Top 10 Ways on How to Treat Mold Allergies Naturally

how to treat mold allergies naturally

Mold allergies occur as the immune system responds to mold spores erroneously, causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, congestion, a runny nose fatigue, asthma and sneezing. Prolonged exposure can result in immune suppression as well as progressive lung conditions. You can see mold in almost any place, which is warm, humid and damp. Mold is a fungus type growing in filaments and reproducing through spores. Certain factors enhance the risk of suffering from mold allergies, including a weak immune system, family history of allergies, working or living in one mold-infested building and living in a place with poor ventilation or high humidity. Mold allergy symptoms can be removed by allergy medications, such as decongestants and antihistamines. But these medications may result in unwanted side effects including dry mouth and sedation. Instead, some certain natural cures may help to alleviate symptoms of mold allergies while decreasing the overall stress on the immune system. Continue to read this writing in the line of How To on to know more the ways on how to treat mold allergies naturally.

Top 10 Ways On How To Treat Mold Allergies Naturally That Work Well

1. Vitamin C-rich Foods

Having more vitamin C rich foods can help the body combat the mold spores and minimize the symptoms. So, this is a very simple way on how to treat mold allergies naturally. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant, which strengthens the immune system & builds resistance to allergies as well. Lemons, bell peppers, oranges, kiwis, dark leafy greens, berries, broccoli, papayas and tomatoes are some of the best foods rich in this vitamin. So, you should consume more these foods to provide enough amount of vitamin C to the body. Besides, you can take vitamin C supplements but before using it, you need to consult a doctor for the proper dosage.

2. Reduce Exposure

An important factor in dealing with allergic reactions is reducing exposure to mold spores. You use a dehumidifier in bathrooms and basements to control humidity levels. Plus, you need to keep fans and vents clean. Remove gutters from debris & address leaks within forty-eight hours to prevent mold growth and extensive water damage as well. You should wear a mask when doing yard work or raking leaves. In addition, keep windows closed in the car and home to inhibit additional mold spore exposure.

3. Vitamin D

how to treat mold allergies - vitamin d

Another way to prevent and treat mold allergies is using vitamin D. Vitamin D may be a beneficial therapeutic agent to prevent or treat a common mold allergy, according to a study published in 2024 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation reports. To help the body produce vitamin D, you should enjoy sunlight in the early morning for 10 – 15 minutes every day. You can also eat some foods rich in this vitamin such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, beef liver, vitamin D-fortified cereals and egg yolks. You can also take vitamin D supplement but consult a doctor prior to taking it.

4. How To Treat Mold Allergies With Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antifungal herb, so it is regarded as one of the most excellent ways on how to treat mold allergies. In addition, garlic is a rich good source a natural named of quercetin that can help to lower the symptoms of a mold allergy. Furthermore, it helps to combat allergy symptoms by giving a boost to the immunity.

Option 1:

To fight the different symptoms of mold allergies, chew around raw garlic cloves every day. Also, you can opt for garlic tablets (around 600-900 mg every day). Remember to consult a doctor before using garlic tablets.

Option 2:

You chop 3 or 4 garlic cloves and later boil them in a cup of water for ten minutes. Strain them and add a little raw honey. After that, drink it twice daily.

5. Using Colloidal Silver

how to treat mold allergies - using colloidal silver

Another way on how to treat mold allergies naturally is using colloidal silver. This natural antibiotic helps to rid our body of toxins, including mold spores. It can help to treat a mold allergy in many ways. You can use colloidal silver as a cleaning agent in order to remove mold or fungi fast. Besides, colloidal silver can provide support to our immune system, thereby limiting allergic reactions. For this purpose, you can take colloidal silver (around 6 drops) orally for supporting the immune system. To reduce the growth of mold, you lightly spray mold-affected areas with pure colloidal silver and afterward ventilate the room. You can also add colloidal silver (½ cup) to the clothes washer’s rinse cycle when doing laundry.

6. How To Treat Mold Allergies Using Ginger

Generally, fresh and supplemental forms of ginger both can help with various types of allergies, consisting of a mold allergy. This herb acts as a natural antihistamine and strengthens the immune system as well. It is also effective at alleviating symptoms, such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, a cough and a headache. Here are two methods on how to treat mold allergies with the help of ginger.

Option 1:

Take fresh ginger pieces and sprinkle it with some salt. Then, chew it several times per day. You can also include ginger in your cooking.

Option 2:

Alternatively, you can consume ginger tea (2 to 3 cups) daily for recovery. You can make the tea at home by adding grated ginger (1 tablespoon) to water (1 cup) and boiling it for 5 minutes. Then, strain and add some lemon juice and raw honey to it. Afterward, consume it.

7. Using Apple Cider Vinegar

This is also a great answer to the question about how to treat mold allergies naturally. It’s a natural detoxifying agent, which helps to remove mold spores. Plus, it helps to lower the intensity of symptoms such as frequent sneezing, headaches, nasal congestion, and others since it comprises antibiotic and antihistamine qualities. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar plays a vital role in regulating the immune response system of the body. For this aim, you add a tbsp of organic, unfiltered ACV to 1 glass of warm water and mix in 1 tsp of raw honey. If desired, add some lemon juice to it. Thereafter, consume this mixture 2-3 times every day until the condition improves.

8. How To Treat Mold Allergies Using Borax

using borax

Basically, borax can efficiently combat the harmful agent causing mold allergies. Borax is a natural cleaning property composed of minerals, which can remove the mold spores and inhibit further development as well. For treating mold allergies with borax, you simply coat infested areas evenly by using borax powder. To remove mold spores, you repeat this way every other day for one week. Another way is to dissolve borax powder (1 teaspoon) in hot water (1 cup). Then, spray the solution onto surfaces of wood to prevent an infestation. Remember to wear rubber gloves and goggles when using borax.

9. Echinacea For Mold Allergies Treatment

One of the powerful ways on how to treat mold allergies is using Echinacea. Echinacea helps to enhance the immune system by aiding the ability of the body to combat the fungi responsible for the problem. Apart from that, this herb can help to relieve the symptoms and promote recovery as well. You add Echinacea tincture (3 or 4 drops) to 1 glass of water and consume it around 3-4 times per day. Alternatively, take Echinacea supplements but consult your doctor prior to taking it.

10. How To Treat Mold Allergies With Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle plays a vital role in relieving the mold allergy symptoms thanks to its natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agents. In addition, it can soothe nasal congestion and provide instant relief from symptoms such as coughing, itching and sneezing. For this purpose, you prepare 1 tbsp of dried stinging nettle and 1 cup of hot water. Later mix the dried stinging nettle in the hot water. Then, steep for five minutes, strain and add some honey to it. To remove your symptoms soon, consume this tea 2-3 times every day. Also, you can take stinging nettle in the supplement form, after consulting a doctor. This remedy isn’t suggested for young children and pregnant women.

Additional Tips:

  • You should choose flooring, such as concrete or linoleum, which does not hold in moisture.
  • You should eat a moderately high-complex-carbohydrate, low-fat diet to reduce allergy symptoms.
  • Consume enough water to keep the body and nasal passages well-hydrated because dehydration can aggravate the symptoms and make your condition worse.
  • Cut down on the intake of sugar to prevent mold from surviving.
  • You should eat foods that are full of omega-3 fatty acids because they reduce allergic reactions.
  • The amount of fermented foods needs to be limited in the diet to reduce and prevent mold allergies.
  • At some certain times, such as in damp or foggy weather and immediately after a rainstorm, you avoid going outdoors.

In conclusion, these tips and natural cures can help you prevent and treat mold allergies effectively. You need to be patient while following these methods because they will take some time to reveal the effects. If you know other ways on how to treat mold allergies, share with us by leaving your comment in the box provided below.

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