Many home remedies are well known to be effective in curing fungal skin infections. However, to control and treat all types of fungal infections on the body, you need to be patient because they cannot help you get rid of skin fungus on your body overnight. In this article, will show you top 17 natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs & other parts of the body. The writing is a collection of safe and effective solutions for treating skin fungus problem from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose. Keep reading this writing to learn more!
Here are the top 17 Home Remedies For Skin Fungus On Legs & Other Parts – Reasons & Common Signs
Before discover effective and natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts, you should know about reasons and signs of skin fungus.
Reasons For Skin Fungus:
The pathogens that breed in humid and warm environments cause skin fungal infections, common kinds of infections:
- The fungus grows in unclean and sodden shoes and socks.
- In addition, if you are wearing a pair of shoes building up sweat, dirt, and bacteria for a long time without washing, you can get these infections.
- A few public areas such as swimming pools, lockers rooms, and public showers also include the fungal infection.
- Also a form of skin fungal infection, Athlete’s foot can be caused due to 4 common types of fungi. However, trichophyton rubrum is the most common type.
- The fungal infections can also result from the microscopic fungus living on the dead tissues of your nails, hair, and skin.
Common Signs Of Skin Fungal Infections:
Here are some common signs of skin fungal infections:
- You might have peeled, cracked, and flaky feet.
- You may have the redness and blisters on the skin.
- Your skin has a tendency to soften & breakdown.
- Sometimes you can have a sensation of itching and burning.
In fact, skin fungal infections are highly contagious, which are easily transmitted from a person to another. If you do not treat the infected area immediately, it will spread to some other body parts and result in various complications. The skin fungal infections include some common types such as Jock itch, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. You can easily treat or prevent these infections by using the natural home remedies for skin fungus listed in this article!
Top 17 Natural Home Remedies For Skin Fungus On Legs & Other Parts
Here are 17 best natural home remedies for skin fungus you are looking for:
3. Oregano Oil For Skin Fungus
4. Treat Skin Fungus With Hydrogen Peroxide
5. Olive Leaves
6. Vinegar For Skin Fungal Infection
7. Turmeric To Keep Skin Fungus At Bay
10. Lavender Oil
11. Mix Baking Soda With Epsom Salt For Skin Fungus
12. Tea Tree Oil
14. Yoghurt
15. Coconut Oil
16. Tea
17. Garlic
1. Always Keep Your Feet And Shoes Clean And Dry
This is one of the first tips that you should follow if you want to learn other natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts. Here are some imperative things to keep your feet and shoes clean and dry:
- Avoid wearing shoes with wet feet.
- After taking a bath or shower, pat the feet dry thoroughly with a soft washcloth.
- If your shoes are wet, you should dry them out completely before wearing them.
Learn more: Tips & Home Remedies For Sweaty Feet And Hands
2. Clean Your Feet Properly
Although we often tend to forget adequate attention to our feet or clean them properly, it is really necessary to prevent a skin fungal infection:
- You should wash your feet with a mild soap thoroughly and completely.
- You ought to scrub or exfoliate the skin on your feet regularly to keep the dead skin cells at bay for clean feet.
This will help to keep the skin on your feet softer and healthier and prevent bacteria from developing on it.
See more: 25 Tips For Dry Skin On Legs And Feet – The Best Treatment Tips
3. Oregano Oil For Skin Fungus
Oregano oil is very effective in killing fungus causing fungal infections on the skin.
Another way in the list of top natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts is oregano oil. As you know, the skin fungal infections are caused by the fungi developing on the damp environments. And the antifungal properties present in this oil can help you to kill the fungi effectively. In addition, it also contains an antimicrobial property that aids in preventing skin fungal infections significantly.
- You take oregano oil and virgin olive oil at the ratio of 1:1. Then, mix them together in a bowl and apply this oil mixture to the affected area. Now, leave it on your skin for at least a few hours. Finally, rinse this area with clean water.
- Another option, you can also take 3 drops of oregano oil and add it to a small glass of clean water and then drink it after stirring them well. You should have this water for 2 times daily.
- Or, you can take 1 or 2 capsules of oregano oil for 2 times a day after having your meals.
You should follow any of these home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts with oregano oil regularly until you get rid of your skin problem completely.
Note: Always use oregano oil that is free from alcohol.
Read more: Top 10 Health Benefits Of Oregano
4. Treat Skin Fungus With Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is also one of other natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts that you should try! It helps to clean out the infections in cuts and clear up skin fungal infections. The solution using hydrogen peroxide and water kills the fungal strains. However, this can cause a sensation of irritation on the skin at first, so you should dilute the hydrogen peroxide before using it.
- Take 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide solution and then add it to 1 gallon of water. Now, mix them well and soak the skin for 20 minutes per day. Continue using this method for twice per day until the skin fungal infection is completely gone.
See more: How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Naturally And Fast At Home
5. Home Remedies For Skin Fungus – Olive Leaves
Olive leaves contain antimicrobial and antifungal properties that aid you in killing off fungi. In addition, it also helps to recover from the skin fungal infections more quickly by making your immune system stronger.
- Firstly, take a few olive leaves and grind them finely to make a smooth paste. Now, apply it directly to the affected area and let it on your skin for half an hour. Finally, rinse it off well with tepid water and then pat the skin dry thoroughly. You should repeat this remedy for 1 or 2 times daily until the skin fungal infection is completely gone.
- Another option, you can also make a tea with olive leaves and then drink 2 to 3 cups of this tea daily for quicker recovery. To make this tea, you add 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried ground olive leaves to a cup of hot water and allow it to brew for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, strain and drink your tea.
Learn more: 18 Health & Beauty Benefits Of Olive Oil That Amaze You
6. Vinegar For Skin Fungal Infection
Vinegar contains mildly acidic properties and helps you a lot in treating skin fungal infection when it is at the initial stage. Remember that you have to dilute it with a little water to make a soak for your skin fungus.
- Firstly, take 1/2 cup of vinegar and then dilute it by mixing it with a bucket of clean water. Now, soak or apply this water to the affected skin area and allow it to soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Finally, rinse off the solution with clean water. Follow this kind of home remedies for skin fungus every day for a few times until the skin fungal infection is completely treated. Vinegar can react the fungus strongly, so you will see clear results within a few weeks.
7. Turmeric To Keep Skin Fungus At Bay
Turmeric is an excellent herb with natural antiseptic, antifungal, and antibiotic properties. In addition, you can get quick recovery and prevent skin fungal infection from reoccurring thanks to its healing properties.
Herbal supplements containing turmeric can be used to prevent or treat certain types of skin fungal infections. Turmeric contains a chemical compound, curcumin, which can fight 23 fungi strains.
Besides, being an antioxidant, turmeric can protect your immune system, which makes it stronger to cope with the attacks from free radicals. Hence, it can protect your body from fungus infections.
- Firstly, crush a raw turmeric root to take its juice. Then, apply the juice to the affected skin area. Now, leave it on your skin for 2 to 3 hours. Finally, rinse off this juice with tepid water. Repeat this method for 2 times daily until the symptoms of infection clear.
- Another option, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 cup of milk in a pan and then boil this mixture. Then, add a little honey to it and drink it when it is warm. Follow this way daily to boost up your immune system as well as prevent some kinds of infection.
See more: What Are The Health Benefits Of Turmeric For Humans?
8. Get Rid Of Skin Fungus With Bleach
Using bleach is also one of other effective home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts because it is antifungal in nature. Nevertheless, many people may have skin irritations because of the chemicals present in the bleach. Or, its smell may be unbearable for some people.
- Firstly, take 1 cap of bleach solution and then add it to 1 cup of clean water. Now, mix them well and soak a cotton ball in this solution. After that, apply this ball to the affected area. Then, leave it on your skin for a few minutes. Finally, wash off your skin thoroughly with a mild soap to prevent skin irritations. Repeat this way every day for several minutes to get rid of the skin fungal infection.
Note: If you have ever had problems with the bleach, avoid using it on your skin.
9. Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is another of top 17 natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts that you should give it a try! The antifungal properties found in cranberries can help to kill fungi effectively. In addition, it will also give you vitamin C, help to draw out toxins from your body, and support your kidneys.
- Simply, drink a small glass of unsweetened cranberry juice for a few times per day for 1 month. This will speed up your recovery.
- Another option, you can take 2 or 3 tablets of cranberry per day. These tablets are available at many natural health stores.
Read more: Health Benefits Of Cranberry Juice And Tea
10. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is a strong essential oil that contains antifungal properties. Therefore, it is very effective in killing fungi. In fact, lavender oil is very scented and you can apply it to the affected skin even when you are going out. However, remember that you have to use the lavender oil which is not only scented oil but also contains pure medicinal properties.
- Simply, apply a little lavender oil to the skin fungus and leave it on your skin for about 20 minutes. You should do this process for 2 times per day.
If you want to know more other natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts, stay with us for our next post!
Learn more: How To Use Lavender Oil For Skin, Hair, Health: 20 Tips
11. Mix Baking Soda With Epsom Salt For Skin Fungus
Epsom salt contains mild antiseptic properties that will help to destroy the growth of fungus on your skin. Mixing baking soda with Epsom salt can increase the efficiency of this treatment. To follow this method, have a look at the directions below:
- Firstly, take 1/2 cup each of baking soda and Epsom salt. Then, mix them well and add this mixture to your bath water. Now, stir them together and then soak yourself in this water for 15 minutes. After that, pat the skin dry and then apply coconut oil to the affected area. Finally, dust a little baking soda powder every several hours. Follow this method every day to remove the skin fungus.
See more: 12 Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda On Skin You Must Know!
12. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is very strong & acidic in nature, but you need to dilute it before using. In addition, tea tree oil contains natural antifungal compounds that aid in killing the fungi causing skin fungal infections. Also, its antiseptic properties inhibit the spread of skin infection to other parts of your body.
- You take 2 tsp of tea tree oil with 5 tsp of olive oil
- Then you mix them thoroughly.
- You apply this mixture onto the affected skin
- Then you massage it in order that these oils penetrate the skin and exert their influence on the fungus.
- You repeat this remedy every day till the fungus recedes absolutely.
Or, you can also make a mixture mixing tea tree oil and aloe vera gel in a cup at the ratio of 3:1. Then, rub this mixture on the fungal skin area. Follow this way for 2 times daily.
All these home remedies for skin fungus on legs and other parts with tea tree oil must be repeated for a few weeks.
Note: Pregnant women should avoid using tea tree oil for this purpose.
13. Home Remedies For Skin Fungus – Apple Cider Vinegar
This vinegar has many medicinal properties that are excellent for the skin regeneration & repair. Apple cider vinegar also is good for healing many bacterial & fungal infections. It helps penetrate deeply into the skin as well as exert its pressure onto the affected skin.
In addition, apple cider vinegar also contains antimicrobial properties that help to fight the fungus causing the skin infections. Also, its mild acidic in nature aids in preventing the skin infection from spreading and promoting quick recovery.
- This vinegar is very strong, so you have to dilute it by using the adequate water to protect the skin from burning.
- Then you apply the diluted apple cider vinegar per day onto the skin fungus about 3 to 4 times/day till the fungus is eliminated completely.
- Another option, you can also combine apple cider vinegar of about 2 tablespoons in 1 cup of warm water. Then, drink it slowly for 2 times daily.
Read more: 12 Useful Ways On How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Nail Fungus
14. Yoghurt
This food is a great one among home remedies for skin fungus that are caused by both fungus and bacteria. It can be applied onto the skin and you can leave it on your skin for some hours per day.
To treat a fungal infection on the skin, you should use plain, unsweetened yogurt containing live and active cultures. The probiotics found in plain yogurt will inhibit the growth of fungi by producing lactic acid.
- You just need to take 2 yoghurt cups with live cultures for internal healing.
- You continue using this remedy every day till the fungus is absolutely removed.
- Live cultures found in yoghurt can help you increase good bacteria as well as fight off the fungal infection effectively.
15. Coconut Oil
This oil works as a wonderful remedy for any kind of fungal infection because of the presence of the medium-chain fatty acids. Besides, these fatty acids act as natural fungicides in order to kill the fungi that are responsible for the fungal infection.
- Simply, you just need to rub some drops of extra virgin coconut oil gently onto the affected area
- Then you let it dry on its own.
- You repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times per day till the infection is healed completely.
- Alternatively, you mix some drops of cinnamon oil and coconut oil
- Then you apply this mixture onto the affected area.
- You can follow this solution 2 times per day to manage the growth of fungal infection.
16. Tea
The tannins found in tea may help you kill the fungi that are responsible for your fungal infections. In addition, tea has antibiotic & astringent properties, which help you get rid of common symptoms of your fungal infection such as the burning sensation, skin irritation and swelling.
- You just need to soak some tea bags into the warm water for about 10 minutes.
- Then you remove these tea bags from the water
- Then you put them into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
- You apply these cold tea bags onto the affected area.
- You should repeat this solution 3 times per day till the infection is removed completely.
- For athlete’s foot or toenail fungus, you steep 5 black tea bags into 4 cups of the boiling water for about 5 minutes. Then you let the water cool. Next, you soak your affected foot into it for about 30 minutes. You can repeat this solution 2 times per day for 5 to 6 weeks.
17. Garlic
Garlic is one of the best natural home remedies for skin fungus and bacterial infections on skin. Using garlic daily helps destroy the bacterial and fungal growth, and then prevent the spread of skin fungus and bacterial infections. In addition, garlic has a lot of antibacterial and antifungal properties that help treat several common illnesses of both skin and body.
- You just need to take four to five cloves of garlic daily.
- In addition, you can rub a garlic paste onto the affected skin.
- Next, you leave it on your skin for about 60 minutes before washing off.
- You leave about 3 to 4 days after applying garlic for about 2 to 3 days and then you start again.
- This solution will help prevent skin burning very well.
Or, you may also include a few garlic cloves in your food in order to reduce the healing time of any skin fungal infection. Another option, you can take garlic supplements after consulting a doctor.
Along with these treatments, have a good hygiene to treat and avoid fungal infections on the skin. If you have a severe infection, consult a doctor.
To get more information about effective homemade remedies for health problems, go to our main Home Remedies page. After reading the writing of top 17 natural home remedies for skin fungus on legs & other parts, hope that this writing helps you find out the best solution to get rid of your skin fungus problem. However, the writing is solely for the informational purpose and it is not intended to give medical advice. If you have any question, or you know other natural home remedies for skin fungus, please leave them below.
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