The kidney is the important organ in our body, which helps your body flush out the toxin and waste product from your body through urine. Moreover, it also does other functions such as regulating other parts of your body, maintaining the acidity, producing urine, filtering the blood. However, sometimes the kidney is infected and cannot function well and properly. If kidney infection is not treated soon, it can lead to kidney failure and some other life-threatening problems. In this article, it is time for me to introduce to you some effective home remedies and natural techniques on how to treat kidney infection naturally at home.
How To Treat Kidney Infection Naturally At Home – Effective Home Remedies And Natural Techniques
Kidney infection is one type of urinary tract infection (UTI) which begins in the bladder and urethra and comes to your kidneys. Signs and symptoms of this disease may include fever, groin pain, abdominal pain, frequent urination, persistent strong need to urinate, burning sensation while urinating, blood in urine, bad smells of urine, fatigue, fever, confusion, nausea, loss of appetite, and redness in the skin. Kidney infection happens when the bacteria sneak to the urinary tract through tube which carries urine. The symptoms of kidney infection get worse as the bacteria begin to multiply. The people suffering other infection may face the more risk of developing kidney infection than anybody else. The possible reason may be that bacteria from other organs of your body can spread to the kidneys and cause kidney infection. For example, if heart valve or artificial joint is infected, it can lead to kidney infection. Kidney surgery may make the kidney infection develop; however, this cause is rare. If this disease is not treated well, it can lead to kidney failure or other serious complications. For instance, infection can make your kidney damaged, which can result in chronic kidney disease, Because damaged kidneys cannot filter the blood properly and effectively, overtime this disease can cause blood poisoning. If the women with pregnancy experience kidney infection, they may deliver babies with low birth weight or birth defect. Kidney infection needs medical attention. Therefore, if you notice some specific signs and symptoms, you should make an appointment with the doctor in order to get diagnosed and treatment.
Kidney infection can be cured with antibiotics. Additionally, in order to boost the process of healing, you should also follow some home remedies and natural techniques on how to treat kidney infection naturally at home I would like to introduce to you on vkool.com.
1. Parsley Juice:
Like any parts and organs of your body like liver and colon, the kidneys also need cleansing. Parsley juice is effective in flushing the toxins and wasting out from your kidneys. Therefore, parsley juice is considered as the effective home remedy on how to treat kidney infection. The possible reason may be that parsley juice has the great source of nutrients such as vitamin A, B, C, sodium, potassium, thiamin, copper, and riboflavin. In order to utilize this treatment, you should boil the water in the boiler. After that, add a few parsley leaves in. After a few minutes, strain the solution. Let it cool for a while and sip it slowly. Some researchers have proven the effectiveness of parsley juice in treating kidney infection and other problems related to kidney. Moreover, it is also the best and the most effective way to prevent the kidney infection at bay.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple Cider Vinegar is the excellent home remedy on how to treat kidney infection naturally at home you should not get ignored. However, if you combine the apple cider vinegar with honey, it can bring more effectiveness as the treatment for kidney infection. Make the mixture of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey. The patients with kidney infection can consume this mixture daily in order to get the satisfactory result
3. Fruit Juice:
Fruit juice is well-known remedy for cleansing kidneys, liver and your colon. Drinking the fruit juice daily will help you to get rid of the toxin, waste, infectious agents and particles from your body and help you to relax the kidney during infection treatment. Therefore, if you want to look for the effective way on how to treat kidney infection, you should choose fruit juice. There are a lot of fruit juice which have many beneficial benefits for you kidneys and health such as orange, lemon, grapes, cranberries, and apples. It is recommended drink fruit juice every day in order to get the satisfactory results. After choosing the fresh free-chemical fruits, you should wash the fruits with clean water. After that, put the fruits in the juicer.
4. Herbal Tea:
Everyone knows that herbal tea has versatile benefits for your health. For example, drinking herbal tea is effective in curing sore throat. It is not surprising when herbal tea is considered as the effective remedy on how to treat kidney infection. There is a variety of herbal tea you can drink such as marshmallow tea, chamomile tea, goldenrod tea, and parsley tea. Drink herbal tea not only treat kidney infection but also keep many problems related kidneys at bay. It is recommended sipping these teas slowly twice a day in order to achieve the better results.
5. Aloe Vera:
Many people know that apply aloe vera on the skin will help them deal with many skin problems such as acne, and pimple. Surprisingly, Aloe vera is the excellent solution for kidney infections as well as kidney diseases. If you suffer from kidney infection, you should consume aloe vera for the excellent benefits.
Aloe Vera can help you to flush the toxins, waste, infectious agents and particles out of your body because it has cleansing mechanism. It is recommended consuming aloe vera twice a day.
6. Cranberry Juice:
Cranberry juice is well-known as an effective remedy on how to treat kidney infection as well as other troubles related to kidneys. However, if you choose cranberry juice as the treatment for kidney disease and kidney infection, you should not take cranberry juice continuously for more than 4 weeks. The possible reason may be that consuming cranberry juice for a long period of time can make the symptoms get worse or lead to more serious complications. It is recommended drinking cranberry juice without adding sugar because sweetened form may decrease the benefit of cranberry juice and lead to some health problems.
7. Vitamin C
Because increase vitamin C intake will balance the acidic levels in your kidney, it is considered as the beneficial and important solution on how to treat kidney infection naturally. Moreover, it also stops the bacteria growth. Oranges and other citrus fruits have the great source of vitamin C. Therefore, it is recommended eating oranges and other citrus fruits for favorable benefits. If you do not like fruits which are rich in vitamin C, you can take vitamin C supplement or tablets once a day in your breakfast.
8. Water:
It is important to keep you hydrated when you suffer from kidney infection or kidney problem. Water is the best solution. Water can help you to get rid of toxins, waste, infectious agents from your kidneys. And allow them to pass through urinary tract and get out of your body through urine. Although you do not experience kidney infections or other health problems, drinking water every day will help you to live more healthily and more happily. It is recommended drinking eight glasses of water per day.
However, sometime, the damaged kidneys cannot flush out the extra fluid as usual. Therefore, you should ask the doctors for an amount of water you should take when you suffer from kidney infection.
9. Baking Soda:
Baking soda is effective in increasing the bicarbonate levels in your kidneys; therefore, baking soda is widely used as the effective remedy on how to treat kidney infection. You should add one tablespoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water. Drinking the baking soda solution during a day will give the excellent benefit. Moreover, after infection treatment, you should maintain drinking baking soda solution at daily basic in order to relax and protect your kidneys.
10. Garlic:
Garlic is considered as effective home remedy on how to treat kidney infection at home because it has diuretic properties. Eating garlic in your diet will help you to alleviate the symptoms of kidney infection. The possible reason may be that it will let the kidney pass more salt in the urine. Moreover, garlic contains allicin, an active ingredient and has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Therefore, besides treating kidney infection, eating garlic also help you to cure a variety of health diseases. Eating 3 or 4 cloves of raw garlic can give you excellent benefits. Alternatively, you can take garlic supplements or capsules. However, before taking this supplement, you should consult the doctor in order to make sure that it does not cause any side effects for your health.
11. Turmeric:
Turmeric is excellent remedy on how to treat kidney infection at home. Moreover, it also speeds up the healing process. The possible reason may be that turmeric has curcumin which contains antibacterial properties. Moreover, turmeric has antifungal and anti-bacterial properties; therefore, turmeric solution will help you to stop growth or bacteria and microbes. If you suffer from kidney infection, you can consume turmeric directly or mix it in your meal. Alternatively, you can take turmeric supplement. However, to make sure that it does not cause any side effects, you need to consult your doctor first.
12. Ginger:
Ginger is versatile herb that can be used to treat many health problems. It is not surprisingly when ginger is used to treat kidney infection naturally and effectively. The possible reason may be that it has gingerols which contains contain anti-bacterial properties. These properties will help you to stop bacteria growth in your kidneys. For curing kidney infection, you should have a cup of ginger tea daily.
13. Diet:
If you suffer from kidney infection, you should ask your doctor to follow a restricted diet. It is said that the patients with kidney infection should not consume the diet which is rich in glucose or sugar. The possible reason may be that sugar may make the bacteria develop. The foods they should limit or avoid include biscuits, cakes, chocolates, alcohol, and aerated soft drinks. Moreover, patients with kidney infection should increase probiotic intake. Probiotics will help you to stop the growth of harmful bacteria while developing the spread of good bacteria. In order to increase the probiotic intake, you should consume these foods like tofu, yogurt, and kefir.
14. Frequent Urination:
As the way on how to treat kidney infection, frequent urination will get rid of harmful bacteria, radicals and viruses from your body through urine. Harmful bacteria, waste, toxin and harmful radicals are the triggers of kidney infection and other problems such as kidney stones, kidney disease. In order to urinate frequently, you should drink enough water and fluids and keep your body hydrated. When these triggers of kidney infection are removed, this condition can be healed automatically. Moreover, after sexual intercourse, it is important to urinate immediately in order to avoid the spread of harmful bacteria causing kidney infection between partners.
15. Proper Hygiene:
When you look for the ways on how to treat kidney infection, you should not ignore proper hygiene. Hygiene will help you treat many infections in kidney, bladder, and urethra because it can avoid recurrences. Patients with infection need to maintain the proper hygiene in order to avoid the spreading of harmful bacteria to other parts, organs of your body.
These are 15 effective home remedies and techniques on how to treat kidney infection naturally at home on vkool.com. I hope that you will find these tips helpful and effective. If you have any question to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow. I would like to answer all your questions as soon as I can. Thank you for reading.
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