Normally, if there is excessive air in your stomach, you may experience the burps. Actually, they are natural reactions and they have the same smell as what you consumed. Nonetheless, sometimes, the smell of your burps can be more unpleasant and similar to the smell of rotten eggs. Sulfur burps can lead to annoyance and embarrassment when there are many people around you. Therefore, it is very important to know natural ways that can help you get rid of sulfur burps at home.
How To Get Rid Of Sulfur Burps Naturally At Home – Top 18 Simple Tips
In this article today, I want to reveal some of the natural ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should know and then try applying at home as soon as possible. So, if you want to know how to deal with your unpleasant burps, keep your eyes on this article!
I. Causes And Symptoms Of Sulfur Burps
Sulfur burps occur when the foods you consume daily consist of a high content of sulfur proteins, which are broken down by the digestive system to release hydrogen sulfide gas. The smell of this gas is as same as the smell of rotten eggs. And that is the main reason for your unpleasant burps. Here are some common foods that can lead to sulfur burps:
- Poultry
- Red meats such as pork, beef, and mutton
- Dairy products
- Seeds such as nuts, grains, pumpkin seeds
- Fruits such as avocados and bananas
- Legumes such as peas, beans, and soy
- Tea, coffee
- Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, pak choi, tomato, and parsley
Besides, there are some other reasons for the occurrence of sulfur burps. They are:
- Bad habits and lifestyles
- Certain types of ailments
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Drugs and medications
Here are some common symptoms of sulfur burps that you may experience:
- Have burps that smell like rotten eggs
- Nausea, fatigue, and pain
- Diarrhea and abdominal cramps
When you are in cases of serious sulfur burps, seek a medical attention as soon as possible. And if your sulfur burps are mild, you can get rid of this problem by applying some of the simple home remedies.
List of 8 Ways On How To Use Yogurt For Diarrhea In Adults And Children will help you know some of the home remedies for diarrhea in both children and adults with the help of yogurt, so check it out!
II. Top 18 Tips How To Get Rid Of Sulfur Burps
Here are top 18 effective tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should try if you want to stay away from this condition and simultaneously improve your digestive health.
1. Green Tea
As I mentioned earlier, the intake of fluid is very important for you to get rid of sulfur burps. And you can drink other kinds of fluid such as tea instead of water. And green tea may be one of the most effective ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps. You should drink warm green tea after meals in order to improve digestive health. As a result, the sulfur burps will go away. According to a research about green tea and its ability to detox the body [1], green tea can remove the toxins and wastes from your body, which is good for your overall health.
To know some of the benefits of drinking green tea for health and beauty, read on 38 Healthy And Beauty Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea Daily
2. Baking Soda
The effectiveness of baking soda in controlling the level of acids in our stomach has been found for years. As a result, you can make use of this ingredient if you want to know how to get rid of sulfur burps naturally at home. Now, if you want to get rid of sulfur burps with the help of baking soda, take the following steps:
- Mix 1 spoon of baking soda with a glass of lukewarm water
- After drinking this mixture, throw it up immediately.
Read on 12 Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda On Skin You Must Know! to discover some of the best benefits of baking soda for skin that you can apply with ease at home
3. Water
Drinking water is also the best way on how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should know. According to a study [2], you need to drink plenty of water on a daily basis to protect your stomach from being infected by bacteria. Addition to this, the unpleasant smell of sulfur burps can cause bad breath. And of course, drinking water is the easiest way that can help you get rid of your bad breath.
If you want to know some of the benefits of drinking water for human health, read 26 Health Benefits Of Drinking Water Daily In The Morning
4. Chamomile Tea
This is another herbal tea that can be used as a natural way for how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should try. According to a research about chamomile tea and its immune boosting power [3], if you drink chamomile tea on a regular basis, it is sure that your immunity will be improved. To make chamomile tea, you just need to follow the instructions below:
- Place some dried chamomile flowers into a cup of boiling water
- Strain it after stepping this mixture in about 5 minutes
- Consume this tea every day, after finishing your meals.
Read More: 12 Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea For Hair, Skin & Whole Health
5. Peppermint Tea
Drinking peppermint tea is another one of the best tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should not look down, but consider applying for good. According to a study about amazing benefits of peppermint tea [4], you can read lots of health benefits from the daily intake of peppermint tea, including the bad breath removal resulted from sulfur burps. If you want to make this tip, follow the instructions below:
- Place some peppermint leaves into a cup of boiling water
- Keep boiling it in a few minutes
- Strain this mixture and then consume it 2-3 times per day.
Learn More: 43 Health Benefits Of Peppermint Oil Supplements
6. Apple
By increasing the amount of fiber in your daily intake, you can get rid of sulfur burps naturally and effectively. Without a doubt, apple consists of a high content of fiber, making it one of the great tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should try. You can eat more apples or drink apple juice if you want to deal with this condition at home.
Get More: 22 Best And Healthy Apple Recipes – Easy Recipes To Make At Home
7. Fennel And Asafetida
When it comes to ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps, fennel and asafetida may be your best solutions. Fennel seeds and asafetida are used to improve the digestive health. Drinking fennel water can be good for reducing an upset tummy. Simply, you just need to add them to your daily diet in order to help you get rid of sulfur burps.
Read Also: Top 10 Health Benefits Of Fennel
8. Ginger
Ginger can be used as the main ingredient in our tea. It can help reduce the symptoms of bloating and nausea and simultaneously improve digestive health. If you drink ginger tea on a regular basis, you can prevent sulfur burps from extending. In fact, ginger is one of the most effective ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps naturally that you should not look down, but consider making use of this spice to deal with the sulfur burp symptoms fast and effectively.
Learn More: 16 Health Benefits Of Fresh Ginger Juice Are Revealed
9. Honey And Lemon
In some cases, sulfur burps can cause the pain in your stomach. If you want to deal with the pain caused by sulfur burps, you can make use of the mixture of honey and lemon. Both ingredients contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so they can stop the bacteria growth inside your stomach. To make the combination of honey and lemon, take the following steps:
- Crush a lemon to get the lemon juice
- Add a spoon of honey to the lemon juice and then mix them well
- Consume this mixture when you experience sulfur burps.
There are other effective tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps naturally at home in this article. Keep reading this entire article to discover them and then consider applying one or more of them for good!
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
This kind of vinegar can be a great solution for how to get rid of sulfur burps when you use it at a limited frequency. To get the best results, you should add 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of lukewarm water and then drink it once per week.
Read more: 21 Health & Beauty Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar Consumption
11. Brown Rice
If you are looking for natural ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps at home, you can try consuming more brown rice, which is another great source of fiber. To get the best results, you can consume brown rice a few times per day.
12. Olive Oil
Adding a few drops of olive oil to your daily cooking can help you get rid of sulfur burps naturally and effectively. In fact, using olive oil is also another effective tip on how to get rid of sulfur burps naturally that people who experience unpleasant burps should not look down, but consider making use of this oil as soon as possible.
13. Lemon Juice
This is one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps at home that you should not look down, but consider giving it a try as soon as possible. Lemon can provide the body with lots of health benefits, including treating sulfur burps. Simply, add the lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water and then consume it every morning to remove the toxins and wastes from the body.
14. Yogurt And Cumin Seeds
Lassi is a cooling drink for us in summer. The main ingredients of this drink are cumin seeds and yogurt that are effective in improving digestive health. You just need to drink a glass of lassi daily to help treat sulfur burps.
Actually, this is one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps at home that you and my other readers should know and then consider making use of this combination if you want to deal with the symptoms of sulfur burps at the comfort of your own home.
15. Lime Juice
Lime juice has the same power as lemon, so making use of lime juice is also a great way on how to get rid of sulfur burps that you should try. You should use the lime juice every morning before eating breakfast to remove the toxins from your stomach and your body.
If you want to discover other ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps, keep reading this article right now and then apply one or more of these ways as soon as possible.
16. Avoid Eating Large Meals
Among effective ways on how to get rid of sulfur burps at home, avoiding eating large meals may be one of the best solutions for you. Many people often enjoy large meals until they have the feeling of being full. However, this habit can put their stomach under much more pressure and over time, it may result in many serious health problems. On the other hand, light meals can help their stomach digest the foods better. Even if you are trying to gain weight, you do not apply large meals as well. The recommendation for you is to have 5-6 light meals daily.
17. Avoid Eating Sugary And Canned Foods
Do you know that eating sugary foods is one of the main causes of sulfur burps? Therefore, if you are looking for a solution for how to get rid of sulfur burps naturally at home, avoiding these foods is a must. Some sugary foods you should remove from your daily consumption are candies, creams, cakes, etc.
Similarly, you should avoid eating canned foods as well. Canned foods become popular due to its convenience and quickness. However, these foods have negative effects on our digestive health. To get rid of sulfur burps, you should replace all of the canned foods with fresh veggies and fruits.
18. Avoid Alcohol
This is the last but very important tip on how to get rid of sulfur burps at home that you should know and then remember to limit the intake of alcohol in order to get rid of symptoms of sulfur burps at home. Drinking alcohol [5] too much is another cause of sulfur burps. Besides, alcohol also causes many health problems. As a result, you should stop the habit of drinking alcohol regularly.
Above are all the remedies for sulfur burps naturally at home. However, you need to be careful when applying any of these home remedies as overdoing them can harm you more and then you have to seek medical help. Here are some precautions that you should take into consideration when applying the natural home remedies above:
- Take medications with care. In case you want to treat sulfur burps by taking medicines, follow the right dosage to make sure that you will not experience any side effect.
- Consult your doctor before taking in some pills
- In some cases, sulfur burns can be a signal of an underlying problem. So, if this problem refuses to go, seek a medical help as soon as possible.
After reading this article about top 18 simple tips on how to get rid of sulfur burps at home, I hope that you will spend time reading another article that reveals some of the best home remedies that can help you stop excessive burping at home – the How To Stop Excessive Burping Naturally – 10 Tips article. Actually, natural treatments mentioned in this recommended article have been proven by science to help stop excessive burping without causing any unwanted side effect. Therefore, if you are experiencing excessive burping and want to get rid of this problem at the comfort of your home, read this recommended article and then apply one or more of these natural treatments for good.
Addition to this, I hope that you and my other readers can find some natural treatments that can be effective in dealing with your problem. If you know other people around you who are facing the discomfort and pain caused by sulfur burps, feel free to share this article with them as soon as possible. One more thing, as a writer of VKool.com, I also want to know your ideas about this topic. So, if you have any ideas or know other effective remedies for sulfur burps apart from those above, remember to share them by leaving your comments below.
Some articles about digestion-related conditions and home remedies for them:
20 Natural Home Remedies For Indigestion In Adults And Children
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