Impetigo is the skin irritation that can cause blisters, itchy rash and red sores. These sores and blisters may spread when you scratch it. Impetigo most affects children and infants because their immune systems are weak and vulnerable. Weak immune system increases the risk of developing impetigo. However it does not mean that the adults can not be influenced. Normally we see impetigo symptoms such as red sores, blisters and itchy rash around your mouth and nose. It can sometimes affect skin areas which were damaged or broken including a scrape, a cut or mosquito bite.
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Most of types of impetigo are contagious. Therefore, it is time for me to introduce to you some effective home remedies and techniques on how to treat impetigo naturally without antibiotics.
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How To Treat Impetigo Naturally Without Antibiotics – Effective Tips And Home Remedies That Work
Impetigo infections will affect you when bacteria sneak into your body through the cut or sore. The bacteria will release toxin that damages the skin tissues and breaks the proteins. These proteins have function in making the skin cells stick together. As a result, the bacteria grow in popularity and symptoms of impetigo including itchy rashes, blisters and sores will spread other skin areas of your body. If you do not have thick skin to avoid impetigo and are vulnerable to this skin irritation, it is important to treat the cracked, irritated skin carefully and keep the cut, damaged areas dry and clean.
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In order to avoid infection, you should not contact directly with the patients of impetigo and should not share towels with them. There are a variety of bacteria living under your skin such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus which can cause impetigo. Normally, both bacteria exist on your skin without harm; however, they can result in infection through a rash, a scrape or a cut. The reason why the children face more risks in developing impetigo than adults may be that children usually have a cut and tend to scratch the mosquito bites. Moreover, children spend a lot of time in their school and being around with a lot of people. It creates the environment for infection. The good news is that there are many natural treatments on how to treat impetigo naturally without antibiotics I would like to share with the readers. Moreover, if you concern more about other skin problems such as urticaria, vitiligo, you should visit the vkool.com where we have many effective information.
1. Lavender Oil :
Lavender which is the essential oil should be considered as the first home remedy on how to treat impetigo naturally. In order to use lavender oil to cure impetigo, you should use a cotton pad and pour 2 drops on the cotton pad. Then you apply the cotton pad on the affected areas. It is important to remember that after using, you should throw away the used cotton pad and switch into the new for excellent treatment. This tip will keep the blisters from spreading into other areas. The treatment using lavender oil should be repeated 4 times daily in order to get the satisfactory results.
2. Goldenseal:
In order to get rid of blisters as well as impetigo, you should consume goldenseal regularly. The sufficient amount of goldenseal is 250 gm a day. The possible reason why consuming goldenseal works well as the way on how to treat impetigo may be that goldenseal has anti-infective chemicals. These chemical can help you fight against the germs and bacteria that trigger impetigo.
3. Tea Tree Oil:
If you want to ask for the ways on how to treat impetigo without antibiotics, I would like to recommend tea tree oil to help you. In order to do this treatment, you should mix one part of tea tree oil with one part of carrier oil together. Shake the mixture well. It is recommended to store the tea tree oil treatment in a cool place in order to let it dry. After that, use a cotton pad and dip the cotton in the mixture. Finally, apply the mixture of oil on the affected areas gently. This treatment will help you ease the inflammation and treat skin problem. In order to achieve the excellent results, this treatment of oil should be applied for at least four times a day. The cotton pad after being used should be thrown away in order not to transfer to someone else. Moreover, it is important to wash your hands carefully before and after doing treatment in order to avoid infection.
4. Special Care:
When you see the early signs of impetigo, it is important for sufferers to take the special care and wash their hands properly when you touch the skin areas where itchy rash, red sores and blisters appear.
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You should trim the fingernails carefully in order to keep your nails from scratching the affected areas.
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Scratching your skin will make it easy for the impetigo to spread to other skin areas.
5. Garlic And Turnip:
For the way on how to treat impetigo, applying the crushed garlic gloves on your affected skin is effective in reducing the symptoms of impetigo. The paste of garlic will keep your skin with impetigo from itching. Another solution to cure impetigo with garlic is to chew at least two gloves daily. This can help you get the satisfactory results. Rice water and turnip is also proven to have the same benefits like garlic.
6. Avoid Bath Products:
Instead of bath products, the patients should use antibacterial soap. The possible reason may be that bath products may harm your skin areas with impetigo. Therefore, if you want to treat the impetigo soon and completely, you should avoid bath products.
7. Water Vinegar Bath:
Vinegar is well-known as home remedy to treat bacteria naturally. If applying vinegar directly on affected skin gives you a burning sensation, you should consider a hot water vinegar bath. By making a water vinegar bath, you should add 1/4 part of vinegar into a hot water. After that, you should take a bath. This method is effective in treating impetigo.
8. Aloe Vera Gel:
Aloe Vera is often used to treat dryness of skin, itching. For the way on how to prevent impetigo, you should apply Aloe Vera juice on the affected skin areas. Another solution is to use Aloe Vera gel. Use your fingers to spread the Aloe Vera gel over the affected areas in order to get rid of impetigo.
9. Grape Seeds Extract:
Grape seeds extract is proven to be effective home remedy to treat dry skin and fight against bacteria. You can make the grape seeds extract at home. Grind the grapes and seeds. Dip the cotton pad into the juice and apply on the affected areas.
These are 9 solutions on how to treat impetigo naturally without antibiotics. I hope that you will find these tips effective and helpful. If you have any question to ask, please raise your voice by leaving your comments bellow. I will answer as soon as I can.
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