Menopause is only a biological process that known as the natural cessation of menstrual cycles and ferility in women. It is a natural change in every woman, not a disease or a disorder. Menopause often happens in women with the age from 45 to 55. Sometimes, it can happen earlier. The common symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, sweating, and impairment of memory. These symptoms often happen because of reducing oestrogen levels in the body.
Is There Any Remedy For How To Treat Menopause Symptoms Effectively At Home?
Most women don’t take care of treatment for menopausal symptoms because it will not have too much influence on your body. However, in some case they can bring about some troubles.
There are different ways to treat them including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or natural remedies. If you prefer natural remedies, you can also refer the following natural ways to treat them.
1. Flaxseed:
Flaxseed is one of the good remedies for menopause symptoms. A study in 2025 showed that omega-3 fatty acids and lignans in flaxseed are considered as phytoestrogens that are very effective in reducing hot flashes, vaginal dryness and preventing breast cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases. Besides that, it also helps to improve estrogen levels in the body.
In order to beat menopause symptoms by using flaxseed, you only need to prepare ground flaxseed to sprinkle on soups, salads or smoothies. You should not use whole flaxseed because it can lead to dyspepsia.
2. Vitamin E: vitamin E
Vitamin E is also a good ingredient for how to treat menopause symptoms effectively at home. It is proven that it can replace for estrogen to help regulate and control hot flashes as well as reduce vaginal dryness and heart palpitations, the common disease in women.
In order to reduce hot flashes, you can use a dose of 600 Ius of natural vitamin E daily or one 200 IU capsule with every meal. Another usage of vitamin E is to use vitamin E oil for the vagina to lessen vaginal dryness.
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3. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Using apple cider vinegar to deal with menopause is also a popular remedy. Two of the common symptoms of menopause are hot flashes and night sweats. Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar can help reduce their incidence and intensity, since then, make you feel more comfortable.
This remedy is very simple. You drink the mixture of one to two tablespoons of unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a glass of water in the morning. This liquid will help you get rid of toxins and regulate hormones.
4. Cinnamon:
Tips on how to treat menopause symptoms also include cinnamon. It is very helpful for reducing anxiety, mood swings and depression, at the same time, aiding the uterin muscle fiber.
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Cinnamon is quite easy to use in order to treat menopause symptoms. You add it in your diet such as herbal teas, stews…. If you feel your feet rough and tired, you can beat it by adding two tablespoons of cinnamon in a small bucket of warm water and soak your feet in this liquid for about 15 minutes. This solution can be done regularly as needed.
Read more: 28 health and beauty benefits of cinnamon you should know
5. Soya:
Soy products are also shown to be good for treating menopausal symptoms. Soy products contain isoflavones that are effective in balancing hormone levels.
There are many ways to use soy products such as drinking two glasses of soy milk daily, having some slices of soy linseed bread daily. Soy products are also good for your diet.
6. Chasteberry:
A herb named chasteberry contribute to nourish and support the endocrine system to balance hormones in women. Many menopausal symptoms such as hot flahes, sweating can be controlled by chasteberry.
You simply need to add a teaspoon of minced chasteberry to a cup of hot water and cover it. Wait for about 15 minutes. You can drink it after straining with three cups a day.
Alternatively, if minced chasteberry herb is not available, you can use 400 to 500 mg of standardized extract to add in a glass of water to drink once a day for three months.
7. Yoga:
Practicing yoga can help beat the most common symptoms of menopause such as mood swings, sleep disruption, night sweats and hot flashes. It is proven by many studies that yoga can make the body strong as well as ease and comfort with the symptoms of menopause.
Some common yoga exercises like posture, controlled breathing, meditation also can help lessen menopause symptoms. Advice for you is to take part in a gentle yoga class once or twice a week so as to practice your body even when your health is good.
8. Black Cohosh:
A study proves that black cohosh can help beat menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweat as well as ease feelings of depression within a few days. Like flaxseed, black cohosh also acts as a phytoestrogen, a good substance for treating menopausal symptoms and prevents some serious diseases. In addition, salicylic acid with its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving property is very helpful for menopausal symptoms.
Black cohosh can be occured in many forms such as capsules, tablets or mixture with water. When using it, you should talk to doctor for your safety. All women are facing with liver disease should not use black cohosh.
9. Your Diet:
Your diet plays an important role in how to treat menopause symptoms effectively at home. If you feel discomfortable about menopausal symptoms, you should avoid these foods:
The stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, chocolate, and spicy foods and sugary foods should be reduced in your diet to lessen hot flashes and tiredness.
Some foods should be supplemented in your meal such as fresh fruit with a few nuts; nuts and seeds to prevent dry skin and balance hormone levels; complex carbohydrates in brown grains, wholemeal pasta, bread, rice to balance blood sugar levels; foods like turkey, cottage cheese, oats contain amino acid tryptophan to help produce the neurotransmitter serotonin and control sleep and appetite; alkaline foods such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, yogurts to prevent calcium reserves; foods like soy, linseeds, miso, green beans… to increase phyto-oestrogens…
Here are some remedies for how to treat menopause symptoms effectively at home that we would like to share with you. Besides using these remedies to combat menopausal symptoms, you aslo should take a rest and relax properly, especially, drinking water as much as possible. It is very helpful for replenishing your stores and regulating your internal temperature. And you can show your idea of this topic in this website We are always glad to get your opinion.
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