19 Ways On How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight Fast Everyday

Updates: 04/27/2024

Can’t lose weight? Are you struggling to continue with your weight loss motivation? Or, do you need some inspirations to continue with your diet? Then, here are 19 ways on how to stay motivated to lose weight, exercise and eat healthy fast to help you keep on track easily. Read on now!

Top 19 Ways On How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight, Exercise And Eat Healthy Fast

I. How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight

1.      Set A Goal

First and foremost, the initial step for weight loss motivation is to create a goal. This is considered as one of the most fundamental weight loss motivation tips that you should know if you are really serious about keeping fit. Goals are a great way to keep you on track. It is necessary for you to define where you want to go so that you can get there in the shortest time possible. When it comes to weight loss, the biggest goals should be getting the ideal weight. After setting the big goal, you start dividing it into smaller goals in order to keep you motivated along the way. Your small goals do not necessarily involve in weight loss. Make use of the body fat percentage or clothing size for your smaller goals. Keep in mind that your goals should be realistic.

For example, if you need to lose about 50 pounds, you should not expect to get this goal in several months. This seems to be an unrealistic goal. In fact, there is no bigger enemy to motivation than this type of goal.

You need to start your weight loss journal to keep track of your eating plan, your exercise plan. Look back on your journal to make proper adjustments to the meal, exercise plan for safe weight loss or your own goals.

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2.      Go Slow

The success of weight loss involves in making real lifestyle changes. Do not hope they can happen just overnight. It will be possible for your purpose of keeping the weight off if you lose it slowly. Those people who are trying to starving themselves might get a higher risk of failure when it comes to weight loss. If you remember that your optimal weight loss is just 1 or 2 pounds per week, rather than cutting back 200 calories per day, then you will feel less frustrated.

3.      Prepare Your Mood For Unexpected Results 

Everyone tends to fall into the temptation from time to time in terms of weight loss. In fact, you should not be a perfectionist. Staying on track is hard particularly when the unexpected occurs. So, it is better for you if you do not feel guilty about your action in terms of eating. It is normal if you had a piece of cake at the wedding reception.

In case that you have to indulge in a greasy cheeseburger for your lunch as you forgot to prepare your healthy meal, just try not beating yourself up.

Things will continually happen, forget about it, go ahead and keep following with your own weight loss motivation.

Check out: ways to avoid becoming a perfectionist

4.      Write Down The Reasons Of Your Weight Loss

weight loss motivation tips for women

In order to lose weight effectively, you can create a check list of the reasons of your extra-pound losing. Keep reading this list whenever you feel yourself losing motivation.

Your reasons could be so simple; it does not have to be big or too special. Perhaps you will want to be able to fit your shape with those favorite dress or pair of jeans. Actually, it does not have to be some specific thing. It could be related to health related.

Re-reading your notes will refresh your memory as well as mind as why you want to get in shape.

For getting more new ideas to lose weight, you can use some unique hypnotizing techniques for weight loss here.

5.      Keep Track Your Progress

You should track what progress you achieved in order to keep your weight loss motivation going. Make use of several simple notes for tracking every day, both weekly and monthly. In case that you want to get more details about your tracking, record your foods, calories, and exercises as well. By seeing your success listed down, you are creating a great motivator. If you realize that your progress is following wrong direction, then change your plan and routine instantly. You can add some additional exercises or observe how many calories you are taking. Because you exercise, leading to weight loss, your calorie intake for weight loss will be continually changing. Ensure that you are modifying accordingly.  

Read on nutrition tips for fast weight loss

6.      Reward Yourself

After tracking your progress, it is essential for you to reward yourself. Dieting is hard work. It is not always fun. Therefore, just small rewards could supply you an incentive to keep motivation. Yet, keep in mind that your rewards are not involved in food. When you set mini-goals along the way, rewarding yourself when achieve them will help you feel great. The idea of rewards could be a massage, a new T-shirt or a pair of jeans, a hot bubble bath. By this way, you will fortify your resolve to continue.

Discover advantages of massage here to make use of it properly.

7.      Think Slim

weight loss motivation tips for men

In terms of weight loss, this tip is about all-critical moment. People who are overweight tend to imagine how food is going to feel and taste when they consume. Yet, in the contrary, people who “eat slim” naturally tend to imagine how that food will feel heavy in their stomachs after eating it. Let me take a simple example to illustrate for you. When you jump from a great height, the feeling will be fun. Yet, the consequences coming after hitting the ground are not comfortable at all. So, as you are stimulated to eat something you do not need, just practice imagining how your own stomach is going to feel ten minutes or an hour after consumed that weight-increasing food. Try keeping it up until this becomes a natural habit for you.

See: ways to get rid of belly fat for good  

8.      Get Surrounded By Slim People

This seems to be a strange tip in many of weight loss motivation tips you have ever heard. However, I do not suggest that you have to dump all your less-than-slender friends. Many studies pointed out that if people hanging around with slim people or fit people, their subconscious mind is going to pick up a new template for what is “normal”. Thus, socialize yourself with slim kinds at the gym or a jogging club; you will have a real motivation.

9.      Create A Food Diary

Those people who regularly write down everything they eat and drink tend to be more successful at losing weight and also maintaining it good. The reason is because it can keep them focused on each single morsel which passes their mouth.

After some weeks or months of following diet, many people get complacent about keeping our food diary as they think they know what they are doing. Consequently, it is too easy for the sizes of eating portions to steadily enhance. Unsurprisingly, the scales start moving in the wrong direction and they might end up feeling miserable before losing their motivation to lose weight. Thus, if you do not have your own diary, make it habit of writing down what you eat as well as drink. Then, keep tracking on the pounds dropped while your own motivation increases.

10.      Read Some Success Stories  

The fact is, if you read about other people’s weight loss success, you will get motivated fast. There are a large number of people who used to be in your situation and reduced weight successfully. You should read about these stories not only to get motivation, but also get some unique tips of weight loss from them.

weight loss motivation tips download

Remember each individual’s success and how they could get those successes because they might be different than yours.

As we are different from each other, your weight loss solutions might vary from other people. Who knows? Maybe, you can be one of those successes in the near future. 

11.      Throw Away Fat Clothes

When you start reducing your excess weight and also go down in clothing size, you had better throwing away or giving away your big clothes. This is considered as one of the great ways to keep your motivation going and keep your weight off. No matter what you do, just get your big size clothes out of your closet in order to eliminate clothes that will fit if you gain weight. You will not want to spend a bunch of cash on purchasing clothes in big sizes, believe me.

12.      Keep Fit For Yourself

This one in the list of weight loss motivation tips introduced today is about you and guaranteeing you are currently doing this for yourself, not anyone else.

Ensure that you want to reduce excess weight and you will be happy with yourself due to your achievements before you could be happy with other people.

Obviously, if there is a medical motivation, you actually should take a try to lose your weight, even if you are not sure you wish to. Actually, truly motivated for anything, you must really want it. Do it for yourself, your soul, and your health.

Try on all of the above weight loss motivation tips in this article to help you get your dream weight and shape. I believe if you follow properly and consistently, then you will see surprising results soon.

Leave your comments at the end of this post to let us know your thoughts, we will answer all soon.

II. How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight And Exercise Regularly

1. Shift Your Perspective how to stay motivated to lose weight and exercise regularly

Change your thinking from an obese person to be an athlete. This is like a very big challenge, but raises your high spirit to do it. Bowling, 33 from Massachusetts stopped taking her busy job as a good excuse for her laziness in exercising. After Bowling gave birth to her second baby, she started exercise as an example for her toddles.

She realized that her kids do what she is doing and now they are physically active like her.

At first, Bowling started her perspective about her exercise as a blessing, not a sacrifice. Then, she found inspirations from other people for extra motivation. Actually, taking inspiration from people you meet and it reinforces you that you are a lucky. When you beware of that, you see your power of your health and commit to your fitness routine.

Be sure that your exercise plan is realistic to carry out, so you can adapt your life to meet the goal.

3. Schedule Your Workout Time

Spend some hours to point out the things you need to do to stick your exercise routine. Build a weekly schedule first, then divide them into small task to do each day.

Set your alarm and stay motivated to exercise every morning or after a long working day. If you add exercise to your regular schedule, it will be a part of your daily task and a funny way to boost energy. Instead of suffering from it, you will enjoy it and be more efficient at work or school through a long day.

Write the fixed exercise time on the calendar, set up and rearrange tasks as it is an important appointment. Another way is using e-mail reminders, or other Smartphone applications to keep yourself on task.

4. Think Fun

By nature, you need change to stay motivated. You also make things become funnier while working hard!

Be sure that you include sport activities you really enjoy doing. Think movement, which can make you forget you are working out such as hula hooping, dancing, or playing sports outside with your friends and family.

III. How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight And Eat Healthy

1. Set Small Goals To Get A Large Goal how to stay motivated to lose weight and eat healthy

Instead of planning a fitness goal with many tasks to do, why don’t you make it become measurable program with small tasks? For instance, you can eat five serving of vegetables and fruit per day, add leafy green veggies into your daily meal and drink about 68 ounces of water per day.

2. Keep An Exercise & Food Journal

This is helpful to track what and how much you are eating, exercising. You sometime don’t realize how much you ate and how many calories you burned after exercising. A hand-written paper can help you do it well.

3. Try New Foods

Eating a new food can spice up your taste and help you enjoy eating. Ideally, add nutritious whole foods to your meals. However, avoid processed junk foods because the processed food diets can cause many health problems such as obesity, heart disease and even cancers.

Discover: Real And Healthy Chinese Cooking

Try on all of the 19 ways on how to stay motivated, exercise and eat healthy fast in this article to help you get your dream weight and shape. I believe if you follow properly and consistently, then you will see surprising results soon.

Leave your comments at the end of this post to let us know your thoughts, we will answer all soon.

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