Self-love is at the core of your ability to enjoy a life you want joy, wellbeing and self-empowerment. Even when you had everything you wanted, you can’t enjoy it if you don’t love yourself. Besides that, some relationships you ever have may mirrors more aspects of these relationships you had. And it’s true that you can’t have all love from relationships you have and you can’t satisfy all of them. Sometimes, you get hurt from them and no one can save yourself, except you. Just mind yourself to love yourself first. Learning to love yourself is actually a key to achieve happiness and discover the power of your inner strength. Keep reading this article on VKool site in the line of Lifestyle and learn to love yourself again as you are.
Learn To Love Yourself Again As You Are
1. Make Contact With Your Inner Mind
This implies self-care. Through self-reflection, contemplation, the experience of quiet and meditation with a few minutes every day, you can make contact with your inner power. Learn to enjoy and appreciate it, then you will value yourself and love yourself more.
2. Face Your Inner Obstacles & Resistance
Most people avoid facing their flaws and weaknesses as these bad feelings and things judge against them. You, however, are human and you’ll find that the sense of anxiety and insecurity represents feelings from your past, which can be absolutely healed. In reality, they can be released if you give them and yourself a chance. Healing may proceed along some avenues, from simple tips, family’s help, to massage, energy work, mind-body programs and different Eastern medical approaches. It depends on your want to choose one that your feel comfortable, then you can learn to love yourself again as you are naturally.
3. Deal With Your Old Wounds
In fact, your physical wounds can be healed and you mental wounds are the same, yet it may take long time to heal serious mental wounds. Anyway, you can forget the part and heal your pain to love yourself again.
There are different ways to deal with your old wounds. If you feel hurt again, don’t be alone, don’t cry any more. If you had told your all story with your friends, find a therapist to relax yourself. Then, you will feel more comfortable and forget your pain and wounds. In another way, you can call or meet your friends to talk immediately. They will listen to you, share your sadness, thereby you won’t be negative and get rid of bad mood fast.
In short, dealing with your old wounds and pain is not easy. But you can stop it if you mind yourself to get rid of loneliness, negative thoughts, anxiety, cry and fear. So, just face it and make a deal.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
4. Forgive Your Past
You should not jump too fast into forgiveness. As if you do in this way, you will easily pretend to yourself: why you could forgive abusive treatment, and old hurts when, in fact, you’re eager to escape from wounds and pain. Actually, the absence of wounds, achieved through the healing process, can give you the foundation for lasting forgiveness. Also, self-acceptance should be required first and the realization can be formed from your own awareness. This will be a challenge you have to overcome when someone hurt you, but you cannot separate from doing wrong completely until you realize and accept that other people are trapped inside the reality they cannot escape.
5. Accept Where You’re Right Now
Don’t stay in the past. Being aware of where you’re right now can help you be stronger to accept the truth in your real life, move forward and look for happiness, success and well-being in the future.
This actually is a difficult stage that you have to overcome, but don’t jump over too fast. The present moment is not free of memories, wounds of the past and the burdens. They should be considered before you breathe easily, look around and enjoy the moment you’re in right now.
6. Form Relationships You Feel Loved & Appreciated
The path to success may mean to be alone, but the path to love doesn’t mean like that because love can’t be built by an individual. It ,on the other hand, must be formed by relationships. Even when it’s a self-care or self-love, it still relates to different relationships, which can encourage you to be happy or disappointed. Hence, learn to love yourself by creating healthy relationships where they will stand by you and make you happy to enjoy your life fully. Don’t reject them as making friends is harder than ending a relationship. Keep that in mind.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
7. Practice A Kind Of Love That You Aspire To Receive
You, of course can plan your life to be more active, yet don’t try to wait for some on to show up or sweep them of your feet. The only way to find someone is to be yourself first. If you are free with this thought, you will enjoy your life naturally and the person who understands you, you love you in the way you are. Like attractions, the more you live your love, the more light you will draw that lights to you. This point is to help you find your self love.
If you take time to do practice these steps everyday, you can find a path that will take you to greater love than you ever have in your current life. The steps unfold when you start devoting attention to them. Get clear that you were born to be loved, you’re lovable and you’re awesome. The loss of that will be something unnatural, and your return means that you find a reconnection with your self. The road has been successfully walked for centuries by many people, so hope that you can take your heart and join fortunate ones who can aspire you high. There’s no better time for you to begin than now!
8. Care About Yourself
Sounds simple, right? But many of us, in fact don’t do this as we think this is not really important or we are selfish. Think again! It’s selfish to care for yourself and it’s important for you to know that you have to learn to love yourself first, then you can share this love to other ones. Comparing you with someone just show your concern for others. As you know, no one is perfect, but you still have to learn to perfect yourself in your own way. Imagine that if you try your best to do a great thing, you will be proud of your own, this is a way to care about your life, feed your life and feed your soul. Thus, don’t be negative to thing that caring about yourself is not important.
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9. Maintain Your Boundaries
When it comes to ways to learn to love yourself, remember to maintain your boundaries by writing a list of things that you emotionally want to do. They could include getting sympathy when you are hurt; being listened to; being cared for, being celebrated when you’re succeed; receiving love without asking for it and so on. Whatever is very important toyouthat you should list out. Once you ignore what is important to you and crosses your boundaries, you will know that can hurt. Do not ignore that. In fact, tour feelings will tell you what is wrong and what is right. You just need to be there in the present to aware of that.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
10. Do What You Want To Do
First, be honest with yourself to figure out what you really want to do and what can make you feel excited. It does not matter what they are, but be aware of your feeling when doing things. Are you tired at your work but relaxed when staying in a garden? Do you like to play with children? Are you fulfilled when reading or writing poetry? They are some examples that you can do to shift your mood and learn to love yourself again as you are.
11. Start A Day With Love & Smiles
There are different ways to enjoy your life and love yourself. Let’s start your day with smiles and love. Remind yourself of awesome things you can do through a day. Breathe out live, breathe in love, enfold you in the light and saturate yourself in love.
12. Consider Meditation For Relaxation
In modern life, people are easy to get stressed and imbalanced. Relaxing with meditation is an easy way to balance your life, your work and help you have inner peace.
Just start your day with 5 or 10 minutes of meditation a day. Also, you can practice 5 minutes of writing each night or morning. Increase this time gradually if you enjoy meditation techniques for relaxation.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
13. Get Emotionally Honest
When it comes to ways you learn to love yourself, get out of numbing feelings. Get emotionally honest and do something funny such as drinking, eating and shopping. Also, avoid sadness, pain and discomfort. Breathe your way mindfully through your emotions and feelings.
Be willing for surrendering. Let go, relax and breathe deeply. Stop fighting yourself by negative thoughts, desiring and thinking events and things that distract you. Moreover, you should be honest with yourself as your plan can be different to intentions of your soul.
14. Expand Your Interests
While you dislike yourself, you don’t see anything interesting to enjoy. So, to prevent the feeling of hating yourself, expand your interests to have fun. Try something new. For instance, you can travel where you have never been. You can also learn a new language and have new classmate. Or you can try playing instrument like piano, guitar or ukulele.
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15. Enjoy Life-Enhancing Activities
When it comes to ways you learn to love yourself again as you are, enjoy activities that enhancing your life. For instance, you can cook foods and have delicious meals with your family or friends. If possible, turn off your computer and enjoy outdoor activities like walking, swimming, going camping, climbing, biking and so on.
Work on your spiritual and personal development. Get willing to grow and surrender. Life is simply a journey. Make it become a wonderful journey so that you will be ready to complete this journey and learn to love on deeper levels.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
16. Be Patient With Yourself
You may be not sure about what are going on forwards, but if you plan things to achieve, be patient to reach your goal. If you have ever failed, give yourself another chance to complete it.
Let go off your fear and urgency. Relax, then transform your striving into your thriving. Trust yourself, do good things, and the Universe absolutely will reward you.
Also, you should accept uncertainty in your life. Suffering comes from pain from your fear of future or pain in the past. So, pay attention to moment in the present and stay at your inner peace.
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17. Forgive Yourself
Forgive yourself is a strong way to love yourself and keep going forward. Learn to forgive yourself for judging yourself for something such as for acting out, getting sick or for not doing the best.
Also, do what respects and honors you. Don’t take part in activities that make you get down. Avoid toxic relationships in your life. Learn to love yourself first while loving everyone, yet be discerning on those who get into your current life.
18. Discover The Power Of Fun
Self-care and self-love requires time to build, play, relax and create an interaction with other people. Your fast-paced world creates a competitive craziness that does not leave a room or stage for play. The opposite of a play is not work, and it’s just depression. Instead of thinking about a play, be yourself to make something funny, make some one laugh out loud in a natural way. Even you won’t imagine of the power of your fun if it comes naturally as your sense of humor.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
19. Be Real
Among different ways you learn to love yourself, don’t forget to be real. Be aware that you are in real world. If you think you are out of this world, fix yourself by touching thing and speaking out. Allow yourself to heard, known and seen. Be comfortable with intimacy!
20. Think Positive
Go to your own heart, dwell on, and praise yourself for things you are right in different areas. When you think positive, you will empower your mind to turn good things into good activities. For instance, if you think it’s great to go out in a rainy day, you can make some plans to enjoy a rainy day. For instance, you can visit your friends to have some snacks and talks. You can also meet your friends or partner in a coffee shop. How do you think about these ideas to enjoy a rainy day? When you learn to love yourself, you can do greater things.
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21. Become Aware Of Self Rejection & Neglect
Be conscious of your thoughts, choices and actions. Ask yourself a few times through the day – Does this honor you? Then, you will know you should pay attention to this or not. Hope that you are right and you will not regret for the things that’s done.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
22. Seek Professional Help
Neglect and self-rejection are very painful. You have to mind yourself that you deserve to be loved and be happy. If possible, seek help from a personal coach, counselor or a support group. It’s a necessary investment for your better life.
Because people are interconnected, when you love yourself, you also love people around you. Together with your love, you can heal yourself, each other, even the world. Love, therefore, is your purpose, and your true calling. It starts with and within human being.
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23. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
As mentioned above, people fail and achieve success at different rates. Don’t compare yourself to others. If it occurs in a certain levels, it may help you try your best to get successful in life. However, if it develops as your personality, you will never satisfy with yourself and dislike yourself. When it comes to ways you learn to love yourself, limit comparison immediately.
24. Exercise
Exercise is a part of healthy lifestyle for people of different ages. Why exercise is important when it comes to ways you learn to love yourself? Simply, you can figure out that if you are healthy, you will be active, be dynamic, get rid of illness, negative thoughts that make you down. As a result, you will love your life and enjoy it everyday.
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To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
25. Spend More Time With Your Family & Friends
People who stay alone always feel lonely just shorten their precious lives. The Universe needs connections among people to people. Don’t hide yourself with your sadness or troubles. Though you are happy or unhappy, you can find someone to share your thoughts. Thus, spend more time with your beloved ones.
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26. Be Alone To Have Peace
Sometimes, it’s good for you to be alone and find your inner happiness and peace. Being alone helps calm down your mind, give you balance at work and in life. You then, will know who you are, what you really want, what you should act and stay in the present to accept yourself.
27. Read Books
For some people, books are their good friends ever. If you are one among them, maintain your habit to read some pages a day in the morning or before the bedtime. By reading book, you will forget things happened through a hard working day. It may be another world for you to stay and find yourself there. If you love books, read more to expand your knowledge as well as to sharpen your mind.
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
28. Spend Time Outside
As mentioned above, there are a lot of outdoor activities for you to do. Get out and discover a mountain to hike or have a new trail to a new place. You can go out with your friends, pets, soak up the sun or grow vegetables in your garden. Never limit your choices of spending time outside. You will have more fun and love your life more when it comes to ways you learn to love yourself.
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29. Take Some Pictures For Fun
Taking photos may be a career for many people. How about you? If you just love capture great things around you, you can do it with ease. It will be fun if you share your pictures with your friends and they like your works. If it can be true, you will have a new hobby to enjoy your life.
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30. Let Go Of The Hurt And The Past
When it comes to difficult ways you learn to love yourself, try to let go of the hurt and the past. It’s hard, very hard to do it and it takes long time for you to do it, even a few years, but you can.
Keep this belief on your mind and you can do it.
Bottom line:
I’ve shown you top 30 ways you can learn to love yourself again as you are. Try applying some among them to improve your life and enjoy it completely. For any feedback about this article on ways to love yourself, feel free to drop your comment at the end of the post!
To learn more about how to love yourself and get a happy life, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the best guide you should read now.
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