The fever blisters are typically built in and around the mouth, nose, and chin. There is a lot of burning, swelling, and itching. During the course of time, blisters will increase in size. Occasionally, they burst out and form crust and get dry. As they are in the area of front portion of the face, they tend to visible and cause embarrassment to sufferers.
The blisters form because of herpes simplex virus (type 1). The initial symptoms are nausea, vomiting, sore and dry throat. As these symptoms appear in different diseases, it is hard to predict the onset of the herpes.
Fever blisters are painful and accompanied by burning and tingling sensations along with inflammation and swelling. They appear as a cluster of white, small blister and typically manifest on the same area wherever the virus gets active. There are many OTC medicines for fever blisters, yet they are not always safe and effective and could take a long time to work. To get the best result, you had better use the following home treatments for fever blisters, collected by VKool.com! Follow these tips on how to get rid of fever blisters on lips quickly overnight with just a few simple steps!
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Here Are The 18 Ways On How To Get Rid Of Fever Blisters On Lips Quickly
1. Pure Vanilla Extract
The presence of alcohol in the pure vanilla extract is an antiviral agent, which kills the virus causing fever blister. Vanilla helps to keep skin damp to inhibit it from bleeding or breaking, hence making the blisters much more distressing. Here is the recipe that shows you on how to get rid of fever blisters with pure vanilla extract:
- 60 ml of pure vanilla extract
- 1 cotton ball
- In a bowl, take 60 ml of pure vanilla extract. Later, in it soak a cotton ball and apply it on your fever blisters.
- Follow the procedure 4 times per day until you get total relief from cold sores and fever blisters.
2. Ice
As you feel a tingling sensation or the initial tenderness on your lip, which often happens during the first a few hours or some days prior to before the blisters develop, this remedy really works best. Cold compresses can eliminate pain significantly, and reduce the redness and swelling related to fever blisters. Plus, it will prevent this condition from spreading. Here’s the method:
- Take some ice cubes and wrap them in a washcloth. Later place it over your affected area for 10-15 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure every 3-4 hours.
- Apply a thick lemon balm ointment layer to the area after each session,
Read more: 18 Solution For Cold Sores On Lips
3. Cornstarch
Cornstarch also has the ability to help neutralize the pH of this fever blister. It helps to kill the virus and prevent the virus causing fever blister as well as cold sore again. So, how to get rid of fever blisters using cornstarch? Follow the steps below:
- 2 cups of cornstarch
- 1 cup of warm water
- The first step is to add the cornstarch to the water. Blend the two ingredients together to make a paste.
- Using your finger apply this paste on the fever blisters on the lips, inside the mouth.
- Follow this process until you remove these painful fever blisters totally.
4. Baking Soda
As applying baking soda on your fever blisters, it will create an alkaline base, so the virus causing fever blisters can’t survive in this environment. Here is the detailed recipe that explains you on how to get rid of fever blisters with baking soda at home:
- 2 tbsp of baking soda
- 1 tbsp of water
- 1 cotton ball
- At first, combine the baking soda with the water. Mix the two elements well to form a paste.
- Then apply this paste on your affected areas by using a cotton ball.
- Keep it undisturbed for a few hours to work effectively.
- Repeat this remedy regularly to remove fever blisters quickly.
Read more: 12 Beauty Advantages Of Baking Soda On Skin
5. Table Salt
Basically, table salt is well known to alleviate the inflammation so that it can reduce the swelling and redness related to the blisters. How to get rid of fever blister with table salt? You can do as follows:
- 1 tbsp of table salt
- 1 cup of hot water
- 1 cotton ball
- At first, soak a cotton ball in 1 cup of hot water.
- Later place that wet cotton ball in one tablespoon of table salt.
- After this, gently move the cotton ball on the affected area of the fever blisters.
6. Aloe Vera
Basically, aloe vera is also a great way to cure fever blisters fast. Aloe vera with antibacterial and natural healing powers properties can help disinfect your infected area. Additionally, it speeds up healing and reduces pain as well as inflammation. This remedy will keep our infected area soft and clean so that the skin does not split open, causing further infection.
- Firstly, soak one cotton ball in a cup of hot water. Later cut a leaf of aloe vera to extract the gel.
- With the help of your fingertips apply the gel on your affected area. Let it dry on its own.
- Use lukewarm water to clean the area afterward and pat dry by using a soft towel
- Follow the process a few times per day for about 3-4 days.
Read more: 16 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Aloe Vera Juice On The Human Body
7. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel can suppress the pain and decrease the time of your blister outbreak. Witch hazel contains the powerful antioxidant properties that treat fever blisters effectively. It reduces the inflammation and acts fast on your sores as well.
- 1 tsp of witch hazel oil
- A clean bowl
- 1 cotton ball
- At first, decant the witch hazel right into one bowl.
- Then dunk the cotton ball in that witch hazel solution.
- Now dab on the fever blisters lightly.
8. Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm can fight the virus causing fever blisters. It is one natural anti-blister agent because it contains astringent and antibacterial qualities. It also purifies since it will help eliminate swelling the skin pores. Let’s have a detailed look at the recipe below on how to get rid of fever blisters with lemon balm tea:
- 10-15 lemon balm leaves
- 1 cup of water
- Cotton ball or sponge
- Boil a cup of water and add the lemon balm leaves to it. Then boil them for about five minutes.
- Now dunk the cotton ball within the water and later dab at it
- Simply apply the mixture on your affected part and shortly.
9. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil basically fights the virus causing cold sores. The antiviral present in the oil makes it an excellent tool for healing fever blisters. Here’s the method:
- All you need to do is apply a few peppermint oil drops to the affected region.
- Leave it on five minutes, and rinse with cool water.
- It’s suggested to repeat the remedy twice per day to get cure from fever blisters.
Read more: 43 Health Advantages Of Peppermint Oil Supplements
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