29 Best Home Remedies For Hair Growth For Men And Women

The growth of your hair arises in every part of your body except in feet soles, hand palms, lips, eyelashes, eyelids. Hair is stratified like skin. It also has different phases to develop and each phase will determine how long your hair is. Also, there are different types of hair in your body and they have distinctive characteristics. In this article, VKool.com will show you top 10 best home remedies for hair growth for men and women. The writing will provide you some methods to make your hair grow faster and more beautiful from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose. Keep reading this writing to learn more!

I. Home Remedies For Hair Growth For Women And Men – Foods To Eat:

home remedies for hair growth

Is it time to change your hair with the hairstyle you want, but your hair is too short? So how to help your hair grow fast? There are many foods that work to promote natural growth of hair. However, to bring the practical results, you need to know how to combine the ingredients.

People still usually focus on the causes of excessive hair loss, such as the hormonal changes, the effects of fungus, due to smoking, stress, or physical, chemical agents… but there is also a reason that people usually skip that is the lack of nutrition for hair.

In the first section of this entire article, I would like to introduce some of the best home remedies for hair growth for men and women – the best foods to eat. The home remedies in this section include:

1. Green Veggies: 

home remedies for hair growth

This is the first out of the list containing the best home remedies for hair growth for women and men that I would like to introduce in this entire article.

Eating green vegetables is beneficial for health, but not everyone knows that there is something also very important that green vegetables can do for human – they also help to make the hair grow longer fast by providing vitamins and nutrients to the blood, transporting them to the capillary vessels, and stimulating hair growth. Especially, the dark green vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, spinach…. contain a lot of vitamin A, calcium, and iron which are necessary for the production of natural oils that help to protect and ensure the elasticity of the hair. Green leafy veggie is one of the foods that help to boost the “growth” of hair effectively, especially vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, green beans, and green peppers … Because they are rich in nutrients which are good for hair care. Regular intake of green leafy vegetables will provide sufficient nutrients to the hair to help it grow faster and also help to make hair stronger.

Read more: How To Regrow Hair Fast With Total Hair Regrowth to learn more ways to recover hair from hair loss and hair breakage.

2. Other Vegetables And Tubers: 

home remedies for hair growth

Carrots, sweet potatoes, orange, papaya, bananas, onions, garlic and beans are also considered the “magic pills” to help you get natural long, silky, and smooth hair. Vegetables and tubers help to ensure the blood circulation under the scalp, helping to make your hair stronger and stimulate the hair growth process. If you frequently add “these friends” to your list of items for daily diet and consumption, you will certainly and significantly improve the status of your thin and short hair.

3. Bean Sprouts: 

home remedies for hair growth

Sprouts are an excellent food to completely terminate hair breakage and hair loss, as well as promote the hair growth process. A regular addition of bean sprouts to the healthy daily diet will help your hair become shiny and smooth because they are rich in protein and nutrients. Ideally, you should add these “magic pills” to the menu for breakfast in the early morning to get desired results. This is actually one of the most effective home remedies for hair growth for women and men that people should learn and remember to make use for good!

4. Nuts: 

home remedies for hair growth

Almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, and many other kinds of nuts are very good for the human hair growth because they have an abundant content of iron. In particular, almonds are very rich in nutrients which can help your hair becomes stronger and shinier.

5. Fish:

home remedies for hair growth

This is good news for women who love eating fish because this food contains a lot of nutrients to make hair stronger, sleeker, and promote hair growth. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish can help to nourish the hair very well.

6. Milk: 

home remedies for hair growth

This nutritious drink contains a lot of calcium and iron, so it has become one kind of ideal foods not only for the development of bones, teeth, but also for the hair growth. Drink a lot of milk in a regular basis will help you limit hair loss, hair breakage, and promote hair growth effectively. Drinking a glass of milk every morning is the goal you should reach to have healthy, long hair. This is also one of the best home remedies for hair growth for men and women that I want to list down in this section of the entire article.

7. Citrus Fruits:

home remedies for hair growth

Vitamin C is a “golden” food for hair. Therefore, if you want your hair get “fast growth”, you should eat grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, or drink lemonade in a regular basis for getting best results because these citrus fruits are abundant sources of vitamin C.

8. Soybean: 

home remedies for hair growth

Soybean contains as much as 40% protein – one kind of nutritious “foods” which is very necessary for hair growth – and this bean also contains a lot of good and indispensable fats which can support the process of hair growth.

9. Beef: 

home remedies for hair growth

This is also good news for those who love eating beef as in the list of the best foods which help hair grow longer fast, there is the presence this type of red meat. The reason is because it contains abundant and plentiful amounts of iron, zinc, vitamin B – the “golden” nutrients for hair growth and nourishment. For good, you should add beef to your weekly diet and see your hair’s healthy and fast development. This is actually one of the best home remedies for hair growth for women and men that people should not miss if they want to learn how to get fast hair growth.

10. Shrimp:

home remedies for hair growth

Not only contain a large amount of protein, shrimp is very rich in vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. In addition, seafood like shrimp contains all the vitamins which can work well to prevent hair breakage. What are you waiting for? Add shrimp and seafood to your meal this dinner and enjoy your long, silky hair.

11. Animal’s Liver: 

home remedies for hair growth

For many people, liver is a really unappealing food ingredient. However, in fact, liver dishes are quite tasty and nutritious. It is also one of the healthy foods for quick hair growth because it contains relatively high levels of protein and iron – two of the most necessary nutrients for human hair. This is also one of the most effective and simple-to-apply home remedies for hair growth in women and men that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want my readers to learn and apply for good!

12. Potato: 

home remedies for hair growth

Potato or potato broth could be considered a “natural panacea” for the development of human hair. What you need to do is just using cool potato juice or potato broth to cover the hair for a few minutes, and then wash it with shampoo as usual. Your hair will grow fast soon.

13. Vitamin Supplements: 

home remedies for hair growth

In fact, if you take a vitamin pill in a daily basis, this is also a way which can not only help your skin look better but also make your hair grow longer hast and healthier.

If you pay attention, you will see that the hair of a pregnant woman usually grows very fast. It is simply because during pregnancy, pregnant women often take multiple vitamins.

14. Whole-Grain Cereals: 

home remedies for hair growth

Whole grain cereals provide people with abundant amounts of fiber, vitamin B, zinc, iron, and silica. Regularly consume these food ingredients, you will see increasing hair elasticity, less brittle and breakage, thick hair, much better. Especially beans; in addition to providing abundant amounts of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-complex, it can also help to accelerate the process of regeneration and stimulate the growth of hair. The great source of magnesium contained in beans also activates the enzymes in scalp, resolving the imbalances that cause your hair loss over time.

15. Almond: 

home remedies for hair growth

Almond is a good source of protein, vitamin E, iron, zinc, b6, minerals, and fatty acids which are great for making hair smooth and reducing hair loss.

16. Salmon:

home remedies for hair growth

Salmon is not only rich in protein and essential fatty acids, but also contains a lot of zinc, rather than any other types of food. This food is wonderful as it not only helps your hair grow faster, but also reduces dandruff and hair loss. Surely, this is an indispensable dish for those who wish to have thick, smooth, and healthy hair.

17. Egg: 

home remedies for hair growth

For nourishing healthy hair from within, we cannot forget to mention egg – an indispensable food for stimulating hair growth. Why? Because egg contains biotin (vitamin H) – an extremely essential vitamin for hair growth that people need to supplement daily. Biotin can work to protect hair follicles and prevent hair breakage due to the strong hair growth stimulation.

18. Fruits And Yogurt: 

home remedies for hair growth

The fruits, such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit…. not only contain abundant amount of vitamins, helping to promote healthy hair but their peels are also rich in fiber, protein, and fat, nourishing the hair and helping your hair get fast recovery (using the water soaking the peel of grapefruit overnight to shampoo hair is also an effective measure of improving dry hair and hair breakage). Mango is a fruit with high content of vitamins, rich in phosphorus and minerals, helping your hair grow healthier and smoother. On the other hand, yogurt provides calcium and protein which can make your hair healthy and full of vitality.

19. Water: 

home remedies for hair growth

In addition to a reasonable diet, do not forget one thing to have a beautiful hair – drinking enough water every day. Water accounts for 25% of the weight of a hair strand to help to ensure the hair’s elasticity. If your hair lacks water, it cannot remain smooth, healthy, and shiny. Therefore, you should ensure that you will drink enough 1.5 to 2 liters of water. This is actually the simplest yet the best thing to do for fast hair growth

II. Home Remedies For Hair Growth For Men And Women – Natural Masks

home remedies for hair growth

Actually, to stimulate your hair grow fast is not difficult. With some cheap ingredients at home, you totally have a long hair in a short time possible. To save money and time, you can take advantage of something you have at home for hair. Here are the best home remedies for hair growth you should try to apply:

  1. Rosemary Oil
  2. Castor Oil
  3. Eggs
  4. Gooseberry
  5. Lemon Juice
  6. Fenugreek
  7. Green Tea
  8. Fish Oil
  9. Time Yourself Coconut Milk
  10. Garlic

Continue reading the article thoroughly to know more about these home remedies!

1. Rosemary Oil 

home remedies for hair growth

One of the best home remedies for hair growth is rosemary. This herb helps you cancel dandruff, strengthen hair roots, and stimulate your hair grow faster. This herb is high in antioxidants and it also helps you prevent hair loss effectively. You can mix rosemary oil with some base oils such as avocado, jojoba, coconut, olive, or almond. Massage the scalp with the mixture and leave it for 25-30 minutes before washing with shampoo and water. Another way is to steep sprigs of rosemary in water for 5 minutes. Or you can boil the herb with water, cool it naturally, strain and apply into the scalp.

Read more: Total Hair Regrowth Book – Will John’s Guide Work?

2. Castor Oil 

home remedies for hair growth

Castor oil is good in vitamin E, omega-9 fatty acid that can help you moisturize your hair, reduce infections of scalp, prevent frizzy hair, and add more volume for your hair. To get the best benefits from this oil, you can mix some base oil with castor oil, apply into the scalp and massage for few minutes, leave it for a half of hour, and rinse off with water and shampoo. You can do twice per week to get the best effectiveness.

3. Eggs

home remedies for hair growth

Egg is excellent food for your health and your hair as it is high in protein. You can apply this method every week by whisking egg yolks with some olive oil, apply into your hair and leave it for 20 minutes before washing with cold water and shampoo. Alternatively, you can combine some mayonnaise, yogurt, and egg, apply into the scalp and cover it with a towel. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off as usual.

Learn more: List Of 22 Biotin Rich Foods For Hair Growth

4. Gooseberry 

home remedies for hair growth

Gooseberry is not only good in promoting hair growth for men and women, but it is also good for healing hair loss. You can heat some coconut oil, cook some pieces of amla, strain, cool it, massage scalp, and leave it for 25-30 minutes. Wash your hair with water and shampoo as usual. You also can mix gooseberry powder with some lemon juice, apply into your hair and wash off after 30 minutes.

Review at: Homemade Long Hair Tips: 13 Healthy Secrets For Men’s Hair Care

5. Lemon Juice

home remedies for hair growth

Lemon juice is super in many home remedies for hair growth as it is high in nutrients, vitamins, acids. This cheap ingredient can make your hair shinier, reduce dandruff, and prevent hair fall very well. Now you combine some olive oil or coconut oil with some lemon juice, apply the mixture into scalp for 30 minutes, wash off with water and shampoo as usual. You can do this method twice per week.

6. Fenugreek Seeds 

home remedies for hair growth

Fenugreek is high in protein, lecithin that can moisturize and strengthen your hair. Soak fenugreek seeds in water through the night or four hours, then grind as a paste, add some coconut oil and apply into the scalp for 30 minutes before washing with water and shampoo as usual. You can repeat this remedy twice per week to get the best benefit from it.

Recommended reading: Top 15 Natural Hair Growth Treatments Girls Should Know

7. Green Tea 

home remedies for hair growth

Green tea is not only a good drink for your health but it is also an excellent ingredient for your hair growth. Green tea is great in antioxidants, which can speed up your hair growth and prevent hair fall. People drink green tea because it supports them get fat loss, reduce cholesterol, get healthier skin, control blood pressure and diabetes, etc. One of those benefits from green tea for people is grow your hair. You can use some warm green tea and apply into scalp for 30 minutes before rinsing off with water and shampoo.

Learn more: 38 Health And Beauty Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea Daily

8. Fish Oil 

home remedies for hair growth

Fish oil is known in beauty benefits because it is valuable in omega-3 fatty acids; it is useful for your hair, skin, nail, and eyes. You can take some fish oil supplements every day to encourage your hair development. Also, you can take some flaxseed oil instead of fish oil if you really want to get longer hair, reduce dry hair, dandruff, and improve your skin and nail health.

Recommended reading: Canola Oil For Hair Growth: 8 Uses For Stopting Hair Loss

9. Coconut Milk 

home remedies for hair growth

Coconut milk includes selenium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins, and other vital nutrients for hair. It is really good for your hair loss and hair growth. You just add coconut milk into your diet to supply more nutrients for your hair because poor diet may cause your hair loss and limit your hair growth.

10. Garlic

home remedies for hair growth

You can add garlic in home remedies for hair growth from now on. The reason is that garlic can regenerate your hair and stimulate circulation of scalp. Simply, you can boil some garlic with coconut oil or olive oil, apply it into the hair follicles and wash off with water. You can do this remedy twice per week to get the best result. Or you can add garlic into your daily diets, as well.

One more thing that my readers should do after reading my writing today and learning the natural remedies for hair growth is that you should read one more article that shows the best ways to improve this condition as well – the 7 Healthy Tips On How To Grow Hair Faster article. This is actually a full collection of several home remedies people can make use to stimulate hair growth and nourish hair effectively. These home remedies are very simple to apply and 100% proven to work well for making hair grow fast without needing to use any drug, pill, and medication. In fact, the remedies revealed in this writing will help you get desired results within a very short time period and do not leave any harmful side effect. Thus, you should feel secure when making use of this article.

This is the list of 29 most effective home remedies for hair growth for women and men that readers of VKool.com and other people who also love their hair yet are suffering from thinning hair should learn and apply at home for good. These home treatments are 100% natural and proven useful for any case so that people should make use of them without concerning anything about the safety and the effectiveness of them.

To get more information about effective homemade remedies for health problems, go to our main Home Remedies page. After reading my writing about top 10 best home remedies for hair growth, I hope that you have learned some useful and natural ways to improve your hair for both men and women. However, this writing is solely for the informational purpose and it is not intended to give medical advice. If you have any question, or you know other natural home remedies for hair growth for men and women, please leave them below. Now, are you ready to apply those remedies for your hair this week?

Related articles about some hair problems, including hair loss, how to treat them, and how to improve the health of hair:

9 Most Common Causes Of Thinning Hair And Hair Loss

7 Fast Tips On How To Stop Hair Loss 

9 Most Essential Vitamins For Dry Hair 

12 Best Vitamins For Healthy And Strong Hair

6 Relations Between Vitamin D And Hair Loss Prevention

23 Tips On How To Prevent Hair Breakage 

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