Kids need to get out of video games, internet and have more outdoor activities for their physical development. In fact, there are a lot of outdoor activities for kids and as a parent or a teacher, you can guide your young child or your pupils to have fun with some outdoor games. In this article on VKool site on the line of Lifestyle, you are going to discover the most comment outdoor activities for kids to play at home or school. Check out all of these activities and games below!
Top Easy Outdoor Activities For Kids
1. Capture The Flag
This game is a great activity for kids of all ages, and it is also great for adult groups who want to keep up, too!
Number of players: 6 (or more)
What you need: 2 flags
- Divide the kids into 2 teams. Team 1 is at the front yard, Team 2 is at the back yard
- The 2 teams are given 5 minutes, to hide the flags in their own yard.
- When the flags are hidden, the teams call out they’ve finished. Then, they try to seek and get the flag of the other team. If a team is caught & tagged by the other team on their own territory, they have to go to jail and can be freed by the teammate grabbing them when the opponent is not looking.
- Have fun!
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2. Cat & Mouse
Many kids like Cat & Mouse among common and easy outdoor activities for kids. Are you searching for an exciting outdoor activity for kids? Get them into the “Cat & mouse” game! This is a fast and fun outdoor game to make kids running and laughing at your family gathering or your birthday party.
Number of players: 6 (or more)
- Ask for 2 volunteers to play cat & mouse.
- Other players hold hands and form a circle
- The mouse stands and runs inside the circle while the cat stands and chases the mouse around the circle.
- The aim of this funny game that the cat chases the mouse, both the mouse has to run to escape from the cat.
- Once the mouse is caught, this kid is the new cat and point out anyone to be a new mouse
- Have fund!
Read on: Talking To Toddlers
3. Balloon Tennis Game
Kids always like running and playing around outdoors. They have a lot of fun when playing balloon game as well as being active.
Number of players: 2 (or more)
What you need: Balloon and tennis racquet
- Players choose a partner to play with
- Each player has a balloon and tennis racquet
- Both hit the balloon to another one by using the racquets
- If the kids don’t have any racquet, they play this game with their hands, instead of racquets
- Have fun!
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4. Birthday Skipping Game
Skipping is one of the most common outdoor activities for kids. This has a lot of fun; and helps kids learn timing of jumping and coordination.
Number of players: 8 (or more)
What you need: Large skipping rope
- 2 people turn the skipping rope
- Players stand in a line on a side of the skipping rope
All the players chant the rhyme:
“All in together
Never mind the weather
When I call your birthday month
You must jump in
– January
– February
– March
– April
– May
– June
– July
– August
– September
– October
– November
– December
All out together
It’s mighty fine weather
When it’s your birthday date”
- Jump out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …to 31
- Kids jump into the skipping rope when hearing their birthday month
- When December is called, all kids skip together.
- When the birth date of kid is called, the kid(s) will jump back out.
- For instance, if your birthday is 16 January, you will jump into the skipping rope when hearing January and stay skipping until the other months are also called while the other kids jump into the rope.
- When you hear the number 16, it’s time for you to jump out.
- Have fun!
5. Freezing Toes
Next to outdoor activities for kids, let your kids play Freezing Toes. Your kids will love the chance to cool off this summer and with Freezing Toes, they can have fun as they chill out too! You might want to take off your socks and enjoy the cool-down with them.
Number of players: 1 (or more)
What you need:
- Ice cubes
- Water
- Small inflatable pool
- Fill the small pool with water
- Next, add ice cubes
- Let kids remove the ice cubes with their toes and feet
- The kid who removes more ice cubes than others is the winner
- Have fun!
6. Easy Outdoor Tent
Make a tent in your garden on a sunny beautiful day! This is a cool way to occupy your bored kid. There is something magical and interesting about building your own tent out of strings and sheets that beat a store bought tent.
Number of players: 1 (or more)
What you need:
- 2 double bed sheets (or larger)
- 1 long piece of rope ( about 3 to 5m)
- 4 bricks (or rocks)
- 1 picnic blanket (for inside the tent)
- 6 clothes pegs
- First, stretch the rope between 2 poles or trees to tie firmly
- Use 2 points about three meters apart and one and a half meter high for tying the rope. Be sure that it is taut.
- Peg 1 of the sheets to your rope, with most of the rope’s length hanging down a side and the 2nd sheet with most of the length hanging down the another side of your rope. They are sides of the tent.
- Pull out bottom edges of the sheets and try to weight the bottom edges down with the rocks or bricks.
- Next, lay down your picnic blanket inside the tent.
- Let kids stay there and play with some other games all day
- Serve the kids lunch there and look after them
- Have fun!
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7. Floating Balloons
Next to outdoor activities for kids, try guiding your child to play balloon games. This game is fun for toddlers of all ages, also this simple game can be played both outdoor or indoors. It gets kids in happy mood for party fun.
Number of players: 2 (or more)
What you need: Packet of balloons
- Pass out a balloon to each kid. Let the kids blow up the balloons
- You can help them tie their balloons securely
- The aim of this game is to hit balloons up in the air and keep the balloons afloat for the longest time.
- This game is an easy and funny way to start as well as end a party
- Have fun!
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8. Dry Sand Play
When it comes to outdoor activities for kids, try Dry Sand Play. In fact, the best activities sometimes are the simplest. Kids enjoy playing at the beach or in backyard sandpit with ideas for a dry sand play.
Number of player: 2 (or more)
What you need:
- Buckets
- Sand
- Scoops
- Plastic spoons
- Sieve
- Plastic bottles
- Let kids play in sand with their hands and enjoy the sensation of sand running through the kid’s fingers
- Then, introduce sandpit toys – 1 at a time, and guide them how to play with each sandpit toy
- For instance, parents can dig a hole and fill it up by pouring a bottle of sand into this hole. Also, you can teach kids to build sand mountains or create a castle in the dry sand or wet sand
- Have fun!
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9. Duck, Duck Goose
This chasing game is great for kids of different ages. Get kids active with this party game and hear the sound of laughter from the kids at your party.
Number of players: 4 (or more)
- First, let kids sit down in a circle
- One kid walks around this circle. As the kid walks around, he or she taps other kid’s heads and say “a duck” or “a goose”.
- Once a kid is the goose, he or she will get up and try to chase the first kid around the circle. The aim of this is to tap that a person before he or she is going to sit down in a goose’s spot.
- If the goose can do this, they will be become the first for the next round of the game. If the kid does tap a person, this kid tagged must sit in the circle centre.
- Next, the goose will be the first person in the next round of the game
- The kid in the center of circle cannot leave until another kid is tagged and replaced.
- Have fun!
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10. Dolphins In The Water
This is a good game to strengthen kid’s swimming skills. The game encourages kids to work in a team. Gather kids, teach them play this pool game and never forget to pay high attention to the kids for their safe!
Number of players: 2 (or more)
What you need:
- Adult supervision
- Swim ready children
- Swimming pool
- Set kids up in pairs and point out 1 kid the “arms” and another one the “legs”
- In water, have the “legs” hold on to the “arm’s” waist
- The “arms” lead most effort across the swimming pool by using the arms only.
- The “legs” has to holds on to the arm’s waist, then does the kicking.
- Be sure that the arms know the legs that should lie dormant for avoiding injury.
- More pairs are the better!
- Time the players and watch who wins the play
- Have fun!
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11. Christmas Wheel Of Presents
Next to outdoor activities for kids, suggest kids to play Christmas Wheel Of Presents. The time to start playing these festive party games is Christmas holiday. So why don’t you let your kids break out Christmas wheel and give partygoers to spin and find the winner?
Number of players: 5 (or more)
What you need:
- Nail
- Markers
- Heavy cardboard
- Small prizes
- Tape
- Empty cotton spool
- Find a spot on your wall, then insert a nail
- Cut a large circle out from a cardboard
- Next, trace the shape of cotton spool in the middle of circle and cut out
- Wedge the cotton spool over the cardboard that keep the spool sitting in the cardboard
- Then, mark out the pie wedges on the wheel surface
- Color in the wedges with the prize names/images
- Cut an arrow out from the leftover cardboard, then tape onto your wall, above the wheel. It will be a mark that the winning wedge as the wheel stops
- Each kid spins the wheel, and any wedge the kids lands on will be their prize!
- Have fund with this Christmas game!
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12. Catch The Monster By The Tail
Next to outdoor activities for kids, this is Catch The Monster By The Tail. All kids like having fun on catching a monster. You can add a spin to it by using a monster mask, then having the monster wear it in order to chase the ghost.
Number of players: 6 (or more)
What you need:
- A piece of green fabric
- A knot in the end
- First, let kids sit on the ground in a circle
- A kid stands and tucks the monster tail into his or her waistband
- The monster circles the kid group, touches each kid on their heads and says “Monster – monster!”
- When the monster aims to touch a kid’s the head and shout “Ghost!”, the monster will run around this circle and try to take the place of ghost before the ghost will grab the tail of monster
- If the monster’s tail is grabbed by that ghost, the monster still has another turn to be a monster, yet if the monster reaches to the place of ghost and sits before he or she can grab the tail of monster, the ghost will be a new monster.
- Have fun!
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13. Dig For Buried Treasure
Kids like playing in the sand, so a party game at the beach or in the backyard sandpit can have kids involved immediately, like the game Dig For Buried Treasure or hunt for buried treasure.
Number of players: 1 (or more)
What you need:
- Spoons
- Treasure
- Spades
- Buckets
- Before the kids start play the game, hide small toys under the sand in a sandpit
- Next, give each kid a spoon or spade and a small bucket
- Let the kids start digging to seek the buried toys
- Be sure that you put toys that won’t be in sealed packaging in the re-sealable plastic bags before burring them!
Read on: Toddlers and preschoolers outdoor activities
14. Build A Safe Backyard Bonfire
Next to outdoor activities for kids, teach kids fire safety by creating a safe bonfire in your back garden. Kids can cook sausages, roast marshmallows on sticks, enjoy a backyard camping or tell stories around their bonfire.
Number of players: 3 (or more)
What you need:
- Medium-sized logs to feed fire
- Spade
- Matches
- Kindling such as wood pieces, hay and newspaper
- Find a safe good place in a backyard or garden to build a bonfire.
- Next, use the spade to dig a hole for building fire. This hole has tp be big enough to contain the fire when alight
- Place 2 medium-sized logs and then more logs in the center of the hole
- Next, fill the hole with the kindling such as wood pieces, old newspapers and hay
- Light a match, and place it carefully in the center of the bonfire
- When the kindling created strong flames, place a log carefully across the hole top and wait to catch fire.
- Regularly feed the fire with more logs since the flames can die down
- Have fun with this game
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15. Dog Games For Kids
Kids should be close with animals and if your child loves pets, you should introduce this game to him or her. For instance, you can have your child to teach your dog to “hi 5” with only 10 minutes of training each night.
Number of players: 1 (and more)
What you need:
- A fistful of dog treats (try pieces of barbecue chicken, chopped up frankfurt or dried liver)
- 1 dog
- A willingness to do often
- Patience
- Every lesson should begin by having your dog sat
- Dogs don’t give a hi 5 naturally, so the kid must be patient to ask the dog to sit when he or she wants
- Let the dog pay attention to the kid by showing the good a treat
- Have the kid’s fist or palm faced out like a hi 5, yet with the treat hidden in the kid’s fist
- Hold the hand down close to the dog’s paw
- The dog will sniff at the treat, but leave that treat in the closed fist
- Wait, until the dog try to paw at the kid’s hand for getting the treat
- When the dog lifts his paw slightly off the floor, say “Good”, open the fist and give the dog that treat.
- The kid needs to be patient to teach the dog this lesson bit by bit gradually
- Have fun with this outdoor activity!
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16. Autumn Leaf Crowns
When the autumn comes, leaves fall and this is a great time for kids to get outside to enjoy crisp weather. Start an autumn day by collecting leaves falling in your garden and make an autumn leaf crown.
Number of players: 1 (and more)
What you need:
- Autumn leaves
- Glue
- Stapler
- A strip (10cmx65cm) of white cardboard
- Spend a morning outside collecting big autumn leaves
- Choose plain leaves
- Stick them over the strip of white cardboard to create a crown with the glue
- Let the glue dry and staple this crown to size that fits the kid’s head
- Done! You have a regal autumn crown
- Make more autumn crown and have fun with a play of a prince and a princess with beautiful autumn crowns!
- Have fun!
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17. Bob For Apples
When it comes to outdoor activities for kids, Bobbing for apples is a classic party game that many kids love to play.
Number of players: 2 (or more)
What you need:
- String
- Small apples with stems
- Prepare nice and healthy apple for your party
- All kids love eating apples and they will be excited at biting these apple. So, tie a string to stems of the apples
- Then, hang all the apples from branches of trees (or a swing set)
- Make sure that all the apples don’t hang too low or too high so that the kids can reach the apples and bit them with their mouths.
- The kids have to take bites out of the apples without using hands
- Each kid has a challenging time to keep a part of the apple long enough in his or her mouth
- This game may make wonderful photos, so you can prepare a camera to have funny shots.
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Bottom line:
There are a lot of outdoor activities for kids to play out there. These are top 17 funny and easy outdoor games and activities you can guide your kids to have fun with.
For any comment on this writing of 17 easy outdoor activities for kids, please drop it at the end of the post! Thanks for reading!
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