Sagging skin is a nightmare of everyone because you will look so ugly with this problem.
One of the most reasons of sagging skin is aging, which makes muscles weaker.
Another reason for sagging skin is weight loss. If you are overweight and successfully lose weight, you might get another issue –sagging skin. In this article, VKool.com will show you top 8 home remedies for sagging skin after weight loss with natural ingredients at home.
Top 8 Natural Home Remedies For Sagging Skin After Your Weight Loss
Some other reasons for sagging skin are dehydration, wrong skin care, poor diet, rapid weight loss, pregnancy, obesity, alcoholic beverages, excessive smoking, etc. Here are top 8 home remedies for sagging skin you should realize:
1. Egg White
Egg white is one of the most natural home remedies for sagging skin, especially after weight loss. This ingredient is a natural astringent that can help you get rid of loosing skin. The method is:
- Break an egg and whisk egg white until it is foamy, apply it on neck and face and leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with cool water.
- Another option is to mix egg white, plain yogurt together, whisk the mixture and apply it on neck and face for 20-30 minutes before washing off with water.
- You can do those remedies twice per week.
Read more: The Book On Bumps
2. Lemon
Being high in vitamin C, lemon is a perfect ingredient to stimulate production of collagen. Additionally, lemon contains astringent property that can reduce wrinkles and tighten your skin. The way of using lemon is:
- You use lemon juice and rub it on neck and face for 10 minutes, and then you wash off with fresh water. You can apply this method 2-3 times each day and make sure using good moisturizer after rubbing lemon juice.
- Alternatively, you can mix a cup of cold water with some lemon juice; wash your face with that mixture. Let it dry naturally and you can do this treatment once or twice each day to get the best effect.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera will tighten and firm your loose skin due to its malic acid. This ingredient also improves skin elasticity and removes sagging skin. You just need to:
- Extract aloe vera gel and apply it on neck, face, and other affected areas for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. You can do this method several times weekly.
- Another way is to combine honey, mayonnaise, and aloe vera gel, then you apply it on neck, face for 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water or cold water. You should do this solution once per week.
There are a lot of other natural home remedies for sagging skin after weight loss presented in this writing, so keep reading to learn more!
4. Cucumber
Are you wondering about home remedies for sagging skin after weight loss? Like other natural home treatments for ugly skin, cucumber is useful to have a glowing skin and the method is so simple:
- Grind a cucumber, squeeze, strain its juice and apply juice on neck and face until it is dry. Then you wash off with cool water. You can follow this way once each day.
- The next option you can choose is to mix plain yogurt and cucumber, apply the mixture on affected region for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. You can do this method several times each week.
- Another method is to combine vitamin E oil, egg white and some tablespoons of cucumber juice, apply the mixture on neck and face for 15 minutes before washing with cool water. This mask might be applied once per week.
5. Massage With Oil
Massage with oil is also a useful way to get rid of sagging skin. Vitamin A and vitamin E in olive oil can moisturize your skin and improve skin health. Simply, you follow this instruction:
- Microwave extra-virgin olive oil.
- Apply the oil on your face or neck.
- Massage affected areas for 10 minutes.
- You can do this method once each day before bedtime.
6. Honey
Honey has aging property, antioxidant, hydrating that can help you treat sagging skin very effectively. The solution is:
- Combine olive oil, lemon juice, and some teaspoons of honey, then you apply it on neck and face; pat it dry before washing off with warm water. You can apply this method once or twice each day.
- Alternatively, you mix sour cream, some tablespoons of honey, turmeric powder, and then apply the mixture on face for 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. This mask should be applied once per week.
7. Rose Water
Like other home remedies for sagging skin, rose water is a great ingredient for tightening loose skin. Moreover, rose water is useful for glowing skin and maintaining nice skin. The method is:
- Simply you apply rose water on neck and face before bedtime to prevent aging signs and tighten pores.
- Alternatively, you combine rose water, almond oil, witch hazel, and lemon juice, apply it on neck and face for 20 minutes before rinsing off with water. You can do this remedy several times each week.
8. Cinnamon
Another home treatment for sagging skin you should try to apply at home is cinnamon, which will encourage production of collagen and tighten your skin well. Here is the instruction:
- Combine turmeric powder, cinnamon, olive oil, salt or sugar.
- Rub the mixture on neck or face for some minutes.
- Then you wash your neck and face with lukewarm water.
- You can do this solution once or twice weekly.
If you want to get more useful and home remedies for many health problems, you might visit our main Home Remedies page.
After reading the article about top 8 natural home remedies sagging skin, I hope that you have got some useful treatments for sagging skin at home, especially after weight loss. This article is for informational purpose only, so you should go to see the doctor immediately if you cannot get better effect from those natural home remedies for sagging skin.
If you have any question, please leave your comments below and I will respond to you soon.
Related articles on sagging skin:
Home Remedies For Tightening Skin On Face
Natural Solutions For Belly Skin
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