Top 14 Health Tips For Toddlers Parents Should Know

dental health tips for toddlers

With a little one in the family, it is important that we constantly look for ways in which we can keep them healthy. While there are many reasons because of which it can turn out to be difficult to take care of your toddler, it is also important to realize that there are possible solutions for every issue. Health tips for toddlers given below on the should be ideal for you while you’re working hard to ensure that your toddler is healthy and stay healthy forever.

Top 14 Health Tips For Toddlers Parents Should Know

1. Health Tips For Toddlers – Daily Care

All day care is important for your baby, and it might feel like your responsibilities never end. However, the fact is that it is not difficult if you have organized yourself in a way that everything happens in the correct order. Starting with bathing a toddler, make sure that you teach them how to brush the teeth, change the cloth nappies, and sure hygiene and keep them clean at all times. As a toddler, you can expect them to make the place and even their clothes dirty at regular intervals. In this case, it is essential for you to be patient with your babies and take good care of them.

Read more: Best natural home remedies for teething babies

2. Avoid Disposable Nappies

Not only is it an additional cost but also has the potential of leaving behind and negative impact on your little one. Disposable nappies are not highly regarded for toddlers, and you should avoid it, even though it is an easy option for you. Remember that your baby is your priority and nothing else should get the same spot.

3. Check For Major Health Concerns

From the birth itself, we start taking care of the baby, and we even consult a birth injury attorney in case things go wrong. However, as days pass by, there will be some issues you’ll learn about, and accordingly, you’ll have to find the necessary solutions. For example, you might not know at birth that your baby is allergic to something. However, the moment you learn about it, make sure that you do everything possible to keep your little angel away from it. Apart from regular allergies, intolerance management should even be on your mind. Apart from this, make sure that your baby is not a victim of second-hand smoke.

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4. Health Tips For Toddlers – Mental Health

Anxiety in children can be a cause of concern for any present in this world. However, there are ways in which the same can be taken care of. So, make sure that you manage your child’s mental health and do not add to the issue in any possible way.

5. Health Tips For Toddlers – Doctors And Medicines

health tips for toddlers - doctors and medicines

Regular check up of your toddler is important, and it is equally important to give your toddler the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Your child might cry while you’re feeding them with medicines but be strong and make sure the task is completed. Remember that you’re doing this for the kid’s health.

6. Learn Toddler Care First Aid & CPR

It is one of other vital health tips for toddlers that parents should know. It won’t hurt to learn what to do when a toddler gets scrapes, bruises, and bumps, and everybody, especially parents, should be CPR-certified. This is known as an emergency process that is performed on anyone whose heart has stopped or who isn’t breathing. When this occurs, seconds count as the brain damage or it can lead to a death.

For toddlers, the major emergencies turn around their airways, which are caused due to choking or near drowning. Therefore, it is essential for parents to learn how to re-establish the air for their toddlers.

7. Health Tips For Toddlers – Promote Healthy Eating

Now, childhood obesity can be considered a tremendous epidemic. Therefore, healthy eating is one of the health tips for toddlers. This means that parents should give appropriate serving portions for their child. They will eat when they are hungry, and when they aren’t, they won’t. So, don’t worry about it.

According to the USDA, 2-year-old children consume 1,000 calories a day; 3-year-old children, it is from 1,000 to 1,400 calories daily, which depends on their activity level; and 4-year-old children, it is 1,200 to 1,600 calories a day. Keep in mind that the daily dose of calories of your toddlers includes the following nutritious foods: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and calcium-rich foods to grow bones. Remember to limit juicy juices and sugary foods!

8. Establish A Good Oral Health Habit

The National Center for Health Statistics published a report and found that the tooth decay in children at the age of 2 to 5 is increasing: 28 % of the children in this age range develop at least one mouth cavity. Not only do dental exams every 6 months help to prevent cavities but it also aids in preventing the tooth decay that may result in malocclusion, which is an improper position of the teeth & jaw when a child is older. Make sure that brush your child’s teeth when the first tooth appears.

As you may know, by age 1, you can use a soft toothbrush or soft washcloth dipped in warm water to brush the toddler’s teeth 2 times per day; at age 2, give your toddlers a fluoridated toothpaste; and by age 4, toddlers may handle their brush themselves. You can choose the foods that can help to prevent cavities. For example, avoid sugar-laden snacks and serve organic fruit juices to your child. So, teach your toddlers to take care of their teeth to help to prevent tooth decay and bacteria & abscesses in the gums, causing illness.

9. Health Tips For Toddlers – Give Positive Feedback

Praising a good behavior of your children not only helps to encourage them to learn about their environment but also aids in promoting the parent-child bonding. You should guide them through the experiences in a completely positive way. Often, a toddler who is encouraged will feel good about himself and his accomplishments. It makes a significant difference in self-esteem.

In contrast, when you criticize your toddlers too often, they can become withdrawn or unsure of themselves, and can be afraid of trying new things. So, try to offer hugs & compliments more often.

10. Don’t Smoke Around Your Toddlers

health tips for toddlers - don’t smoke around your toddlers

For smoking, you are aware of the health impacts on yourself, but do you realize that secondhand smoke may also affect the breathing of your toddler and have long-term respiratory impacts such as impaired lungs, wheeze, and chronic coughing? Often, toddlers of smokers visit a doctor more often for treating wheezing episodes and respiratory infections than non-smokers’ children. Secondhand smoke [1] can cause more ear infections, more allergies, more asthma, and more upper respiratory infections. Also, it sets a bad precedent because toddlers model the behavior of their parents.

Learn more: Natural home remedies for wheezing in children & adults

11. Have A Good Pediatric Primary Health Provider

Apart from the standard checkups, you should have a regular family practitioner or pediatrician to call when your toddlers get sick, display developmental delays, have an injury, and have other medical problems. It is important for you to have a close relationship with someone who knows the health history of your child because what is normal for a child can’t be normal for another. In addition, this helps you to have a doctor to call for some emergencies such as knee raspberries or teething pain.

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12. Use Car Safety Seats Properly

Child safety seat aid in reducing the risk of death by 71 % for infants and 54 % for toddlers at the age of 1 to 4. Although you want not to use a safety seat, you should remember you are using it properly. According to a study, 72 % of safety seats are misused in a way, which could increase the risk of injury for a child during an accident.

As you may know, the biggest mistake is to put a baby age 12 to 18 months old in the forward-facing seat too soon. Only keep a kid rear-facing until she is 30-35 pounds to offer significant protection to her head, spine, and neck. For older toddlers, using a booster seat reduces injury risk by 59 % compared to using safety belts alone. However, once again, you should make sure that your kid is developmentally ready for this. This means that your kid must be at least 40 pounds in weight, which often doesn’t happen until your kid is 4-6 years old.

13. Health Tips For Toddlers – Fully Immunize Your Child

Luckily, vaccination requirements [2] for kindergarten are effective in raising vaccination coverage for kids. Recently, the CDC reported that 95 % of the children in the U.S received the 5 vaccinations suggested for children beginning school (including polio, varicella, measles/mumps/rubella, diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis, and hepatitis B). However, a small percentage of the U.S believes that vaccines are unsafe or unnecessary. A few people are afraid that vaccines may cause autism. Also, complacency is considered another reason for this. Just remember that because we don’t see the disease; this doesn’t mean that it cannot come back

14. Don’t Leave Your Kid Unattended

Supervision is one of the most important health tips for toddlers that parents should do. It just takes a second for one curious kid to get into a really unsafe situation. Even with the extensive and sophisticated childproofing, nothing protects your kid more than your eyes. Supervision is completely number one and childproofing barriers can be number two.

The above are top 14 health tips for toddlers that parents need to know to take care of their children. Leave your comment below this article or other relationship topics to let us know your thoughts. We will feedback soon.

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