Electricity is always around us and it is essential for the nowadays life. In fact, keeping safe when we use electrical household appliances is not too difficult as you may imagine, but from that, you can save your life and help people around without facing difficulties. Electrical safety tips should be learned in home-school fire safety and household rules so that anyone can follow.
List OfElectrical Safety Tips – 12 Best Tips To Follow:
Electricity plays a vital part in our modern lives. You can find difficult and uncomfortable to live without electricity. However, just one mistake can spark an electrical fire, an electrical shock or even a death.
In the article today, I would like to reveal some of the best electrical safety tips that can help you to make sure that you and your other family members will be safe so you should keep your head on the following interesting lifestyle facts The best tips are:
8. Electrical Safety Tips In The Workplace
9. Electrical Safety Tips For Children
10. Deal With An Electrical Shock
1. Electrical Appliances
This is the first out on the list of electrical safety tips that I would like to introduce in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use for good!
Electrical appliances are a vital part of every household. Most of the people use at least one electrical appliance in our home. It is easy to forget that in fact, there are a lot of risks related to their use. Take your time to learn the principles of electrically safe operation to prevent unwanted risks. These electrical safety tips can help all of your appliances operate safely:
Make sure that any appliances you buy are all approved by a reputable consumer laboratory or the Underwriters Laboratories.
Put all of the electrical appliances away from a source of water such as bathtubs, pools, sinks or overhead vents which may be able to dribble.
Unplug all of the unused appliances or unplug an appliance before cleaning or repairing, and simultaneously put away cords out of reach of kids, pets and dangerous situations.
Follow carefully instructions on how to use an electrical appliance, do not try amateur repairing or upgrading.
Remember that do not use any electrical appliances while your hands are wet or while you are standing in water.
Electrical appliances that create heat, such as televisions, clocks, and computer monitors should be put several inches away from cooling and air circulation. Besides, do not wrap toys, clothes or other things over warm appliances
Put clothes, toys and other potentially burnable materials away from appliances that generate heat sources
If you get an electric lawnmower, just use it when the grass is dry and never use while it is rainy. Remember to wear closed-toe shoes.
If you smell gas, must not touch any switches because it can lead a spark.
A turned-off appliance is still connecting to electricity unless it is unplugged.
There are some electrical safety tips that you should follow when using electrical appliances.
2. Outlets
Each cord has to plug into a proper electrical outlet. However, these charming niches are attracted unwanted objects, easily causing fires.Follow electrical safety tips to ensure outlets to be safe:
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when you want to plug an appliance into an outlet.
Turn into a solid cover plate in order to block unused outlets.
Plug only one appliance with high wattage into each outlet. Do not burden outlets with power strips or multiple adaptors; instead, remove cords
Avoid installing ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) safety outlets in potentially risky areas such as near crawl spaces, bathrooms, kitchens, and unstable basements
Never put any other objects, but appropriate- sized plug into an outlet.
Let all of the outlets wrapped up in secure plates that wrap all wiring.
If outlets always become warm, or have problems with tripping circuits or blowing fuses, call an electrician.
These are in fact among the best electrical safety tips that people should learn and follow to protect ourselves from electrical hazards.
3. CordsAnd Plugs
Each electrical appliance has a proper cord, and many households use extension cords to have more electrical outlets. The following electrical safety tips can help operate cords and plugs safely:
Always check cords for cracks, kinks or frays, including holiday lights, power tool cords, and extension cords before each use.
When you want to disconnect an electrical appliance, pull the plug and do not pull the cord.
Do not nail cords in position at whatever time. If the cord is not located in where you want, use twist ties or tape to attach it.
Cords are different from clothes lines, jump ropes or leashes, so you should not use it for other purposes.
Cords should be stably plugged into proper outlets. If the cord seems loose, you can take it off easily and choose another outlet.
While your hands are not dry or if you are contacting with a metal thing, do not remove a cord or a plug.
Cords should not be placed under a carpet or across doorways, where you can trip over easily or where you will not notice frays.
Do not change a cord’s plug at whatever time. Do not make an attempt to reduce a wider prong to suit a different outlet.
If you unplug a cord, do not remove a plug by pulling on the cord; instead, pull the plug.
Extension cord is just a temporary solution, and the best way for you is to have additional outlets or circuits installed by a qualified electrician in order to minimize to use extension cords.
Choose the appropriate length and weight of extension cord for each task. There are extension cords for use with heaters and air conditioners. Besides, make sure that the cord is used for indoor or outdoor purposes.
Make sure that cords are far away from sources of water and heat.
If cords and plugs have any signs of damage, stop utilizing them immediately.
In fact, these are also among the list of electrical safety tips so that people should follow them to keep ourselves safe while using cords and plugs.
4. Light Bulbs
Light bulbs are the most common electrical appliance in homes, and light bulb safety tips can help you prevent from a common electrical risk.
Use light bulbs that get the right wattage requirements for each attachment. Using a bulb with higher wattage can lead to overheated attachment.
Consider using more efficient CFL bulbs that offer the same degree of light at a lower wattage degree.
In case a CFL bulb breaks, you have to open all windows and let all people leave this room for at least quarter of an hour.
Make sure to turn off or unplug an attachment completely before changing other light bulbs.
Be sure to screw light bulbs tightly. Sparks and shorts can be a result from a loose bulb.
Make sure to use the right spotlight for each job. Using the wrong spotlight can cause a fire.
These are in the list of electrical safety tips so that people should not look down yet try to follow them to keep away from dangers caused by electricity.
5. Fuses
When using a fuse, you also need to pay your attention to some following electrical safety tips:
If you want to change a fuse, turn off all light and appliances and choose another one with a similar rating. Do not make attempt to change a fuse in the dark; instead, use a flashlight
Loose fuses can cause the overheating. If you get a plug-type fuse, you should check it up to make sure that it is snug.
Continue reading this article to discover other electrical safety tips!
6. Electrical Safety Tips In The Home
It is important to follow electrical safety tips to make sure that you and other family members are safe in your home where you always believe to be the safest place rather than a place containing a lot of hazards.
Use childproof plugs in home electrical outlets to prevent children from putting small items into them. Besides, unused wall outlets need to be secured with plastic inserts or the arrangement of furniture. You should also put electrical devices out of children’s reach.
Test safety switches every three months due to a general rule that electrical appliance just should be used when switches are safe. In order to test switches, you just need to press the “T” or “test” button. If this switch turns off the power, it means that it works correctly. Remember to do tests on switches although using safety switches does not mean you can be safer when using electricity. This is because they are no alternate for safe practices and proper electrical maintenance.
Call a professional electrician if you need to repair anything, no matter how minor the task.
Water is known as a good conductor of electricity, so be careful with water leaks. If water leaks into power circuits or the light, this can cause a fire or an electric shock. When you see a water leak, immediately call a licensed plumber to repair it.
Do not use electrical items in your bathroom, but items designed specifically for the bathroom. Even with these items, avoid using, plugging and unplugging with your wet hands.
These are actually also best electrical safety tips that all people in the world should be aware of to reduce the risks of electrical dangers.
7. Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips
Another out of the best electrical safety tips that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and remember to follow is that we have to be careful when using electricity outdoors.
It is also important to follow electrical safety tips when you go outdoors. This is because many electrical risks can occur near your houses, but not just inside your houses. Here are some best electrical safety tips for you:
Prune trees to keep them away from power lines.
Always keep in your mind that contacting with a power line can cause death.
Do not play or swim in water while an electrical storm is occurring, even if there is no rain.
Do not fly model aircraft, balloons or kites near power lines
When you need to use a chainsaw, ladder or other outdoor equipment, carefully observe the surrounding area to make sure it is not near power lines.
If you see a downed power line, do not approach it; instead, immediately contact with the authorities
Do not climb the fence which is near an electrical substation. If something gets inside the fence, call the electric company to get it out of the fence for you.
Never climb utility poles or climb on fences that are near electric substations.
If you are using an electrical appliance, stay away at least 3 meters from swimming pool or any wet surfaces.
Never throw anything onto or at electric power lines.
Do not hang banners or signs on electric utility poles.
Avoid contacting with overhead lines. Remember to keep a safe distance, at least 10 meters for lines on towers and 6.4 meters for lines on poles. Moreover, before digging, you need to know exactly the location of underground power lines.
Continue reading to know more electrical safety tips that can save your life!
8. Electricity Safety Tips In The Workplace
These are also best electrical safety tips that people should learn and follow for good.
Electrical safety practices at work can prevent an electrical shock or any similar injuries by training workers on the right procedures while working on electrical equipment or circuits. Make sure that all employees practice electrical safety tips in their workplace. Here are some tips the employee should check at first to examine if it is safe or not:
Be sure all the equipment are located in a safe environment, such as a location, where it is not exposed to flammable liquids, gasses, and high temperatures.
Make sure that safety devices such as breakers, fuses, and GFCI are working correctly.
Make sure that there is enough space around a circuit or other electrical equipments in order to operate and maintain.
If the electrical equipment has an emergency turnoff switch, know where it is located.
Make sure that the plugs and power cords do not have any damages.
Turn off appliances such as computers, lamps, space heaters, coffee markers, etc. at the end of the day.
Do not try to move or repair devices while they are energized.
9. Electrical Safety Tips For Children
Children are always curious and they are not aware of the dangers of electricity. The basic knowledge about electricity’s power and electrical shock can help children be safe from dangers. In order to protect children, there are some electrical safety tips. These tips are important in protecting them from serious injuries or even possible death.
Do not put fingers and other things into small appliances, even if these appliances are off.
Never use electrical appliances or keep cords near a bathtub, sink or other sources of water and heat.
Never touch any electrical devices while touching water.
Never yank the electric cord to pull a plug out of the outlet on the wall.
If you see a frayed, loose, or damaged electrical cords, immediately tell an adult.
Before cleaning an electrical appliance, remember to unplug it.
Keep metal thing far away from a toaster.
Stay away from power lines, substations and do not play near power lines
Never touch the metal transformer box with warning signs.
Obey warning signs.
In fact, keeping the children from electrical dangers is very important, so keep your head on these above electrical safety tips for children and encourage your children to follow them.
10. Deal With An Electrical Shock
Electricity is considered as a powerful source of energy that provides power with lights, machinery, tools and other necessary appliances for our lives. However, electricity will become a hazard if you become a part of the circuit, as the nearest path to ground can be through you, leading an electrical shock. When you are experiencing a shock caused by electricity, your muscles will spasm. If the path of the circuit involves in your lung, your natural respiration can be interrupted. If this path involves in your heart, fibrillation can happen that results in heart failure. It is vital to know that an electrical shock does not be strong enough to cause a death. However, it can make you fall or jolt to hazardous surroundings.
If you feel tingled when you touch something, your electrical installation is maybe faulty. Turn off the power at the main switch if it is safe to do and then call an electrician to check up. In case you want to help someone who is experiencing an electric shock, shut off the main switch at first, if you cannot shut it off, immediately take a non-conducting object like a rug, a chair, or a broom to remove this person from the source of power. The best way for you is to stand on something dry that is not able to conduct electricity. If someone is contacting with a power line, the only thing to do is to call the electric utility and force them to turn off the power. Immediately call an ambulance and never attempt to remove the power line or any electrical equipment from the victim.
11. Deal With An Electrical Fire
Another one on the list of the best electrical safety tips that I would like to reveal in the entire article today and want you and my other readers to learn and consider applying it if you will have to deal with an electrical fire in the future.
Firefighters suggest that if you see a fire, the best way for you is to get out of the house as soon as possible. When you are safe outside, immediately call the local fire department. In case of a small electrical fire, unplug the appliance if possible. If smoke comes from electric motors or wires, shut the power off. Remember that never throw water on it. Water conducts electricity so throwing water on an electrical fire can make it get larger. If you want to fight this fire, use the chemical fire extinguisher.
12. Use Electrical Protective Equipment
This is the last but very important out of the best electrical safety tips that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to follow it. Electrical protective equipment is known as insulating equipment. It includes matting, gloves, line hose, insulated blankets, covers, sleeves, and arc flash clothing. Electrical protective equipment should be immediately used in an incident that may cause damage. Damage includes holes, cuts, swelling, hardening, punctures or any other defects.
Another thing that I would like you and my other readers to do after reading this entire article about the best electrical safety tips and how to keep ourselves safe from electrical dangers is to spend your little time reading another article that introduces basic home kitchen safety tips – the 29 Basic Home Kitchen Safety Tips That Really Works article. This is actually an important article that can protect us from dangers coming from our home kitchen. These safety tips have already supported many people in the world effectively in dealing with a lot of home kitchen dangers so that readers of Vkool.com should read this suggested article and follow these tips for good.
This is the list of electrical safety tips that everyone should read and remember to follow. In fact, many accidents are avoidable, and the above electrical safety tips will help us keep everyone around us safe. The tips and tricks suggested in this recommended article are very simple to follow yet extremely useful so do not skip them but give them a chance to help you and your family members to stay far away accidents in the kitchen.
After reading the list of electrical safety tips and learn how to deal with some electrical dangers, if you feel this list is very good and can also help other people you know who are not aware of the dangers of electricity and do not know how to use electrical devices and appliances correctly as I mentioned above, you should share this list with them and stimulate them to follow these tips. One more thing, as an author of VKool, I hope that I can see my readers’ opinion, so remember to leave your comments below, I will reply you soon.
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