly, blend the bananas until they become smooth
- Then add honey, olive oil and coconut oil to the banana paste
- Next, blend again to get a smooth mixture
- After that, apply this mixture on your hair and scalp
- Finally, wash your hair and scalp off with water after leaving it for more than 5 minutes.
The vitamin C in banana hair mask will help you to regulate your hair oil as well as nourish your hair.
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3. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also mentioned in the list of the best hair and nail vitamins. As you can see, what vitamin D is famous for is to help in reducing your stress, together with keeping you feeling good. And this will help in keeping more hair on the head, particularly if your hair fall becomes worse by the excessive levels of stress. Besides that, vitamin D can make your hair look good, along with growing very strong.
Furthermore, not only your hair looks so ugly when you are lack of vitamin D, but your nails also look ugly as well. As you know, vitamin D plays an important part in maintaining the nail integrity. In addition, vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients which are very important for calcium absorption. And one of the benefits of calcium is to maintain nail health. If you have peeling nails, that means the low vitamin D is influencing the calcium level.
Therefore, in order to increase the vitamin D in your body, you ought to eat more foods which contain a lot of vitamin D such as salmon, swordfish, grains or mushroom. Or you can drink some low-fat fortified milk and fortified orange juice. Likewise, you can take the vitamin D supplements after you consult the doctor’s advice.
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4. B Complex Vitamins
When discussing what are the best hair and nail vitamins, it will be a mistake if B complex vitamins ought not to be mentioned. It is said that B complex vitamins are very necessary for controlling metabolism along with maintaining your central nervous system. However, the University of Maryland Medical Center has presented that B complex vitamins are very good for the healthy hair as well as nails. In the group of vitamin B, niacin as well as B-12, which is known as cobalamin, can help in strengthening your hair.
Not only good for your hair, but B complex vitamins is also good for your nail as well. According to Emory University, they have shown that lack of vitamin B may lead to the nail riding. Just like hair, without vitamin B, your nails may become weak. Especially, when you are lack of B-7, you may suffer from brittle nails.
Therefore, what you need to do is to consume more foods which contain B complex vitamins like carrots, avocados, poultry, dark leafy greens, grains, legumes, cauliflower, nuts, eggs, beef liver, as well as soybeans. Sometimes, you can take the vitamin B supplements after you consult the doctor’s advice.
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5. Vitamin E
Just like vitamin C, vitamin E is also considered as the strong antioxidant. And this vitamin can help to reduce lipid oxidation as well as oxidative stress in your scalp. That helps with improving the hair growth. In addition, vitamin E may help to condition your hair from the root to the shaft, together with making it look shinier. Besides that, it helps in preventing the premature graying as well as split ends because of the high antioxidant content in vitamin E.
Furthermore, vitamin E also helps to deal with the nail problems such as yellow nails as well as nail growth disorders. Thanks to the antioxidant properties, vitamin E can destroy the free radicals which are damaging your nails.
Because vitamin E can keep your hair and nails healthy, it is listed in the list of the best hair and nail vitamins. If you want to increase the amount of vitamin E in your body, you can consume the vitamin E supplements after you ask the doctor for his or her advice. In general, the amount of vitamin E which is recommended by the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements is 15 milligrams per day. If you do not want to use vitamin E supplements, you can eat more foods such as seeds, nuts, wheat germ oil, corn oil as well as boiled spinach.
If you want your hair to look more beautiful, shinier and stronger, you can follow these methods in order to make a hair mask with vitamin E oil.
- Firstly, mix the oil which is extracted from 2 vitamin E capsules with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. You also use olive oil instead of coconut oil
- Then apply this mixture on your scalp and hair
- Next, massage your scalp gently
- After that, leave it on for about half an hour
- Finally, wash your hair and scalp off with water as usual
- Repeat this process once or twice per week until you notice the result
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6. Vitamin A
It must be very strange when vitamin A is also listed as one of the hair and nail vitamins. All people know that vitamin A is very good for the eyes. In fact, vitamin A is also a strong antioxidant which is known as retinol. This vitamin can help in manufacturing healthy sebum which is an oily substance that is secreted by your scalp. That may keep your hair from breaking out along with drying out. Furthermore, vitamin A can combat against the free radicals which may weigh your hair down.
Moreover, if you are suffering from brittle nails, vitamin A will help you to deal with this problem. And it will make your nails become healthier.
Hence, you ought to consume more foods which have vitamin A such as cod liver oil, peaches, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and spinach as well as krill oil. Besides that, you can also drink milk every day. Meat and eggs are good sources of vitamin A, too. Taking vitamin A supplements is also a good idea for you. The recommended amount of vitamin A which you had better consume a day is 25,000 IU.
However, there are some troubles if you consume too much vitamin A. Therefore, you ought to consult the doctor’s advice before consuming this vitamin A.
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7. Vitamin K
If you are looking for the hair and nail vitamins, vitamin K ought to be also mentioned in that list. When you consume enough vitamin K per day, it will help you to deal with some nail problems such as early breakage of your nails, yellowing of your nails as well as feebleness in your nails.
In order to get vitamin K, you ought to eat more foods such as broccoli, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, Brussels as well as sprouts. Taking vitamin K supplements is a wonderful idea for you, too. And the suggested amount of vitamin K intake per day is between 5 to 65 milligrams based on your gender along with your age.
Additionally, vitamin K is often used to take care of your skin. This vitamin is very useful in treating some skin problems such as pigmentation, particularly under your eyes as well as skin darkening.
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That’s all about the “Top 7 best hair and nail vitamins that work”. After you read this article, we all hope that you are able to know more about the vitamins which are very necessary for your nails as well as your hair. However, this article is only for the informative aim, you ought to ask the doctor for his or her advice before you use any vitamins which are mentioned above because some vitamins when you take too much may cause some side effects. But if you want to know more information about the hair and nail vitamins, you had better spend a little time on visiting our main page Beauty. And if you have any questions or know other hair and nail vitamins, you are able to leave me a comment or a message. We promise that we will response your comment or message as soon as we can.
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