Gastroparesis is a disease occurring when there is a stomach paralysis or delayed gastric emptying. In general, food is put into the gastric tract due to the help of constant contractions of the stomach’s muscles. When the body gets gastroparesis, these stomach’s muscles don’t work well and this prevents the stomach from emptying the food effectively as usual. This delay in the act of stomach can later cause an development of bacteria or the formation of bezoars. Moreover, Gastroparesis can cause more serious problems in digestion system or others like vomiting, nausea, malnutrition or the imbalance in blood sugar levels.
There are some symptoms of Gastroparesis including abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, swollen abdomen, low appetite, blood sugar levels fluctuation, feeling full with a small amount of food, the malnutrition or unintended weight loss.
The disease can be caused by several factors such as uncontrolled diabetes, hypothyroidism, radiation therapy, abdominal surgery, hypothyroidism or some nervous system diseases like Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. There may be no cure for it, but people can reduce and treat the disease symptoms by changing their diet or particular medication. It is easier and more comfortable to treat the disease with home remedies that everyone can do by herself be actually effective.
In this article, will give you 10 natural home remedies for gastroparesis that use natural ingredients protect your digesting system as well as treat gastroparesis disease at home. The list of remedies in this article is the best solutions and tips to for the disease without any other effect from the reliable source. However, the article is not about to give medical advice, and it is just for the informational purpose. Continue reading the article to see more useful remedies to take care of your health quickly and effectively.
Top 10 Natural Home Remedies For Gastroparesis
1. Probiotic Foods
The first symptom you have to face when having Gastroparesis is the weakness of the digestion. Therefore, it is necessary to supply your digestion with nutrients that help it act well as usual. And probiotics food is recommended at first. Probiotic foods are natural home remedies for gastroparesis. Probiotics are known as microorganisms that aid in the ingesting process by breaking down the available food and effectively absorb its nutrients. There are 2 kinds of food full of probiotic, including:
- The true food like Greek yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, tempeh, and sour pickles.
- Other probiotic supplements available in the medication (remember to consult your doctor before taking in)
Learn more: Foods high in probiotics list: natural probiotics in your kitchen
2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vital factor for the whole health in general and for your digestion in particular. Vitamin D is an effective way of natural home remedies for gastroparesis. People who suffer from gastroparesis need to maintain an adequate vitamin D amount in the body. This vitamin not plays an important role in enteric nervous system health of but also boosts the digestion, immune, and neurological health.
Due to the ability to aid the digestion system, vitamin D can reduce the symptom os gastroparesis disease. And there has been research showing the relation of vitamin D levels and the improvement in gastric motility through patients with gastroparesis. Below is some tips for using vitamin D for gastroparesis patients:
- Exposure your body in the early morning sunlight (10 to 15 minutes) without any sunscreen.
- Increase the take in of foods with high vitamin D level like soy products, fortified milk, and fortified cereals.
- Take in vitamin D supplement alternatively, after consulting your doctor.
Read more: Connection between vitamin D and hair loss prevention
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is also very helpful for people who have gastroparesis. It is because it boosts the digesting process and regulates the bowel movements. Aloe Vera naturally supports the right functioning of the digestion as well as helps in relieving bloating or stomach pain. So, it is known as one of the natural home remedies for gastroparesis.
There are some ways to increase the Aloe Vera amount in your body:
- Make a cup of aloe vera juice by blending 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel with 1 cup of orange juice or fresh water in a blender. Keep drinking 1 cup of aloe vera juice each morning as soon as waking up for a proper bowel movement.
- Add a cup of aloe vera before your meal alternatively.
Notice: Don’t drink much aloe vera juice (with more than 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel a day.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is the continuous way of home remedies for gastroparesis. The reason is that it has the alkalizing effect in the human body, which is beneficial in relieving abdominal pain, bloating and heartburn, as well as improving the digesting process. A study conducted in 2024 also indicated the link of apple cider vinegar to the delay in gastric emptying with patients suffering from diabetes type 1. The researcher also emphasizes that the vinegar has a statistically significant effect on the gastric emptying.
This is the way to use apple cider vinegar for the treatment: Consume the drink of 1 teaspoon raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water 15 to 20 minutes before each meal.
See more: How to use apple cider vinegar for scalp? 12 best uses
5. Ginger Ale & Cranberry Juice
Ginger is very good for digestion thereby it has been used to digestion-related diseases like gastroparesis with the regular symptoms nausea or vomiting tendencies. It helps the digestive tract by toning the intestine muscles and boosting the breakdown of food particles. This activity boosts motility in the gastrointestinal tract as well as aids in digesting food and other stuff out of the intestines. Therefore, ginger is able to soothe the gas pains, effectively digest and metabolize fats so as to relieve any common stomach pains.
Cranberry contains good enzymes that help the digesting system digest food easier. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits that decrease the risk of chronic inflammation in the large intestine as well as in the stomach. You may just eat raw cranberry after your meal to feel how it effects on your digestion.
The combination of ginger and cranberry creates an excellent way of home remedies for gastroparesis. You should mix a proper ratio of ginger ale and cranberry juice and drink this nutritious juice 30 minutes before your meal to reduce the symptom gastroparesis.
Learn more: Health benefits of cranberry juice and tea-
6. Acupressure & Acupuncture
Acupressure and acupuncture are alternative medicine techniques to treat gastroparesis. In these therapies, doctors press fingers or insert the thin needles on the human body, which helps relieve some symptoms of gastroparesis including nausea, bloating, and vomiting. Plus, they also improve the neurological functions as well as stimulate immunity.
Moreover, acupressure and acupuncture promote the circulation of oxygen- rich blood in the body, so the activity of digestion is more effective. And a study conducted in China has already shown that the 2 therapies can provide good effects on diabetic gastroparesis. So, they are considered as home remedies for gastroparesis.
It is quite hard for you to carry out these therapies by yourself at home. But you can also try on conducting by this way: Press acupressure points PC6 (on the wrist) and ST36 (on the below kneecap and front of the leg) and keep them for few minutes.
Read more: 7 foods that improve blood circulation in legs
7. A proper Diet
A proper diet is a very important factor for everyone. It is not except for people with gastroparesis thereby they have to pay attention to their diet carefully. The patients need to avoid food with high content of fat and oil. It is because the high fiber contents can form bezoars, which causes gastroparesis symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting. There are many kinds of common fruit with high fiber contents you have to avoid such as apples, berries, oranges, Brussels sprouts, corns, coconuts, figs, potatoes, green beans, legumes…
People suffering from gastroparesis should separate their meal in 3- 6 times a day when the intake is reduced. Pay attention to the nutrient amount of food or foremost consult your doctor to get the most proper diet.
Learn more: Eat, drink and shrink recipes book review – is it reliable?
8. Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is not only good for the nervous system but also effective for a weak digestive system. It is because it helps stimulate your vagus nerve while increasing blood flow to the whole body as well as to the digestive tract. Therefore, it ensures a proper digestion with regular bowel movements. By this way, it is known as an easy way of home remedies for gastroparesis. Below are steps to take a suitable deep breathing:
- Choose a comfortable position to sit while placing your hands freely.
- Take a deep breath through your nose so as to expand your stomach and abdomen.
- Hold the breath for 3- 5 seconds and then breathe it out through your mouth. Make sure the exhalation last longer than the before inhalation.
- Doing this breathing exercise in 5 to 10 minutes.
- Apply the exercise anytime you feel tired or stressed.
See more: Benefits of breathing exercises for stress relief and health
9. Exercises
Besides using proper food, you should keep a regular exercise level to ensure the whole health as well as your digestion health. The first exercise you should do is yoga that helps you to regulate the blood circulation and reduce some stomach related problems.
Walking is another way of home remedies for gastroparesis. It is also beneficial for stomach related issues as well as the diabetic gastroparesis suffers. It is because walking stimulates the circulation of blood through the human body and makes it easier to digest the food available in the intestine.
See more: 10 shocking and interesting facts about exercises you don’t know
10. Rest
Stress is approved to be one of the reasons of digestion- related diseases, so it also has effects on people suffering from gastroparesis. A short rest also helps cure any kind problem more easily. And when you are out of stress, your digesting system will act more effectively, which reduces the risk of gastroparesis.
Take a rest whenever you feel uncomfortable or complicated.
Related article:
How to get rid of bloating in the stomach as soon as possible
To get more information about home remedies for health, go to our main Home remedies page. After reading “Natural home remedies for gastroparesis- 10 solutions and tips”, hope that you can know more some easy ways to protect your digesting system as well as treat gastroparesis disease. These 10 remedies are actually natural, safe, and effective for the health of people. But remember to try the recipes only after doing a small test, confirming the body reaction, and then continue using them. If you have any question or comment, please leave them below, I will respond you as soon as possible. Also, you can share your experiences with us if you know other home remedies for gastroparesis.
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