Inflammation is a part of the immune response of our body for removing harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, irritants, or damaged cells.
Inflammation can also aid in healing tissue damage, wounds, and infections. Nevertheless, when this issue gets out of control, it could really harm your body.
List Of Anti-Inflammatory Foods – Best Foods For Inflammation:
Inflammation can be chronic or acute. Chronic inflammation can last for years or at least several months. On the other hand, acute inflammation can start quickly and rapidly become serious, with symptoms often lasting for 1 – 2 weeks.
Symptoms of inflammation are swollen joints and redness that feel hot when being touched, the loss of joint function, joint stiffness, and joint pain. Inflammation can also lead to general flu-like symptoms, such as muscle stiffness, loss of appetite, headaches, loss of energy, chills, and fever. Often, just a few of these symptoms are clearly showed when dealing with inflammation.
A lot of health issues have a link to inflammation. They include cancer, interstitial cystitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, chronic prostatitis, hay fever, celiac disease, periodontitis, atherosclerosis, sinusitis, asthma, and acne.
They also include heart disease and obesity, which essentially makes it the leading cause of death in the United States.
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While inflammation is a perfectly beneficial and normal process that will occur when the body’s chemicals and white blood cells protect us from foreign invaders, including viruses and bacteria, it causes trouble when the inflammatory response gets out of control. Changing the daily diet healthily and properly can do a lot for improving this chain of events.
While among the most potent, ounce for ounce, spices and herbs are certainly not the single ingredients that can help to fight against inflammation available. There are a lot of healthy foods are famous for their powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and you should make sure that you are consuming a wide variety of these healthy anti-inflammatory foods regularly to go a long way toward chronic illness prevention and treatment.
If you want to remain healthy or improve your health, it is necessary and essential for you to take good control over your body’s inflammation mechanism by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Many foods provide powerful anti-inflammatory effects that can help you combat and prevent inflammation effectively, so do not look them down or skip them.
Today, in this entire article, I would like to introduce some of the best anti-inflammatory foods that are proven work efficiently and will not lead to any side effect. I hope that these remedies will help readers deal with the inflammation related problems effectively within a short time period. The anti-inflammatory foods I would like to reveal in this entire article are:
1. Blueberry
2. Walnut
3. Spinach
5. Salmon
6. Tart Cherry
7. Garlic
8. Turmeric
9. Ginger
10. Olive Oil
11. Fatty Fish
12. Whole Grains
1. Blueberry
This is actually the first one of the most useful and best anti-inflammatory foods revealed in this article and my readers should learn and remember to make use every day.
Several phytonutrients contained in blueberries, such as flavanols function, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, and anthocyanins, both as anti-inflammatory and antioxidants compounds inside the body.
These phytonutrients can help in reducing the processes of inflammation in tissues by increasing the functionality of the cells membrane to allow essential nutrients and chemicals processes to reach the cells. In addition, blueberries are low in calories and fat.
Regular intake of blueberries can reduce the risks of having arthritis and can help in protecting against ulcerative colitis and intestinal inflammation. It is suggested that people should have about 1/2 cup (one serving) of blueberries every day.
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You can add blueberries to baked goods, cereals, fruit salad, and smoothies.
2. Walnut
Another one on the list of the best anti-inflammatory foods that I would like to reveal in this article is walnut.
This is a good inflammation-fighting food source that people should not look down. They are very abundant in ALA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that can help to reduce inflammation inside the body.
A research published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2004 discovered that those who consumed 2.3 ounces of walnuts at least per day had their levels of inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) reduced. High C-reactive protein will indicate a high risk of developing heart disease caused by inflammation.
Regular intake of walnuts can help in preventing chronic diseases, including arthritis and heart disease, as well as promoting bone health.
Soak 3 – 4 walnuts overnight in water. The next morning, consume these soaked walnuts as healthy mid-afternoon or mid-morning snack or with breakfast. You can also add walnuts in baked goods, cereals or smoothies.
In reality, walnut is on top of the best anti-inflammatory foods that people should not look down but make use as soon as and as regular as possible for good!
Not only good for brain health, walnut is also perfect for fighting against inflammation, so make use of it!
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3. Spinach
This dark leafy green veggie also can help greatly in preventing as well as reducing inflammation. Spinach contains plenty of vitamin E and carotenoids that can work as inflammation-reducing antioxidants. These substances can aid in protecting the body against pro-inflammatory molecules named cytokines.
Moreover, spinach is an excellent plant source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that can work effectively as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, helping to relieve inflammation and pain. Spinach can help in reducing migraine headaches, arthritis pain, and asthmatic inflammation.
You can enjoy this green veggie in the form of a green smoothie, a vegetable juice, or a salad. In addition, spinach can be added to omelets, side dishes or soups.
This is also one on the list of anti-inflammatory foods that I would like to reveal in the article today and want my readers to learn and remember to make use for good!
4. Purple Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes, especially the purple ones, can aid in healing inflammation inside our body. A research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2025 reported that due to their concentration of nutrients, sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory potential.
Their high content of vitamin C and vitamin E and the carotenoids beta- and alpha- carotene can aid in reducing inflammation and pain inside our body.
Regular consumption of sweet potatoes can aid in relieving inflammation in the nerve tissue throughout the body and the brain.
Consume one cup of sweet potatoes at least every day will provide a great help. You can use sweet potatoes to make chips, cookies, pancakes, and French fries. For better health, you should opt for mashed, grilled, roasted, or baked sweet potato dishes.
5. Salmon
Cold-water fish, including salmon, is very abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which help greatly in reducing inflammation. Researchers suggested that these fatty acids have an important role in relieving the level of cytokines in our body. Cytokines are compounds that contribute to the inflammation promotion.
To take anti-inflammatory benefits, consume roasted, baked, or grilled salmon dishes because overcooking can wipe out the healthy fats. The American Heart Association recommended that people should eat salmon 2 or 3 times per week.
If you do not want to eat fish, you can choose fish-oil supplements instead to get rid of inflammation. Before taking a supplement, do not forget to consult a prestigious doctor.
In fact, this is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods that I want to release in this article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use as soon as possible for good!
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6. Tart Cherry
In a research published in 2025, researchers from Oregon Health and Science University discovered that people who consumed juice made from tart cherry saw a reduction in the their levels of inflammation inside the body.
Regular intake of tart cherry juice every week prior to a strenuous running event could aid a lot in minimizing post-run inflammation and muscle pain as well.
Professionals recommended that people should drink 1 cup of tart cherry juice or consume 1.5 cups of tart cherries, once per day. To enjoy the inflammation-reducing benefit, consume juice made from organic, fresh tart cherries (unsweetened juice).
Note: Tart cherry juice can lead to diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. If you notice these side effects, do not opt for this juice any more.
Actually, this is one of the most effective and best anti-inflammatory foods that I want to reveal in this entire article and people who are looking for ways to improve the overall health and reduce inflammation should learn and make use for good!
7. Garlic
A research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2025 discovered that a lot of compounds in this spice contain anti-inflammatory therapeutic properties. Actually, another research identified that garlic contains 4 different sulfur-containing compounds that can aid a lot in shutting off the pathways causing inflammation.
You should consume two or three raw garlic cloves every day on an empty stomach to get the inflammation prevention effect. In addition, you should add garlic to your daily meals as much as possible.
You can also use garlic oil to rub directly onto an affected area for relief from inflammation and pain. Another choice is that after consulting your doctor, you can take garlic capsules as a dietary supplement.
This is actually also one out on the list of the most available and healthiest anti-inflammatory foods that everyone should know and not skip yet try to make use as soon as possible if they really want to find natural ways to stop the inflammation issue fast at home.
8. Turmeric
Another one out on the list of anti-inflammatory foods people should not look down but make use as regular as possible to improve their overall health and avoid inflammation making use of any type of drugs, pills, or medications is turmeric.
This well-known and yellow spice widely used in Indian cooking can also help in preventing inflammation effectively. Turmeric contains active ingredient curcumin – a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects.
According to a research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2003, researchers reviewed a lot of researches on curcumin and indicated that it can help to inhibit a number of different molecules which contribute greatly to the formation and development of inflammation.
Turmeric is very useful in relieving inflammation associated with muscle sprains, arthritis, and other injuries. You can use powdered turmeric to add into your daily cooking to prevent inflammation inside your body.
Before consulting your doctor for an exact and proper guidance, you can also make use of turmeric as a dietary supplement.
You can also consume 1 glass of hot turmeric milk one or two times or drink 1 cup of turmeric tea per day. A paste made from the combination of warm sesame oil and turmeric powder applied onto the skin externally can also help in reducing swelling and inflammation effectively. Remember not to apply this mixture on broken skin areas.
In fact, this is definitely one out of the healthiest and most useful list of anti-inflammatory foods that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use if you want to stop the inflammation issue at home.
9. Ginger
Another one out on the list of list of anti-inflammatory foods that people should make use is ginger. Ginger has a compound called gingerol that contains anti-inflammatory potential. According to a research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2005, ginger can affect certain inflammatory processes at a cellular level, making it a useful home remedy for both chronic and acute inflammatory conditions.
After consuming ginger on a regular basis, many people with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis notice reduced swelling and pain along with better mobility. Ginger can also help in relieving post-exercise inflammation as well.
You can opt for fresh or dried ginger root to make ginger tea. Consume this tea two or three times per day to achieve the best results. To reduce inflammation, you can even use ginger oil to massage into affected area 2 – 3 times on a daily basis. Ginger capsules have even better effects than any other form. After consulting your doctor for the correct dosage, you can make use of this ginger form.
Note: Avoid consuming too much ginger because this natural ingredient can make your blood thinner.
10. Olive Oil
Thanks to its beneficial compounds, olive oil can provide protection against inflammation. A research published in Current Pharmaceutical Design in 2025 showed that the compound named oleocanthal contained in extra-virgin olive oil can help to prevent the production of COX-2 and COX-1 enzymes inside our body that lead to inflammation.
When it comes to dealing with inflammation, you should never forget to always choose extra-virgin olive oil. It can even help in reducing the risks of health issues related to inflammation such as diabetes or degenerative joint diseases. You should use this oil to make healthy salad dressings or add it to your daily cooking foods.
You can also use warm olive oil as an oil to massage, helping to reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation due to muscle cramps and arthritis.
11. Fatty Fish
Oily fish, such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon are very abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been considered effective in reducing inflammation. To take this effect, nevertheless, you should consume fish several times throughout the week, and you should cook them in healthy ways: In a research conducted at the University of Hawaii, published in 2025, men who ate boiled or baked fish (as opposed to salted, dried, or fried) cut their risks of heart disease by 23% compared to people who consumed the least.
If you do not want to eat fatty fish, you can use fish-oil supplements. They can also help you deal with and beat off inflammation, although a research in 2025 discovered that if a diet is too rich in omega-6 fatty acids (found in vegetable oil and processed foods), fish-oil supplements can spur inflammation.
12. Whole Grains
Eating most of your grains as whole grains, as opposed to refined, white pasta, rice, cereal, and bread can help in keeping serious inflammation at bay. That is because whole grains contain higher levels of fiber, which have been shown to reduce the C-reactive protein levels, an inflammatory trigger factor inside our blood, and they often contain less sugar added.
However, a Harvard study published in 2025 discovered that not all products labeled “whole grains” are much healthier than the refined ones. To make sure that you are getting the inflammation – reducing effects, you should choose foods with one whole grain as the first ingredient and without sugar added.
13. Dark Leafy Greens
Researchers have recommended that vitamin E might play an important role in protecting our body from pro-inflammatory molecules named cytokine – and one among the most abundant sources of this vitamin is dark green vegetables, including collard greens, kale, spinach, and broccoli. Dark leafy veggies and cruciferous greens also tend to have higher concentrations of minerals and vitamins, such as disease-fighting phytochemicals, iron, and calcium – than those with lighter-colored ones. Dark leafy veggies like Swiss chard, collard greens, spinach, and kale have powerful vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids, and antioxidants – all of which can aid in protecting against cellular damage. To take the best effect, you should choose organic locally grown greens that are in season, and consider consuming a proper amount of raw ones. Juicing is also a great way to add more green leafy veggies into your daily diet.
14. Nuts
Another source of inflammation-fighting healthy fats is nuts – particularly almonds, which are abundant in vitamin E, calcium, fiber, and walnuts, as mentioned above, which contain high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fats. All types of nut, though, are jam-packed with antioxidants, which can aid your body in fighting off and repairing the damage due to inflammation. Nuts (along with whole grains, dark leafy greens, and fish) are a big part of the Mediterranean diet, which has been discovered to relieve inflammation in as little as 6 weeks.
15. Soy
Many researchers have suggested that isoflavones – the estrogen-like compounds contained in soy products, can aid a lot in lowering inflammation and CRP levels in women—and an animal research published in the Journal of Inflammation published in 2025 discovered that isoflavones can also help to reduce the negative impacts of inflammation on heart and bone health in mice.
Whenever possible, avoid heavily processed soy, which might not have the similar benefits and is often paired with preservatives and additives. Instead, aim to add more edamame (boiled soybeans), tofu, and soy milk into your daily diet. In fact, soy is also among the best anti-inflammatory foods that I would like to introduce in this entire article and you should not ignore or look down.
16. Low Fat Dairy Products
Milk products are often considered a trigger factor of inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, as some people live with intolerances or allergies to casein, the protein contained in dairy. However, for those who can tolerate it, nonfat and low-fat milk are an excellent source of nutrients. Yogurt also has probiotics, which can help in reducing inflammation in the gut.
Foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, like skim milk and yogurt, are beneficial for everyone,” according to Karen H. Costenbader, MD, rheumatoid arthritis doctor, and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Besides their anti-inflammatory potential, she said, “it is crucial for bone strength to get enough vitamin D and calcium, and possibly relief of cancer and other health risks.
17. Peppers
Colorful veggies are in general part of a healthier diet. As opposed to corn or white potatoes, leafy vegetables, squash, tomatoes, and colorful peppers have lower levels of starch and abundant levels of antioxidant vitamins. Bell peppers are available in a lot of colors, while hot peppers (like cayenne pepper and chili) are abundant in capsaicin, a chemical that is used in topical creams that relieve inflammation and pain.
However, pepper is a nightshade veggie – which some patients and doctors believe can worsen inflammation in those living with rheumatoid arthritis. What can help one person can be harmful to another? You just need to seriously focus on your symptoms and your diet, and stick with what can work effectively for your own case.
18. Tomato
Another one on the list of anti-inflammatory foods that I would like to introduce in the article today is tomato.
Tomatoes, another nightshade vegetable, can aid in reducing inflammation in some people as well.
Juicy red tomatoes are especially abundant in lycopene, which has been discovered to relieve inflammation throughout the body, particularly in the lungs. Cooked tomato contains even higher levels of lycopene than raw tomato, so does tomato sauce work? A 2025 Iranian research discovered that tomato juice intake was also good.
19. Beet
This veggie’s brilliant red color is a tip-off to its equally brilliant antioxidant properties: Beet (and beetroot juice) has been discovered to protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as to relieve inflammation, thanks to their hearty support of vitamin C, fiber, and plant pigments well-known as betalains. This is also among the best anti-inflammatory foods that you should not skip or look down if you are dealing with this health issue.
20. Onion
There is a good reason why this pungent vegetable is well-known for its immunity-boosting effects. In animal and test-tube studies, onion has been discovered to work similarly to NSAID pain medication (such as ibuprofen), shutting off the pathways causing inflammation. Onion also contains powerful anti-inflammatory chemicals, such as the compound allicin and the phytonutrient quercetin, breaking down to produce free radical-fighting sulfenic acid. In brief, onion is also among the best and most effective anti-inflammatory foods that you should try making use right from today if you are among those looking for natural methods to deal with and beat off inflammation without using drug, pill, or medication.
21. Berries
All fruits can aid in fighting against inflammation as they are low in calories and fat and rich in antioxidants. However, berries, especially, have been proven contain powerful anti-inflammatory potential – possibly thanks to anthocyanins – the powerful chemicals giving them their colorful appearance.
For instance, researches have shown that women who consume a lot of strawberries have lower levels of CRP inside the blood; that blueberries can aid in protecting against ulcerative colitis and intestinal inflammation; and that red raspberry extract can help in preventing animals from dealing with arthritis. In fact, berries are among the best ones on the list of anti-inflammatory foods that those living and struggling with the inflammation issue should make use as soon as possible for good!
22. Shiitake Mushroom
Another one on the list of anti-inflammatory foods that I would like to introduce and want you and my other dear readers who are struggling with inflammation to make use as soon as possible for good is shiitake mushroom. Shiitake mushroom contains strong compounds, such as Ergothioneine, with the natural ability to relieve inflammation, helping to inhibit oxidative stress effectively.
It also contains a number of essential nutrients that most of us do not get enough of from our daily meals. One is copper, which is among the few metallic elements accompanied by fatty and amino acids that are very important to our overall health. As our body cannot synthesize copper, our diet must supply this nutrient on a regular basis. A copper deficiency could be a trigger factor contributing to the formation of coronary heart disease.
23. Fermented Veggies And Traditionally Cultured Foods
Optimizing your gut flora is essential for an immune system to function well, and it can help in warding off chronic inflammation effectively. Actually, most inflammatory diseases, as the result of an imbalanced microbiome, begin in your gut. Fermented foods like olives, sauerkraut, pickles, tempeh, miso, kimchee, natto, kefir, and other fermented veggies, will help in ‘reseeding’ your gut with healthy bacteria.
Fermented food can also aid your body in riding itself of harmful toxins like pesticides and heavy metals that accelerate inflammation. This is also among the most useful anti-inflammatory foods that people living with inflammation should not skip!
24. Tea
This is the last but certainly not the least one on the list of anti-inflammatory foods I want to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other dear readers to learn and make use as soon as possible.
Matcha tea is the most nutrient-abundant green tea and it comes in the form of an unfermented stone-ground powder. The best Matcha is originated and produced in Japan and contains up to seven times more than dark chocolate and seventeen times the antioxidants more than wild blueberries.
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Tulsi is another tea jam-packed with antioxidants and other micronutrients that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It can also aid in improving heart health and strengthening immune function.
One more thing I would like to suggest to my dear readers after revealing this list of anti-inflammatory foods is that you should spend time reading one more article coming with a relatively similar purpose – the Top 8 Best Tips On How To Get Rid Of Inflammation article. In fact, this article is a revolutionary list of 8 useful tips, tricks, and techniques that will help people reduce the signs and even stop the inflammation issue within a short time and without the requirement for any type of medical intervention. Combine this recommended article with the list of anti-inflammatory foods today and you will be able to say goodbye to the painful and stubborn inflammation issue fast! The treatment tips and home remedies revealed in this suggested article are 100% good for health and proven natural so that they will be safe for your health. Thus, never concern about any side effect you may get because there would be nothing harmful to you at all. If you are among people who are struggling with the inflammation problem, just go ahead and read the whole article recommended above, as well as making use the suggestions that are proven good and simple to follow it introduces to achieve the best results after all!
The list today gathers 24 best anti-inflammatory foods that will help people improve overall health and stay away from inflammation without using any type of drugs, pills or medications so that both women and men who are visiting should learn and make use of these foods right from today if you are concerning about the similar issue. In facts, the healthy foods revealed in this article are given by prestigious professionals and scientists with the concrete reasons why they can help inflammation patients so that they are really trustworthy and safe for your health. After reading this article, I hope you and my other dear readers can find the best ways to deal with your own case of inflammation thanks to the help of these healthy foods, as well as appealing healthier and stronger with better recovery speed. If you have any question, do not hesitate to leave your comments and feedback bellows. As an author of VKool, I promise that I will reply yours as soon as possible.
Related articles about inflammation related issues, how to deal with them, healthy foods and eating habits for people with inflammation, and what causes this health issue:
List Of 6 Tips On How To Treat Inflammation Naturally At Home
List Of 10 Home Remedies For Inflammation
6 Worst Foods That Cause Inflammation
List Of The Best Inflammatory Herbs And Foods
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