Updates: 04/26/2025
We all know that healthy eating can lower the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, but it can also impact positively your cognitive function as well. There are some foods for brain health that can protect against age-associated cognitive decline as well as encourage concentration and clarity.
Top 30 Best And Worst Foods For Brain Health And Memory – How To Eat Well To Have A Stronger Brain
I. Best Foods For Brain Health And Memory
1. Berries
Berries, particularly blueberries help protect the human brain from oxidative stress and might decrease the impacts of age-related conditions, like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Also, there are many studies pointing out that diets high in blueberries can significantly increase the learning ability in people. It is recommended that taking at least 1 cup of blueberries per day in any form, including freeze-dried, frozen, or fresh can help you maintain a healthy brain safely.
Discover steps to create a healthy diet plan and a complete list of super foods here to get improved overall health naturally.
2. Wild Salmon
In fact, deep-water fish, like salmon, are high in omega-3 essential fatty acids. These substances are necessary for brain function. As omega-3s include anti-inflammatory substances, fish is considered as a plentiful supply of degenerating substances. In other words, other oily fish supplying the benefits of omega-3s are herring and sardines. It is said that people should consume a 4-ounce serving, for two or three times per week to get the best benefits of these foods.
3. Seeds And Nuts
Actually, nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E, which can protect your cognitive function as you get older. Therefore, you can add a single ounce per day of walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, filberts, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and flax seeds to your daily diet to take advantage of these foods. Roasted or raw does not matter, you just need to buy unsalted nuts.
4. Avocados
As proven, avocados are nearly as good as blueberries in improving brain health. Actually, the avocado is a kind of fatty fruit, yet it is monounsaturated fat that contributes to healthy blood flow. That also means a healthy brain. It will help consumers prevent the growth of neuropathy disorders beforehand. On the other hands, avocados can lower blood pressure, and due to hypertension is a potential risk of the reduction in cognitive capabilities, a lower blood pressure is able to boost brain health. Nevertheless, avocados are rich in calories, so you had better add just ¼ to ½ cup of an avocado to a daily meal as a side dish.
You will discover a lot of other healthy foods for developing the brain power in the Power Foods for the Brain book.
5. Celery
Celery is considered as a rich source of luteolin, a plant compounds which can calm inflammation in the brain that is a major cause of neurodegeneration. Luteolin is also linked with reduced rates of age-related memory loss in mice. Additionally, you can find high level of luteolin in celery, peppers, and carrots.
6. Cherries
Oxidation is not the single process associated with diseases of aging. Inflammation also plays a key role in formation of dementia or heart disease. Cherries are considered as nature’s own anti-inflammatory pills which contain compounds named polyphenols which keep platelets in the blood from clumping together. In other words, they do not produce undesirable side effects, such as strokes or heart attacks, like manufactured drugs. Therefore, you can take advantage of this fruit for your brain health.
7. Whole Grains
When it comes to foods for brain health, whole grains cannot be overlooked. Oatmeal, whole-grain breads, and brown rice are whole grains, which can decrease potential risk of heart disease. As most organ in the human body is relied on blood flow; thus, if you improve your cardiovascular, you are also boosting your blood flow to your organ system, which contains the brain. Though wheat germ is not technically a whole grain, it is also rich in fiber, vitamin E, and omega-3s. Just add ½ cup of whole grains, one slice of bread for three times per day, and 2 tbs of wheat germ per day to make use of these foods.
8. Broccoli And Cauliflower
Cauliflower and broccoli are great sources of choline. Choline consumption during pregnancy can increase your brain activity as well as promote cognitive function, enhance learning ability and memory retention, even diminish age-related memory reduction. Also, the brain’s vulnerability to toxins during childhood and conferring protection are prevented effectively.
9. Crab
You do not see crab on the majority of power food lists, do you? However, you should. Just one serving of crab contains 1840mg of phenylalanine. This amount is equal to the amount of phenylalanine of your entire daily requirement. This serving also contains amino acid which helps make the neurotransmitter dopamine, brain-boosting adrenaline and noradrenaline and thyroid hormone. Also, it can help people prevent, even fight Parkinson’s disease. Besides, crab is also an excellent source of brain-enhancing vitamin B12. Though many kind of fish also provide phenylalanine, crab is much easier to find and less likely to be high in mercury, a problem with popular fish like tuna.
10. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich sources of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant which can protect the cells in your body from free radical damage that happens in the development process of dementia, especially Alzheimer’s.
11. Chickpeas Or Garbanzo Beans
It is not easy to find food sources of magnesium which plays an important role in energy metabolism. However, magnesium is so helpful for the brain health, in general, and brain cell receptors, boosting message transmission. Furthermore, magnesium can relax blood vessels, boosting blood flow through the brain. It is shown that stress can leach magnesium from the human body. Therefore, controlling stress is necessary for a healthy brain. The rich source of magnesium is kelp, with about 780 mg of magnesium in a serving. However, you might hardly ad kelp into your menu; thus, go for chickpeas instead that consist of 220 mg of magnesium in one cup serving.
You will discover a lot of other healthy foods for developing the brain power in the Power Foods for the Brain book.
12. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is considered a natural mood-calmer. This food is high in relaxing tryptophan, supplying 25 percent of the recommended allowance in just a one-cup serving. Especially, buckwheat is also great source of magnesium. Be considered as a fruit seed, buckwheat is free from gluten and rich in fiber. Therefore, it is good grain substitute. You can add it to soups or stews, or add it to salads. Even, you can boil it up a hot breakfast cereal. This will be similar to grits or cream of wheat.
13. Red Meat
Though there are a variety of recommendations that people should not indulge in red meat, vitamin B12 found in beef, pork, or lamb is still good for the brain health. As an energy-booster, vitamin B12 is necessary for your brain function. Deficiency in B12 can lead to brain and nerve damage. Beef liver contains the highest B12 content, yet liver tends not to be a dinnertime staple.
14. Spinach
15. Dark Chocolate
Chocolate has antioxidant capabilities. This is healthy for the whole body, and the caffeine content found in dark chocolate can maintain mental acuity. What is more, dark chocolate is high in flavonoids, an antioxidant helping improve blood flow by regulating as well as reducing blood pressure.
16. Garlic
Garlic can stave off several forms of brain cancer thanks to the organo-sulfur compounds, working to kill glioblastoma cells – a kind of malignant tumor cell.
17. Purple Grapes
This type of food includes the phytonutrient resveratol, which is useful for increased circulation. Whilst resveratol is included mainly in red wine, people could get plenty by munching purple grapes. Moreover, grapes can prevent circulatory problems which contribute to dementia condition by reducing the supply of nutrients and oxygen. When it comes to benefits of grapes, they can keep blood vessels strong by preventing blockages. Also, they increase good cholesterol (HDL) as well as lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
18. Red Wine
Many studies indicated that those people who take moderate amounts of red wine as well as other kinds of alcohol might be at decreased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Actually, people who consume alcohol or eat healthy might be healthier in other aspects of their life; thus, it is hard to disentangle whether it is the healthy diet which protects them versus other healthy behaviors.
19. Eggs
The last but not least important one in the list of foods for brain health you need to know today is egg. This is an easy source of good fat. Cholesterol is bad or good fat? Without a doubt, cholesterol is “good” for brain health. Cholesterol assists the membranes of neurons by keeping their shape. Also, this substance is also a building block for hormones which affect brain function. Due to containing DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, eggs can form connections between neurons.
However, there is also a problem with cholesterol if your diet is too high in saturated fat and too low in vegetables or plant foods. Consequently, an excess of bad cholesterol will be formed, and oxidation of this cholesterol will lead to plaque and blockage of arteries. You can enjoy a few eggs per week for an easy source of good fat.
You will discover a lot of other healthy foods for developing the brain power in the Power Foods for the Brain book.
II. Worst Foods For Brain Health And Memory
1. Fast Foods
Studies and researches shown that fast foods with high fats can damage hypothalamus. This is a part of brain producing hormones to control sleep, hunger, thirst, mood, and other rhythms of your body.
A study indicated that a high fat food diet revealed caused inflammation to hypothalamus. That diet was found to link to brain shrinkage, as a cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
Search for: Fast Food Items With 1000 Calories And More
2. Salty Foods
A research shown that salty foods are hard on brain and heart. Participants of a group of people with high sodium consumption and less physical activities accompanied with lower marks of cognitive tests than that of another group with appropriate sodium consumption and more exercises.
3. Fried Foods
A study revealed that agents released by cooking oils increased the risk of some neurological degenerative conditions and diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. These agents are released when cooking oils are heated to high temperatures. Sunflower and flaxseed cooking oils release the most amounts of toxins.
4. Foods With Pesticides
Studies and researches have indicated that a long-term exposure to a pesticide can damage brain cells and cause triggers of Parkinson’s disease. Even, some functions of brain might display the loss of neurons.
5. Soda
A research from the Journal of American Public Health shown that participants who drank 2½ daily bottles of soda got 3 times of depression and anxiety in the comparison with others who drank fewer.
6. Bagels Or Pancakes
A group of researchers analyzed several blood samples from participants who ate high-protein and high-carbohydrate breakfasts. 2 hours later, the eaters had levels of tryptophan 4 times higher than people who ate foods with appropriate protein. In fact, tryptophan found in pancakes or bagels is one of the main causes of your blood vessel clogging.
7. Full-Fat Ice Cream
Beware of foods that are high in saturated fats like full-fat ice cream because these fats can clog your blood vessels and prevent flows of blood and nutrients to your brain.
8. The Unready & Unripe Foods
The unready and unripe foods are not delicious and good for brain. Instead of consuming the foods, you should be a master buyer. Shop for fresh ingredients including meats, fruits and vegetables to get the maximum nutrients from the foods you chose. For instance, if you buy ripe berries, you will get the best antioxidants, flavor and other nutrients.
9. Foods With Added Sugar & Syrups
Excess sugar can cause proteins in the body to work improperly, age the arterial system. So, how much is good to consume? Generally, main dishes should contain less than 4 grams of sugar/serving. Other dishes should contain less than 2 grams of sugars/serving. Totally, you can use under 4 grams of added sugar/hour.
Syrup is another form of sugar. Pay attention to using a proper intake of syrups, too. Just add 6 teaspoons of sugar or consume less than 24 grams per day.
10. Processed Foods
Preservatives can affect your behavior and cognitive function, especially the hyperactivity in children. In fact, artificial food additives account for over 3,000 chemicals that are included in the foods we consume daily. MSG is proven to damage our brain cells and all food additives is hazardous to the nervous problems of children.
11. White Chocolate
White chocolate is not healthy chocolate at all, as it doesn’t contain cocoa solids. Thus, it doesn’t help stimulate our mood like serotonin, and real chocolate. Just eat or consume real chocolate, the darker is the better. More cacao in chocolate means less sugar and more healthy chemicals that are safer for your brain!
Read on: Chocolate Recipe Guilt Free
Make sure that right from now on, you will select and create healthy diet plan that contains these 30 best and worst foods for brain health and memory. Healthy life is about choices and selecting the right nutrients that play a key role in your health.
Leave your words at the end of this post of 30 best and worst foods for brain health and memory to let us know your thoughts. We will respond as soon as we could.
You will discover a lot of other healthy foods for developing the brain power in the Power Foods for the Brain book.
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