Do you know how to read female body language? Body language is known as the strongest indicator to adjust flirting. If you can read women’s non-verbal cues, you will escalate an interaction seamlessly and smoothly. There are a number of ways, which women use their body language to communicate their interest and attraction to men. Reading the female body language can be complex or simple but the real trick is to recognize clusters and progressions. From the site VKool.com, I made this article to show you a collection of top 32 tips on how to read female body language attraction and facial expressions. Although, not any woman also has the same body language indicators, these ways can apply on a number of women. Hope this writing is what you are finding. Keep reading this writing to discover how to read female body language of the woman you want to conquer.
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32 Ways On How To Read Female Body Language And Facial Expressions:
Learning how to read female body language of attraction and facial expressions will help you save a lot of energy and time when meeting any woman. Sometimes, random women that you meet would be sexually attracted to you before you even say anything to them. If you are about to go through and face this kind of situation with any woman and you already know how you can realize their signs of attraction right from the start, you will need to attract them and build a relationship with them if sex is all you want from them. In that case, all you would need to do is taking them to a sexual situation immediately with you if you do not want to lose their attraction to you. Not only that, in this article, you will be able to learn how to read female body language and facial expressions for more purposes.
1. Eye Rolling
This is the first out of the best tips on how to read female body language and facial expressions that I would like to introduce in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and remember for good!
One of the most common signs that people who want to know how to read female body language is the signs of disinterest. Might be the signs that several men usually get from women showing their hateful feeling is when a woman starts rolling her eyes. This shows that the woman is trying to tell the man in front of her eyes that she is really tired and sick as he is standing next to her and looking at her.
The most common reason why women almost react this way is just because they do not feel attracted to men who do not have the guts to approach them right away with confidence.
If any man ever finds himself in this situation, there would be a big chance that she will act angry and bitchy with him as he most likely does not have guts to immediately approach that woman right after he has found her.
The single best solution that I can give you to stop this concern is that you should try to stick with the 3-second rule that says: ‘You need to approach the woman you want always within the first 3 seconds of finding her.’
Read more: List Of 76 Wonderful Dating Tips For Women
Never try getting close to a woman if you see the hating signs from her eyes as you have no chance at all!
2. She Frowns Or Fakes A Smile
When you see a woman frown at you or give you a fake smile every time you start saying something with her, may be you are getting it for one or more of the following 3 reasons:
a) You did not properly adapt to the social dynamic of the place where you and that woman meet each other because you did not know what to do and how to meet a woman in different social cases.
b) You did not approach that woman properly as you most likely do not know how you can attract women by making use of playful, short lines in combo with some “hateful” body language.
c) The woman is very immature, and that is the reason why she is not worth your time and effort. Stop the approach right away because you deserve more than that.
Whichever reasons for that woman acting aggressive and bitchy toward you are, I recommend that you should keep your head on addressing the challenges you meet precisely and learning necessary skills for you to deal with and beat off these challenges.
In fact, this is one out of the simplest yet very effective tips on how to read female body language attraction and facial impressions that will give you a clear look about the “girl within your eyesight” and estimate whether or not you can approach her.
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3. She Always Has A Friend Standing In Between Her And You
One of the most “painful” female body language signs showing the disinterest is whenever you try to talk with her and come closer to her, the girl you want to hang out with always brings about one of her friends and lets that one stand in between her and you.
To ensure that you can avoid these kinds of awkward and ridiculous cases from occurring on a large scale, I suggest you and other men reading this article and trying to learn how to read female body language and facial expressions that you should catch any chance you find out to right away approach the girl you want without hesitating just one second because women really hate men who do not know how to approach them properly and immediately. Also, my advice is that you need to focus on learning how to use your own body language to attract women properly as well as how to meet and approach females many environments with different cases and conditions.
The bottom line is this. There are often 2 kinds of cases when meeting women that you can find yourself in: the first situation is that you can control the situation and keep it smoothly as you know how you can approach a woman in proper way and on time, making the woman feel much comfortable with you and do not hate your effort to approach her. The second one is the one where you are not the favorite type of the woman you like and you simply cannot do anything about this. Tip for you: Move away and find another chance with another chick.
This is actually one of the most useful tips on how to read female body language and facial expressions that I would like to introduce in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and remember for good!
4. Moves Away Fast When Seeing You
If a man sees himself in a situation where he has a woman moving away from him every time he tries to talk with her and come closer to her, he needs to learn how to read female body language attraction right away for help. This situation is a little bit similar to the situation I just mentioned above, and the reason for this case is also the same – may be the biggest chance is that he is actually not her favorite type!
However, I would like to warn you and other men of something that can help to avoid this kind of “painful” situation.
Sometimes women move away from men immediately who do not know clearly how to approach women properly and timely.
The 2 common mistakes of dating that several guys can make is that either they face a woman with their whole body that they have just met for too long, or they do not know how to approach women properly – respect their own individual space. The other mistake is often because men do not know which women are suitable for them to approach first among several women that these men may be attracted to in the same room.
To help you deal with this situation, I suggest that you should avoid a common mistake that many men make – men often approach women in a way that may tell her clearly and immediately that “this man is trying to pick me up” obviously trying to pick her up.
In either case, the biggest mistake that most men can make is not knowing clearly how to read female body language attraction and facial expressions.
5. Avoid Eye Contact
One of the most clearly body language signs of disinterest women make that men can often catch in busy social places such as clubs and bars is that after a woman noticed that a man is about to approach her, she will avoid eye contact with him immediately. In this case, tip for you is very simple that you just need to try to warm the atmosphere up by start talking something very funny, showing you are friendly and harmless to her. Also, stop your impolite eye glance because that makes the woman very uncomfortable. Or else, if you are unlucky as she avoid eye contact with you just because you are not her type, what you need to do is stop the hopeless effort and find another chance!
This is actually one of the best tips on how to read female body language and facial expressions so that people should learn and check out with your own case.
6. Give A Sexual Come-On Sign
One of the most powerful and sexiest body language signs of attraction a woman usually makes to a man is when she starts facing the man constantly with her whole body as well as looking the man up and down right after that man has approached her. As soon as you notice this type of behaviors in a female, you can confidently indicate that she has just given you a sexual come-on as she is extremely sexually attracted to you.
If you ever find yourself with a woman in this great case, I suggest you giving her a sexually charged compliment because this is actually one of the greatest and most ideal ways to give a woman’s sexual come-on a response.
This is also one of the simplest yet most interesting and worth learning tips on how to read female body language attraction and facial expressions that I want you and my other readers to consider learning for good!
* The #1 “Romantic Behavior” That ActuallyTurns Women ICE-COLD Inside…
7. Touching
Whenever a woman starts touching a man or she touches his back right away just after the man has touched her, she is definitely trying to show the man her sign of being interested in him. You can usually expect to see this kind of female’s attraction signs sometime at the end of the rapport stage and just before the seduction stage.
8. She Looks At Your Eyes And Mouth Directly
One of the most popular and well-known female’s attraction signs through body language telling a man that she is willing for a kiss from that man is when she starts looking at the man’s eyes directly, most commonly at the same time, she also probably starts looking at his mouth. This is called “triangular gazing” as her eye contacts slowly going from the man’s right eye to his left eye, and then slowly going from the eyes to his mouth all form a triangle shape. Knowing this tip on how to read female body language attraction and facial expressions, you will be able to get higher success rate and chances to approach and sexually seduce the woman you want the right way and on time.
9. She Leans In Or Forward Excessively
Whenever you see the woman you are trying to attract start leaning forward or leaning in excessively during the conversation with you, chances are she is completely willing to get a sexual connection with you. However, I would like you to keep in mind that you should never wait for a woman to make that first sexual move as women always expect men act as a leader, taking them both physically and emotionally throughout the whole interaction. This is actually one of the best and coolest methods for men to respond to this type of attraction signs from women. In fact, by making use of the eye dominance method, men should try to create sexual directly and right away, as well as keep looking at that eye until the woman either starts talking again or she would get a little bit uncomfortable feeling with you as you stare at her. If the woman responds to you staring at her by saying something to you like ‘What,’ I recommend you to start applying one of the best tips for sexually escalating from the rapport stage to the seduction stage. This is actually a wonderful tip on how to read female body language of attraction and facial expressions that men who want to sexually attract and catch a woman for sexual interaction should learn and apply.
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