10 Natural Home Remedies For Water Retention, Causes And Cures

home remedies for water retention

Water retention, also known as fluid retention, refers to an excessive build up of fluid in the circulatory system, cavities, and body tissues within the body. It is estimated that up to 70% of the body consists of water. Water exists both outside and inside the human body’s cells. Our blood is mostly made up of water, as are our muscle and organs.

If you find yourself bloated or your feet are swollen and you could not put your shoes on, then you might be suffering from water retention. Before resorting to any drug or medication for water retention, you should apply some natural water retention remedies which use easy-to-find ingredients around your house. Check out from VKool.com!

I. Natural Water Retention Remedies – Main Causes Of Fluid Retention

There are at least seven causes of water retention. Most cases of fluid retention are because of “idiopathic oedema (edema)” which simply means that the water retention is not being causes by a certain disease.

1. Weak Circulation In The Leg Veins 

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This might be one of the most common causes of fluid retention in ankles and legs. This happens in pregnancy and causes swellings. In those older people, this issue might also result in varicose veins.

2. Blockage Or Congestion Of Lymphatic System

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This could lead to a kind of fluid retention known as lymphoedema, which is popular after a few kinds of surgery, for example. Those people who spend a large amount of time immobile, such as those in hospital beds, on long-haul flights, wheelchairs, could develop water retention because with no regular movement, it is hard for the human lymphatic system to drain excess water out of the tissues.

3. Premenstrual Fluid Retention 

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Among many causes of water retention, this is common and is resulted by the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle. Nutritional deficiencies resulted by consuming too many of wrong foods as well as drinks will worsen this problem.

4. Salt

water retention remedies

Consuming too much salty food is one of the major causes of water retentions. The main component of salt is sodium, which human body dilutes with water if too much of it is present. Salt, in fact, makes you thirsty and your body will keep this water. Thus, decreasing your salt intake will help you release a little water retention yet not often more than about 2 lbs in weight. Thought a relatively salty diet could be harmful in different ways, it will not usually lead to gross fluid retention.

Aside from four main causes of water retention above, there are some lesser-known causes that you should know, such as hormones and medicines, wastes and toxins, histamine, and kidney or heart problems. These causes of water retention usually respond to dietary measures.

II. Natural Water Retention Remedies – 10 Natural Ways

1. Drink Lots Of Water To Remove Water Retention

water retention remedies

This sounds crazy in terms of logic, right? If you have excessive water within your body, why should you drink more water? In fact, there are two reasons why you should do it:

  • When the human body gets dehydrated because of lack of water, it begins reserving whatever water is available so that it could reuse it later. If you thought reducing the amount of water will help you look slim, then you are wrong. Instead, you will suffer from bloating; also, your body will swell because of water retention.
  • Water can aid the human liver in converting the consumed fat into energy. However, when you do not drink enough water, your kidney could not eradicate concentrated fluid and takes assistance from liver, thereby becoming overworked. Then, the liver does not do its main function of converting the body fat into energy. It holds onto the extra fat which it would have burned off if enough water was provided. Therefore, water retention also makes you fat and bloated.

In order to make use of water proper to eradicate water retention, you should follow some useful tips below:

  • Drink water whenever you feel thirsty. Keep water right within your reach by carrying a water bottle with you whenever you go.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water daily whether you feel thirsty or not.
  • Watch out your urine. When it is thick and yellow or you do not urinate much during the long day, your own body needs water. Your urine should be clear.
  • In case you feel dizziness, weakness, cramping, dry mouth, and headaches without any explainable reason, it may be due to dehydration. So, drink water.

In case that you are suffering from any liver problems, you had better talk to your doctor before enhancing your consumption of water. Intake of large amounts of water to treat water retention might aggravate chronic liver issues.

2. Decrease Salt Intake 

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As mentioned before in the first part of this article about natural water retention remedies, salt is considered as the main cause of water retention in the human body. When eating foods rich in salt, you might feel puffy and bloated. Thus, you should reduce your salt intake to remove water retention. Some specific tips include:

  • Cook food at home if possible because foods in restaurants and hotels are often loaded with sodium.
  • Add lesser amount of salt when cooking at home
  • Eliminate salt shaker from the dining table. Avoid adding slat whilst eating food. Rather than, you might use other herbs and spices for flavor.
  • If possible, avoid those canned foods containing vegetables, sauces, soups because they use more salt as preservatives and make the foods more flavorful.
  • Avoid consuming too much processed foods such as salted peanuts, junk foods, and potato chips.
  • Females should particularly reduce taking salt prior to their own menstrual cycle monthly. The hormonal change during this stage will result in greater water retention within the body of a female.

It is recommended that the maximum level of salt in a diet is about 2300 mg each day. Those with heart disease as well as high blood pressure should have less than 1500 mg of sodium each day. Nevertheless, when you need to eradicate fluid retention, you had better to reduce salt even less than the recommended levels.

3. Use Diuretic Foods 

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In reality, diuretic foods will help the human body release more urine. When people urinate frequently, their bodies not only release additional water but also remove toxins and reduce the blood pressure by resuming water-sodium balance. Whilst there are many OTC diuretic pills available in the market, yet they just have temporary effect. You begin retaining fluid as soon as you stop using them. In other words, natural foods having diuretic properties have much long lasting effect, perhaps because you do not need to stop having them. Simply add diuretic foods to your current diet, yet consult your doctor before doing so if you are already using anti-diuretic or diuretic medication. The list of diuretic foods includes grapes, cranberries, leafy greens, pineapple, tomatoes, pumpkin, artichokes, juniper berries, carrots, and eggplant.

Nevertheless, urinating often means that your own body will also release potassium along with toxins and water. Thus, have foods rich in potassium to maintain your adequate levels of potassium.

4. Consume Potassium-Rich Foods 

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It is said that lack of potassium is one of the causes of fluid retention in the human body. It is a crucial mineral which is necessary for appropriate functioning of the body cells, organs, and tissues. Potassium is an electrolyte that along with sodium can maintain healthy, normal water balance within the body. Potassium, in addition, can stimulate your kidneys so they might flush off waste and excessive salt out of the body. The deficiency of potassium might result in water retention causing swelling, edema, and weight gain. In fact, most of fruits and veggies are high in potassium, which are apricot, raisins, banana, peaches, apples, raspberries, spinach, avocados, bell peppers, watercress, melons, and sunflower seeds.

5. Use Garlic

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Garlic is an herb that people use extensively in their cooking. That is good. Along with the medical values, garlic is also an excellent diuretic which can releases water and toxins out the system. Not only this, garlic can break down the body fat therefore helping people lose excess weight. If you do not often add garlic to your dishes, begin doing so as a natural treatment for your water retention.

Or, you can chew a small amount of garlic cloves in the early morning. Use raw garlic paste in the bread spreads. Alternatively, use garlic in broths, soups, stir fries, and gravies.

6. Eat Yogurt 

water retention remedies

When it comes to natural water retention remedies, yogurt is one of the simplest ones. Considered as the excellent source of protein, yogurt aids in holding salt and water within the blood vessels so that the fluid will not leak out into your tissues. Deficiency in protein within the blood could lead to water retention. When albumin, the blood protein, turns to be too low, water retention will happen and people will suffer from edema, especially in their feet, ankles as well as lower legs. Moreover, yogurt also gives you a high amount of potassium. Whilst all kinds of yogurts are high in protein, Greek yogurt is considered as the best which can keep your albumin protein in high level. On the other hand, other foods rich in protein contain cottage, milk, cheese, egg white, tofu, and fish.

7. Use Dandelion Leave Tea

water retention remedies

Dandelion herb is well-known for its medicinal values, particularly for kidney and liver disorders and heartburn and other digestive issues. This herb also acts as a natural diuretic and facilitates your kidneys to enhance the volume of urine that removes the extra salt in your own body. Dandelion is rich in magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, and calcium, making it more useful in curing fluid retention. You can use dandelion or fresh leaves to make dandelion tea for eradicating fluid retention.

Just simply prepare 1 teaspoon of dandelion leaves (dried or fresh) and 1 cup of hot water. Then, place dandelion leaves in the pot before pouring hot water over the leaves. Cover the pot up and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. After that, strain and drink the tea twice of thrice per day.

Generally, it is a safe herb. Yet, some individuals might be allergic to the weed and occasionally it leads to mild gastric trouble. Because dandelion might interact with some types of medications such as diuretics, lithium, and diabetes drugs, you should consult a doctor before containing dandelion tea as a treatment for fluid retention.

8. Parsley Treatments

water retention remedies

Among many natural water retention remedies, this is an effective yet tasty one. The humble parsley is proven diuretic apart from the traditional authority in old medicine, in terms of scientific. It is confirmed that parsley is rich in calcium, antioxidants, iron, B complex vitamins and calcium. It can inhibit the re-absorption of sodium as well as potassium, causing more water to flow through osmosis. This will enhance the volume of urine. Because of its great diuretic properties, parsley can be used for treating kidney stones, edema, urinary tract infection or the swelling condition because of fluid retention.

Make fresh parsley tea to take advantage of this herb. You can add a large handful of fresh parsley to boiled water. Then, cover it up and let it steep for about 15 minutes. After that, strain the tea and drink a cup of this tea. It is good for you to drink 4-5 cups of this tea each day to get good results.

Or, you can use parsley in the form of Ayurvedic paste to cure fluid retention by apply the paste of parsley leaves onto your swollen body parts. Just need to crush a handful of parsley leaves to get a good paste. Then, apply the paste to your own swollen body parts. Wait for 1 hour or so before washing it off with water. Practice this routine twice each day to get good result.

9. Coriander Seeds 

water retention remedies

This type of seed are diuretic in natural could help in preventing and eliminating fluid retention. It is rich in potassium, making it great for water retention. Other components of coriander seeds contain Vitamin A, C, and K, folic acid, thiamin, calcium, magnesium, a small amount of niacin, zinc, phosphorous, and vitamin B6.

Prepare 3 tablespoons of coriander seeds and 1 glass of water. Then, add the prepared coriander seeds to the water. After that, boil it up. Strain and allow it to cool off before drinking. You need to repeat it one more times before drinking the solution twice per day.

10. Fennel Seeds 

water retention remedies

Containing anethole, a compound which give fennel seeds the anise flavor. This substance is naturally responsible for its medicinal values. In reality, fennel tea has been widely used in traditional medicine as a treatment for water retention because of its diuretic properties. Thus, you should use fennel seeds to eradicate water retention. Prepare ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds and 1 cup of the boiling water. Then, place fennel seeds into the cup before pouring the hot water over it. Then, cover the cup up; let it steep for 10 minutes or so. Have this tea 2 to 3 times per day. Or, you can chew the seeds for getting better digestion.

After reading the whole article about water retention remedies above, you might figure out how to change your current diet and lifestyle to get rid of fluid retention naturally, right? Remember to exercise regularly to avoid storing too much excess fluid within your body. Also, massage frequently to alleviate the symptoms of water retention.

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