For many people, especially women they are not confident with their back fat. For instance, the back fat makes them look unattractive when wearing bikini, bras or showing their upper bodies. So, how to help women lose back fat fast at home in 10 days? A single diet plan or exercise routine can help them sculpt their upper bodies? Or women need to combine both diet plan and workouts to get rid of back fat? Read this article on VKool site on the line of Weight Loss to lose your back fat with ease.
Lose Back Fat Fast At Home In 10 Days – Possible Or Not?
I. Diet Plan To Lose Back Fat
1. Cut Down On Calorie Intake And High Fat Foods
To lose overall excess weight as well as back fat, cut back on the high-sodium, high-fat and high-sugar foods. Besides, reduce your daily calorie intake by around 250 calories. Eat more sources of good fats, carbs and protein in chicken, eggs, fish, low-fat dairy, vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains. Avoid commercial baked goods, fast food, processed meats and frozen dinners.
If your diet likely to over-produce includes mostly processed foods and low fiber, your body will produce more insulin as these foods can digest quickly. A diet like this will become more resistant to insulin effects. In the insulin resistance, body cells will be more to the insulin action that regulates the blood glucose levels. The outcome is the increased blood glucose that can lead to the upper trunk fat, including fat on back, chest and other health issues such as type II diabetes.
If you are wondering how you can lose back fat, the 1st step is to balance your diet with low carb foods. This is the key. Because when you have increased insulin sensitivity, you will gain a high anabolic response to the things you eat. In general, whole foods offer low-burning carbs such as oatmeal and green veggies. Other important components to add to your diet is Omega 3s that presents in olive oil, flax seed oil, fatty fish and flax seed oil.
2. Drink Much And Drink Right
To lose back fast as well as to keep yourself healthy, pay attention to stay hydrated and drink healthy beverages. Aim to drink about 8 to 10 cups of fresh water a day. Besides, keep in mind that drinking cold water may give your metabolic system a slight boost. Refrain from consuming harmful drinks high in calories and high in sugar such as milk shakes, sweetened teas and sweetened coffee.
II. Workout Plan To Lose Back Fast
Along with a balanced diet, daily or regular exercise is very important. If you are not confident with your excess back fat, some targeted exercises will help you sculpt your back to be toned and sexy. According to experts, interval program is the best way to burn fat, including back fat. Besides, you can walk and jog for boosting metabolic system, burning body fat and reaching your fitness goals faster.
1. Reduce All Fat
First, you can do any exercise or workout to stay motivated and control your weight. When you can lose some weight, it includes back fat. So, if you like a certain sport, just try playing it and you will notice the fat loss result on your back and belly and the entire body.
Do exercise for 3 or 5 days per week. Do one set of each workout or exercise to back with little rest between the moves.
Most exercises for back fat are not intensive. They are easy for women to perform. All that you need are a pair of 3-pound dumbbells, plus some exercise machines at home.
Remember to warm up the body before doing any exercise. Stretch for about 10 minutes and stay hydrated during the workout.
Read more: How to lose thigh fat
2. Row Exercise
Row exercise uses dumbbells and it helps work the 2 large muscles on the both sides of your back. To do this exercise, stand with the torso tipped straight forward at a 450 angle and hold the dumbbells down. Next, bring the arms up. The elbows are parallel with the back and the forearms are straight down. Do 2 sets of about 12 -16 repetitions.
Row exercise if done properly, can be a great workout for losing back fat. Like push ups, remember to do this exercise in the proper form. In concrete, when you complete the rowing motion, avoid leaning the back. Next, pull row strand down in the middle of body and you will feel in your arms, core, abs and back.
3. The Bridge
Next to row exercise to lose back fat, try doing the bridge exercise. To start, lie flat on the back with the knees bent at 900 angle and the feet fat on the ground. Then, lifting the buttock up that allows the back to make a straight line. Next, hold this position for 15 seconds and lower the body back to the floor. Do it about 10 to 20 times, depending on your endurance strength to practice the exercise.
4. Leg Extensions
Leg exercises are associated with your back and they can aid in burning your back fat. To start, place your hands and knees on the floor. Then lift and straighten 1 leg behind the body. Next, hold for about 15 seconds. Change the other leg and repeat. Do it for about 10 times with each your leg.
5. Back Extensions
Besides, you can do Back Extensions to lose back fat. This exercise focuses on burning your back fat directly. To start, lie flat on the stomach with the arms on the sides that are parallel to the body. Put your hand to touch the hips. Next, raise the head while chesting off the floor as far as possible. But don’t strain yourself. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then lower the head and the shoulders back to the floor. Keep the shoulders relaxed by using muscles in the back. Repeat it for about 10 times.
6. Cat & Camel
Like leg extension exercise, this type of exercise aid in burning back fat and improve your flexibility like cats and camels. To start, place your hands and knees on the floor. Arch the back that creates the rainbow shape, like the arch of the camel back. Then, hold the head up. Hold it for 5 seconds. Next, drop the stomach down in the U shape, like the cat stretching. Drop the head down and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat it for 10 – 15 times.
7. Lower Back Extensions
Next to ease to do exercises to lose back fat, try Lower Back Extensions.
These workouts are easy to do, even when you are lounging to watch TV. They are designed to target your lower back and burn extra fat there. To perform these workouts, lie flat, face down with the hands behind the head. Lift the chest off the floor as far as you can. Do 3 sets for 10.
You can perform these exercises with a plastic ball.
8. Push & Touch
This exercise focuses on upper back, chest and shoulders. To start, stand with the feet shoulder width apart. Hold 2 5-pound dumbbells on the two hands. Arms are down by the sides with the palms facing forward. Next, bring the arms forward, up to the shoulder height. The backs of the upper arms must be parallel to the ground. Pause. Then raise the arms overhead. Tap the ends of your weight. Return your arm slowly to the shoulder height. Pause and lower to the starting position. Repeat 3 set of about 6 to 8 reps.
9. Bent-Over Circular Row
To lose back fat fast, do Bent-Over Circular Row. This exercise focuses on upper back, chest, biceps and middle back. To perform, stand with the feet shoulder width apart. The knees are bent slightly. Hold 2 5-pound dumbbells in the two hands. Bend forward. The upper body must be parallel to the ground. Your hands and weights must be extended toward the ground. Keep the weights parallel to another. Begin to circle the hand toward the chest over the right side and down and over the left side and up. Repeat 3 sets of about 10 to 12 reps.
Remember to keep the abs engaged for holding yourself steady through the circles.
10. Crisscross Reverse Fly
This exercise aims to burn your shoulder fat and upper back fat. To start, stand with the feet shoulder width apart. Hold 2 5-pound weights in the 2 hands. Next, slightly bend the knees. Tip the torso forward to a 450 angle. Then, cross the arms at your wrists in front of the knees. Lift the arms to the shoulder height. Lower the arms slowly to the starting position. Repeat 3 sets of about 10 to 12 reps.
Avoid using momentum for moving weight. Just slowly go in the way up & down.
I’ve shown you the top tips and exercises to lose back fat fast at home in 10 days. Hope that you can make use of all these tips and instructions to lose your back fat effectively. For any feedback about this article, show it at the bottom of the post.
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