Muscle cramps can affect anyone; therefore, it is the common problem in people who often play sports. It is said that 39 percent of marathon runners, 60 percent of cyclists, and 79 percent of athletes always experience muscle cramps. Muscle cramps may cause intense sharp pain. Moreover, this disease may occur with soreness, swelling and inflammation. Muscle cramps may affect different parts of your body such as the back of lower leg or the back of the thigh. It also affects the abdomen, hands, feet and arms. In this article, I will refer to the effective home remedies and natural techniques on how to treat muscle cramps in hands and feet.
How To Treat Muscle Cramps In Hands And Feet – Effective Home Remedies And Natural Techniques
Muscle cramps mean the sudden contraction of one or many muscles. This condition will make you wake up in the night and stop in your tracks because of excruciating pain. Although this condition may not lead to any serious problems, you are not able to use these affected muscles. When you experience the muscle cramps, you may feel the sharp pain, hard lump in affected muscle tissue which is beneath your skin. There are different causes of muscle cramps including inadequate blood supply, nerve compression and mineral depletion. Inadequate blood supply results from narrowing of the arteries due to excessive exercising. These cramps will disappear soon after you stop doing exercise. Nerve compression is caused by improper position. Finally, mineral depletion happens when you consume little calcium, potassium and magnesium in your diet which can increase the risk of developing muscle cramps. Therefore, one of effective ways that help you to keep the muscle cramps at bay is increasing the calcium, potassium and magnesium intake. Moreover, diuretics are the effective medication for not only high blood pressure but also mineral depletion. These factors, such as dehydration, aging, pregnancy and some certain medical conditions will increase the risk of developing muscle cramps. Treatments for muscle cramps may be prescribed medications. However, you should consult the doctor before trying because it can cause some unwanted side effects. Fortunately, there are many effective home remedies and natural techniques on how to treat muscle cramps in hands and feet I would like to introduce to you on vkool.com.
1.Cold Compress:
The first tip on how to treat muscle cramps I want to introduce is applying the cold compress on the affected muscle in hands and feet in order to find the significant relief.
The cold temperature will help you to numb the pain and alleviate the inflammation.
After applying the cold compress on the affected muscles, it will help the muscle to relax. Moreover, it will reduce the soreness. In order to use this treatment, you should place the ice cubes in a clean towel and wrap it. After that, put the solution on the affected areas for about 10 to 15 minutes. If you want to treat muscle cramps effectively and completely, you should repeat the treatment every two hours for a few days. Alternatively, taking a cold shower also has the same benefits.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Drinking apple cider vinegar solution will help you to treat constipation but it is the different story. Because apple cider vinegar has the great source of potassium, it can considered as the effective home remedy on how to treat muscle cramps naturally. We all know that lack of potassium is the common trigger of frequent muscle cramps. Moreover, there are a lot of nutrients in this remedy that can help you to keep the dehydration at bay by balancing the fluid in your body. In order to use this treatment, you should add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of lukewarm water. It is recommended drinking it treatment daily in order to prevent and treat muscle cramps. If you often suffer from muscle cramps at night and this condition prevents you from sleeping, you can make the solution by mixing the mixture of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of calcium lactate in a glass of warm water. Drinking the solution before bed daily will help you decrease the risk of happening muscle cramps at night.
3. Epsom Salt:
If you want to look for the ways on how to treat muscle cramps, you should not ignore Epsom salt. The possible reason may be that Epsom salt has the great source of magnesium. This nutrient will relax your muscle and boost the healing process. In order to treat muscle cramps, you should add two cups of Epsom salt into a warm bathtub. Stir it well. It is recommended taking this bath for 15 to 20 minutes. However, if you want to treat this problem completely, you should repeat the treatment several times after that. You need to make sure that you will avoid this treatment if you experience some certain disease such as heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure.
4. Yellow Mustard:
Yellow mustard is used widely to cure muscle cramps soon and effectively. The possible reason may be that it has acetic acid. Acetic acid will boost the production of acetylcholine in your body. Acetylcholine plays the important role in keeping the muscle work well. Taking one teaspoon of yellow mustard daily will help you to alleviate pain and reduce soreness. If you want to get more significant result, you can add one teaspoon of yellow mustard in the warm milk and drink it several times a day.
5. Black Strap Molasses:
If the muscle cramps is caused by lack of potassium and calcium, the black strap molasses is the effective home remedy on how to treat muscle cramps in hands and feet. The possible reason may be that black strap molasses are rich in potassium and calcium. Therefore, it helps to keep the strong muscle and keep the muscle cramps at bay. In order to use this treatment, you should add one teaspoon of black strap molasses into a glass of lukewarm water. You can use milk to replace the water. It is recommended drinking the solution slowly to get the immediate relief. You should drink the treatment regularly in order to prevent the deficiency of calcium and potassium.
6. Clove Oil:
As the way on how to treat muscle cramps, clove oil will alleviate the swelling and inflammation caused by cramps. The possible reason may be that clove oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Some patients who get diagnosed muscle cramps said that the intense pain relieve after they try clove oil solution for a few days. Make the clove oil warm and rub it gently on the affected areas. It is better to massage the area for 5 to 10 minutes in order to relax the muscle. If you want to treat the muscle cramps effectively and completely, you should repeat the treatment again.
7. Stretching Exercise:
Stretching exercise may help you to relieve the muscle cramps. Therefore, you should stretch the muscle mildly and gently for 15 to 30 seconds. After that, rub the affected muscles to help them relax. Swimming is the effective stretch for muscle you should try. It is said that moving the muscle in water will alleviate the pain and soreness caused by muscle cramps. Moreover, cold water is effective in treating pain and inflammation. Stretching before and after exercise will help you to prevent the muscle cramps. However, if you feel stretchingcause more pain and soreness, you should stop doing it.
8. Rosemary:
Because rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, it will treat inflamed muscle tissue and alleviate pain and soreness. It helps the muscles to relax because rosemary contains warming effect. As a result, it boosts the healing process. Rosemary can be absorbed easily. You should put the rosemary leaves into boiling water. Let it steep for 25 to 30 minutes. Use the washcloth in the solution and apply it on the affected muscles for 15 minutes. After the pain caused by muscle cramps reduces you should apply the cold compress over these areas. Alternatively, mixing two teaspoons of dried rosemary with a cup of hot water and drinking it solution slowly also help you to find the relief.
9. Hydration:
Because dehydration will increase the risk of developing muscle cramps, it is important to drink enough water as the way on how to treat muscle cramps. Not only athletic but also non-athletic people need to consume enough water. It is recommended drinking enough eight glasses of water per day. Moreover, in order to keep the muscle cramps at bay, you should drink water two hours before and after exercise. Besides the water, some fluids such as sport drinks, vegetable juice, and fruit juice is also helpful for you.
10. Massage:
Massaging will help you to reduce soreness and stiffness. Therefore, you should take this treatment to alleviate the pain. You can use massage oil for better result. Massage oil can be made by mixing four parts of vegetable oil with wintergreen oil.
These are 10 tips and home remedies on how to treat muscle cramps in hands and feet. I hope that you will find these tips effective and helpful. If you have any questions to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can.
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