Garlic is one of the common spices in the Asian kitchen that is often used in many recipes. It is known to be very good for the human’s health thanks to its excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Unlike some other herbs such as onion, garlic can be kept for a long time. Hence, if you are having the plan to grow the garlic but wondering about their preservation, don’t worry. You only need to dry it. And now, let’s see how to grow garlic from a clove.
How To Grow Garlic From A Clove Easily And Efficiently.
In general, garlic is completely easy to plant and spending for planting them is very cheap.
Moreover, you only need a small space for it. Planting garlic is also considered as one of the good insect repellents in your garden. Here are some steps to grow the garlic that may be useful for you, including:
2. Prepare A Planting Spot And Soil
3. Select Garlic Seed For Planting
4. Plant Garlic
5. Mulch
1. Time To Grow
The first thing you need to know when you intend to plant garlic is time to grow garlic. The time to grow garlic is very important. It plays an important role in whether the garlic may grow up or not. In general, the best time for you to plant garlic can be mid-autumn or early spring because of high humidity and heat, an excellent time for garlic. However, many gardeners think that planting garlic in fall is better because the bulbs will be bigger and more flavorful when harvesting in the next summer.
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2. Prepare A Planting Spot And Soil
Soil is also one of the important parts in how to garlic from a clove that you should notice. Firstly, you need to prepare a planting spot. It should not be planted in areas where the water can collect. And then, you need to pay attention to the type of soil you will use to grow garlic. The best soil to grow garlic should be sandy loam because this soil has good drainage. Other soil like clay-based soils will not be suitable for growing garlic because of its less drainage. In addition, you need to mix compost and manure with the soil before planting the garlic to ensure full of nutrients for the development of the garlic.
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3. Select Garlic Seed For Planting
Selecting garlic seed is also an important problem among the steps on how to grow garlic with a clove. You can use the cloves of garlic as seeds to plant. The cloves of garlic should be fresh, large, and high quality. In order to get the fresh garlic and avoid the garlic that sprayed with chemicals, you should choose from the local farmers market or farm stand. Another choice for you is nurseries. This is an excellent place that you can find the good seeds of garlic as well as get the good advice for planting garlic.
There are 3 main types of garlic for you to choose including Hardneck, Softneck, and Asiatic. Softnecks are easiest to grow and the highest yielding but don’t develop well in extremely cold climates. Hardnecks are large and easy to peel, especially grow better in the cold climates. Asiatic types or called Turban can be planted in both cold and warm areas.
4. Plant Garlic
In case you use the fresh cloves of garlic, you need to separate them. When you separating them, you need to be careful not to damage their base where are stuck with the garlic plate. The garlic will not grow if it is damaged. After that, you can plant them by pushing each clove into the soil. Notice to place the pointed end upwards and the blunt end down to make the garlic grow easily. The deepness for each clove is about 5 cm and distance for each is about 20 cm. Then, you need to make the soil around them firm. If the soil is dry, you have to water.
5. Mulch
Mulch is extremely necessary if you want the garlic grow up well. This mulch can help to protect the garlic against. After placing the cloves into the soil, you must cover them with mulch. Normally, the best toppings are well-rotted grass clippings or manure, dry leaves, hay, compost, straw. The best thickness of mulch should be about 4 inches in the cold-winter regions. This mulch layer can help protect the garlic roots from being heaved out of the soil as well as limit the growth of the weeds.
6. Fertilize The Cloves
Fertilizing the cloves is also one of the main steps on how to grow garlic with a clove you should know. When you plant the garlic, fertilizing the cloves is necessary for their growth. In general, complete fertilizer like compost is recommended at the time of planting. And you need to do it again when the spring comes, of course if the garlic is planted in the fall. If it is planted in the spring, you should do it in the fall.
7. Take Care Of Garlic
As you know, all the plants need moisture to develop. So does the garlic. That is why you need water the plants frequently. However, don’t overdo the water because the garlic doesn’t need too much water. It doesn’t like wet soil.
Another advice for you is that if there is any flower shoot that emerge in spring, you should cut it off in order to avoid decreasing bulb size.
Besides that, pests like mice, insects, and other creatures are also the problem you need to pay more attention. They can affect the growth of the garlic. Especially, you need to beware some following pests, including aphids, mice, and some small creatures. Aphids often damage the garlic leaves and flower buds. One of the common ways to avoid aphids is to plant the garlic underneath the roses. The mice and small creatures can take cover beneath the mulch. You can use one type of mulch that draws them.
8. Harvest Garlic
When can you harvest garlic? It is simple. When you see the signs of readiness for harvesting garlic, you can do it. Some signs for harvesting you need to know like yellow or brown leaves. Normally, the time for harvesting garlic is often at the end of the summer and may continue in the autumn, depending on the climate in the region you live.
The way to harvest garlic is simple. You need a shovel to loosen the soil around the bulb and pull the bulbs out of the ground. You should be careful when digging garlic because it is very easy to bruise.
After digging, you need to wash them and let it dry in the sun. If you want to make them dry in the sun, you shouldn’t leave them too long because they are very easy to get sunburned. And then, place it in a well-ventilated area until they are completely dry. After harvesting garlic , you can keep some good garlic bulbs to plant in the next year. And you will not bother about the garlic seed for the next year.
9. Store Garlic
Garlic should be stored in a cool and dry place. You also make a garlic braid for storage and decoration. It is very easy. When harvesting, you keep back the dried leaves and plaited into a strand and hang them in a cool and airy areas for storage or somewhere for decoration.
Another way to store garlic is using oil or vinegar. However, you should keep them in the fridge and use it quickly. Remember not to keep garlic in oil at room temperature in order to avoid the risk of bacteria.
Here is the way on how to grow garlic from a clove that we want to share with you. If you have any question about this topic, you can leave it in the following form and we will reply for you soon. And, you can visit our website, vkool.com to see other information related to the health and life. We make sure that it is useful for you.
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