Dogs are one of the most human-friendly pets that people in the world love and keep at home widely. Owning a dog gives people a lot of benefits, so dog caring and feeding are among the most important issues that a dog owner should focus on.
Almost every dog owner knows that it is not good to feed their canine pal from the dining table. However, sometimes it is ok if we give our dogs some pieces of food that we are eating. While this is usually fine, there are some human foods bad for dogs that we should never feed our pet-friends. Some foods can become really dangerous or even deadly to your dog. Therefore, you should keep you head on these 17 human foods bad for dogs that are combined in this entire list and make sure that you will never feed your dogs these foods.
17 Human Foods That Are Bad And Dangerous For Dogs
1. Alcohol:
The first out of human foods bad for dogs that I want to share with you is alcohol.
Wine, liquor, beer, and whatever foods that contain alcohol are all bad for your dog. That is because alcohol has the same effects on dogs’ brain and liver that it has on human beings. However, it takes far less to do its damage. Just a little of these foods can lead to coma, difficulty breathing, problems with coordination, central nervous system depression, diarrhea, vomiting, even death.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
2. Coffee, Tea, And Other Caffeine Drinks:
Caffeine consumed in a large enough quantity can be fatal for your dog. Also, there is no antidote. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning contain bleeding, fits, muscle tremors, heart palpitations, rapid breathing, and restlessness. In addition to coffee and tea, including grounds and beans, caffeine can also be found in colas, chocolate, cocoa, and stimulant drinks like Red Bull. It is also found in some pain killers and cold medicines.
3. Grape And Raisin:
Raisins and grapes have often been used as treats for dogs. However, it is not an ideal idea. Although it is not clear why, raisins and grapes can lead to the dogs’ kidney failure. Just a small amount of these foods can make dogs get sick. Within a day, if your dog is poisoned, he/she will vomit repeatedly and become depressed and lethargic. The best prevention for you to keep your dog healthy is to keep raisins and grapes far from the places that he/she can reach.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
4. Macadamia Nuts:
You should never feed your dogs with foods containing macadamia nuts or macadamia nuts because they can be fatal. As few as 6 roasted or raw macadamia nuts can make dogs sick. Symptoms of poisoning contain rapid heart rate, elevated body temperature, vomiting, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, and muscle tremors. Feeding your dogs with chocolate and the nuts can even worsen the symptoms, possibly leading to death.
5. Candy And Gum:
Baked goods, toothpaste, gum, candy, and some diet foods that are sweetened with xylitol are also the human foods bad for dogs you should never feed your pet-friend. Xylitol can increase the insulin circulating level inside your dog’s body. This will drop your dog’s blood sugar level and can also lead to liver failure. The very first symptoms contain lethargy, vomiting, and loss of coordination. Eventually, the dog may have seizures.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
6. Raw Eggs:
There are 2 problems if you feed your dog with this food. The first is that your dog might get food allergy or poisoning due to bacteria, such as E. coli or Salmonella. The second matter is that raw eggs contain a type of enzyme that interferes with the absorption of a particular B vitamin. This will lead to some skin issues and problems with your dog’s coat if you feed him or her with this food for long.
7. Peaches, Persimmons, And Plums:
The problem of these fruits lies in their pits or seeds. If a dog eats the pit of a plum or peach, they may get obstructed. In addition, the pits of plum and peach contain cyanide – a poisonous substance that is harmful for both humans and dogs. The seeds of persimmons can lead to inflammation of the small intestine in dogs. They may also lead to intestinal obstruction. The difference is you – as a human being – know that you should not eat them, but your dog does not.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
8. Salt:
It is not a good idea that you share salty foods with your dog such as pretzels and chips. Eating too much salt, your dog has the risk of urination and excessive thirst, as well as sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms you may see on your dog if you feed him or her salty foods contain seizures, elevated body temperature, tremors, depression, diarrhea, and vomiting. It may even lead to death.
9. Liver:
It is ok for you to feed your dog with a small amount of cooked animal liver, but beware of giving him/her too much. Liver contains high amounts of Vitamin A – the vitamin that might be actually toxic to your pet. An excessive amount of Vitamin A consumed can lead to anorexia, deformed bones, and even death in rare cases. Therefore, you should get your pet to a vet as soon as possible if you suspect poisoning. Most human foods are ok for dogs so that it is possible for you to share your foods with him/her. Just remember that it is ok to toss a scrap of meat from time to time, but do not give him/her too much liver if you want to see your dog live healthy.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
10. Raw Salmon:
Raw salmon is never a good food for dogs. While cooked salmon is good, the raw salmon can lead to Salmon Poisoning Disease (SPD). This disease is caused by parasites, and it can resemble the parvovirus. If your dog has this disease, you will see these symptoms on him/her: a high fever about a week after eating raw salmon, followed by bloody yellow diarrhea and vomiting. The disease is often fatal unless cured early on.
11. Dairy Products:
You should not give your dog ice cream or milk because most dogs are lactose intolerant. Although dairy products are not dangerous, they still cause unpleasant results. If your dog eats too much of these foods, he/she might has diarrhea and excessive gas. That being said, small amounts of yogurt and cheese may be ok for a dog because they have minimal amounts of lactose.
12. Corn On The Cob:
A corn cob seems like a safe food for your dog to chew on. However, it can actually act as a fatal. Bits of corn cob can lead to intestinal obstructions, causing many serious complications.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
13. Moldy Foods:
It might seem natural to toss an older piece of food to your dog, knowing that he will eat it even if you will not. However, this can be really dangerous if the foods has mold. Some molds growing on foods have tremorgenic mycotoxins. These toxins can lead to tremors which can be increasingly worse until they turn into convulsions. If the situation is untreated, you dog will die. For good, you should give your dog moldy food and be careful not to leave moldy item in the garbage where your dog might be able to sniff it out. In brief, moldy foods are among human foods bad for dogs you should avoid at all costs. And remember that moldy foods are not for humans, as well as not an ideal dog food.
14. Chicken:
Poultry is very dangerous for dogs, not due to the toxins it contains, but due to its bones. Chicken bones splinter and can cause bowel and stomach obstructions or even worse. It is ok if you give your dog raw chicken, but once cooked, the chicken bones become potentially a dog killer. If you find your dog has eaten a chicken bone, you should keep a close eye on him/her. At any sign of discomfort and pain, see a vet.
15. Xylitol:
You may just hear about this ingredient, but do not know exactly about it.It can be found in sugar-free gum or other sugar-free items that you may consume daily. The artificial sweetener does not load to problems in humans. However, if your dog eats xylitol contained items, his blood sugar levels will drop at an emergency pace. Seizures and confusion may result. If a dog ate a large amount of xylitol, one of the more terrible problems he/she may face is liver failure.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
16. Avocado:
Nearly every part of the avocado tree are toxic to your dogs, including the fruit. If you dog eat even just a bit of the avocado fruit, he might get food poisoning. Nevertheless, the toxins in the skin and flesh of the avocado are not the single risk. The avocado pit can also pose a serious threat. If it is swallowed, it can lead to an intestinal blockage.
17. Chocolate:
The final out of human foods bad for dogs that I want to list down today is chocolate – the delicious food that many people love. You may think that chocolate is the ultimate treat to your sweet-tooth dog. Unfortunately, the theobromine and the caffeine in chocolate can be an animal killer. The darker the chocolate is, the higher dangerous level it has. If your dog ingests some chocolate, he may experiences irritation, vomiting, and pain in his abdomen. Seizures and death may occur if your dog ate a large amount of this food.
All of the above human foods bad for dogs are listed on the famous and prestigious lists. However, you cannot find the fullest list in anywhere else but VKool.com in my article. I have collected these things for weeks, and now, I am glad to share them with anyone who wants to keep their dogs healthy.
If you feel the human foods bad for dogs I offer in this article are really useful for you, feel free to leave all your comments/feedbacks at the end of this post. We appreciate your contribution and will respond all as soon as possible.
Some of the processed foods for dogs are very good and healthy. Here is the best dog food formula you should let your dog enjoy.
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