Kidneys are important parts of your body which perform many functions such as excretion, filtration. Moreover, they play the crucial role in maintaining the balance of acid-base, increasing the electrolytes in your body, and regulating your blood pressure. Kidney will help your body flush out the waste, toxins, harmful bacteria and radicals through urine and feces. However, because of many reasons and factors, including the unhealthy eating habit, and other body infections, the functions and efficiency of kidneys deteriorate. Over time, it results in unbearable and terrible pain in your kidneys. It is said that female have more risk of developing kidney infection than male. Fortunately, the kidney pain is curable and can be treated with effective home remedies and techniques on how to treat kidney pain naturally at home.
How To Treat Kidney Pain Naturally At Home – Effective Home Remedies And Natural Techniques
Kidney pain is also called renal pain which is the pain caused by injury, infection or inflammation of your kidneys. The patients will experience the dull, unbearable kidney pain in your upper back. Sometimes, the kidney pain may be accompanied with urinary symptoms and fever. When you suffer one of these conditions, including bleeding in your kidney, blood clots in kidney veins, urinary tract infection (UTI), arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis, kidney cancer or tumor, kidney infection, kidney swelling and polycystic kidney disease, you may develop kidney pain.
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Although kidney stones cause pain but it is not considered as kidney pain. The possible reason may be that kidney stones are painless as long as they stay in your kidneys.
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When the stones get out of your kidneys, they cause intense, sharp pain that the doctor often calls ureteral colic or renal colic. The kidney pain can be treated with several effective home remedies and techniques on how to treat kidney pain naturally at home. However, before treating with natural remedies, it is still important to see the doctor immediately if you notice or experience dull unbearable pain, body aches, fatigue, fever, or urinary tract infection because some specific conditions may be the signs or symptoms of more serious diseases. However, if you concern about natural remedies, please this article on
9. Watermelon
10. Tomato Juice
11. Virgin Olive Oil
12. Dandelion Tea
13. Corn Silk Tea
1. Water:
If you suffer from kidney infection or kidney pain, water is the most effective solution on how to treat kidney pain naturally at home. It is important to drink enough water every day and keep you hydrated because water can flush the harmful radicals, bacteria, waste or toxins out of your body. It is said that water is essential for kidney to function well. It is recommended drinking 8 glasses of water per day. However, sometimes damaged kidneys cannot need extra water as much as they should. Therefore, the patients with kidney pain or some problems related kidney should ask the doctor for the suitable amount of water they should take daily.
2. Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is considered as the effective home remedy on how to treat kidney pain naturally because it has a plethora of citric acid which can break down the calcium agglomerates in your kidneys. As a result, lemon juice is not only effective in curing kidney pain but also beneficial for preventing kidney pain or kidney infection. Drinking lemon juice every day will keep the kidney stone formation at bay. The possible reason may be that drinking lemon juice will make you urinate frequently. As a result, it helps to flush the toxins, waste and harmful radical out of your body.
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In order to make a lemon juice, you should squeeze one or two lemons and mix with warm water. It is said that the best way to cleanse kidney is drinking lemon juice in the morning after you wake up.
3. Nettle Leaves:
Nettle leaves are effective in treating kidney pain because it encourages frequent and smooth urination. Moreover, they can keep the bacteria from forming stones in your kidneys. Therefore, it is considered as the effective home remedy on how to treat kidney stones effective and naturally. For patients with kidney stones, kidney pain as well as other kidney problems, it is recommended drinking nettle tea 2 or 3 times a day in order to get the significant relief. The effectiveness of nettle leaves in treating kidney pain has been proven by many researches; therefore, this treatment is worthy trying. Soak the nettle leaves in boiling water and wait for a few minutes. Let it cool and sip it slowly.
4. Whole Wheat Bread:
The patient with kidney pain is suggested to eat whole wheat bread because it is rich in fibers, magnesium, proteins. Eating whole wheat bread can promote the function of kidneys and avoid the formation of oxalates in your kidneys. Therefore, if you want to find the effective diet on how to treat kidney pain at home, you should eat whole wheat bread in the morning breakfast. Besides the whole wheat bread, you can choose pasta or whole grain cereals which have the same benefits as whole wheat bread. However, you should not eat too much whole wheat bread because overeating can result in many health problems.
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5. Kidney Beans:
Kidney beans are effective in treating many kidney problems such as kidney pain, kidney stones. In order to do this treatment, you should remove beans from the pods. After that, boil the pods and wait for hours until they become soft and tender. Strain the solution and let it cool for a while. It is recommended drinking the liquid several times during a day in order to get the satisfactory result.
6. Basils:
Basils which are often used in salad are considered as the excellent home remedy on how to treat kidney pain at home. Moreover, basils are effective in curing kidney infection. Therefore, if you are suffering from kidney pain or kidney infection, you should try basil solution. Mix a tablespoon of basil juice with a tablespoon of honey. This mixture will give you the significant relief. However, if you want to cure kidney pain or kidney problems effectively and completely, this remedy should be repeated for 5 months. The effectiveness of basils in treating kidney problems has been proved by many researches; therefore, you should try this solution.
7. Celery:
Because celery has antiseptic properties, it can help you to treat kidney pain and kidney infection. Many people feel that drinking celery juice is the significant relief for pain. Celery juice can flush the toxins and waste out of your body. Moreover, it prevents the formation of oxalates in your kidneys. Furthermore, celery juice is considered as a diuretic. It helps to dissolve the existing stones in your kidneys.
8. Pomegranates:
It is said that pomegranates are effective in treating kidney pain and other problems related to kidney. Moreover, because pomegranates contain astringent properties, they can be used as the treatment on how to treat kidney stones. Moreover, it has hydrating agent, you can drink a glass of pomegranate juice per day or consume at least one pomegranate daily in order to prevent kidney infection and kidney pain at bay. You should not add any sugar in pomegranate juice because sugar can lead to some health problems and worsen the symptoms of kidney pain.
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9. Watermelon:
Watermelon is considered as the effective home remedy on how to treat kidney pain because watermelon has the great source of potassium. Moreover, it can resolve the kidney stones and let the stones pass through urine. Because watermelon is the fruit that contains much water, eating watermelon or drinking watermelon juice will keep you hydrated. Moreover, it also helps your body to remove toxins and harmful bacteria and maintain a healthy kidney. In order to get the significant relief, it is recommended drinking watermelon juice every day for a few weeks. However, even when you do not suffer from kidney infection or kidney pain, it is still beneficial to eat this fruit regularly.
10. Tomato Juice:
It is recommended drinking tomato juice before eating anything else for the patients with kidney pain. Drinking tomato juice will help you to relieve pain in your kidney. In order to get the satisfactory results, you should drink it regularly for a few weeks. Additionally, you can chop the tomatoes into small pieces and wrap them in a clean cloth. After that, place the solution on you back and try to relax as comfortable as you can. This tip will help you to find the relief immediately. However, if you want to treat kidney pain, you should repeat the process again.
11. Virgin Olive Oil:
If you want to find the effective way on how to treat kidney pain naturally at home, drinking the mixture of virgin olive oil with lemon juice. In order to make this treatment, you should mix them in equal quantities and drink it. Despite the awful taste, this solution is worthy trying.
12. Dandelion Tea:
Dandelion tea is the remedy for kidney pain you should try because drinking dandelion tea will encourage you to urinate frequently. Moreover, this treatment also helps you to get rid of the toxins and waste as well as harmful particles in your kidneys and body; as a result, it keeps many problems related to kidney at bay. Moreover, it also promotes the blood circulation in your kidney. With these great benefits, dandelion tea is the beneficial tea. In order to make this tea, you should add one or two tablespoons of dandelion leaves into a cup of hot water. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, strain this tea and let it cool for a few minutes. Sip it slowly. It is recommended having two or three cups of dandelion tea during a day.
13. Corn Silk Tea:
If you suffer from kidney stones or kidney infection, you will feel the pain while urinating. In this situation, corn silk tea will give you the significant relief. It is said that corn silk tea will help you to ease the issues related to urinary tract and boost the healing process at the same time. Corn silk tea is considered as diuretic. The effectiveness of this tea in treating kidney pain and kidney infection has been proven by many scientists and researchers. Place 1 tablespoon of corn silk in a pot and pour 2 cups of water in it. After that, boil and wait for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the solution and sip it slowly. It is recommended having 2 cups of corn silk tea every day in order to get the significant relief. Some traditional herbal medicine utilized the corn silk tea in order to alleviate the inflammation and help you to maintain the hydration. The corn silk tea is safe for everyone; therefore you do not need to worry about its side effects.
14. Cabbage Leaves Poultice:
Cabbage has been widely used for medicinal purposes. Some studies have proven the effectiveness of cabbage poultice in healing many diseases such as constipation, kidney infection and kidney pain. Moreover, cabbage is also effective in curing eczema, scurvy, gout, etc. It is safe for you to apply on the ulcers or wounds. Therefore, the patients with diseases related to kidney or bladder should use this treatment to find the relief. All things you need are cabbage leaves, onions, water, and gauze. Firstly, you should put chopped onions, 3 or 4 cabbage leaves, bran and a little water in a pot. Boil it for 10 to 20 minutes until the water evaporates completely. After that, put the prepared poultice on the gauze. Apply the solution on the affected areas where you feel pain. Keep it until the pain disappears. If you want you can leave it overnight.
These are 14 tips and home remedies on how to treat kidney pain I would like to introduce to the readers of If you have any questions to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can. Thank for reading.
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