How many times have you gone out together to catch a dinner and a movie? Actually, there is nothing wrong with it, yet it surely gets boring after a while, doesn’t it?
If you are anything like many other couples, you are constantly at a loss for new and interesting date night ideas. Whether you are looking for an idea to celebrate your once-in-a-lifetime anniversary or to spice up your relationship, date night is not just about romance. It is about sharing memories with the person you love so you could rediscover each other. Here VKool.com has dug up the best romantic and fun date night ideas for couples that can rekindle the romance in your long-term relationship.
Date Night Ideas For Couples – Romantic, Fun And Fresh
1. Be A Little Silly
One of the fun date night ideas is trying to be a little silly. For example, you and your partner can challenge each other to a “triathlon” of activities that the two of you both like. You can choose to compete in pizza eating, Pac-man, or even foosball. That way, I bet both of you will laugh the whole time.
2. Have Drunch
Friday date-night dinner might be cliché and crowded. Rather than, you can trade carpooling duties with a friend, and spend a free Saturday at brunch. Or, you can have it at your own home, it is okay. An option for you to make at home is BLT tacos. In order to make this dish, you can take corn tortillas and then toast them in the pan whilst you fry bacon. Top the tacos with avocado slices, arugula, tomatoes, and a dash of hot sauce. After that, toast the day ahead with the tequila sea breeze: 1 ounce of grapefruit juice, 1 ounce of cranberry juice, and 1 ounce of tequila. If you want to make it tastier, just simply eat it in your bed, nearly naked.
3. Get Physical On The Living Room Floor
If you are married couples and had kids, so getting out by yourself is rather rare. Thus, you can make time to do P90X together 3 times each week, after your kids are in bed. It is not only one of fun date night ideas for couples, but it also keeps you in shape and gets you in the competitive spirit. Try with push-ups if you can. Another reason for why getting physical can turn up the heat in a relationship is that the competition could crank up libido, so you should keep challenging your partner (man) on the push-ups.
4. See An Improv Show
Still mourning the end of 30 Rock? You can grab tickets to a local improv show in which you might catch next decade’s Aziz Ansari, Amy Poehler, or Tina Fey. Not only is joining in these shows way cheaper than booking seats for “traditional” theatre, the improvisers usually ask for the audience participation and freely sell beer in the back.
5. Take A Dance Lesson
Even if you have not ever learnt dancing and end up with stepping on your partner’s toes, you will be forced to pay attention to how your own body moves, together with your partner. Yet, you should avoid learning the dances which do not involve touching such as line dancing. Rather than, you can learn how to waltz, tango, salsa, or even square dance. For example, both of you can take part in salsa clubs to enjoy early-evening dance classes. Newbie could learn steps before the doors open to professional or serious dancers. At the end of the lesson, you should be prepared for your dancing fool to sweep off the feet and go straight into the bed.
6. Go Stargazing
Night is the best time for stargazing. Not all national parks close at dusk. Some have nighttime programs, so you can check out the places that allow people to enjoy stargazing at night. That is great!
7. Sip Some Fine Wine
You can find out if your local liquor or wine store hosts tasting nights. It is just expensive if you purchase. Other speciality stores hold tastings, too. Just simply check out cheese shops, chocolate stores, or ethnic food markets.
8. Go Camping Overnight
There is not television to interrupt your own conversation, and the night is rather long, so you could retire early to your sleeping bags.
9. Rent A Rowboat For A DIY Dinner Or Sunset Cruise
It is a great idea for fun date night ideas for couples. You should keep drinks cold by tying a rope around the bottle neck, or you can make use of a net for carrying it and trailing it behind you in the water when you head for the lake’s middle. After preparing all necessary things for a sunset cruise, you pack a blanket and lie back, then just simply wait for the appearing of stars. Do not forget to make a wish together on the first star you see.
10. Go See A Fortuneteller
This sounds strange when it comes to date night ideas for couples, yet just try out it to see how interesting it is. It does not matter if the fortuneteller gets it right. Yet, it could be a giggle or inspiring to her how a stranger reads your romance.
11. Have A Picture Perfect Night
Do you love taking photos? If yes, this tip is exact for you; and if no, you should try out it now. You can take a camera with you and ask other people to take your own photos at some points on your night out. Then, on the next date, you can flip through the photos with your partner, or make a slideshow to enjoy them. Also, you can create wonderful memories by making such a date with the photographer for the fancy shot of the two of you in a tight clinch.
12. Take A Trip To… Nowhere
It is all about no idea, no packing, and no planning. You and your partner just simply get in your case and begin driving off to enjoy sunset together. When both of you feel thirsty or hungry, you stop. If there is such an interesting town or sight, stop for exploring. So much of life might be about following the agenda. Thus, by following the heart instead, you can recapture the exciting sense of the new of you when you two first met.
13. Create Your Private Blackout
There is something cinematically romantic and sexy about a blackout, yet you do not have to wait for those electric companies to actively put you in the dark. You can do it by your own, just forbid the use of electricity and close the curtains. Then, you light candles and play shadow games on each other’s bodies.
14. Meet For The Midnight Snack
You can hook up a makeshift tent with the blanket and rope, then roast several marshmallows in the toaster oven before sandwich them with chocolate graham crackers. You should not worry about making a sticky mess as you could lick the crumbs off of your partner later.
15. Feed Each Other
Another one in the list of date night ideas for couples is feeding each other. Cut an assortment of papayas, strawberries, raspberries, and mangoes. Do not refrigerate, because the fruit at room temperature might have the most pungent aroma and release the most flavor when placed on the human tongue.
16. Make A Phone Date For About 15 Minutes
For married couples, this date idea might be different from hitting the dial to remind your partner that you might be late tonight or to buy milk when coming back home. Note in it the calendar and make sure that you are in a space with no or little distractions such as noisy coworkers, screaming kids, and cheery checkout workers. That way, you could give each other the full attention.
17. Rock On
Catch the classic rock band that both of you love on its reunion tour. Or, you can check out the local cover band which plays music on the days as you were dating.
Another option you can try when it comes to date night ideas is going to your local music megastore and simply picking up the latest hot dance CD. Then, you can plan to make your own after hours house party later that evening.
18. Take A Cool Class
Exploring something new together will add a deep emotional connection to your current relationship that might last long after the last lesson. You can take part in scuba lesson or learn a new foreign language, like Japanese or Spanish, to try something new. Then, you can plan a romantic vacation to the country where the language you learned is spoken
These above are top 18 romantic and fun date night ideas for couples that you should make use of right instantly. In fact, it is not all about planning the perfect evening, but about having time with the person you love so you could rediscover, talk, laugh and enjoy each other.
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