Kidney disease is a progressive disease. It means that this condition will develop overtime if you do not follow the treatment. Treatment for kidney disease is important because it will prevent any further development and serious complications. There are many ways to help you cure and prevent kidney disease, including medication, surgery or natural home remedies. Therefore, if you concern about natural home remedies, you should read this article bellow. I would like to introduce to you some effective home remedies and techniques on how to treat kidney disease naturally at home.
How To Treat Kidney Disease Naturally At Home – Effective Home Remedies And Natural Techniques You Should Follow
Kidneys are important organs of your body which take many crucial functions. Without kidneys, the blood can not be purified; as a result, the toxins and waste accumulate in your body. Moreover, kidneys also keep the level of mineral and salt in the blood under the balance; therefore, the blood pressure is normalized thank to kidney function. However, it will become the problem if the kidney does not function well due to bad eating habit, unhealthy diet, lifestyle and other diseases, leading to accumulated toxins and waste product in your body. This damage is called kidney disease or kidney failure. Kidney disease means the inability of kidneys to function well. In the early stages, you may not see any apparent signs or symptoms of this disease. However, when kidney disease develops to the advanced stage, it will show several apparent signs and symptoms. Specifically, if you experience kidney disease at advanced stage, you will suffer from nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness, sleep problems, changes in urine output, muscle cramps, hiccups, swelling ankles and feet, persistent itching, chest pain, shortness of breath, and high blood pressure. It is important for you to see the doctors immediately if you see any signs or symptoms of this disease. Some factors, including type 1 or type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, an inflammation of the kidneys, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, obstruction of urinary tract, kidney stones, or some certain cancer may increase the risk of developing kidney disease. Kidney disease may require medication, surgery, or some special medical treatment. However, natural home remedy and techniques on how to treat kidney disease naturally at home will make the healing process faster. If you concern, please read this article on to know more.
9. Stay Away From Pain Relievers
10. Olive Oil
11. Baking Soda
12. Heating Pad
14. Garlic
1. Hydration:
Staying hydrated is important tip on how to treat kidney disease at home you should know. Moreover, it is also the way to prevent kidney stones and keep your kidneys healthy. The water will dilute the urine & help flush the toxins & waste products out of your kidney. It keeps the salts and minerals from sticking together and forming stones in your kidneys. As a result, people who drink enough water may face the less risk of developing kidney diseases than people who do not. Furthermore, water will pass the stones through urine more easily and less painful. It is recommended drinking 8 glasses of water per day. However, for patients who are at risk of kidney disease or kidney stones, it is better to drink fresh lemon juice in the morning after you wake up. Drinking lemon juice is the effective way on how to cleanse your kidneys naturally.
2. Probiotics:
If you suffer from kidney disease, it is important to make sure that you have enough good bacteria known as probiotics in the intestines. Studies have proven that increasing probiotics intake is the effective tip on how to treat kidney disease naturally. The possible reason may be that these microorganisms will boost the overall and digestive health. Moreover, it also has a lot of health benefits. One of its benefits is helping kidneys to process toxins and waste product. As a result, it will reduce the risk of developing kidney stones or kidney diseases. You can increase probiotics intake by eating non-fat yogurt or taking probiotic supplement. However, when you want to take supplement, you should ask the doctor about the suitable amounts of probiotics you should take daily in order to avoid any unwanted side effects. Recent clinical trials have involved the treatment of taking probiotic for patients with chronic kidney disease. It showed the significant good relief.
3. Eat Less Meat:
Overeating meat may be the cause of kidney disease or kidney infection. You kidney’s function will deteriorate if you eat too much animal protein more than amount that the kidney can consume. People who eat a great deal of meat will face the more risk of developing kidney stones than people who do not. Therefore, you should limit the meat you consume per day as the good eating habit on how to treat kidney disease naturally. It is recommended consuming less than 65 grams of animal protein daily in or der to keep kidney stones and kidney disease at bay.
4. Stay Away From Phosphorous:
Phosphorous is the mineral which can be found in most foods. However, you may rarely hear about this mineral. The possible reason may be that people hardly lack of phosphorous mineral. Therefore, too much phosphorous may become the problems, especially for your kidneys. Processed, prepared foods and carbonated soft drinks which have the great source of phosphorous should be avoided. According to the Standard American Diet (SAD), you should only consume 800 mg to 1,200 mg of phosphorus per day. The extra phosphorus will be flushed from your body thank to healthy kidneys. If the kidney’s function deteriorates, phosphorus may accumulate in your body. Overtime, it will lead to some serious complication such as bone or heart or bone disorders, calcification of tissues. Therefore, as the effective way on how to treat kidney stones naturally, you should not get too much phosphorus in your diet. It is recommended eating nutritious, whole foods diet and staying away from convenience and fast foods.
5. Quit Smoking:
Smoking habit may affect your kidneys and it is one of causes of kidney stones or kidney disease. Therefore, in order to prevent or treat kidney disease, you should quit smoking habit. You can ask the doctor about the program or effective tips and techniques that help you to quit smoking.
6. Drink Juice
One of the effective solutions on how to treat kidney disease naturally is drinking juice daily. The best juices that help you to improve the symptoms of kidney disease is parsley or cilantro. Drinking these juices regularly will keep your kidney healthy and help you to remove the toxins, waste products and harmful particle from your body. If these herbs are difficult to taste, you can add lemon juice, or raw, organic honey to taste better. The effectiveness of juice in treating kidney disease has been proven by many scientists and researchers; therefore, this treatment is worthy trying.
7. Eat Healthy Foods:
If you want to find the effective tips and home remedies on how to treat kidney disease, it is important to eat healthy foods which can support the kidney’s function and make your kidneys healthy. The kidney-supportive foods may include berries, watermelon, apples, peppers, onions, garlic, cauliflower, oranges and olive oil. The possible reason may be that these healthy foods have anti-inflammatory properties; therefore, it can help you to treat kidney disease and kidney stones. Moreover, if you eat healthy foods regularly, you will reduce the risk of developing kidney disease effectively and naturally. These foods are recommended for patients who suffer from kidney disease and kidney stones. However, somebody who is healthy also needs to eat these foods for many health and kidney benefits.
8. Lose Weight:
If you are suffering from overweight or obesity, you need to lose weight as the effective way on how to treat kidney disease naturally. The possible reason may be that obesity may be the cause of kidney cancer or kidney disease. In order to lose weight, you should follow a healthy diet and do exercise regularly. If you try many ways but nothing gets work, it is important to see the doctor to get diagnosed and treatment. Obesity may the sign or symptom of more serious condition.
9. Stay Away From Pain Relievers:
Somebody may increase the risk of kidney cancer due to overuse of pain relievers such as aspirin, naproxen and acetaminophen. Therefore, if you want to find the natural way on how to treat kidney disease, you should avoid using pain relievers. These drugs and medication will affect your kidney badly and may lead to severe complications. When you experience pain caused by kidney disease, you should try natural remedies instead.
10. Olive Oil:
Olive oil is wildly used as effective home remedies on how to treat kidney disease. Olive oil is a quality product because of balanced acidity and its flavor. It is said that olive oil is effective in flushing or lubricating the toxins from your kidneys, liver and gall bladder. If you want to enhance the effectiveness of olive oil, you should mix olive oil with lemon juice to make a beneficial solution. Firstly, mix one tablespoon of olive oil with a little of lemon juice. Secondly, add the mixture in 8 ounce glass of water. Sip it slowly to get relief. However, it is recommended repeating this treatment several times in order to get more satisfactory results.
11. Baking Soda:
Baking soda is the cheap, effective remedy for kidney disease you should not ignore. This remedy is available in every kitchen. Baking soda will assist the kidneys to produce more bicarbonate. As the result, baking soda solution will neutralize the proper acid in your body. Many patients with kidney disease have found the relief after trying baking soda solution. In order to make this mixture, you should add one tablespoon of baking soda in 8 ounce glass of water. Dissolve well. After that, try to sip it slowly every day as the effective home remedy on how to treat kidney disease naturally and effectively.
12. Heating Pad:
If you suffer from kidney disease, you will feel pain in your hip, back and groin. The heating pad is effective in alleviating pain and relaxing muscles. Some patients with kidney disease feel uncomfortable because the muscles will become cramp. Fortunately, applying heating pad on the affected areas will give you the significant relief. You should apply the heating pad on the abdominal areas while wearing waistline pants or underwear. This tip is simple but effective in treating kidney disease or kidney infection.
13. Apple Cider Vinegar:
When you find the effective way on how to treat kidney disease, you should not ignore apple cider vinegar. Moreover, if you combine with honey, this mixture will give you the significant relief. The possible reason may be that apple cider vinegar can cleanse various organs in your body as well as the blood stream. It will flush out the mucous, fatty deposits which accumulate in the liver, kidney and bladder. Moreover, it also prevents the kidney stone formation. Honey is natural healthy sweetener and it has anti-bacterial properties. In order to treat kidney disease, you should mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of honey. After that, add the mixture in an 8-ounce glass of water. It is recommended drinking the solution once a day for a few weeks in order to cure kidney disease completely and effectively.
14. Garlic:
Because garlic has diuretic properties, it is natural remedy on how to treat kidney disease by improving the kidney’s function. Eating garlic regularly will help you to get rid of salt in your body by allowing salt to pass through the urine. Therefore, you should include garlic in your diet.
These are 14 home remedies and natural techniques on how to treat kidney disease naturally and effectively on I hope that you will find these tips helpful. If you have any questions to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can.
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