Onion is one of the most a popular spice plants and veggies in the world as it is used to make a lot of delicious and nutritious dishes. Sometimes, people do not respect onions because they are just considered to increase the fragrant of the dish and they are totally not important at all. However, onions have a lot of health and nutritional benefits that not many people know.
I. Onions – Types And Characteristics:
There are two most popular types of onion which are used in many dishes in the world.
1. Small Spring Onion – Scallion:
Small spring onion is known by many names such as green onions and scallion. It is a repository of all the good things that your body needs. This material is also very familiar with the housewives as they usually add small spring onion to their daily meal to increase flavor and add green color to the dish.
In fact, scallions can bring about many health benefits that will make people surprised and want to befriend with them in a regular basis.
2. Large Onion:
Onions are vegetables, not similar to the small spring onion – a type of spice. If small spring onions can be used for leaves and roots even when the roots of small spring onion are very small, the roots (bulbs) of large onion are mainly used. Bulb is the body of the large onion plant. Large onions have the relative relationship with purple onions which are usually dried out. Onions have originated from Central Asia. They were transmitted to the European and Vietnam. This veggie is suitable to grow in temperate climate.
In the article today, I would like to show my readers some of the most common nutritional benefits of onion that people should make use for good!
II. Nutritional Benefits Of Onion – Best Health Benefits Ever:
As I mentioned above, onion is very nutritious as it provides human beings with a lot of nutrients that are necessary for improving health. It can also help to fight against with some common mild diseases. Here are some of the best health benefits of onion people should make use.
III. Benefits Of Small Spring Onion:
We should start with the health benefits of small spring onion. There are 7 most common health advantages that small spring onion can bring about.
1. Strengthen Bone:
The first one of the best health benefits of onion I would like to mention in this article is that onion can help to strengthen human bone system.
You may not know that 12 mg of small spring onion contains 20 micrograms of vitamin K and 1.6 mg vitamin C. Both of these vitamins are essential for the growth and maintenance of strong bones.
Onion contains a compound that can help to prevent the activities which can break the bones. In particular, it is beneficial for women who are at risk for osteoporosis as they go through the menopause stage. In fact, small spring onion can bring many surprising benefits to your health if you consume this material in a regular basis.
2. Adjust And Balance The Blood Sugar Level:
Small spring onion is a “treasure trove” of allyl propyl and chromium – the two essential and important nutrients for the human health. While allyl propyl can help to reduce blood sugar levels, chromium has the effect on adjusting the sugar levels and reducing the insulin levels in the blood.
That is the reason why the small spring onion was classified on the list of the best foods which help to regulate blood sugar levels. Chromium contained in onion can help the cells of the diabetic patients respond appropriately to reduce the insulin levels and improve the glucose absorbed into the body. Therefore, it is considered one of the best foods which people with diabetes should eat in a regular basis. This is actually one of the best health benefits of onion that not many people know!
3. Good For Heart’s Health:
This is also one of the health benefits of onion that people should not look down.
Small spring onion is a heart-friendly food material. The presence of chromium, vitamin B6, and sulfur in small spring onion can help to keep your heart healthy. Chromium cannot only help to reduce the amount of triglycerides and bad cholesterol but also increase the amount of good cholesterol inside the body, thereby protecting your heart from some underlying diseases.
People with diseases which are related to blood pressure can also significantly improve their own health situation if they eat small spring onion in a regular basis because this material contains a high level of potassium. Thanks to the stability of both cholesterol and blood pressure levels, the risks associated with myocardial infarction and stroke will be also significantly reduced.
4. Prevent Cancers:
Once you eat small spring onion in a regular basis, you will be able to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers yourself. This is due to the presence of flavonoids in small spring onions. This is also one of the best nutritional benefits of onion people should keep in mind and make use of!
Quercitin is a flavonoid contained in small spring onions, which can help to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the colon, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. Besides, the Kaempferol – a different kind of flavonoids contained in small spring onion – has a positive effect on women’s health, reducing the risks associated with ovarian cancer by at least 40%.
5. Reduce Risks Of Infections:
Small spring onion acts as a useful “rescuer” when the body is suffering from the inflammation. This is because the small spring onion can help to prevent the enzymes that lead to the inflammations in the body, especially arthritis and gout.
Therefore, when suffering from diseases related to inflammation, you are advised to eat a lot of small spring onion to get effective anti-inflammatory benefits.
If you have a urinary tract infection, you can boil the small spring onion in water until the water evaporates. Take the onion water and drink it when it becomes cool. The antibacterial properties of small spring onion will help to reduce the burning sensation when urinating.
6. Improve The Immune System:
Small spring onion is an excellent source of phytochemicals. It helps to support and enhance the immune system very well and eliminate the enzymes that create harmful free radicals in the human body. Thus, it can help to significantly reduce the damage caused by the tissues and DNA.
The pungency of small spring onion can help to increase the blood circulation and sweating. Especially in cold weather, small spring onion can help to avoid infections, reduce fever, and increase sweating to handle the effects of cold and flu effectively.
7. Improve Eyesight:
The absence or lack of vitamin A can create some kind of vision disorders, including night blindness.
A small spring onion contain 24 micrograms of vitamin A, which can be converted into retinol and preserve the health of your eyes
Therefore, small spring onion is an excellent source of natural vital nutrients and vitamins, which are responsible for the health functions of the eyes, heart, and the body in general. The body and the root of small spring onion are all edible. They can be eaten raw or mixed in fresh salads, raw salads, sweet and sour salads, or sauces. Not depending on the ways of consumption, there are many nutritional benefits of onion that you should not miss when making your family’s daily meals.
IV. Benefits Of Large Onion:
Large onion also contains many essential nutrients that are very good and necessary for human health.
1. Reduce Cholesterol Levels And Prevent Coagulation:
The iron content of large onions is the reason why large onions are said to be very good in the treatment of anemia. Just by eating half a large onion per day, you will be able to reduce your cholesterol levels noticeably and prevent heart attacks.
Whether you eat raw or cooked large onion, you still can lower the blood pressure levels naturally. Large onion can also help to dilute the blood, dissolve blood clots, and filter out the unhealthy fat in the blood.
2. Antibacterial:
Large onion also has effects on eliminating infectious bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella. In addition, it is also effective in the battle against tuberculosis and urinary tract infections, such as cystitis. The pungent of large onion, similar to small spring onion, can help to increase the blood circulation and sweating. Especially in cold weather, to avoid any effect of infection, reduce fever, and sweet more to get off cold and flu, people should eat large onion. This is also one of the best nutritional benefits of onion people should know for good!
3. Prevent Premature Aging:
The quercetin contained in large onion has the powerful antioxidant effect, combined with selenium which is also found in large onion can help to eliminate harmful free radicals – the main triggers that lead to wrinkles and skin induration. Therefore, large onion is very good for the growth of human skin, nails, and hair. If people want to prevent the premature aging process, they should add more large onion to their daily diet in a regular basis. This is also one of the best nutritional benefits of onion people should not look down!
4. Prevent And Fight Against High Blood Pressure:
This is the last but not least health benefits of onion that I would like to show my readers in this article. In fact, whether you eat raw or cooked large onion, they can also help you lower your blood pressure naturally. This effect of large onion is similar to small spring onion. It also dilutes the blood, dissolves blood clots, and pushes the unhealthy fat out of the blood flow. Xenton The pigment which contains xenton in the outer shell of large onion has wonderful effect on the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure).
This is the list of 11 nutritional benefits of onion that I personally think that you and other readers of VKool.com who want to improve overall health should make use to prevent and fight against harmful disease without using expensive medications.
If you think that the health benefits of onion I mentioned above are exactly what you want to learn, and if you know someone else who also needs this information, please do not hesitate to share this list with them. Do not forget to show me your own opinions and feedbacks by commenting in the form below. As an author, I am always glad to hear the personal opinions from my readers.
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