Emotional abuse is on the rise, especially among the young. And the risk of being in an abusive relationship is bigger than before. There are red flags to avoid when being in a prospective love, such as controlling, jealous, angry, possessive or violent behavior. Unfortunately, most of the abusers try to hide these tendencies in dating. This is because when people notice these red flags, they are attached to an abusive partner, which makes leaving the relationship much harder.
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Signs Of Emotional Abuse – List Of The Most Common Things That Expose An Emotional Abuse:
There are many signs of emotional abuse, so it is difficult to point out all of them. However, it is noted that when you notice that your partner exhibit any of these following signs, you will need to find out a help. Basically, emotional abusers often want to prove their dominance over the victims.
We choose to ignore these signs when we are attached to that partner, and this relationship is important for us, so we cannot lose it. However, it is important to do the right things no matter how difficult they are for you. People around you can help you determine any signs of emotional abuse. They can point out these signs and give you proper help before the abusive partner no longer remains emotional abuse.
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In this article, I will reveal some of the most common signs of emotional abuse in details, so you should keep your eyes on interesting relationship facts and the signs of emotional abuse. They are:
1. Rarely Call You By Your Name
This is the first out of the most common signs of emotional abuse that I want to reveal in this article and want you to know and remember for good! The abuser often calls you “babe” or “darling” as you are just an object rather than a person. Many abusers manage to insert these names into every sentence, especially when they make excuses for their bad behavior.
If your partner rarely call you by your name, then it is exactly a sign of emotional abuse, so take notice of it!
2. Be The First Person To Say “I Love You”
In fact, the abuser makes this pronouncement early, even before your first dinner’s dishes have been cleared away. By telling you what you want to hear, he or she would like to reel you in fast.
The abusive partner wants to get early commitment. This may include the wish to marry soon, buy property together, move in together or have children. This is evidence of a wish for total control.
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3. Want To Be With You 24/7
The abuser may occur at your place in unannounced way as he or she misses you. You may think that it is because they really fall in love with you, but the fact is that they want to control you.
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4. Overreact To Everything
An abusive partner is oversensitive to everything, even simple situations and small comments. He or she often seems uneasy for no reason. You may ask the reason when they are acting twitchy, but they will share nothing or pretend everything is fine.
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5. Be Overly Needy
The abuser always needs help and emotional support from you. Abusers often express feeling downtrodden, which means they often come up short or are mistreated by other people. The abusers often want you to help them fix or overcome their problems.
This is also a great one on the list of the most common signs of emotional abuse that you should not look down but know and consider leaving your abusive partners as soon as possible.
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6. Make Decisions For You
The abuser often makes decisions about dinner menus, social plans, etc. for you without asking you. The abuser does not ask you what you want to do or whether commitments suit your schedule or make other decisions for you.
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7. Make You Feel Insecure Around Others
Conversations with you may be normal, but they are not comfortable around others who you introduce him to including your family members, friends, co-workers, etc. Potential abusive partners are often paranoid of other’s actions or motives unrealistically, looking for unfounded suspicions, hidden meanings.
Do you want to know other signs of emotional abuse? Continue reading this entire article and hen find the ways to deal with this situation.
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8. Invade Your Privacy
The abuser shows up at your house and in social settings when you go out with friends in an unexpected way. The abusive partner picks up and reads your massage when dropping in your house. Questioning you about what you want to do is intrusive or unreasonable.
This is in fact one of the most common signs of emotional abuse that you should know and take notice of it to get a good relationship.
9. Pressure You For Sexual Acts
These are often for sexual acts or favors that you are not comfortable. Ignore your thoughts to not engage in these activities. This kind of behavior is not able to control sexually with partners.
In fact, this is also among the most common signs of emotional abuse, so you should pay attention to this sign to get a healthy relationship.
10. Be Possessive
The abusive partner dislikes letting you far away from their sight, feels other people are trying to take you, and takes offense when anyone else offers you compliments.
This is in brief one of the most common signs of emotional abuse so you should not look down but try to get rid of this situation.
11. Make Criticism And Judgement
In case your abusive partner often puts you down in private and in public, and then they tell you that you are too sensitive when you point them out, which means that you are in an emotional abuse. And in case your abusive partner tells you that your feelings, opinions and thoughts are wrong, you had better know that is not healthy behavior.
This is actually also one out of common signs of emotional abuse that a lot of victims of emotional abuse in the world have been experienced in both private and public.
12. Refuse To Talk
All of the people have those moments when they do not want to talk about some certain topics, and even the talkative people still need a little space. Nonetheless, in case your partner refuses to talk with you about something that is concerning your relationship, know that it is not good for your partner to continually refuse to communicate.
Moreover, if the partners use the silent treatment after a fight in order to punish you, or they do it for no reason at all, they are emotionally abusing you.
Continue reading this entire article to discover other signs of emotional abuse, and then find the ways to leave the abusive partners as soon as possible.
13. Text Or Call Incessantly You When You Are Apart
Another out of the most common signs of emotional abuse that I want to reveal in this entire article today and want all of my readers to know and remember that an emotional abuser often texts or calls you when you are apart.
It is great when the partners text or call you when both of you are apart for several days. However, in case your partner ignores you when both of you are together, but when you are apart at weekend, he or she suddenly cannot stop calling or texting your phone, then you have to know that it is a serious sign of an emotionally abusive relationship. In a good relationship, partners should spend a little time apart from each other without needing to constant check in. So, in case you feel that the partner does not trust your personality when you are out of his or her sight, take notice of this sign.
14. Blame The Bad Moods On You
Emotional abusers are moody and it is often your fault. The fact is that everyone has bad days, but this does not mean that your partner can be moody and then blame everything on you. In case your partner holds you to take responsibility for their unhappiness and personal problems, which means that they do not want to take responsibility for their own disadvantages. This is irrational behavior and it is also an obvious sign of emotional abuse.
This is also one of the most common signs of emotional abuse that you should know and remember for good.
15. Be So Jealous
A little jealousy is normal in most of the relationships. There is a fact that the reason behind jealousy and the level of jealousy makes a difference. In case that your partner is jealous when you spend time with family members and friends instead of standing by their side 24/7, if your partner needs to contact with you constantly, and then treats you as a property of them, that is unhealthy.
16. Try To Control Your Money
Another one on the list of common signs of emotional abuse that I want to reveal in this entire article today and want all of my readers to know and consider leaving your partners if you are trying to deal with emotional abuse.
Controlling spending as a way to control someone is a warning sign of emotional abuse. In case your partner tries to control your finances, it will be not healthy relationship. Although it is common for there to be one person who is more concerned with finance than the other one, it is so bad when your partner forces you to talk to him before making any purchases. It is actually a sign of emotional abuse that needs to stop at once.
17. Be Unfaithful To Punish You
Every couple has their own rules about what is not or is considered cheating. However, remember that any form of infidelity is one of the common signs of emotional abuse. In case your partner offers inappropriate behavior with others as a way to punish you, which means that your partner are emotionally abusing you.
In fact, this is among the most common signs of emotional abuse, so you should take notice of this sign to get a healthy relationship.
18. Threaten To Hurt Themselves
This is the last but very important out of the most common signs of emotional abuse that I want to reveal in this entire article and want all of my readers to know if they are facing an emotional abuse.
Emotional abusers often threaten you when you want to break up with them. In case you are worried that he or she can suicide, you should tell somebody who is close to your partner about this situation, but do not keep that relationship. Seek help if you need additional support to end up this emotional abusive relationship.
After reading this article about common signs of emotional abuse, I hope that you and my other readers will spend time on reading another article that will introduce the useful tips that will help you get rid of domestic violence – Ways To Stop Domestic Violence – 6 Useful Tips Are Revealed article. This is actually an interesting article that includes the best tips to help you in stopping domestic violence and you can follow these tips easily. These tips have already supported a lot of people, especially women and children to stop physical abuse. So, readers of VKool should read this recommended article and then follow one or more of these tips for good.
This is the list of 18 most common signs of emotional abuse that everyone who wants to know whether or not you have faced emotional abuse should read and remember for good. In fact, these signs have been already found in many relationships, so my readers should read this article and then find the ways to leave their abusive partners as soon as possible.
After reading this list of signs of emotional abuse, if you think that this list is good for your current situation and can help other victims of emotional abuse around you who are trying to leave their abusive partners, it is the best to share this list with them and simultaneously stimulate them to leave their abusers. If you know other signs of emotional abuse or you have any opinions about this topic, do not forget to leave your comments in the comment section below. I promise to reply you as soon as possible.
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