It is a big mistake to ignore bedtime. Sometimes, a late night can occur and it is not a big concern and does not bring about serious consequences. However, as you start skimping on sleep on a regular or daily basis, it may become a real matter.
Sleep is an indispensable pattern in life and a sleep lack can cause sleep deprivation, which could influence both your mental and physical health. Over time, it can cause chronic health issues and negatively influence your life quality.
We need sleep as much as your body needs to eat and breathe. The sleep amount that a person needs varies from people to people.
Health Effects Of Lack Of Sleep – The Worst Consequences Of Sleep Deprivation:
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adult people need to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night to feel well rested and alert.
Nevertheless, this duration is contingent on physiological and genetic factors. Age, sleeping, and sex patterns are also crucial factors that people should consider.
If you lack sleep on a regular basis due to your workload, busy family life, or other factors, it is necessary to modify your schedule to allow for sufficient amount of sleep and prevent the negative effects of lack of sleep.
1. Raise The Risk Of Diabetes
Long-term sleep deprivation and even sleeping too much, cab raise your risks of developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes.
According to a research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2005, a 6-hours or less sleep duration, or nine hours or more, could be associated with increased prevalence of impaired glucose intolerance and diabetes (See more: how to reverse diabetes naturally) mellitus.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. A research published in Lancet in 1999 highlights the bad impact of sleep deprivation on endocrine and metabolic functions.
The reaction of your body to sleep deprivation is similar to insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes (as the cells cannot use the glucose regulating hormone insulin in the blood effectively and properly).
In addition, sleep lack or oversleeping can lead to weight gain, which is a hidden risk factor for diabetes. This is actually the first among the negative effects of lack of sleep people should know and be aware of.
Sleep deprivation can results in raised diabetes risks, so watch out!
2. Make You Gain Weight
A regular sleep routine can help people maintain a regular hunger and appetite schedule. As you sleep less than your body your body needs, there would be an increase in the hormone ghrelin production. This hormone will stimulate hunger and reduce the leptin production, which can suppress appetite.
Therefore, sleep deprivation could influence the energy metabolism and appetite control, thereby can contribute to rapid unintentional weight gain.
A research published in PLoS Medicine in 2004 showed that short sleep duration could lead to increased body mass index, elevated ghrelin, and reduced leptin.
If people cannot control their own appetite and enjoy much-necessary sleep, it could cause obesity over time. Obesity in itself can increase the risks of many conditions.
See more: natural home remedies for obesity
3. Cause Depression
Lack of sleep is regularly linked to depression, and this is also one of the worst side effects of lack of sleep. It can lead to noticeable alterations in brain neurotransmitter functioning, which is among the most important triggers of depression. At times, depression could influence the ability to fall asleep of a person as well.
People living with depression are more likely to sleep under six hours per night. Actually, insomnia is usually among the very first symptom of depression.
In a research published in the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice in 2025, 97% of 531 patients who suffer from this mental issue reported having insomnia, one of the most common health issues that are related to sleep deprivation.
A research published in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience in 2025 reports that objective and subjective sleep disturbance in depression is distressing, prevalent, and usually unresolved by medication or natural cures.
If you are dealing with depression and cannot sleep sound at night, then make sure to talk with your healthcare provider about the problem. It might actually be contributing to your disease.
Learn also: physical symptoms of depression
4. Weaken Your Immunity
Sleep deprivation could also influence our immune system, which is designed to protect us from infections, such as the flu (Learn more: how to treat the flu), the common cold, and other conditions.
As our immune system is not functioning well, our body would become susceptible to attacks by bacteria and virus, and we need to deal with longer sick period.
As we sleep, our immune system would release proteins known as cytokines and other infection-fighting antibodies that could protect our own body against an inflammation or an infection.
Sleep lack can lead to reduced cytokines production, which in turn can reduce the ability to respond to bacterial infections or colds of our body.
A research published in Sleep in 2025 reported that diurnal rhythmicity and granulocyte levels are directly influenced by acute sleep lack. These modifications mirror the body’s instant immune response upon the stress exposure.
As sleep lack might make us more prone to having the flu and the common colds, it is crucial to take steps to help us get better sleep.
5. Harm Your Heart
Proper sleep and rest are needed for our heart health. Sleep lack can put us at a higher risk for heart disease—regardless of weight, age, exercise, and smoking habits.
Sleep plays an important role in the ability to heal and repair heart and blood vessels of our body.
A research published in Hypertension in 2000 analyzed the effects of lack of sleep on neural circulatory control. The research discovered that sleep lack can result in decreased muscle sympathetic nerve activities and increased resting blood pressure.
In addition, a research published in Progressive Cardiovascular Disease suggested that short-term sleep lack can alter autonomic tone, inflammation, blood pressure, and hormones in a direction that is recognized to contribute to the increased risks of heart disease, and most crucially, atherosclerosis.
According to a research published in the European Heart Journal in 2025, people who have less than 6 hours to sleep per day have a higher risk of stroke and a coronary heart condition as compared to those spending seven or eight hours per night to sleep.
At the same time, oversleeping can also result in bad heart health.
Looking at how sleep lack can affect our heart, it is very clear that sleeping less than six hours per night is totally unhealthy.
6. Affect Your Memory And Brain
When we experience a sleepless night, there is a high risk that we will have difficulty with focus and concentration the next day. Proper sleep is extremely needed for cognitive health and it also plays a key role in learning and thinking.
Sleep deprivation can impair concentration, alertness, attention, problem solving and reasoning. This, in turn, would affect our learning capacity. Moreover, this mental issue can impact both our long-term and short-term memory negatively.
A research published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment in 2025 highlighted that sleep lack has a direct influence on cognitive performance. It can cause weak working memory and poor attention, along with many different cognitive issues.
To help the brain function properly, you should get enough sleep at night.
7. Kill Your Sex Drive
Sleep deprivation can even lead to loss of sexual interest. Sleep lack has a direct influence on the energy level of a person and can even lead to more tension, which can indirectly affect the sex life of both women and men.
Besides, men who suffer from sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder that can interrupt sleep, tend to have low testosterone levels, which can decrease libido.
A research conducted at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in 2002 discovered that men who deal with serious sleep apnea secreted negatively low testosterone levels during the night.
8. Lead To Fatigue-Related Accidents
Severe accidents usually link to fatigue and a poor sleep schedule. Drowsy driving, a dangerous combination of driving and sleepiness or driving while having fatigue, can cause road accidents.
Sleep deprivation could impair coordination, impair judgment, cause longer reaction times, and impair the ability to retain information, as well as memory. All these factors can influence driving ability, making the risks of accidents increase.
The AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) reported that one out of every five severe injuries among motor vehicle is related to driver fatigue caused by sleep deprivation.
A research published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2000 reported that moderate sleep deprivation can produce impairments in cognitive and motor performance equivalent to the alcohol intoxication levels that are legally prescribed.
This can cause compromised performance in accuracy and speed that is necessary for road safety and in any other industrial setting.
The AASM recommended pulling off the road and taking a short fifteen to twenty-minute power nap to reduce drowsiness. This, to some extent, will help to decrease the risks of accidents.
9. Leads To Early Death
Similar to breathing, sleep is a fundamental need of human being. We cannot survive for long without sleep because a sleep deprivation prolonging several nights can cause over 700 genetic changes that can influence our health significantly.
Actually, people who do not get sufficient sleep and rest on a regular basis will get higher mortality rates than those who sleep properly regularly.
A research published in Sleep in 1989 discovered that depriving rats entirely of sleep resulted in their near-dying state or death within eleven to thirty-two days.
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A research also published in Sleep in 2025 showed that both sleeping too little and sleeping too much can lead to higher risks of mortality, due to influences on cardiovascular health and other health problems.
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If people want to live long and healthily, then they should not compromise on their own sleeping time.
10. Damages Skin
Just one night of poor sleep could lead to sallow skin dark circles under the eyes, and puffy eyes. Therefore, just imagine how much damage our skin has to bear due to a serious sleep lack.
Sleep lack has a direct impact on the elasticity of our skin. An improper sleep pattern can cause excess stress, which leads our body to produce more cortisol hormone. This hormone can break down the skin protein that can keep it smooth and elastic.
Less skin elasticity could lead to dark eye circles, fine lines, and wrinkles, making these problems appear more noticeable. Moreover, sleep lack can reduce the ability to recover of our skin after sun exposure.
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A research published in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology in 2025 reported that chronic poor sleep quality can come together with increased intrinsic aging signs, diminished skin barrier functions and lower appearance satisfaction.
If you would like to look healthy and young, remember not to comprise on your beauty sleep.
Another thing that I would like to recommend my readers, just like you, to spend time doing right after reading this list of negative effects of lack of sleep is to read another writing – a combination of other negative effects of sleep lack – the List Of 7 Negative Effects Of Sleep Deprivation article. This is actually a useful writing that reveals a short list of 7 bad things that we will have to face if we suffer from the sleep deprivation issue, so readers of need to spend time reading it to be aware of this terrible clearer besides reading the article today. The information you will get from the recommended article would not totally match with the content of the article today, so do not concern about whether or not you will feel bored or waste your time with unnecessary things.
This is the list of 10 worst, negative effects of lack of sleep that everyone who wants to leave healthily without having to face any ailment or disease related to sleep deprivation should read. In fact, lack of sleep has been proven to contribute to several serious and severe conditions, and it is actually essential for people to stop this issue right away to avoid negative consequences. The information and advice contained in this writing are recommended by doctors and experienced persons, so you should not concern about the effectiveness of them.
After reading this effects of lack of sleep list, if you feel that it is actually important to beat off this issue right away and what we reveal today is exactly things you want to know, feel free to leave your comment and feedback below. If you think that this article is also useful for any other people who is also suffering from this issue, share this list with them and encourage them to treat it right from today. Finally, as an author of Vkool, I welcome all of my readers’ opinions and contribution, so feel free to let me see what you think about this topic by filling the comment section below, I will reply your question (if available) as soon as I can.
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