Almost all of us have some bruises on skin once in our life. You have probably heard doctors on TV shows describing the sufferers of this disease and referring to “numerous contusions.” Contusions would be very dangerous, but most of the time, they are simply normal bruises due to the mild injuries.
How To Get Rid Of Bruises Naturally – Best Home Treatments:
Bruises, also called “contusions” in the field of medicine, are characterized by swelling, pain, and skin discoloration. They occurs when blood vessels are broken and develop from bleeding under the skin.
Usually starting as red or pink marks, the bruises can turn to deep purple or blue within hours.
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When the broken capillaries are close to the surface, the color of the bruises tends to become more intense.
If you lack of nutrients, such as vitamin K and vitamin C, have leukemia, obesity, bleeding disorders, have thinning skin, suffer from anemia, or use some types of medication, you might be more prone to getting bruises, even from slight injuries.
Bruises can last for months or days depending on the severity of the case. However, people can get relief for the symptoms and boost the the healing process with just some simple yet efficient natural treatments at home.
Today, in this entire article, I would like to introduce some of the tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally and tips on how to remove bruises naturally that are proven work well and will not lead to any side effects. Hope that these natural home remedies for bruises will help you clear your concern. If not, you can always seek medical advice. The tips to deal with bruises include:
Remember to consult your doctor if bruising occurs without apparent reason or any injury, or if the area around your bruises shows signs of infections.
Important notes:
- New skin variations or spots might need to be examined by a prestigious professional to ensure they are not resulted from a really severe health issue.
- Depending on some special factors, these natural treatments might only help in lightening the color of facial skin spots but cannot eliminate them completely. Therefore, you should consult a prestigious dermatologist for more conventional therapies.
1. Essential Oil:
This is the very first tip on how to get rid of bruises naturally that I would like to reveal in the article today and want my readers to learn and remember to make use for good!
After about 2 days, using a blend of essential oils to massage the skin area with bruises will help to disperse the pooled blood and increase circulation at the same time. Here is what people should do to deal with and eliminate the bruise issue with the support of essential oil:
- Mix 1 drop of cypress oil, 2 drops of fennel oil, and 5 drops of calendula oil in 10ml (4 teaspoons) of grape seed oil.
- Use this oil mixture to gently rub directly onto your affected skin area.
- Apple this method one time per day to achieve good results
2. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is also one of the best and most effective tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally at home without leaving any harmful side effect that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and make use for good. Being a powerful anti-inflammatory agent from nature, apple cider vinegar can aid effectively in healing and eliminating bruises. You should use this natural ingredient to apply onto your skin for about 3 – 4 days or until you see the relief as desired.
- To make use of this home remedy, you just need to dip one piece of roasted or raw onion, which can help in reducing inflammation and pain effectively, in apple cider vinegar and use the onion piece right onto your affected skin area. Allow it to stay for about fifteen to twenty minutes for achieving the best results.
- Soak a paper towel or cloth in apple cider vinegar mixed with some water and place the cloth as a compress onto your affected skin area for about ten minutes.
Note: Do not apply this on broken skin as it can cause skin irritation and swelling.
Don’t think that apple cider vinegar is just good for your stomach, try it out to get healthy and clear skin!
3. St. John’s Wort:
Another tip on how to get rid of bruises naturally – one of the best home remedies for bruises – is the use of St. John’s Wort.
St. John’s wort contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in healing bruises fast and naturally. It can also work as ananalgesic to relieve pain as well. There are 2 ways that people can make use with St.John’s wort to deal with and beat off the bruise issue.
- First, you just need to steep 2 tablespoons of this herb (dried) in one cup of hot water within about fifteen to twenty minutes. Consume this tea once every day until your bruise healed.
- Alternatively, use St. John’s wort oil to apply directly onto your bruises several times on a daily basis for about 4 – 5 days.
Learn more: How To Get Clear Skin With Moles, Warts, And Skin Tags Removal to learn ways to get smooth skin naturally at home.
4. Warm Compress:
After the first 2 days or after the initial swelling is gone, It would be useful for you to make use of a warm compress to deal with and beat off your current bruise issue. It can help in dilating the blood vessels and improving circulation at the same time. People just need to soak in warm water a washcloth and use it to apply directly onto the affected skin area.
Other way, people can also make use a heating pad. Remember that during the first 2 days after the bruise appears, you should not apply heat onto the affected area as it may lead to the increased bleeding under your skin.
This is actually one of the most effective natural tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally that I want to reveal in this article and want my readers to learn and remember to make use every day.
5. Comfrey:
Another good remedy for bruises is the use of comfrey. Comfrey is a old-traditional home remedy for sprains, wounds, and even bruises. People can make use of the comfrey tea as a compress. First, for 1 – 2 initial days of the bruises you should use comfrey tea as a cold compress and then as a warm one
To make comfrey tea for dealing with and eliminating the bruise issue, people just need to steep 1 tablespoon of the comfrey herbal (dried one) in 1 and 1/4 cups of hot water and allow it to stay for about fifteen minutes.
In fact, using comfrey is on top of the best tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally that people who are dealing with this skin issue should learn and make use for good!
6. Bromelain:
Making use of bromelain is considered one of the best home remedies for bruises and tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally that people should not look down or skip but make use as soon as possible. Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme that is found most in pineapple. It contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and researchers have discovered that bromelain can help in healing bruises rapidly without leaving any side effect. It has also been proven useful for dealing with the bone bruises. There are also 2 ways that can help you eliminate bruises on skin with the support of bromelain:
- First, people just need to consume more and more fresh, juicy, and delicious pineapples, but this alone does not often give you the amount of bromelain that is sufficient to deal with bruises.
- You can also make use of a bromelain supplement (250 – 400 mg, 3 times on a daily basis) until the bruises are gone.
7. Vitamin K:
Vitamin K is another useful home remedy for dealing with bruises as it can help to regulate blood clotting. There are many different ways to make use of vitamin K to deal with and beat off the bruise issue:
- After consulting with your doctor, you just need to take vitamin K or alfalfa tablets.
- You can also consume a lot of foods that are rich in vitamin K, such as kale, spinach, alfalfa, lettuce, broccoli, and other green leafy veggies.
- Alternatively, you can rub vitamin K cream gently onto your affected skin area 2 times on a daily basis for achieving the best results without making use of drug, pill, or medication.
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Note: If you have a history of high risks of blood clotting or if you are taking blood-thinning medications, do not take vitamin K.
Actually, this is also among the most effective tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally – one of the best home remedies for bruises that I want to reveal in this entire article and people who are dealing with this skin issue should learn and make use for good!
8. Arnica:
Another out of the tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally I want to reveal in this entire article is the use of arnica. The herb arnica can aid effectively in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and increasing blood circulation to the area around your bruises, thereby speeding up the healing process as well. There are also 2 common ways to make use of arnica in terms of dealing with the bruise issue that people should learn carefully and make use as soon as possible for good:
- First, to make use of this herbal remedy to clear bruise, you will need to combine 1 tablespoon each of chamomile flowers, witch hazel bark, St. John’s wort, and arnica tincture. Mix in 2 tablespoons of cold water and 4 drops of lavender oil. Prepare a clean washcloth and dip in this solution, and then put it onto your affected skin area. Allow it to stay for about fifteen minutes. Apply this tip 1 – 2 times on a daily basis in the first 2 days of the condition.
- Alternatively, you just need to use arnica tincture or gel gently onto your affected skin area (add a small amount of water when using the tincture to dilute it) about 2 – 3 times per day.
Note 1: Never use arnica as a home remedy to apply right directly onto broken skin.
Note 2: Some people tend to have an allergy of this herbal remedy. Therefore, it is necessary for you to have a skin patch test before making use of it.
9. Herbal Tea Compress:
Another out of the best tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally that will help people stop this skin issue at home within a short time I would like to introduce is the regular use of herbal tea compress.
You can use a cold tea compress in soothing your affected skin area and reducing the swelling at the same time. Here are some simple steps people will need to follow when using herbal tea compress to deal with and clear the bruise issue on skin:
- Put in one cup of hot water 1 teaspoon each of lavender flowers and chamomile flowers (dried).
- Cover the flowers tea and allow it to steep in about fifteen minutes.
- Strain this solution and refrigerate it.
- Prepare one clean cloth or paper towel and dip it in the cold herbal tea and apply tat herbal tea cold compress onto your affected skin area.
- Apply this treatment method 2 – 3 times per day for the first 24 hours.
10. Ice Packs:
This is the last but extremely important and effective one of the best tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally that I really want my readers to learn, remember, and make use!
Ice packs are extremely useful for relieving swelling and pain. Ice can help in constricting the blood vessels, thereby it can also help to prevent further seepage of blood into the tissues and your skin. Here are the two ways for you and other sufferers of bruises to stop the current skin problem with the support of ice packs:
- For those who do not feel comfortable when applying ice onto the skin, especially children, you can soak a clean cloth in cold water and use it as a cold compress. To increase the soothing effects of this method, you can also add 3 – 5 drops of lavender oil to the water.
- Alternatively, you can try wrapping ice in one small towel or cloth and hold it over your affected skin area with bruises for up to fifteen minutes. Apply this method right away after you get the bruises and their effects. Apply this treatment tip for the first 24 hours every few hours. If you do not have ices available in your kitchen, you can also make use of a bag with frozen veggies instead.
Note: Do not apply ice directly on the skin because it can lead your skin to frostbite.
Now, the next thing you and my other readers will need to do after learning the list of best tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally I revealed today is to spend time reading another useful article that is also to help you deal with this skin problem – the 12 Home Remedies For Bruises On Face And On Legs article. In fact, this entire article will actually help sufferers dealing with the bruises issue the different ways from what I already mentioned in the article you are reading on The home remedies mentioned in the recommended article are the brand new ways that can also help you stop the bruise issue 100% naturally without the need for the use of any type of pills, drugs, or medications and without spending too much time, money, and effort as well.
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These home remedies are based on science and nature so they would never cause any harmful side effect. Therefore, I hope that my dear readers will read these 2 articles and learn how to make use of the home remedies and natural treatment tips revealed inside to stop the bruise issue within a short time.
The article today reveals the full list of home remedies for bruises and the natural treatment tips that you and my other dear readers of as well as anyone who is also looking for natural ways to deal with and eliminate the bruise problem on skin and on face fast without the need for spending too much time, money, and effort. Thus, people should learn the treatment tips and home remedies I introduced in the writing today and make use of them as soon as possible in order to get your smooth, clear skin back within a short period of time and you should not concern about the harmful side effect issue as well.
If you think that the tips on how to get rid of bruises naturally on face and on skin that I studied and combined in the article today are exactly what you and other people you know are looking for to deal with and eliminate the current bruise issue, just feel free to share this list and the useful home remedies widely to make use together with anyone you want. In fact, anyone who makes use of this article and the remedies revealed inside will be able to stop the concern effectively and do not need to worry about anything else. One more thing, as an author of, I really want to know what you and my all readers think about this article and its content, so remember to leave your feedbacks and comments in the comment section below to show me what you think!
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