Nowadays, people have to deal with different situations coming from family, work, and daily relationships. The question is how you can assert your own rights without creating an unnecessary incident? Conflict is something that can be indispensible in normal life. Learning how to deal with conflict – rather than avoiding it – is very important. If conflict is mismanaged, it could cause some serious harm to a relationship; yet, if it is tackled respectfully in a positive way, this can supply some unexpected chance to strengthen the relationship among people. This article is specifically designed to help people find good ways to control the common conflicts in their life. Check some following ultimate conflict resolution tips out to keep your personal and professional relationships growing and strong.
11 Conflict Resolution Tips – Resolve Your Conflicts Quickly And Peacefully
1. Recognize And Resolve Conflicting Demands
If you are out of your feeling control, or so stressed, you cannot understand your emotions, and your feelings. As a consequence, you will not be able to understand your deep-seated needs, and hardly communicate with other people as well as stay in touch with things that are really troubling you.
For example, in personal relationship, lack of understanding about differing demands might result in break-ups, or arguments. In workplace, differing demands and conflicts are often the sources of bitter disputes. When you recognize the conflict and be willing to cope with it, you can easily open pathways to improved relationships or creative solution for resolving problems.
2. Know When Conflict Is Not Just Conflict
This factor seems to be simple but not less important. You can learn so many conflict resolution tips, but they will be useless if you do not identify whether the situation you are coping with is a conflict or not. Conflicts are different from each other. The reason of conflict are also various. If conflict arises because of sexual, racial, or ethnic issues, or if someone behaves inappropriately, then it is not a conflict, but a harassment. So, you need to take action and discuss the problem with people who are getting involved in that conflict to classify the problem.
3. Resolve Intra-Personal Conflict
As mentioned above, conflict arises from differences. It happens whenever people disagree over their values, perceptions, motivations, desires, or ideas. When a conflict is intrapersonal, it is most usually resolved through one-on-one coaching and feedback from trusted friends or professionals. Steadily, the individual works through their “old tapes” that cause the problem. Solutions are determined via inviting the person to invent more efficient and new responses to conflict conditions.
4. Rapidly Manage Stress
The ability to keep calm and stay relaxed as well as concentrated on tense situations is considered as a vital factor of conflict resolution. When you cannot stay centered and in control of your mental health, you might turn into a person of emotionally overwhelmed in difficult situations. It is the best for you to find out an effective way to control, even relieve stress. The common ways to lessen negative thoughts and feelings are through sense including sound, sight, touch, taste, and smell. However, every individual responds situation in different ways, so you had better find things that can soothe to you.
Also, you need to remain calm. Be still and say nothing. Let the storm run its course. As normal, the angry person often wants to provoke you. Arguing is ineffective because it raises barriers. Consider the best way to keep calm that you feel useful and avoid being provoked by others.
You can discover some powerful techniques for stress management, stress controlling tricks, and unique meditation guidelines that help you balance your moods and emotion health effectively.
5. Let The Other Person Do The Talking
That means, in this case, you should be in a role of a listener. Listen to the reason that the other person is giving for being upset and make sure that you understand his or her sayings. Clarify the real problems, rather than making assumptions. You can ask questions that enable you to gain the information, and which let the other person know you are trying to understand. Then, repeat his or her words to confirm your understanding so that you are both able to see what has been understood so far and let the other person realise some additional information is needed.
Let the other person feel that they are heard, and important. Expressing appreciation can be a very powerful message if it is conveyed with integrity and respect. Everyone always wants to feel important. Some people express it in positive, gentle ways while others express in counterproductive ways.
To develop your communication skills that can be useful in conflict resolving, you can refer the book of simple communication tricks and tips on how to improve communication skills guide.
6. If You Are Wrong, Admit, And Take Responsibility
You can say, “You are absolutely right, it is my fault and here is what I will do to fix it.” Even if you are not wrong, you, at least, give the others the benefit of the doubt such as “I might be wrong, let’s look at the facts together.” Doing this will help you deal with many common conflicts. These words are actually powerful. Just prioritize conflict resolution rather than being right or winning. By this way, you still show others that you validate their points of view and you are trying to diffuse the conflict and tension. Maintaining and strengthening the relationship should always be your first priority. Others might end up defend you. You may be surprised by what occurs afterwards.
7. Use Your Non-Verbal Communication Skills
Communicating is one of the most important conflict resolution tips and also the key to understand yourself as well as others. There are two ways to communicate, as you know, verbal and non-verbal communication. However, the most critical information exchanged during conflicts and arguments is often communicated nonverbally. This type of communication contains facial expression, eye contact, tone of voice, touch, posture, and gestures. When you are in the center of a certain conflict, just pay attention to the non-verbal signals of others. This will help you recognize what they are actually saying, discover the root cause of the problem, and respond in a manner that builds trust. Some common simple nonverbal signal such as a reassuring touch, a interested facial expression, and a calm voice tone could reveal the truth about your problem.
You can refer the guide of simple mind and mentalism reading techniques and ultimate secrets of mind power to read the thoughts of others and harness the power of your mind.
8. Emotional Awareness
Emotional awareness is the key to understanding yourself and others. This is the consciousness of your moment-to-moment emotional experience and the ability to control your feelings properly. Improving your emotional awareness will help you:
- Get to know what is actually troubling others
- Understand what is troubling you and what you need to do to deal with it
- Stay calm and motivated until the conflict is resolved
- Attract and influence other people
Just focus on the present. That means you should pay attention to the reality of the current condition, do not look to the past and assign blame. All you need to do now is to concentrate on here-and-now to deal with the problem.
To increase your self-confidence, I recommend that you should refer the guide of simple social confidence tips now.
9. Try To Depersonalize Conflicts
It means that instead of a “me versus you” mentality, just focus on an “us versus the problem” scenario. Changing your attitude with the conflict will make you more professionally, and make you improve your images in others’ eyes.
10. Use The Sense Of Humor To Deal With Challenges
It is good for you to avoid many confrontations and tackle arguments as well as disagreements via communicating in a humorous way. Humor sense plays an important role in problem solving and conflict resolutions. This can help you say things that may be hard to be expressed without creating a flap. However, pay attention to that you just should laugh with others, not at them. Humor can decrease the tension and anger within a conflict, reframe problems, and put the condition into perspective. The conflict will really become a chance for greater connection, rapport, and intimacy.
11. Be Ready To Forgive And Let Something Go If Necessary
If you still keep the conservative thoughts in your mind when coping with a conflict, then you will go nowhere. Resolving conflict is impossible if you are unwilling and cannot forgive for others.
In other words, after dealing with the conflict for a long time without having any positive signals, you cannot come to an agreement, then agree to disagree. This is considered as the last solution of a conflict. In case that a conflict is going nowhere, you can choose disengage and move on. The last purpose is to remain the peace and balance in the relationship, not make it worse. Therefore, do not try to win in all cases.
So, these are some ultimate conflict resolution tips that used successfully by many people all over the world. Hope you have learned something new! Well, conflict resolution tips might require much effort and patience, and keeping it simple and innocent is the key to make it successful.
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