How to get rid of unwanted facial hair at home naturally

Updates: 02/18/2025

How to get rid of unwanted facial hair at home naturally and permanently? Well, actually there are many ways to deal with that problem. In this article, you will discover the pros and cons of this delicate zone that can help you choose the right solution. Besides, also covers many natural homemade remedies for removing unwanted facial hair. Check them out now!

29 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair At Home Naturally

I. How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair : Natural Remedies & Therapies

1. Unwanted Facial Hair Removal With Raw Papaya Remedy

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Papaya contains papain, an active enzyme that is able to break down the hair follicle as well as prohibit the growth of facial hair. In addition, papaya helps you in exfoliating your skin naturally to give it an improved texture. Moreover, papaya is very suitable for anyone with sensitive skin. Therefore, using raw papaya is one of the great ways on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair permanently. Here are step by step directions you can follow easily to remove your unwanted facial hair with papaya:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • ½ tsp of turmeric
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw papaya paste

Step by step instructions to make this natural raw papaya remedy:

  • You make a papaya paste just by peeling & grinding some raw papaya pieces.
  • You mix this raw papaya paste with turmeric powder.
  • You massage your face for about 15 minutes.
  • You wash off your face with water.
  • You do this way once or twice per week.

Alternatively, there is another way on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair naturally with papaya. Here are step by step directions you can follow easily:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • Papaya powder – about ¼ tablespoon or 1 tablespoon of papaya paste-
  • Turmeric powder – about ¼ tablespoon
  • Gram flour – about ¼ tablespoon
  • Aloe vera gel – about 4 tablespoons
  • Mustard oil – about 2 tablespoons
  • Essential oil: about 2 drops

Step by step instructions to make this natural raw papaya remedy:

  • You combine all these ingredients
  • Then you mix them well to make a thick paste.
  • You apply the paste to your face in the opposite direction of your hair growth.
  • You leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes
  • You use a clean cloth & you rub it into the opposite direction of your hair growth.
  • You wash off your face with the water when you remove completely this paste and pat dry.
  • You take some drops of the olive oil, baby or moisturizer oil and then you massage your facial skin with this oil.
  • You repeat this way 3 times a week and you should continue make it for at least three months.

See more: 23 DIY Beauty Tips And Tricks At Home Are Revealed

2. Turmeric And Milk For Unwanted Facial Hair Removal 

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

The combination of turmeric and milk will help you remove your unwanted facial hair easily and quickly. Here are step by step directions you can follow easily to remove your unwanted facial hair with turmeric and milk:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • Turmeric- about 1-2 tsp
  • Milk- about ½ cup that is enough to make paste.

Step by step instructions to make this natural turmeric and milk remedy:

  • You soak turmeric powder into milk to get a paste that is not too tight; however, it has to stay on your face.
  • You apply this paste to your face.
  • You leave it on for about 15-20 minutes or until it dries up.
  • You wash off with the warm water.

See more: 6 French Beauty Secrets On Skin, Hair And Face Are Revealed

3. Unwanted Facial Hair Removal With Chickpea Flour Mask

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Chickpea flour has been traditionally used in the Indian for removing as well as preventing the growth of unwanted facial hair. Here are some simple steps you can follow easily to make a remedy for unwanted facial hair with chickpea flour:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • Chickpea flour- about ½ bowl
  • Milk- about ½ bowl
  • Turmeric powder- about1 tsp
  • Fresh cream- about1 tsp

Step by step instructions to make this chickpea flour mask:

  • You take chickpea flour into a bowl.
  • You add fresh cream, turmeric, and milk to this bowl
  • Then you mix them well to get a smooth paste.
  • You apply the paste onto your face with the direction of the hair growth.
  • You ensure your facial hair covered.
  • You leave it on for roughly half an hour.
  • After ½ hour, you begin rubbing this flour mask by using a gentle hand according to the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  • You can wet your fingers to rub your face if this paste has dried too much
  • Afterwards, you wash your face off with the lukewarm water.

If you want to discover other tips on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair naturally, continue reading the next part of this writing!

See more: 7 Summer Beauty Tips And Tricks For Women Are Revealed

4. Removing Unwanted Hair On Face With Sugar-Lemon Mix

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

The combination of water and sugar acts as a great exfoliation because of its granular texture. Lemon extract in this mixture will act as an astringent. Here are some simple steps to make a sugar-lemon mix for eliminating unwanted facial hair:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • Sugar- about 2 tablespoons
  • Water- about 10 tablespoons
  • Fresh lemon juice- about 2 teaspoons

Step by step instructions to make this sugar-lemon mix:

  • You mix sugar, lemon juice & water.
  • You will see sugar will dissolve in the water.
  • You apply this mixture to your face according to the direction of the hair growth.
  • You leave it on for about 15-20 minutes.
  • You wash off your face with the clean water while rubbing gently.
  • You do this way 2 or 3 times a week.
  • You will see amazing results only after some weeks of applying this remedy.

See more: All Natural Beauty Remedies At Home With Ingredients From Nature

5. Removing Unwanted Hair On Face With Sugar-Lemon-Honey Mix

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

The combination of sugar, lemon and honey will help you remove unwanted hair on your face naturally and quickly. Here are some simple steps to make a sugar-lemon-honey mix for removing unwanted facial hair:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • Sugar- about1 tablespoon
  • Honey- about 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice- about 1 tsp
  • Waxing strip or strip of cloth
  • Cornstarch or plain flour – about 1-2 tsp
  • Vessel (to heat)- about 1
  • Water (optional)
  • A butter knife or waxing spatula

Step by step instructions to make this sugar-lemon-honey mix:

  • You add lemon juice and honey with sugar
  • Then you put them into the vessel.
  • You heat this mixture to make a smooth paste.
  • You should use a little water if the paste is too thick
  • You let this mixture cool down to the little warm temperature.
  • You dust your face having unwanted hair by using cornstarch or plain flour.
  • You use the butter knife or waxing spatula, and then you spread this mixture into a thin layer on your face.
  • You do this technique in the direction of your hair growth.
  • You cover the affected area with the waxing strip or cloth strip
  • You press to stick this strip to the paste
  • Then you pull with the opposite direction of your hair growth.

See more: Top 20 Natural Health Benefits Of Honey For Skin, Hair & Body

6. Unwanted Facial Hair Removal With Lentil & Potatoes

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

When combining potatoes with yellow lentil, you will create an amazing treatment for removing your unwanted facial hair. Potatoes give natural bleach properties. In addition, the combination of these ingredients will help you make your hair color lighter. Many people say that this combination is an Ayurvedic process that helps you get rid of the facial hair and the hair on other parts of your body. Here are some simple steps to make a lentil & potato mix for removing unwanted facial hair:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • 1 potato
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • A bowl of the yellow lentil
  • Sieve or cloth
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice

Step by step instructions to make this lentil & potato mix:

  • You add yellow lentil into water overnight.
  • You peel off the skin of potato and then you crush it.
  • You take it in a bowl.
  • You remove the water completely from the lentil
  • Then you grind it to get a paste.
  • You extract the juice from crushed potato
  • Then you add it into the yellow lentil paste.
  • You add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to this mixture and you mix well.
  • You apply the mixture onto your face or other parts of your body where having unwanted hair.
  • You leave it on for roughly 20 to 30 minutes.
  • You remove this paste by rubbing the fingers over the paste.
  • You can repeat this way 2 to 3 times per week to get rid of your unwanted facial hair completely.

Want to know how to get rid of unwanted facial hair with simple ingredients that you can find at your own home? Keep reading this writing!

See more: 12 Health Benefits Of Potatoes And Potato Juice That May Amaze You

7. Banana & Oatmeal Scrub

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair


Are you tired about how to get rid of unwanted facial hair quickly within a few weeks? You can make a banana & oatmeal scrub that will give you an amazing result. Banana is a great ingredient, which you can use to eliminate your unwanted hair on face. Banana mixed with oatmeal will help you exfoliate your skin, make your skin soft & supple, and cleanse your skin. Here are some simple steps to make a banana & oatmeal scrub for removing unwanted facial hair:

  • You take 2 ripe bananas and you mash them to make a paste.
  • You add 2 or 3 tsp of oatmeal to this banana paste bowl and you mix it well.
  • You apply the paste onto your unwanted facial hair and other parts of your body where you want to remove the unwanted hair
  • Then you rub it into the circular motion.
  • You allow the paste to rest on your unwanted hair areas for about 15 to 20 minutes
  • Then you wash off your face and other affected areas with the water
  • You repeat this treatment 2 times per week for some weeks until you remove your unwanted hair completely.

See more: 15 Perfect Homemade Scrubs For Your Face Skin

8. Alum Rosewater Treatment

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

If you are looking for another tip on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair? You should try making an alum rosewater treatment. Here are some simple steps to make an alum rosewater treatment for removing your unwanted hair on face:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • ½ Tsp of alum powder
  • 2 to 3 tbsp of rose water
  • Some drops of sesame oil or olive oil
  • Cotton ball for application

Step by step instructions to make this alum rosewater treatment:

  • You place the alum powder into a small bowl
  • You add the rose water to this bowl.
  • You dissolve this powder completely into rose water by using a spoon.
  • You take some cotton balls and you dip them into your rose water mixture.
  • You apply this mixture on your face
  • You let it sit on your face until it dries off completely about 20 minutes
  • You apply this alum powder and rose water mixture once again.
  • You repeat this process for 60 minutes. In case your skin is sensitive, you should stop this process after about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • You wash it off entirely and then you dab a few drops of olive oil or sesame oil to moisturize the affected area.
  • You repeat this treatment 3 to 4 times per week until you get rid of your unwanted facial hair completely.

There are a lot of other ways on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair that you should give them a try, so keep reading this writing!

See more: Top 29 Ways To Remove Dead Skin Cells From Face And Body Naturally At Home

9. Safflower Oil & Thanaka Home Remedy

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

There is another way on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair is to make a safflower oil & thanaka home remedy. Here are some simple steps to make a safflower oil & thanaka home remedy for removing your unwanted hair on face:

  • You take the thanaka powder into a bowl
  • Then you use an amount of this powder as much as you need to be able to cover your unwanted facial hair growth areas.
  • Next, you add a sufficient amount of the safflower oil into the powder and you mix it well.
  • You apply the mixture onto your face
  • You leave it on your face overnight.
  • You wash it off with the water in the early next morning.
  • You use the mixture every day for 2 to 3 months to get better results.

See more: Top 13 Natural Homemade Face Cleanser For Sensitive And Mature Skin

10. Indian Nettle & Turmeric Remedy

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

One of the fastest ways on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair is to make an Indian nettle & turmeric remedy. Indian nettle is known as a natural medicinal herb, which contains anthelmintic, emetic, anodyne, anti-microbial, hypnotic, wound healing, and anti-parasitic properties. This herb is often used for treating diseases such as bed sores, wounds, asthma, pneumonia, and rheumatism. When it is combined with turmeric powder, this combination will help you remove your unwanted hair from your face effectively. Here are some simple steps to make an Indian nettle & turmeric remedy for removing your unwanted hair on face:

  • You take some fresh neem or Indian nettle leaves and then you crush them finely.
  • You add the dried turmeric powder to these crushed neem leaves and then you mix it well.
  • You add some drops of the water to make a paste in order that it will be applied easily on your face skin.
  • You apply the paste on your face where you want to remove the hair growth.
  • You leave it on your face for about 15 to 20 minutes, until this mixture dries completely.
  • You peel of the mask to eliminate your unwanted hair from face.
  • You use this mixture regularly to remove your unwanted facial hair growth effectively.

See more: How To Remove Oil From Face Naturally At Home

11. Lemon Juice & Honey Remedy

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Are you anxious about how to get rid of unwanted facial hair naturally and quickly? A mask made with honey & lemon juice can help you remove your unwanted facial hair growth. Honey has moisturizing and hydrating properties that can help you make the skin smooth & soft. Besides, the lemon juice has cleansing and exfoliating properties that help clear your skin. Moreover, the lemon juice can aid you in tightening the skin pores & lightening the facial hair with its bleaching properties. Both of these ingredients have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and will help you avoid the skin irritation. Here are some simple steps to make a lemon juice & honey remedy for removing unwanted facial hair:

  • You take 2 tablespoons of the fresh lemon juice into a bowl.
  • You add 8 tablespoons of the honey to this bowl and you mix it well.
  • You apply the paste onto your face or your hands or your legs or other areas where you want to remove your unwanted hair.
  • You allow it to sit on your face and other parts of your body for about 15 to 20 minutes
  • Then you remove this mask by using a washcloth, which is soaked in the lukewarm water.
  • You repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times per week for some months to get better results.

See more: 41 Health And Beauty Benefits Of Lemon Juice, Oil And Peel – Take Advantage Of Lemon Appropriately

12. Green Gram Flour & Rosewater Paste

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Another tip on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair is to make a green gram flour & rosewater paste. Green gram flour provides exfoliating properties, which can help you remove unwanted hair on face easily. Besides, rose water has a cleansing agent as well as it can help you to clean the skin completely. When you combine these two ingredients together, then this mixture can help you get rid of your unwanted facial hair and help you clean any kind of the skin you has, from the sensitive skin to the acne prone skin or the rough skin. Here are some simple steps to make a green gram flour & rosewater paste for removing unwanted facial hair:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • 2 tablespoons of the green gram flour
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of the rose water
  • 2 tablespoons of the lemon juice
  • A medium bowl for mixing

Step by step instructions to make this green gram flour & rosewater paste:

  • You add rose water in a bowl and then you add green gram flour.
  • You mix them well.
  • You add lemon juice to the paste and then you mix once again.
  • You apply the paste onto your face or other parts of your body.
  • You leave it on your face for roughly 20 to 25 minutes
  • You wash it off with the water & then pat dry.
  • You repeat this treatment 3 to 4 times per week until you see all the unwanted hair are removed.

See more: Rose Water Recipes For Skin: Top Simple Homemade Recipes

13. Lentil Face Pack

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

One of the effective ways on how to get rid of unwanted facial is to make a lentil face pack. This way will help you remove your unwanted hair from face. In addition, this remedy can help your skin be clean, soft and smooth. Here are some simple steps to make a lentil face pack for removing unwanted facial hair:

Ingredients you will need to prepare:

  • ½ cup of red lentils
  • Some drops of honey
  • A little of milk
  • Air tight container & grinder

Step by step instructions to make this lentil face pack:

  • You grind ½ cup of red lentils & sieve this powder some times to make fine red lentil powder.
  • Then you take 2 tbsp of this powder into a bowl
  • You add a sufficient quantity of milk and honey to this powder so that they will be mixed together to make a smooth paste.
  • You let this mixture rest in this bowl for roughly 15 to 20 minutes
  • In addition, you may store the rest of this powder into an airtight container for the next use.
  • You apply the mixture onto your face and then you leave it on for roughly 20 to 25 minutes.
  • You scrub it gently on your face and then you wash it off with the clean water.
  • You repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times a week.
  • You add the rose water, potato juice, dried orange peel powder or sandalwood powder to this paste if you want to remove your facial hair and brighten the skin tone.

See more: 16 Natural Skin Treatments At Home For 6 Common Skin Problems

You will discover a lot of useful tips on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair if continue reading the next part!

14. Spearmint Tea

spearmint tea

Actually, high levels of testosterone could bring on excessive facial hair in female. It is said that spearmint tea could lower testosterone levels. In order to make this natural tea, you need to steep one heaping tsp of dried spearmint in a glass of boiling water. Then, drink one or two cups of spearmint every day. If you are suffering from higher testosterone levels, leading to excess facial hair, then this method could reduce your problem.

Check out: tips to eradicate acne fast and ways to prevent acne scars to get healthy, beautiful skin.

15. Sugar Wax

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Make use of this method by adding one cup of granulated sugar, 1/8 cup o natural lemon juice, and 1/8 cup of water to a saucepan. Then, heat that combination over a medium flame whilst stirring constantly until that sugar entirely melts and slowly turns into dark color. Start by dusting the skin with cornstarch. While it is still warm, you apply it gently onto your skin by using a craft stick or popsicle stick whilst pulling your skin taut. Place a muslin strip firmly over the sugar wax in order to pull it quickly off in the opposite side of your hair growth. If the mixture is well prepared, it can pull off most unwanted facial hair fast. After doing this method, you could store the natural mixture in the fridge in a container with a tight-sealing lid. The cotton material or muslin could be reused after washed. Sugar wax could help you maintain the result for months. It is considered as one of the best manners to get rid of excess facial hair. Also, it is easy, cheap, and entirely natural.

16. Honey Wax

honey wax

This method is similar to sugar wax. It works well to eradicate excess facial hair, yet it is a more expensive for you to prepare than using sugar wax. This is a natural, easy manner to eradicate facial hair that you can prepare with the microwave.

In order to make honey wax, you can mix the juice from half of a lemon with one cup of granulated sugar plus with ¼ cup of natural honey in a bowl that can be safe in microwave. Heat that mixture for about 90 seconds. Then, stir the mixture thoroughly before microwaving it for extra 30 seconds. The mixture should be hot enough to help you get the best result.

After having the well-prepare honey wax, coat the skin gently with cornstarch. Apply the honey wax while it is still hot, yet not too hot to the touch, to the area of unwanted facial hair by using a popsicle stick or craft stick. Instantly cover the waxing area with a strip of muslin material, and rub it solidly against your skin in the same direction of hair growth. Let that mixture cool, and rapidly pull away the material in the opposite direction of hair growth.  After half an hour, rinse the face with warm water. To see a huge effect you should repeat this method at least twice a week.

See: strategies to prevent premature skin aging.

17. Turmeric Or Haldi

turmeric or haldi

In Indian communities, it was a popular practice for female to use a little turmeric to the faces. Additionally, being good for the human complexion thanks to the antibacterial effect, turmeric also has the property of curbing hair growth. This plant is helpful in dealing with skin problems as well. Make a fluid paste by soaking the turmeric powder in water, then apply it to your facial skin where you find excess hair. Wait for several minutes to let it dry. Use a soft cloth dipped in warm water in order to wipe out the turmeric as well as the hair.

18. Egg Mask

egg mask

Another method that can be beneficial to pull off the excess hair on your face is to use egg mask. This is rather easy to apply at home as the ingredients are simple-to-prepare.

Initially, take the white of an egg, then add in one tbsp of sugar and a half of tbsp of corn flour. Stir the combination to create a smooth paste and apply the mixture to your skin area that you want to remove unwanted hair. Let it dry, and pull it off firmly. The hair will be pulled out.

When it comes to home remedies of removing unwanted hair, you should not hope that you can get the best result just overnight. You should repeat the remedy at regular intervals in order to see difference in your facial skin.

To get smooth skin, you can refer some steps to make homemade face masks for oily skin and beauty tips for dry skin.

19. Basil Onion Paste

basil onion paste

Use about 9 to 12 fresh basil leaves and the thin transparent membrane in the onions. Then, you can take the membranes taken from two onions and create a paste by crushing them with prepared basil leaves. Apply the paste on the skin area with excess hair. Using the paste for one month to get rid of excess facial hair.

20. Change Your Diet

change your diet

Another tip on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair at home naturally and permanently is changing your diet. The imbalance of the hormone estrogen is the cause of excess facial hair growth. In that case, you should use some plants which include compounds that have properties similar to that of estrogen. Studies pointed out that those people who consumed phytoestrogens-rich foods can reduce the hair growing on their face. Thus, people should make use of these kinds of plants, such as Licorice, flaxseeds, fennel, Gotu, and Kola as they have high concentration of phytoestrogens.

Incorporating low-glycemic index foods such as complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, for instance, is an excellent option to help you steady and stabilized blood glucose levels and support in balance hormones.

Check out: healthy foods for beautiful skin and tricks to rejuvenate skin.

Though these mixture and treatment options for eliminating excess facial hair that come fully guaranteed to work, they are by no means as immediate fix to the facial hair woes. Patience and regular application are essential to receive the best benefit.

If you have any idea related to the topic of 16 tips on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair at home naturally and permanently, feel free to leave you words at the end of this post. We will respond all soon!

II. How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair At Home Naturally: Tips & Advice

1. Shaving

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

If you are not a man, then you had better put down the razor. In fact, shaving may create blunt edges which make the hair seem thicker. Besides, this method just brings temporary result. It is okay for your body, yet not for the face. Therefore, do not be fooled by using tiny razors to remove your facial hair.

2. Hair Removal Cream


The next method to get rid of unwanted facial hair is hair removal creams. What you need to do is applying the cream to the skin area containing unwanted hair, then leave it for about 5 minutes before taking a damp cloth to wipe off that cream. The unwanted hair will come off when you wipe the cream off. Normally, this method is pain-free. Once you feel a light tingle, it is proven that you have left the cream on your skin too long.

There are different types of hair removal creams. Below are some popular creams and lotions.

a. Depilatories

These creams use different chemical compounds to dissolve proteins, which make up hair. Different to shaving that leave hard, sharp hair below your skin, depilatories can leave the rounded and smoother edge. Hence, stubble is minimized. The hair regrowth will take longer. However, this treatment needs to be repeated weekly.

The strongest point of depilatories is that they can be used for different body areas such as legs, arms, face and the total body. Remember; do not apply depilatories for eyebrows and use in genital body areas.

b. Vaniqa

This is a prescription cream, known as eflornithine (13.9%). It works by blocking an enzyme that stimulates hair growth. When this enzyme decreases, hair growth is retarded, and may stop.

According to doctors, Vaniqa is not totally a hair remover; it can be combined with other methods, like lasers to remove hair. Applying vaniqa after laser treatments, it helps retard and stop hair growth more effectively.

Other experts say that this treatment can work on its own, yet it requires a patient commitment during 2 to 6 months. Many studies also show that the longer vaniqa is used, the greater results can be achieved. Normally, you can apply Vaniqa twice daily. This cream works for hair growth especially on cheeks, upper lip and chin.

Besides, studies show that Vaniqa is safe to combine with birth control pills when the causes of unwanted hair stem from different reproductive problems like polycystic ovaries. Vaniqa is also effective and safe for all skin types.

3. Threading


This ancient method using a string is highly sought after for precise eyebrow shaping and facial hair removal which could last up to 6 weeks. This method is fast and inexpensive, and uses no harmful chemicals. Furthermore, if you could feel the hair, threading could remove it.

4. Waxing

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

This is considered as the most common method for eliminating facial hair for over 6 weeks. You can use a resin-wax. You can make use of this method at spas and salons in your local. Besides, a wide variety of home kits are also sold. However, waxing may cause extreme scabs, redness, or burns if you are already using exfoliator on the face such as alpha-hydroxy acid or salicylic acid.

In addition to removing your facial hair, you can learn how to remove body hair at home right here.

5. Sugaring

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Actually, there are two kinds of sugaring, including a gel and paste. Both kinds are made with such natural ingredients such as sugar, lemon juice, and water, leaving your hair-free for about six weeks. A lot of people love to use this method over waxing as it is less painful to the skin and this traditional method using paste could remove hair as short as 1/14”, compared to the ¼” minimum hair length necessary for waxing.

6. Laser


When it comes to how to get rid of unwanted facial hair at home naturally and permanently, this is a modern method applied today. Laser hair removal is one of the most popularly done cosmetic procedures. It beams highly focused light into the hair follicles. In fact, pigment in the follicles absorbs the light, destroying the hair. This method is useful in treating small areas such as upper lip which could be treated in less than one minute.

7. Hormonal Treatments

hormonal treatments

What It Is: For women whose hair growth is hormone-related — most often caused by a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome — medications can help. The condition is known as hirsutism. Treatment includes drugs designed to reduce levels of androgens, the hormones linked to excess hair growth.

Medications commonly include birth control pills and/or anti-androgens, such as spironolactone, cyproterone acetate, and flutamide.

8. Tweezing

how to get rid of unwanted facial hair

Tweezing is a natural treatment for hair growth. It pulls your hair out at the root. When you use this method, you physically suffer from pain when hair is pulled out. However, it is safe because you don’t have to get any chemicals. In addition, it does not impact the follicle, so it is only the matter of time before other ones sprout up.

In fact, hair grows in cycles. Thus, when tweezing, you have to do it regularly. The fact shows that more often you do tweezing, the thicker your hair grow and more often you have to repeat this tweezing.

Tweezing is best for removing hair on small facial areas such as eyebrows, chin and the upper lip.

9. Electrolysis


It is said that Electrolysis is the only solution of hair removal. It’s permitted to be considered “permanent”. This method uses a very tiny needle sliding down into hair follicle until the needle reaches cells responsible for your hair growth.

Electrolysis can destroy cells that cause and increase hair growth. Hair will slide right out and won’t grow back at the root again – it is absolutely permanent hair removal.

Though these mixture and treatment options for eliminating excess facial hair that come fully guaranteed to work, they are by no means as immediate fix to the facial hair woes. Patience and regular application are essential to receive the best benefit.

If you have any idea related to the topic of 29 tips on how to get rid of unwanted facial hair at home naturally and permanently, feel free to leave you words at the end of this post. We will respond all soon! If you want to discover useful hair care tips and tricks, go our Hair Care page.

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