Exercises not only help you relax, reduce stress, and improve the health, but they also help you a lot in strengthening the body including the muscles, shoulders, back, and etc. There are many ways to stay healthy, but doing regular exercises is one of the simplest ways you should perform every day. Shoulder, like other parts of the body, plays an important role in keeping the balance, but it is also easy to get an injury. In this writing, VKool.com will show you top 31 useful exercises to strengthen shoulders without weights at home. Keep following the reading and follow it each day.
Top 31 Exercises To Strengthen Shoulders Without Weights
1. Normal Push-up Exercise
Push-up is an excellent exercise if you really wish healthy shoulders naturally. If you usually do this move, you will reduce the risk of getting pain on shoulders and here is the instruction how to do it:
- Begin with the position of the normal push-up exercise.
- Now you keep your legs straight and walk your hands like you are in the pike position.
- Put the upper and lower body at 90-degree angle.
- Next, you expand your arms over the head and straighten them from the shoulders.
- Keep the core contracted.
- Bend the elbows and lower the body when the head contact the ground.
- Repeat it.
Learn more: MMA Book
2. Plank Exercise
To add more stability and improve your shoulder health, the plank is one of the best exercises to strengthen shoulders without using weights. Here are steps to do the exercise:
- At the elbow plank position.
- Then you rotate the left elbow and turn it back.
- Do not rest the right elbow on the ground.
- Rotate to your left arm and stretch a bit on the muscle shoulder.
- Now you turn back to the side plank.
- Repeat for 10 reps.
3. Push-up Exercise With Handstand
This is another exercise for shoulder without weights you can do at home every day. The options you can choose are:
- Exercise 1:
- Stand tall at the opposite of the wall.
- Raise the feet and put the handstand against the wall.
- You squeeze your glutes, muscles on the thigh, and the abs.
- Lower your body to the ground as far as possible.
- Push it back and repeat.
- Exercise 2:
- Start the exercise with the dog position.
- Lower your body and put the forehead near the floor as close as you might.
- Keep your abs tightened and pull back your shoulders.
- Lastly, you push your body back and repeat.
4. Decline Push-up
The push-up is a perfect movement, not only for the shoulders but also for the entire body. Here is the direction how to perform the decline push-up exercise:
- Place your palms and toes on the floor to keep your body balance.
- Keep your hands wider than your shoulders.
- Now you brace your abs and squeeze the glutes.
- Keep your head line with the entire body and do not lead your head to the floor.
- Keep the head and back straight.
- Now you bend your elbows and lower the body to the floor and push the body back.
- Do the exercise again.
5. Shoulder Presses
Presses will increase strength for the shoulders and this is one of the easiest exercises to strengthen shoulders you should try. Here are the steps:
- You can take the number of 10 and 30.
- Do the push-up exercises, pop up your knees, and press your shoulders.
- Do 3-5 sets and do not have a break.
6. Climbing
To balance the core and enhance the shoulder health, climbing is a perfect exercise for you.
- Now you begin with the push-up position and place your arms under your shoulders.
- Keep your abs contracted.
- Pull your right knee toward the right arm.
- Next, you expand the right leg to the starting position and bring the left leg toward your left arm.
- Hold the position for 15 seconds.
- Touch the feet with the floor and do 15-20 reps each leg.
7. Side Plank Exercise
Side plank exercise will tighten your abs hips, back, and oblique’s as well as the shoulders. It is an effective movement to advance the shoulders:
- Lie down the side and keep your knees straight.
- Prop your upper body on the elbow and forearm.
- Make sure you contract your abs tight.
- Now you raise your hips until your body is straight from the ankles to the shoulders.
- Contract the abs and keep breathing deeply.
- Hold that position for 30 seconds.
- Change another side and repeat it.
8. Exercise With The Wall
Doing this exercise, you can strengthen the shoulders and tighten your spine muscles very well. The exercise also can improve your mobility and here is the instruction how to do it:
- Before doing this exercise, you should warm up a bit to prevent injuries.
- Stand tall and face the wall and keep the feet far from it.
- Arch backward and place your hands on the wall.
- Arch deeper and walk it down.
- Do not panic if you might not take the hands on the floor.
- Now you use your legs and core to turn back the starting position.
9. Do As A Spider
This is one of the most credible exercises to strengthen shoulders as well as improve your core. Keep following the direction as below:
- Let begin with the push-up position.
- Lower the body away from the ground and your torso is about 2 inches from it.
- You rotate your hips and reach forward.
- The movement is like a spider so it is called spider exercise.
- Repeat it.
10. Bridge Exercise
If you implement this movement, it will be like a bridge and it will help your back, abs, shoulders, and entire the body feel refresh. How to perform it?
- To start with, you lie down on the ground as the back touches the floor.
- Up the heels close to your butt and roll it to your head.
- Arch high and hold it as long as possible.
- Repeat the exercise.
- You can have a short break between sets and warm up before doing it.
11. Bridge Push-up Exercise
This exercise will engage more with the arms and shoulders as well as increase mobility on the shoulders effectively. You can do it more regular to improve the shoulder health:
- Put your back on the ground and kick the heels up, near to the butt.
- Place your hands near the head and raise it up the ground. Put it as high as you can.
- Lower your body until your head can touch the floor.
- Press back and repeat it.
- You should keep the pelvis high.
12. X Push-up Exercise
If you do not want to use weights in almost exercises, you should do the exercises to strengthen shoulders without weights like this one. It will work well for arms, chest, back, core, legs, and calves. Here are the steps:
- At the position of the normal push-up exercise, you expand the legs.
- Then you spread your hands wider and raise your head.
- Keep your back straight and lower it to the ground.
- Press back and repeat the performance.
- Make sure that you keep your back straight and keep the hands, feet wider to increase the difficulty level.
13. Stretching Exercise
Like push-up moves, stretching is an effectual exercise for strengthening the shoulders as well as the body. This is a perfect performance you should try to prevent the shoulder pain and here is the instruction how to do it at home:
- Now let begin by holding your left hand in front of your body and put it near the waist.
- Raise the right hand behind the elbow and put the left arm to the right side, across the chest.
- Reduce your arm if you feel pain in the shoulder.
- Hold that position for 40 seconds.
- Relax and change the arm.
- Do 3-5 times each hand.
14. Neck Stretching
If you have shoulder pain, this is an effective move for the problem and here are the steps:
- Sit down straight and reduce your chin toward your chest.
- Lean the head to the right and stretch the left shoulder and the another one.
- Hold it for 50 seconds, breathe deeply and change the another side.
- Do it again 3-5 times.
- You can raise the arm across the chest if you want to increase the level.
15. Chest Expanding
You do not need to prepare weights or exercise with weights, just some of the bodyweight exercises, you also can improve the shoulder health effectually. Expanding the chest is such an exercise and now you can follow it here:
- You might need a band, tie, strap, or a rap.
- Put it behind the back.
- Hold it with your hands and draw the blades of shoulders.
- Keep the chin toward the ceiling, breathe deeply and hold it for 10-15 seconds.
- Relax and repeat it.
- Do the performance 3-5 times.
- During the exercise, you can move your hands near to the strap to improve the level.
16. Shoulder Strengthening With Chair
Do you believe that you can exercise with a chair to improve the shoulder health? It is really true and the instruction is:
- Sit up straight on a chair.
- Put the knees together and twist the torso to the left side.
- Place your hand outside the left thigh.
- Keep your shoulder relax and push it on the left thigh
- Keep breathing and hold it for 10-15 seconds.
- Release and change another side.
- Dot it 3-5 times on each side.
17. Shoulder Stretches
The exercise will press on the shoulders and it is not difficult to do. Let follow these options:
- Exercise 1:
- Stand tall and put the legs, shoulders wide apart.
- Hand down your arms and interlock your fingers to face down the palms.
- Raise the arms and stretch them over your head.
- Face your palms toward the ceiling.
- Hold this position for 20 seconds.
- Exercise 2:
- Stand tall, keep your arms to the elbows at 90-degree angle.
- Put your hands on the floor and place your foot forward when you stand up the neck and spine.
- Lean forward as you fight the door.
- Hold the position for 20-25 seconds.
- Repeat it 2-3 times.
18. Play With The Door
- Exercise 1:
- Stand tall, bend the elbow and the wrist is against the door.
- Put the arm outwards opposite of the door.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds, change another side and repeat it.
- Exercise 2:
- Stand tall and put the elbow at the left angle.
- Push the palm towards the door.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds and do it again.
19. Arm Swinging
This is one of the best exercises to strengthen shoulders and you should give a try immediately:
- Stand up and place a good hand on the chair.
- Hang down another arm and swing it gently, backward, toward, and circulation.
- Do this exercise 2 times and you can do it 2-3 times every day.
20. Crossover The Shoulder
- Stand tall and put the legs, shoulders wide.
- Place the left arm parallel to the ground and turn to the front of the body.
- Put the upper arm toward your chest.
- Put the right hand on the left elbow and pull the left arm across your body.
- Bend the left elbow slightly and hold it for 20 seconds.
- Do it again.
21. Clasping Exercise
This is an excellent pose in yoga that can help you strengthen the shoulder health very effectively. If you have pain in the shoulders, clasping will reduce it shortly and naturally. Here is the instruction how to do it:
- Stand up and clasp your hands behind the back.
- Inhale when you open your chest.
- Exhale, soften your knees, and fold them to the ground. Release the neck slightly.
- You might bend your knee if the exercise is too difficult.
- Hold this position for 4 breaths and repeat it.
22. Do As A Dolphin
Among the exercises to strengthen shoulders, yoga is a very good exercise to advance your shoulder health. You can do it with the following guidelines:
- Place your knees and hands to the wall.
- Hold the elbows far from the shoulder.
- Now you keep your forearms parallels to each other.
- Then you kick your hips, drop the head, and reach your chest to your arms.
- Hold this position for 5 breaths and repeat it.
23. Let Be A Prayer
I do not suggest you pray for your shoulder health now, but it is a yoga pose as a prayer like this:
- Sit down and float your arms down to both sides.
- Then you bend your elbows and put your arms behind the back.
- Press the palms like a prayer is praying.
- Reach your hands and keep breathing deeply.
- Do it again.
24. Eager Yoga Pose
- Stand tall and place your left knee to the chest.
- Bend the right knee across the left leg around the right leg and hook the left foot on the right leg side.
- Now you wrap the left arm under the right one.
- Slowly sit down and raise your arms.
- You reach the elbows, fingertips and keep them away from the face.
- Hold it for 5 deep breaths.
- change the another side and do it again.
25. Bowing Pose
Healthy shoulders will help you reduce the risks of getting pain and problems. Exercise is an excellent method to reverse the pain and prevent it naturally.
- Lie down on the floor, bend your knees and grab the ankles.
- Press the feet into your hands, keep your knees, hip wide apart.
- You raise your chest off the floor and hold it for 5 deep breaths.
- Repeat the exercise.
26. Threading Needle
If you really want to enhance the shoulder health and prevent the shoulder pain, this exercise will work for the goal.
- Put the left arm under your body.
- Release the temple and the left shoulder to the floor.
- Crawl the right hand over your head.
- Hold this position for 5 breaths, change the side, and repeat it.
27. Rotation
The rotation in yoga will make your shoulders stronger and healthier. This exercise also helps you add flexibility and you can perform it like this:
- Stand up, put the knees under the hips, your wrist is under the shoulders.
- Place the eight hand on the temple and place your elbow toward the ground.
- Balance the core, upper back, elbow, and shoulders toward the ceiling.
- Hold the position for a count and turn to the beginning position.
- Bring the right elbow to the left one.
- Do it 5 reps and change the another side.
Read more: How To Get Flexibility
28. Yoga Pose As Number 8
- To get started, you lie the belly down the ground.
- Then you reach your left arm about 90-degree angle from the body and place your palm up.
- Use your right hand under the right shoulder and bend your right knee.
- You can reach your toes behind the left knee.
- Now you reach your right arm toward the ceiling and fall your hand toward the floor.
- Hold this position as long as you can.
- Repeat it.
29. Shoulder Circles
Shoulder circles are great exercises to strengthen shoulders and you can follow this move like this:
- Stand tall, bend the knees slightly and keep your shoulders, feet wide apart.
- Lift the arms and keep them parallel to the ground.
- Bend the arms slightly to prevent fatigue and it concentrates on shoulders.
- Now you do clockwise circles with the arms for 50 seconds.
- Reverse the direction and circles the arms for 50 seconds.
- Repeat it.
30. Shoulder Packing
Shoulder packing will increase shoulder strength as well as the back health. Here is the way to do the exercise without weights.
- Stand tall, keep the feet, shoulders wide apart.
- Bend the knees slightly.
- Keep the abdominal muscles tightened and the shoulders relaxed.
- Now you lift the chest and chin slightly.
- Pull the blades of the shoulder down and avoid arching the lower back.
- Pause a bit and hold it for 10 seconds.
- Repeat it 2-3 times.
31. Superman Exercise
Superman movement will strengthen glutes, back, and shoulders so you can believe to do it now:
- Lie down the belly on the floor.
- Point the toes away from the body, lift the arms over your head and put them on the ground.
- Now you turn the palms inward, keep the head relaxed and look it down.
- Keep the back and neck aligned.
- Lift the arms 2-5 inches off the ground.
- Avoid lifting it high if the back arches.
- Hold it for several seconds and reduce the legs, arms to the ground.
- Keep the hips, stomach, and head still when doing exercise.
- Do 12-15 reps and end it when you feel fatigue on muscles.
Related articles on shoulder strengthening:
How To Relieve Pain In Shoulders
Natural Treatments For Sore Muscles
The Helpful Corrective Exercises
Exercises To Strengthen Your Neck
Natural Home Remedies For Stiff Neck
If you want to learn more useful tips and tricks on how to take care of your health, you might visit our main Fitness page. After reading the articles about 31 exercises to strengthen shoulders, I hope that you have learned the best ways to strengthen your shoulder health as well as reduce the risks of the shoulder pains without using weights effectively at home. If you have any question or any comment, please leave it below.
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