HPV stands for human papilloma virus, a DNA virus from the family of papilloma virus that causes a dangerous disease among human. In fact, almost of HPV infections present unclear symptoms and some people can get clinical problems like cancers of anus, penis, vagina, vulva, cervix, and warts. Among various types of HPV, HPV18 and HPV 16 can lead to cancer situations the most easily. In this article, will show you top 19 tips on how to treat HPV warts naturally and effectively. This writing is for informational purpose only, so you should go to see medical specialists in case of severe issue.
Symptoms Of HPV Infections
The initial stage of HPV infections may not present clear symptoms and the human body’s immune system certainly defeats HPV infections before the symptoms are clear in most cases. In fact, the most common symptom of HPV infections is warts whose appearance varies depending on which type of HPV as follows:
- Genital warts: Genital warts appear as flat lesions, tiny stem-like protrusions or small cauliflower-like bumps. In women, they often appear on the vulva and also near the anus, in the vulva or on the cervix as well. [1]
- In men, genital warts mostly appear on the penis, on the scrotum or around the anus. They may be itchy but rarely cause pain or discomfort.
- Common warts: Common warts present rough and raised bumps on the fingers, hands or elbows. In general, common warts are unsightly but also painful even susceptible to injury and bleeding.
- Plantar warts: Plantar warts are hard and grainy growths appearing on the balls or heels of the feet. They can cause discomfort.
- Flat warts: Flat warts look darker than skin and are considered flat-topped and slightly raised lesions. They can occur anywhere but tend to be in the beard area in men, on the legs of women, and on the face of the children.
Causes Of HPV Infections
There are many causes HPV infections you should be aware to prevent its occurrence. HPV infections occur when the HPV enters the body, which is often through a cut, abrasion or just a small tear in the skin where the virus can be transferred by skin-to-skin contact.
Sexual intercourse, anal sex, or other skin contact is the cause of genital HPV infections. And oral sex is the cause of some HPV infections that cause oral or upper respiratory lesions.
Among pregnant women who have an HPV infection with genital warts, these genital warts may enlarge and multiply during this period. Dangerously, large genital warts can restrict the birth canal and complicate the vaginal delivery. And the HPV infection can be associated with a rare and noncancerous growth in the voice box of their babies. The treatments for HPV infections in these cases can just be conducted until after delivery.
While HPV infections are common, there are some risk factors you should remember as below:
- A number of sexual partners: The number of your sexual partners is related to the rate of getting HPV infections because many sexual partners make you likely to get a genital HPV infection. In addition, having sex with someone who has had sex with many other partners can also increase the risk of HPV infections.
- Damaged skin: Areas of skin where have been opened or punctured tend to develop common warts.
- Personal contact: Touching warts of someone or not wearing wrap before contacting surfaces that have been infected, for example, swimming pools or public showers, can increase the risk of HPV infection.
- Weak immune systems: Weak immune system makes the risks of getting HPV infection Fr example, when immune systems are weakened by HIV/AIDS or drug consumption after organ transplants can cause higher risks of HPV infections.
- Age: Age impacts on the occurrence of HPV infections while common warts are often in children and genital warts are often in adolescents or young adults.
Complications Of HPV Infections
- Oral and upper respiratory lesions: HPV infections can cause lesions on the tongue, soft palate, tonsils, or within the larynx and nose.
- Cancer: Certain strains of HPV can cause cervical cancer or cancers of the mouth, genitals, anus, and upper respiratory tract.
The most dangerous result of HPV infections is suffering from cervical cancer. This is the reason why women are also recommended to vaccinating against HPV infection as a way to protect themselves from this kind of cancer. For those who have not been vaccinated, almost of cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV infections that don’t extraordinarily cause warts so that women cannot realize their disease.
Early stages of cervical cancer mostly cause no symptoms and signs. Afterward, repeated infection of HPV strains can cause precancerous lesions that can become cancerous if not be in-time treated. Therefore, it is important for women to have regular Pap tests in order to detect precancerous changes in the cervix before being trapped in cancer.
It is recommended that women between the ages of 21 and 29 should have a Pap test every 3 years. Women at the ages of 30 to 65 should continue having the test every 3 years, or every 5 years if they also have HPV DNA test at the same time. Those over 65 can stop testing if their 3 normal Pap tests in a row, or 2 HPV DNA and Pap tests give no abnormal results.
22 Tips On How To Treat HPV Warts Naturally And Effectively
1. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is considered as the cheapest home remedy on how to treat HPV infections that you can easily have. Oregano oil belongs to the mint family and available on the market. Due to its natural properties that are essential for removing warts, this herb can help treat HPV really effectively. In addition, oregano essential oil also owns antioxidant and antiviral components that are responsible for dealing with HPV infections. [2]
- Dilute oregano oil with another oil or some water to make the oil less strong thereby not causing sting sensation or irritant.
- Apply the solution onto the areas with warts. However, before applying, you have to dilute this oregano oil with another oil because it can cause a sting sensation and irritant on your body sensitive areas.
See more: Top Health Benefits Of Oregano
2. Tea Tree Oil
Another way on how to treat HPV infections is tea tree oil. In fact, tea tree oil contains antiviral, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties that can help remove HPV infections and warts very strongly. Additionally, the oil can remove genital warts as well as other types of warts and reduce irritated skin. [3]
There are 2 ways on how to treat HPV infections with tea tree oil as follow:
- Make a mixture of some drops of tea tree oil and olive oil (or almond oil); dab the mixture onto warts; follow the method several times a day to get quick relief.
- Add some drops of tea tree oil to the warm water that has been filled in a bathtub; soak your body in the water for 15 minutes; follow this method twice per day.
Read more: How to Use Tea Tree Oil Correctly and Safely
3. Castor Oil
Castor oil is also one of the natural ways on how to treat HPV infections you should know. In fact, castor oil contains some complex compounds beneficial for eliminating genital warts dramatically. Using the oil to deal with HPV warts is simple but effective indeed. [4]
- Before bedtime, apply some castor oil on warts and the affected regions around to get rid of HPV.
- Alternatively, soak some garlic cloves in the castor oil and apply on warts, hold it with a bandage or tape and leave it overnight; follow the remedy every day during some weeks.
Learn more: Ways And Tips On How To Use Castor Oil For Boils And Cysts
4. Thuja Oil
Thuja oil is considered another way on how to treat HPV infections. Thuja is originated in the Western Red Cedar and considered an Ayurvedic antiviral treatment when it can help remove genital warts. It has been indicated that the chemicals found in the thuja oil are effective in stimulating the immune system, which in turn helps remove and kill viral infected cells and viruses. Although thuja oil is such powerful, it can easily cause irritation if the genital skin areas are sensitive, so it is advised to dilute the oil before being applied to the skin.
- Dilute Thuja oil with some water
- Apply the solution to the affected areas
- Follow every day during 1 to 2 months.
See more: Home Treatment for HPV Infection in Men – Natural Tips
5. Goldenseal
Another natural way on how to treat HPV infections is goldenseal. Due to the natural antiseptic and antiviral properties, goldenseal is considered really valuable for treating HPV infections. In fact, the herb is able to produce twisted stem named rhizome and also contains a substance called as berberine, which enables it to kill the microorganism strains as well as HPV strains and further cancer. [5]
There are 3 ways of using goldenseal on how to treat HPV infections:
- Make goldenseal into a tincture and directly apply it to the affected area
- Make a mixture of goldenseal and Echinacea and apply it onto the affected areas to get rid of warts, which can additionally increase the creation of white blood cells and stimulates the circulation and immune system.
- Have an intake of goldenseal supplement that is available under the directions of trained herbalists or pharmacists.
Learn more: Top Health Benefits Of Goldenseal
6. Echinacea
Echinacea is also one of the natural ways on how to treat HPV infection you know. Also known as purple coneflower, echinacea is also considered an antiviral herb, which means it is also beneficial in treating HPV. In addition, Echinacea contains phytosterols and polysaccharides that stimulate the production of the white blood cells WBC thereby destroying this HPV virus.
- Make teas or tinctures from Echinacea
- Apply either onto the affected areas to treat HPV effectively, which can also boost the immune system and decrease the wart appearance.
See more: The 3 Week Diet System Review – Will Brian Flatt’s Diet Work?
7. Garlic
As you know, garlic is very beneficial in dealing with any types of infections and HPV infections are not except. Garlic is even considered a natural effective “cure-all.” The reason is that garlic has powerful antimicrobial abilities as its allicin can help deal with numerous pathogens including HPV as well.
- Soak some fresh garlic cloves overnight then use the soaked garlic water to apply onto the affected areas.
- Also, apply the crushed garlic directly onto the genital warts
- Alternatively, have an intake of garlic capsules as a way to fight against HPV from the internal bloodstream.
Read more: Tips On How To Use Garlic For Sinus Infection
8. Astragalus
Another way on how to treat HPV infections is astragalus. Due to the antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, astragalus can directly impact on the HPV elimination. In addition, it is able to increase the interleukin-2 production, the antiviral properties beneficial for keeping further cancers at bay. This is the reason why the consumption of astragalus helps decrease the risk of HPV. So, you should consume Astragalus on a regular basis to prevent as well as deal with this dangerous disease. [6]
9. Olive Leaf
Another way on how to treat HPV infections is the olive leaf that has been commonly used as a medicine ingredient up to now. In fact, olive leaf owns anti-viral property that aids in reducing infection caused by HPV. Moreover, the extract of olive leaves can improve the immune system, which in turn protects the body from many types of the virus including HPV. [7]
- Prepare some dried olive leaves and hot water
- Put a teaspoon of dried olive oil leaves in the hot water
- Steep for 10 to 15 minutes
- Strain and drink the tea sometimes each day.
Note: This remedy on how to treat HPV infections with olive leaf and many other herb remedies are not recommended nursing mothers or pregnant women or they need to consult their doctors before following them.
Learn more: Tips To Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Eczema Treatment
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