Practicing yoga on a regular basis has certainly helped a lot of people in reducing as well as gaining weight. People occasionally blame their genes for being underweight or overweight. But that isn’t the case every time. It is not often the genetic makeup which is responsible for weight gain. General speaking, our eating habits and lifestyle also play a negative role in gaining weight. There is much more you may do to lower weight naturally. Not surprisingly, power yoga is an effective and healthy weight loss choice. Yoga for losing weight for females is a popular option these days! In this article, will show you 31 simple and best yoga asanas for weight loss. Keep reading this post to understand more!
Best Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss: 31 Simple Poses That Work
1. Yoga Chair Pose
Yoga can be the simple and best option for losing weight as it doesn’t have any side effects. This is one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss. Here are detailed guides to do it:
- First of all, have your feet together. Next inhale while raising your hands above the head.
- Then, stretch them up plus bend the knees a little, and inhale while you bend your knees.
- Now you need to hold in this position for a minimum of 60 seconds. It maybe some difficult in the starting to remain in the position, so try to keep it as much as possible and stand up when feeling too much pressure.
- You can start by doing it ten times daily and raise the number every three days. It’ll tone down the thighs plus melt the fats from the tummy.
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2. Yoga Warrior Pose
Looking for the best yoga asanas for weight loss, you should not miss this pose. You should do this pose as follows:
- First of all, stand straight with the legs far apart.
- Next bring the hands up above the head and stretch them.
- Clasp both your hands together in one Namaste and then turn the torso to your right side.
- The right knee should bend lightly while you try to stretch the abdominal muscles as much as possible.
- After turning it to your right, do the same process to your left.
- This posture will tighten the muscles and also tone the legs, bringing you very great body strength.
3. Boat Pose
Here are detailed instructions to practice this pose:
- Firstly, sit down on one mat, and next stretch out your legs. Your thighs should be tight, knees should be pulled up and the toes should be pointed out as well.
- Now, try to raise the feet of your ground and then bring the legs to a forty-five degrees angle.
- Inhale while you raise the feet and stay away from bending your knees.
- Your body should create a V shape and your spine should be straight.
- Raise your arms to your shoulder level afterwards.
- This exercise will increase the stamina plus cut down tummy fat. It’ll increase your upper and lower body strength.
4. Yoga Cobbler’s Pose
This is one of the simplest and easiest yoga asanas for weight loss. Here are detailed instructions to do it:
- First of all, sit down with the spine straight.
- Your feet soles should be facing each other and the knees should be bent.
- You should press your soles together and maintain this pose for a minimum of one minute
5. Yoga Locust Pose
How to do it:
- The first step is to lie face down with the palms facing the ground.
- While inhaling you had better lift up the legs without bending the knees.
- Your hands and upper torso should also be raised up, giving you one stretch of your abdominal muscles.
- You have to balance yourself on your tummy.
- This posture will decrease the fats near your hips and stretch the leg muscles.
6. Yoga Camel Pose
- Firstly, you sit it on the feet with the knees plus calves close together. In order to prevent pain, you should use a little soft cloth under you.
- Now come onto the knees and place the hands on the hips. Then, stretching out your torso, look above.
- Thereafter, keep your heels gradually, a hand after the other.
- Bend backward and then stretch out your chest and tummy.
- You may feel the weight in the arms.
- This position is beneficial to melt your fat in almost all the parts of the body.
7. Setu Bandh (Bridge Pose)
This is also one of the easiest yoga asanas for weight loss. You can do as follows:
- First off, lie down on the back and next bend the knees.
- The distance between your buttocks and feet should be the same like your hands.
- Now, try to lift the body in the upward direction. You should try doing this around 5-10 times and then release.
- This asana gives a great massage to your lower back and thighs as well.
8. Bhekasana
How to practice it:
- The first step is to lie on your belly plus reach back in order to grab the feet as in bow pose.
- Then through inhalation, lift up the chest and squeeze your shoulders towards each other.
- Now fold your feet towards your hip region and allow your hands to hold the toes.
- Keep this pose for five breaths and then slowly release.
9. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Looking for the best yoga asanas for weight loss, this pose is one of the top options for you.
- Lie down on your floor with the belly touching the ground.
- Then, keep the hands besides the chest.
- Now take one deep breath and then lift your thighs and legs up.
- Meanwhile, you must try to catch the legs with the hands.
- Remain in the position for thirty seconds & release afterwards.
10. Shalbasana
General speaking, this is also considered as one of the most useful yoga asanas for weight loss.
How to do:
- All you have to do is lie on the belly with the hands resting below the thighs while chin and forehead are resting on your floor.
- Now, try to lift the left leg up to ten inches.
- Then, maintain your leg straight. Don’t bend your knees.
- Afterward, try following the same with the right leg too.
- At the last stage, you do this with both the legs.
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11. Chakki Chalan (Grinding Pose)
In general, this is a good asana for decreasing belly fat.
How to do it:
- For practicing this pose, you have to stay in one comfortable position and next spread the legs straight.
- Both the legs had better touch each other.
- Don’t bend your knees.
- Afterwards, join your hands and move this in a circular motion over the legs.
- This provides a good massage and stretch to the stomach, hands & legs as well.
- Do it ten times in clockwise position and ten times in anti-clockwise position.
- Gradually release.
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12. Pavanmuktasana (Wind-Releasing Pose)
Here are detailed instructions to do this pose:
1. Lie down on the back in straight position.
2. Next lift up the left leg and bend it from your knee.
3. Try to press the left leg towards the stomach. After that, touch the chin to the knee. For this, you’ll have to lift up the head a little.
4. Try following the same with your right leg as well.
5. This gives a great stretch to the stomach and aids in reducing unnecessary fats.
13. Ardha Matsyendrasana
This is also regarded as one of the most effective yoga asanas for weight loss.
How to do it:
- Sit on your floor with the legs straight out.
- Next bend the knees, place your feet on your floor and later slide the left foot under the right leg.
- After that, lay the outside of your left leg on your floor.
- Step your right foot over your left leg plus stand it on your floor outside the left hip.
- Pressing right hand against your floor just behind the right buttock, and set the left upper arm on the outside of the right thigh near your knee.
- Your right knee will directly point up at the ceiling.
- Now exhale and turn towards your inner side of the right thigh.
- Hold in this position for around 30 seconds and then release.
- Try doing it the other way too.
14. Vakrasana
- First of all, you sit in one comfortable cross-legged position.
- Then keep the right hand on the left knee.
- Try to twist the body in your left direction.
- Remember to hold your posture straight.
- Try doing this in your right direction too.
15. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
In general, here is also one of the top yoga asanas for weight loss.
How to do it:
- For this, you must position yourself into one curved pose resembling a snake.
- Sleep on your ground in such one way that the forehead touches the ground.
- Then, place the palms under the shoulders in one manner that it has tucked close to the body.
- Now stretch the legs in one way that the top of the feet presses down into your mat.
- Now inhale and gradually press the hands to stretch the arms, sending the chest upwards.
- This pose looks like one snake & hence it’s called the snake pose or the cobra pose.
16. Padahastasana
- For this, you have to stand straight with the feet touching each other.
- Now exhale and then bend downwards from the hips to touch the feet with the fingers.
- Keep the arms stretched in the total process.
- Now gradually rise upwards and return to the initial position.
17. Trikonasana
Trikonasana helps in stretching the sides of the body. It tones your thighs and arms as well. It also enhances the flexibility of the body
- All you have to do is stand straight, separate the feet wide apart.
- Then, turn the right foot out to ninety degrees and left foot out to fifteen degrees.
- You have to balance the body’s weight on both feet.
- After that, bend your body to your right side, downward from your hips.
- Ensure that you keep the waist straight, thereby letting your left hand come up in the air along with your right hand comes down as well as touches the ground.
- Try to hold both the arms in one straight line.
- Repeat on your other side.
18. Paschimottanasana
Seeking for the best yoga asanas for weight loss, you should not miss this pose.
How to do it:
- For this, sit down on your floor with both the legs extended forward in front of you.
- Stretch the arms and body forward and then try to touch the toes.
- Don’t bend your knees and then try to reach the toes.
- This asana gives a great stretch to your arms, hands & your spine.
- Also, it decreases extra belly fat & maintains the healthy and free from diseases.
19. Shirshasana
- For doing this asana, all you have to do is sit down on your floor in Vajrasana position.
- Now put the hands on the ground in such a way that you’ll be able to keep your right arm with your left hand and your left arm with your right hand.
- Now try to put the crown of the head in between the palms.
- Then, try to take the legs slightly upwards. Try balancing it that way.
- After you successfully study balancing, then try moving the legs in the upward direction in one straight line with the body.
- Hold in this position for thirty seconds and release.
20. Sarvangasana
Here are step by step directions to do this pose:
1. First of all, you lie on a mat and rest the back on the floor.
2. Then, try to lift the legs in the upward direction.
3. You may even use the support of the hands for the same.
4. Try resting your hands on the back so that they can assist you keep steady in the position.
5. Now, once the legs are up in the air, you try to bring them in one straight alignment with the body and stretch it as much as possible.
6. Remain in this position for thirty seconds and afterwards release.
21. Halasana
Generally, this is also one of the helpful yoga asanas for weight loss.
How to do:
- When you’re steady in this Sarvangasana pose, you try and bring the legs downwards from over the head.
- Again here, you rest the palm of the hands on the back to support your position.
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22. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- For this, all you need to do is stand straight on one mat.
- Now, you must put your hands up and stretch it as much as possible.
- Try to keep the hands straight.
- This gives a great massage to your back, hands, spine as well as the whole body.
- This is the most suggested asana for raising height as well.
23. Uttitha Hasta Padangustana
- Firstly, stand straight in the Tadasana position.
- Now try lifting the left leg in the upward direction.
- Then try touching the ankle of the left leg with the left hand.
- You should try it the other way too. Don’t stretch beyond the capacity.
- This asana gives a great massage to your spine, hips, lower back, legs & hands as well. It also aids in decreasing the fat in these parts of the body.
24. Garudasana
How to do it:
- The first step is to stand straight in the Tadasana position.
- Then, bend the knees a little.
- Now try lifting up your left leg and then wrap it around the right leg.
- Do the same with the hands.
- Now try to balance in this position.
- Remain steady for around 10-15 seconds and afterwards release.
- This asana aids in reducing extra fat in your thighs as well as arms.
25. Vasisthasana
How to do it:
- Firstly, you have to stand in plank position.
- Now roll both your heels to your right so that your outer foot is touching the floor.
- Stack your left foot on your right foot.
- Now press down the right hand and lift your left hand by inhalation.
- Hold in this pose for around 5 breaths.
- Now release this pose and return to the plank pose by exhaling.
26. Ardha Chandrasana
- Firstly, you have to stand in one straight position.
- Next, spread the legs wide apart.
- Now, turn the right foot outside in a ninety-degree position.
- Then, try to touch the hands, palm to your ground in one straight line with the feet.
- After that, lift up the left leg and try stretching it up in the air as much as possible.
- Don’t stretch beyond your capacity.
- Thereafter, lift up the right hand and stretch this up in the air.
- Remain steady for thirty seconds and afterwards release.
27. Side-Bend Asana
- First of all, stand in one straight position.
- Keep the hands beside the body and leave it loose.
- Then, simply turn towards the right side.
- Don’t put any pressure on your hands or your body.
- You just stretch from the side as much as possible.
- Try it in both these directions.
- This asana will assist you in removing the unnecessary fat on the side.
28. Tittibhasana (Fire Fly Pose)
- This pose combines the forward bend and the arm balance pose, an arm balance plus a hip opening pose.
- Settle into one wide squat.
- Then, bring the palms flat on your floor just under the feet.
- Now, bend your elbows back into the Chaturanga Dandasana (or Four-Limbed Staff Pose).
- After that, you shift the weight back to rest on the upper arms and next bring your feet off the floor.
- Straighten your legs and then the arms into the last posture.
- Keep this asana for ten seconds every day and then build it over time to a minute.
29. Ardha Chakrasana (Or Half Wheel Pose)
- The first step is to stand on your yoga mat with your feet joined together, with your heels and toes touching each other.
- Let your hands rest on the waist; ensure that the thumbs point towards the spine.
- Now taking a deep inhalation, gradually bend backward till you experience the tingle on the spine.
- Ensure your knees are straight.
- Hold this pose, breathing deeply, till you finish counting twenty slowly.
- Exhaling and inhaling, gradually release your body from this pose and relax in the first position.
- This makes one repetition. You have to repeat about 3 to 5 times.
30. Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
This yoga helps you tone the tummy and provide you an enviable hamstrings and arms. In addition, it has countless other advantages too.
Do this:
- Stand on the yoga mat straight, the feet resting firm along with flat on that yoga mat.
- Keep your spine erect.
- Leave your hands to rest alongside your body with the palms resting on the thighs.
- Indulging in one deep inhalation and later exhaling gradually, bend frontward in such a manner that the palms could rest on this yoga mat, spread out at the width of your shoulders.
- Ensure that the fingers are spread out.
- Allow the face to down, the gaze fixed on your floor.
- Stretch out the legs, one each, towards your back, spreading out at the width of the shoulder.
- Let the feet and hands be aligned.
- Keep the elbows and knees straight.
- Now, taking one deep inhalation, suck the abdomen completely in such a manner that your spine and navel are close to each other.
- Keep this pose, indulging in deep breathing for around a count of 60.
- Then, exhaling gently, release the body from this pose and relax.
- This makes one repetition.
- Repeat seven times, taking one pause of ten seconds in between repetitions.
31. Uttanasana(Forward Bending Pose)
Generally, this is also one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss. This asana stretches your hamstrings and also puts pressure on your muscles of the abdomen.
How to do it:
- To perform this pose, you have to stand straight.
- Next raise the hands from the front to above the head as you inhale gradually.
- Later bend forward completely, pushing the buttocks back until the forehead touches the knees and the palms touch the floor as well.
- Come up gradually to the standing position.
In order to have more information related to useful ways for weight loss, go to our main Weight Loss page. After studying the writing of 31 simple and best yoga asanas for weight loss, hope that this article will help everyone learn more a few effective yoga asanas for weight loss. If you have any question or comment, please leave them below, I will reply you as soon as possible. Do you know any other yoga asanas for weight loss? Share with us right below.
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