Wisdom teeth are the last teeth rise on the jaw. The presence of it causes pains for many people. It is the perpetrator of the pains which can be very formidable. Sometimes, the doctor must make decisions to remove the wisdom teeth of the patients. This condition can negatively affect your health so that it needs to be treated in time.
I. Wisdom Teeth Swelling – Introduction:
Wisdom teeth (also known as the third largest molars) usually begin to grow from the age of 17 and upward, if there is enough space before the 7 teeth. Everyone has four wisdom teeth at the four corners of the jaw. However, some people do not see the wisdom teeth rising out because they are still in the jaw. Anyway, wisdom teeth swelling can negatively affect your daily eating and cause TMJ pain.
Because wisdom teeth are the last teeth growing so that the wisdom teeth in the mandibular do not have enough place to grow normally, leading to the deviated growth and underground growth. These cases are referred to the teeth’s “growing jam”, which means that the teeth do not have enough place to grow normally or skewed so that they cannot emerge as normal. In this article, I would like to introduce the consequences and home remedies for wisdom teeth so that people should keep mind on carefully.
II. Wisdom Teeth Swelling Fast And The Consequences:
Wisdom teeth swelling can cause a lot of painful symptoms. Here are some of the most common consequences caused by this condition.
1. Tooth Decay:
– Wisdom teeth rise in the jaw so it is very hard for sanitation. Consequently, food and bacteria are easy to accumulate, causing infections.
– Especially, the teeth which just can grow partially or is deviated will crash into the side teeth, leading to the long-term accumulation which can cause tooth decay, pain, and infections.
2. Gingivitis:
– The accumulation of bacteria and food in wisdom teeth can cause inflammation in the surrounding gum area, leading to the symptoms including: swelling, pain, bad breath, and sometimes hard jaw (the patient cannot open the mouth due to the jaw hardness).
– The gingivitis will reoccur until the wisdom teeth have not been treated, and at the next recurrent time, the threat will be even at higher level.
3. Destroy The Surrounding Bones And Teeth:
– When the wisdom teeth rammed into the side teeth, it would destroy and shaken that teeth, and sometimes it can even cause tooth decay, and eventually tooth loss. The early symptoms of this unusual growth are the dull pains in that area.
– In some cases, when the abnormalities of wisdom teeth are not treated promptly, the infection can spread to the surrounding areas such as ear, cheek, eye, neck … even threaten your life.
III. How To Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling Fast – Best Home Remedies:
There are many home remedies and tips on how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling fast that people can apply at home without spending too much time, money, and efforts.
1. Keep Your Mouth And Teeth Clean:
This is the first tip on how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling fast that I would like to share in this article.
– When you have wisdom teeth, your gums will be red and swollen, and it is time when your teeth are very vulnerable to related infections. Therefore, you should regularly rinse your mouth with saline (with 0.9% sodium chloride), especially after eating.
– Use sanitizers: Use a cotton piece dipped in antiseptic investigation to apply to the wisdom teeth, and let it stay from 15 to 20 minutes, 2 times / day.
2. Reduce The Pain By Making Use Of Acupressure:
Teething causes teeth swelling and affects the nerves, causing headache. In addition to taking pain medication, you should make use of acupressure.
This is actually one of the best home remedies for wisdom teeth swelling that people should make use at home if you want to reduce the pain caused by this condition.
3. Tip To Reduce Pain By Impacting On The Nerves In The Wrist:
The recent study conducted by Canadian researchers has demonstrated, impacting on the small nerves in the wrist area will irritate a region of the brain, blocking the pain. Therefore, you just need to use ice to rub on the back of your hand, forming a V-shaped space between the thumb and forefinger, helping to limit dental pain.
4. Use Cold Pack:
This is also one of the best tips on how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling that people should not look down. Applying a cold pack to the painful area can help to relieve pain. You should use an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel to apply to the wisdom teeth swelling, and you will feel the pain on your jam reduced.
5. Warm Salt Water:
You just need to mix one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle every day. Salt has natural healing properties, and it can help to soothe irritated tissues and kill bacteria, reducing tooth pain.
6. Garlic:
This is the last but not least tip to relieve wisdom teeth swelling that people can apply at home with ease. You just need to crush a clove of garlic and add a little salt, then use this mixture to cover up the tooth pain. In addition, you can chew one or two cloves of garlic to reduce pain.
This is the list of 6 most useful tips on how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling that might be useful for readers of VKool.com and other people who are suffering from this terrible and painful condition. These natural remedies are proven effective by many people in the world so that people should not concern about it.
If you think that the tips on how to reduce wisdom teeth swelling fast that I – author Lien Nguyen – released in this article are useful for you and other people who are suffering from this painful teeth condition, you should feel free to share this list with them and never forget to leave your comments and feedbacks below to show me your own opinions.
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